今天我们要讲的美国习惯用语是:over the moon. Over是在上面的意思,moon是月亮的意思。over the moon连在一起,不是登月,而是高兴万分的意思。不管遇到什么好事,比如说是涨工资、生宝宝、或是自己支持的球队赢了比赛的冠军,都可以说over the moon, 来表达兴奋的心情。下面我们来看一个例子。
这名男子多年来一直暗恋一名女友,让我们看看什么能让他over the moon:
例句-1:You can imagine how nervous I was when I finally told her how I felt. I didn't know what to expect. She could have gotten angry or acted like I was joking or even felt sorry for me. But, when she said she felt the same way, I was just over the moon.
Over the moon这个习惯用语来源于一个古老的童谣。
童谣: Hey diddle diddle, the cat and the fiddle/The cow jumped over the moon./The little dog laughed to see such fun/ And the dish ran away with the spoon.
这个童谣本身并没有什么具体意思,但是童谣里的over the moon却被作为习惯用语,一直沿用至今。在下面这个例子中,一名老人回忆他第一次被提升的时候说,
例句-2:It was two weeks after I married your mother. We were living in a tiny apartment and we had no idea how we were going to afford a family. So when I heard I was being promoted to sales manager, I was just over the moon.
今天我们要讲的美国习惯用语是:nose out of joint. 大家都知道,nose是鼻子的意思,joint是关节的意思。Nose out of joint连在一起就是不愉快,心烦意乱的意思,类似中文里说的“鼻子都气歪了”。
比如说,我辛辛苦苦做了一桌子的菜,可是家里人都说不饿,就会让我nose out of joint。我们可以说have one's nose out of joint, 也可以说put one's nose out of joint. 下面让我们听听下面这位名人最近干的事情,为什么会让他的太太nose out of joint。
例句-1:Doing Dancing with the Stars has put some pressure on our marriage because while I'm spending a lot of time rehearsing with a beautiful dancer, my wife gets to stay home and look after the children. I'd definitely say her nose out of joint.
换成我也一样不会高兴。Nose out of joint这种习惯用语从十六世纪就有,用来形容心里不痛快,而且是一眼就能看出来的,鼻子都气歪了嘛。
例句-2:I'm afraid we made a mistake when we chose Jonathon to be the department chair instead of Alfred. Jonathon has only been here for ten years, whereas Alfred has been here for twenty. Now Alfred's nose out of joint and he may even resign.
虽然nose out of joint这个习惯用语形容的情绪有时候很幼稚,但是不能用在小孩子身上,你要想把“鼻子气歪”,起码也要是个青少年。So careful of your noses everyone.