



  During the summer vacation, I went to yunnan with my father and my mother. The things there are so strange and varied.

  There are so many strange things in yunnan, among which I have been privileged to visit some of these strange monsters.

  We rode the train through the night and finally came to the strange gas of yunnan. When I got here, my father and I first put our bags in our hotel room, and then we came to one of yunnan's weird-eating "Fried grasshoppers." It's strange, and it's very interesting, and it's not impossible to eat Fried grasshopper, and the 'grasshopper' is not to be eaten. But it is not unheard of to say, "grasshopper" can eat, but it is also a new thing. Each of us was happy to have ordered three "Fried grasshoppers" to the seller. The boss immediately took out the "grasshopper" and then took it to the oven. He sat by the oven, opened the oven in one hand, and warmed the fire, and kept the 'grasshopper' in one hand over and over again in the oven. When he was finished, he took the grasshopper to the frying pan. About one or two minutes later, "wow!" A veritable "Fried grasshopper" was born. That string of just-fired 'hot grasshopper' is a mouthwatering look. I couldn't wait to get a string of them, and then the smell of the fragrance. A bite, "wow!" It tastes great. I was immediately fascinated by the delicacy, and ate and ate. I was very happy and I was very happy.

  Yunnan not only eat strange, but also the flower is strange here. If you don't know, the flowers here are blooming all the year round, so it's best to buy flowers here. My mother and I picked a few flowers happily and took them to the hotel. Suddenly, the bright flowers added some vitality to the quiet room.


  Today, I introduce a scenic spot, it is tianmu mountain. You must ask me why I want to introduce tianshan mountain! Because my grandparents live at the foot of the sky. I often go to my grandmother's house for winter vacation. So I have a great understanding of the scenery of tianmu mountain. Let me tell you about it!

  The tianmu mountain in linan city of hangzhou is the national four A nature reserve, an area of 50,000 mu. There are 1200 kinds of woody plants. Due to the lush trees, the birds roost. There are 180 species of birds.

  Tianmu mountain is also a buddhist mountain, with the main shengjing temple, taizi temple and the old temple of kaishan. The average temperature of summer is 25 degrees due to the high forest density and cool climate.

  Have you ever heard that tianmu mountain has a "five generations" of ancient ginkgo trees? You must have been to tianmu mountain. Because there are all the plants and ages in the mountains, the name of the guide, but I can only give you a brief introduction to the scenery of tianmu mountain.

  In addition to the "ten different days" trees, tianmu mountain also has the ancient buddhist temple, the lion rock, the lotus, the sleeping cow stone, the four peaks, the west guan longtan and other scenic spots.

  There is a giant willow tree, which is known as the "qiqiu tree" in the song dynasty for over two thousand years. The chest diameter is more than two meters long, the qing dynasty emperor qianlong southern tour to visit tianmu mountain to seal this tree as the "king of big trees".

  The celestial peak is the peak of tianmu mountain, which is 1,507 meters above sea level. At its peak, a handsome sunrise, a sea of clouds.


  England is the best place I’ve ever been. Everything is so beautiful. I spent about one and a half days on the plane. When I arrived at Heathrow Airport in London, it was evening and the GREat trip was starting. there were many places I v is ited in London, like Big Ben, Westminster, the Tower of London…….those are very famous.

  Most of the time in the afternoon, my parents and I sat and walked in the park. Have you seen“Notting Hill”before? the story in the movie happens in London. the Brit is h museum, Musee de Louver and the Metropolitan Museum of art are the three largest museums in the world. I’ve v is ited two of them. then we left London for Cambridge, Windsor Castle, York and Stonehenge. they were excellent . Every small town has a h is tory of one or two thousand years. there was an art festival called“Tutto”in Edinburgh, and there were many street players who their lives to the shows. then we went to northern Scotland. It was dangerous! then we went back to London, and sat in the park, and the fat geese were so cute. That journey was the nicest memory of my life. I won’t forget it.





