


  Build relationships


  We’ve all heard it’s important to network and find a mentor and sponsor. But the most successful do-it-yourselfers build a diversity of relationships and rely on those individuals for honest feedback, advice, insight, and information throughout the course of their careers.


  If each of us must be the CEO of our careers, think of these people as an advisory board. The group should include peers inside and outside the company, higher-ups in your chain of command and in other divisions, someone in your company’s human resources department, peers and leaders in your industry, family and trusted friends from college and elsewhere. You’ll rely on them to help you evaluate yourself and where you should develop and grow, as well as to learn where there are opportunities and to understand your role and how the company and industry work.

  安永会计事务所(EY)美洲区招聘主管丹•布莱克表示:“这是一项毕生的追求,并且需要定期完成。一定要将自己的目标放到所处环境中进行衡量。”布莱克刚刚卸任全美大学与雇主协会(The National Association of Colleges and Employers)主席一职。

  “You have to have those conversations early and often,” says Dan Black, immediate past president of the National Association of College and Employers and Americas director of recruiting for EY. “It’s a lifelong pursuit and an exercise to go through at regular intervals. Make sure you’re weighing your goals against the environment you’re in.”


  Join industry associations, clubs and affinity groups, such as corporate women’s or minority networks. Reach out to colleagues and industry peers, with a goal to helping them as much as they help you.


  “Networking for the sake of networking is wasting the time of very busy people,” Tulgan says. “The number one rule to getting to know people is show up. The number two rule is: be valuable.”

  不要贸然地在休息时间给公司高层领导打电话寻求建议,你可以自愿支持公司内的活动,例如全球性的内部会议,你会在这里遇到许多高层领导。软件公司SAP Global Customer Operations首席人力资源官布里盖特•麦金尼斯-戴伊表示,充当这种角色时,“你更容易引起人们的注意,并且有机会接触许多职能部门。这样的经历将帮你树立名声,证明你希望接触更广泛的层面,而不是一位只关心自己工作的工人。”

  Instead of simply calling up a senior leader in your company for advice over coffee, you could volunteer to support a company-wide initiative, such as a global internal meeting that will include many senior leaders. In that kind of role, “you’re big and visible and touch lots of functional areas,” says Brigette McInnis-Day, chief human resources officer at software firm SAP Global Customer Operations. “Those help you get a name and show you’re broader than just to be a worker at your specific role.”

  SAP与牛津经济研究院(Oxford Economics)最近联合发布的劳动力报告显示,仅有7%的千禧一代员工通过社交得到了职业发展,因为他们更依赖正规的培训和指导,来提升自己的能力。此外,全球29%的千禧一代员工希望能够得到更多反馈,39%的千禧一代会因为缺少培训和发展而考虑跳槽。

  A recent SAP and Oxford Economics workforce report found that only 7% of Millennial workers received professional development through networking, as they rely more on formal training andmentoring for skill development. Also, 29% of Millennial workers globally expect more feedback than they get and 39% would consider leaving their jobs due to a lack of training and development.


  Christian Hughes, 33, a project manager for an insurance company in New York, got to know a senior executive at her firm when she volunteered to become a subject matter expert for corporateresponsibility, his area of expertise. Before long, he was suggesting other people she should meet with internally and externally to talk about opportunities. “It’s really opened up a door … because every month or so he wants to talk to me about my career,” says Hughes, who doubts she would’ve developed such a strong relationship through an official mentoring program.