




  Shanghai will launch a "green passage" for non-Shanghai graduates from Peking and Tsinghuauniversities to apply for city residency, or hukou, through Dec 31, according to a newly releasedregulation.


  Shanghai authorities made public their latestregulation on Aug 3, stating the city will explore agreen passage mechanism to bring in graduatesfrom high-level universities, using Peking and Tsinghua for the pilot program.


  The city has a points system for non-Shanghai students to apply for the city's hukou, measuringkinds of conditions of the graduates, and the lowest score should be 72.


  According to the regulation, graduates still have to meet standards set by the city, but theapplication period was extended to Dec 31.


  However, some students from the two colleges said the policy is still "not enough" to attractthem to work in Shanghai.


  Some netizens even argued that giving preferences to graduates from PKU and THU inShanghai household registration may create privileges for the special group, which underminesfairness in society.



  Psychology students at Bath Spa University are beinggiven the rare opportunity to re-sit an examfollowing a major disruption during their originalsitting. Several students were reduced to tears in anadvanced cognitive and biological psychology examon Wednesday, May 30 after the topic they were toldto revise didn't come up in the paper. Split in to twohalves, the first half of the exam had four potentialtopics but only three questions.


  Meaning one of the topics would not appear.


  A student, who wished to remain anonymous, contacted Somerset Live about the exam andexplained that they had been told to revise "at least two topics as a safety buffer". However, headded that a member of university staff made matters more complicated. He said: "Apparently a member of staff gave out a hint in a seminar that the sleep topic was definitelygoing to come up.

  一位不愿透露姓名的学生联系了Somerset Live,描述了这场考试,并解释老师让他们"至少复习两个主题,这样比较保险"。然而,他补充说,一些老师却让这场考试变复杂了。他说道:"显然,一些老师在研讨会上给出了暗示:睡眠主题肯定会考。"

  "I did not hear this directly but the people that did only revised sleep, despite lecturersdefinitely saying to revise two topics." He added: "Before the exam started there was lots ofcommotion as people made jokes about leaving the exam if the sleep topic wasn't there."


  "But these jokes soon turned to tears for a lot of people when the paper was turned over andsleep was not on it." These tears resulted in a 'disturbance' during the exam, with many peoplechoosing to get up and walk out.


  Because of this the university has offered students the chance to re-take the paper. The offerwas made in an email sent round by Executive Dean, Andy Salmon. In the email, he said: "Asyou are aware we have investigated a number of complaints about the Advanced Cognitive & Biological Psychology."


  "Following this investigation we decided that we would provide students who feel their examwas disrupted, with an extraordinary opt-in opportunity to resit this exam. While theUniversity is not obliged to provide this, we believe it is the equitable thing to do." However notall students were happy with the offer.







