




  Melo responded immediately to the apparent insult, and he found a chorus of players and media voicesin support, including some at ESPN. The loudconsensus was that the ranking was ridiculous andindicated an embarrassing lack of basketballknowledge among the panel.


  Within months, however, the thunderstorm ofcriticism was directly over Melo himself — Stephen A. Smith said during the playoffs, "I cannotbelieve what I am seeing. He looks bad. He looks bad. He looks incapable of doing much. ... Carmelo Anthony looks done."

  可惜好景不长,几个月后,针对甜瓜的批评如疾风骤雨一般。季后赛期间,斯蒂芬A 斯密斯说到:“我简直无法相信我的眼睛。他看起来很糟糕。他无法胜任现在的位置……卡梅隆 安东尼似乎彻底完了。”

  How this happened is what makes NBA rank unique. And the results have createdcontroversy when popular players like Anthony, Kobe Bryant and DeMar DeRozan are rankedlower than fans expect.

  考虑到NBA排名的独特性,这种引发巨大争议的排名市场出现。当一些久负盛名的球员,如安东尼 科比和德罗赞,当他们的排名低于球迷预期时,评比结果往往会引发争议。

  One primary accusation against the NBArank panel every year is that it lacks "respect." Melohimself said it best in his response:


  NBA rank isn't a lifetime achievement award or a celebration. We have plenty of hugs andhigh-fives in the NBA. Rather, it is supposed to be an objective assessment — a way totransmit information about what fans should expect in the coming season.


  So we made NBA rank a prediction. That decision was inspired by social science, andparticularly the finding by the The Brookings Institution that one of the most accurate ways toforecast a presidential election is to ask a diverse bunch of people to predict who they thinkwill win. It's the wisdom of the crowd in action. It sounds simple, and it is.


  Kobe and NBArank added up to a contentious topic even before his devastating Achillestendon injury of April 2013. Although he had always landed in the top 10, Bryant had scoffedopenly at his ranking, particularly after being ranked No. 7 in 2011. And his supporters — fansand many media members — generally had his back.


  Before the 2013 poll, we made an important change: NBArank became a prediction, ratherthan just a rating. As mentioned, this was to eliminate "respect" from the equation and tofocus on what the player could provide in the coming season.


  So our panelists, despite knowing how difficult it might be for Kobe to return to health, anddespite our voting system minimizing the impact of "respect," did extend Bryant a largemeasure of respect and put him in the top 25 — a sort of compromise between crediting hisprevious all-world talents and assessing his new, more limited powers.


  Of course, that's not how Kobe and his supporters saw it — at all. The public outcry wasdeafening, and Kobe's response was creative: He changed his Twitter avatar to read "1225," after ESPN had forecasted the Lakers to finish 12th in the Western Conference in 2013-14 andBryant to be the 25th-best player.


  DeMar DeRozan is a skilled scorer who has put up as many as 27.3 points per game. Andbecause scorers and shot creators are valued so highly in the NBA, it's no surprise that DeRozanis a four-time All-Star.


  DeRozan's ranking has reflected his positive contributions, as he has finished with an averageranking of 39 from 2014 to 2018. And that's exactly where he sits this year, just like last year: No. 39.


  DeRozan is not the only one-way player near the top of the food chain. At various times, thatcould describe James Harden, Kyrie Irving and many other stars. But when we pair DeRozan'slack of defense with his so-so offensive efficiency, and mix in his well-documentedstruggles in the postseason, we end up with a player who contributes less to winning than itmight appear. That's something the voters take seriously.


  For inspiration, he can look right down the road. In 2012, before NBArank was a prediction, we ranked Harden at No. 26, as he was a sixth man coming off a miserable NBA Finalsperformance for the Oklahoma City Thunder. But shortly after our vote, Harden was traded toHouston. When the Rockets gave him the keys to the offense, he soared into the MVPconversation and has resided there ever since. DeRozan will have his chance to do likewise inSan Antonio.


  NBArank is intended to inform, not confirm, the public consensus. It's not about popularityor parroting conventional wisdom. It's about each player's contributions to winning, whetherhe has great teammates or not. It's about looking ahead with the question: Which player will bebetter in 2018-19?







