In elementary school, the class bully1 left you with empty pockets. In the corporate2 world, the bully can cause even more damage -- ranging from severe emotional distress3 and sluggish4 work to stalled career progress. What's worse: Despite hoards5 of office initiatives and formal legislation, bullying6 is still creeping its way into the workplace.
Nancy Shenker, founder7 and principal of the ONswitch, a marketing8 company specializing in start-ups, said she was once the victim of a bullying boss who loved to publicly berate9 her.
theONswitch公司专门为起步公司提供市场营销,该公司创办人、主席Nancy Shenker说她也曾是职场暴力的受害者,过去的老板总喜欢公然严厉指责她。
"I finally scheduled a private meeting with him and told him quite simply that his behavior was affecting my work performance, that I felt demoralized and embarrassed," she said. "I went so far as to tell him that if I really was so incompetent10, we should call human resources into the meeting to work out a severance11 package or start writing me up," she said.
Her boss admitted he had no intention of firing her, and their relationship improved. According to the Workplace Bullying Institute's Web site, bullying is more prevalent in today's workplaces than sexual harassment12 and racial discrimination. Approximately one-in-six US workers have directly experienced destructive bullying in the last year.
Women are most often on the receiving end of the workplace abuse, according to the Workplace Bullying Institute. Although 58 percent of bullies13 are women, they make up 80 percent of targets. "Targethood hinges on two characteristics: a desire to cooperate and a nonconfrontive interpersonal style," the organization's Web site states.
Standing14 up to the bully may not be as difficult as it seems, said Kerry Patterson, co-author of the bestselling books "Crucial Conversations" and "Crucial Confrontations15." "If you know what to say and how to say it, you can speak up and keep the risk of retaliation16 to a minimum," he said.
In elementary school, the class bully1 left you with empty pockets. In the corporate2 world, the bully can cause even more damage -- ranging from severe emotional distress3 and sluggish4 work to stalled career progress. What's worse: Despite hoards5 of office initiatives and formal legislation, bullying6 is still creeping its way into the workplace.
Nancy Shenker, founder7 and principal of the ONswitch, a marketing8 company specializing in start-ups, said she was once the victim of a bullying boss who loved to publicly berate9 her.
theONswitch公司专门为起步公司提供市场营销,该公司创办人、主席Nancy Shenker说她也曾是职场暴力的受害者,过去的老板总喜欢公然严厉指责她。
"I finally scheduled a private meeting with him and told him quite simply that his behavior was affecting my work performance, that I felt demoralized and embarrassed," she said. "I went so far as to tell him that if I really was so incompetent10, we should call human resources into the meeting to work out a severance11 package or start writing me up," she said.
Her boss admitted he had no intention of firing her, and their relationship improved. According to the Workplace Bullying Institute's Web site, bullying is more prevalent in today's workplaces than sexual harassment12 and racial discrimination. Approximately one-in-six US workers have directly experienced destructive bullying in the last year.
Women are most often on the receiving end of the workplace abuse, according to the Workplace Bullying Institute. Although 58 percent of bullies13 are women, they make up 80 percent of targets. "Targethood hinges on two characteristics: a desire to cooperate and a nonconfrontive interpersonal style," the organization's Web site states.
Standing14 up to the bully may not be as difficult as it seems, said Kerry Patterson, co-author of the bestselling books "Crucial Conversations" and "Crucial Confrontations15." "If you know what to say and how to say it, you can speak up and keep the risk of retaliation16 to a minimum," he said.
1、公司名称(the name of company)
2、本人姓名(person’s name)
3、职位、职称、头衔(position, title)
4、公司地址(the address of your company)
5、电话号码(telephone number)
6、传真号码(fax number)
7、电子邮箱( E-mail address)
Harry1 Chen
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Hebei Province, 050000, P.R.China
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注: (1)关于地名的写法,一般遵循从小地名到大地名的写法。
地址在名片上,应该保持一定的完整性。门牌号与街道名不可分开写,必须在同一行,不可断行。名种名称不可断开。 (3)门牌号英美写法可有不同,英语写No. 26美语可写26# (4)汉语的人名,地名一般写汉语拼音。有些译法可以不同:如中山东路,可以译为Zhongshan East Road,也可译为Zhongshan Donglu Road,但象一些地名,如南天门,槐南路,就应该直写拼音,而不能将其中某个字译为英语。即:Nantianmeng, Huainan Road而不是South Tianmeng, Huai South Road.