It is well that young men should begin at the beginning and occupy the most subordinate positions. Many of the leading businessmen of Pittsburgh had a serious responsibility thrust upon them at the very threshold of their career. They were introduced to the broom, and spent the first hours of their business lives sweeping out the office. I notice we have janitors and janitresses now in offices, and our young men unfortunately miss that salutary branch of business education. But if by chance the professional sweeper is absent any morning, the boy who has the genius of the future partner in him will not hesitate to try his hand at the broom. It does not hurt the newest comer to sweep out the office if necessary. I was one of those sweepers myself.
Assuming that you have all obtained employment and are fairly started, my advice to you is "aim high". I would not give a fig for the young man who does not already see himself the partner or the head of an important firm. Do not rest content for a moment in your thoughts as head clerk, or foreman, or general manager in any concern, no matter how extensive. Say to yourself, "My place is at the top." Be king in your dreams.
And here is the prime condition of success, the great secret: concentrate your energy, thought, and capital exclusively upon the business in which you are engaged. Having begun in one line, resolve to fight it out on that line, to lead in it, adopt every improvement, have the best machinery, and know the most about it.
The concerns which fail are those which have scattered their capital, which means that they have scattered their brains also. They have investments in this, or that, or the other, here there, and everywhere. "Don”t put all your eggs in one basket." is all wrong. I tell you to "put all your eggs in one basket, and then watch that basket." Look round you and take notice, men who do that not often fail. It is easy to watch and carry the one basket. It is trying to carry too many baskets that breaks most eggs in this country. He who carries three baskets must put one on his head, which is apt to tumble and trip him up. One fault of the American businessman is lack of concentration.
To suarize what I have said: aim for the highest; never enter a bar room; do not touch liquor, or if at all only at meals; never speculate; never indorse beyond your surplus cash fund; make the firm”s interest yours; break orders always to save owners; concentrate; put all your eggs in one basket, and watch that basket; expenditure always within revenue; lastly, be not impatient, for as Emerson says, "no one can cheat you out of ultimate success but yourselves."
The commercial success of many high-profile Chinese entrepreneurs appears to have donelittle to encourage young Chinese college graduates to become their own boss. According to arecent report, only 1.6% of Chinese college graduates started businesses last year, essentiallyflat with the year before.
Also, while young Americans often look to create the next Facebook, China's budding businessowners start out with lower skills and more modest ambitions.
The "2012 Graduate Employment Report," released last week by the Chinese Academy of SocialSciences and MyCOS Research Institute, a Beijing-based education consultancy, shows thatvocational-college graduates were more keen on starting businesses than those graduatingfrom four-year colleges-with a ratio of 2.2% compared with 1% respectively.
Getty Images南京举行的一场招聘会被大学毕业生挤得水泄不通。中国社会科学院(Chinese Academy ofSocial Sciences)与北京教育咨询机构麦可思研究院(MyCOS Research Institute)上周发布了《2012年中国大学生就业报告》。报告显示,高职高专毕业生的创业热情高于四年制本科毕业生,前者的自主创业比例是2.2%,后者仅为1%。
The report showed that a large share of young entrepreneurs are based in China's lessdeveloped central and western areas, painting a picture of the typical Chinese entrepreneur asa restaurant owner or a pig farmer.
The vast majority of graduates received their funding from their parents and relatives-80% offour-year graduates and 82% of vocational-college graduates-while most Western youngentrepreneurs are funded by so-called angel investors and public sources, such as governmentor university-based funds.
According to the study, arts and design majors were prominent among Chinese start-upentrepreneurs with four-year degrees, while among vocational-college graduates logistics-management studies was a common major, with many graduates setting up e-commerce ortransportation and storage businesses.
Even though business competitions in China sponsored by government and universities toboost young entrepreneurship draw a lot of entries, many participants are not actuallycompeting for future business. According to a survey conducted by Xiamen University, 53% ofparticipants in its university business competition claimed that they entered to gain more workexperience and contacts to help them in their future job hunt.
在中国,虽然政府和大专院校为鼓励年轻人创业组织了各种商业竞赛,也吸引了大批前来报名的人,但很多人参赛并不是为了能够未来创业。据厦门大学(Xiamen University)一项调查显示,参加该校商业竞赛的人有53%声称,他们参赛是为了获得更多工作经验,积累更多人脉,以帮助他们日后找工作。
A number of academic surveys indicate that while Western graduates benefit from business-focused college courses where critical thinking is encouraged, Chinese students often put littlevalue on creativity and refrain from taking risks, a trait researchers attribute to a Chineseeducation system traditionally based on rote learning.
Lack of angel capital investors are also blamed for the comparatively small number of start-ups. "It is difficult for young entrepreneurs to find investment," said Li Kaifu, chief executive ofInnovation Works, at a conference in April.
另外,缺少天使投资人也被认为是中国创业者数量相对较少的原因之一。创新工场(Innovation Works)首席执行长李开复今年4月在一个会议上说,年轻创业者很难找到投资。
To be sure, plenty of high-skill, high-tech businesses are started in China every day, especiallyin the coastal provinces and major cities. And funding opportunities are growing. "The potentialof domestic angel investment is huge and will be vital for China's business ecosystem," Mr. Lisaid in April.
Xue Manzi, a prominent Chinese angel capital investor, said in a business competition thisFebruary that China's entrepreneur environment is second only to that of the U.S. However,he said, innovation remains a problem.
"Capital is not the issue, but a good project. Some start-up programs by Chinese students aresimply copycats," he said.
If Target can figure out a teen girl was pregnant before her father did, venture firms shouldbe able to identify founders before they start companies. All it takes is the right data.
That’s where venture capital—ever evolving—is headed. As Mark Susterpointed out last week,the venture capital landscape has become increasingly bifurcated. Seed funds are springingup everywhere, representing 67% of all new funds created, and large funds have gotten evenlarger. For the early stage investors, this means increased competition and frothy valuations.By the time a founder sets out to raise a seed round, the startup’s valuation might be million.
One way to get around that is to invest even earlier. Invest before the company is a company.Before the founder even knows they’re a founder. Bloomberg Beta, the venture investmentarm of Bloomberg LP, has been doing this for a year now.
要避免这种情况,方法之一是将投资的节点提前。在公司还未诞生之前就进行投资。甚至连创始人自己都不知道他们会进行创业的时候,便提前开始“烧冷灶”。彭博资讯(Bloomberg LP)旗下的创投基金BloombergBeta已经花了一年时间这么做了。
After an unsuccessful attempt to build a database of “future founders” on its own, the firmteamed up with Mattermark, the deal intelligence company founded by Danielle Morrill. Theresults could have ramifications for the way investment decisions, typically driven by gutinstinct and intuition, are made.
Mattermark identified the most likely career paths of successful founders, creating a pool of1.5 million people who were connected by one to two degrees of separation to tech startups,but were not founders yet. By analyzing the people that started companies over nine months,Mattermark mapped out the strongest predictors of starting a company: a person’s education,which previous companies they’ve worked for and how senior they were, their geography, andtheir age. The goal was to find things that didn’t fit the standard path to entrepreneurship. AsMorrill points out: “Anything that looks like a pattern, people will already find it.”
The resulting mix of people were older but less senior than you’d expect. Almost 40% of thosein the dataset were over 40 years old. Almost half of the people in the data set had worked fora VC-backed company, but two thirds were not in senior leadership positions. Managementconsultants were twice as likely to start companies. Bloomberg Beta narrowed the list to 350potential founders, and invited them to parties in New York and San Francisco.
最终结果显示,创业者的年龄要高于预期,但从事的职位没有达到预计高度。数据库内的群体,约40%超过了40岁。约有一半的人曾在有风投注资的公司工作,但有三分之二的人未从事过高级管理职务。管理咨询顾问创业的几率是其他职业的两倍。Bloomberg Beta最终锁定了350名潜在创始人,并邀请他们前往纽约和旧金山参加聚会。
Cold-emailing people based on data could feel like a creepy invasion of privacy, like Target’smaternity ads. Hi, our algorithm knows your career dreams! Indeed, some people thought itwas a scam. But for the self-selecting group of around 75 people that turned up at each party,it was validating.
“People would say things like, ‘I thought about becoming a founder but I had never even toldanyone,’” Morrill says. “When someone believes in you before anyone else—that’s what is reallycool here . . . You can actually reinforce a dream they held very closely but never consideredseriously.” Morrill admitted that telling people they were in the study probably changes theresults.
Roy Bahat, who leads Bloomberg Beta, was pleased by the diversity of the group. “The datadoesn’t discriminate,” he says. “A lot of the people, this was the first time they ever gottapped on the shoulder for something like this.”
Bloomberg Beta负责人罗伊•巴哈特对于最终结果的多样性感到欣慰。他说:“数据不会有任何偏见。其中很多人有生以来第一次被赋以这样的期望。”
Whether any of Bloomberg Beta’s potential founders have actually founded a company yet isanother story. (It’s only been a few months; Bahat says “a bunch” are in the process.)Likewise, the project has not resulted in any deals for Bloomberg Beta. (“It was expected to bea long term process of getting to know people, so even if we fund zero people for the next twoyears, that’s fine by me,” he says.) But using data creatively to get a leg up on deal flow willonly become more common. Mattermark re-ran a blind version of its study and found its modelhas a 25x better chance of predicting a founder.
Bloomberg Beta找出的“潜在创始人”以后是否会创建公司,这还有待考证。(虽然仅仅过去几个月时间,但巴哈特表示“一大批人”已经开始了创业。)同样,该项目也没有给Blommberg Beta带来任何交易。(他说道:“了解一个人是一个长期的过程,因此,即使在未来两年我们没有对任何人进行投资,我也可以接受。”)但通过创造性地使用数据,在交易流程中占据先机,这种做法将变得更为常见。Mattermark重新进行了一次匿名研究,结果发现,其模型预测创始人的成功率比先前高出25倍。
This is one way to boost venture investing with data. Another way? Add a robot to your boardof directors, like Deep Knowledge Ventures, a firm in Hong Kong. The firm’s robot boardmember uses machine learning to predict the best life sciences deals, taking historical data setsto reveal trends that aren’t so obvious to human VC investors. As senior partner DmitryKaminskiyexplained to Betabeat, the robot takes emotion out of the process:
这是利用数据促进风险投资的方式之一。另外一种方式是什么?在董事会中增设一名机器人。正如香港创投公司Deep Knowledge Ventures的做法。该公司的机器人董事会成员,使用机器学习预测最佳生命科学交易,利用历史数据来预测对于人类风险投资者来说不太明显的趋势。正如德米特里•凯明斯基向美国科技网站Betabeat所解释的那样,机器人在这个过程中不带任何情绪:
“Humans are emotional and subjective. They can make mistakes, but unlike the machines theycan make brilliant intuitive decisions. Machines like VITAL use only logic. The intuition of thehuman investors together with machine’s logic with give a perfect collaborative team. The riskof the mistake will be minimized.”
Sure, it’s novel. But why not? “Whenever people are skeptical that you can use data to dosomething that previously only people had done, that makes us want to try it,” Bahat says. “When Bloomberg rolled out its first product, people were saying, ‘No, human beings have to bethe ones to price bonds.’ Turns out a computer can do some of those things better.”