




  SHANGHAI — After a decade of effort in whichFacebook’s progress at courting China often seemedto stall, the social network finally gained an officialstatus in the country — at least temporarily.


  Facebook has registered a subsidiary in the city ofHangzhou, according to a Chinese governmentfiling, which said the company had gotten approvallast Wednesday. The subsidiary was financed withan investment of million, according to the records.


  Yet late Tuesday, in a sign of possible complications, the corporate registration was takendown from the Chinese government website, and some references to the new subsidiaryappeared to be censored on social media in the country.


  The moves indicated how complicated it remains for Facebook to navigate China, where it hasbeen blocked for almost 10 years. If the subsidiary is allowed to proceed, it will be a toe inthe water here for the Silicon Valley company. Facebook said it wanted to use the subsidiary tocoordinate with Chinese developers in the closely censored market.


  Even to release an app in China, Facebook is likely to need a separate license fromregulators. To go further and introduce one of its larger products, like its social network ormessaging service, would require further negotiations over issues like data storage andsecurity. Facebook’s photo-sharing service, Instagram, and its messaging platform, WhatsApp, are also blocked in China.


  “We are interested in setting up an innovation hub in Zhejiang to support Chinesedevelopers, innovators and start-ups,” said Debbie Frost, a Facebook spokeswoman, referring tothe province in eastern China where Hangzhou is. “We have done this in several parts of theworld — France, Brazil, India, Korea — and our efforts would be focused on training andworkshops that help these developers and entrepreneurs to innovate and grow.”

  “我们有兴趣在浙江建立一个创新中心,以支持中国的开发者、创新者和初创企业,”Facebook发言人黛比·弗罗斯特(Debbie Frost)提到杭州所在的中国东部省份时说。“我们在全球很多地方——法国、巴西、印度、韩国——都这样做了,我们的努力将集中在培训和研讨会上,帮助这些开发者和创业者创新和成长。”

  The ruling Chinese Communist Party deems all social networks that it does not ultimatelycontrol, like Facebook and Twitter, as potentially destabilizing. A series of sophisticatedinternet filters block residents from gaining access to such sites. Networks within China oftenself-censor, but are still held closely accountable by government regulators.


  To get around those fears, some American companies, like LinkedIn, have voluntarily censoredtheir products.


  If Facebook started introducing services in China, it would probably face questions aboutwhether to censor content or share data with Beijing. The latter could be a particularly trickyissue for the social network while it is under scrutiny by the United States government forits handling of user data.


  Facebook’s chief executive, Mark Zuckerberg, said in an interview last week with Recode’sKara Swisher that the company was “a long time away from doing anything” in China. He saidFacebook was working on products for China “over the long term,” but added: “We need tofigure out a solution that is in line with our principles and what we want to do, and in linewith the laws there, or else it’s not going to happen. Right now, there isn’t an intersection.”

  Facebook首席执行官马克·扎克伯格(Mark Zuckerberg)上周在接受Recode的卡拉·斯威瑟(Kara Swisher)采访时表示,该公司在中国“已经有很长一段时间什么都没做”。他说Facebook正在“从长远上”为中国开发产品,但补充道:“我们需要找到一个符合我们的原则、我们想做的事情,同时又符合那里的法律的解决方案,否则它就不会发生。目前,还没有这样的一个交集。”

  Facebook’s fortunes in China follow some progress here for Google, which has also seen itsproducts slowly squeezed out of the market. Over the past year, the search giant has set up anartificial-intelligence research lab in China and introduced several services, including an A.I.-powered sketching game.


  To court China, Mr. Zuckerberg previously pulled out all the stops, dining with China’spresident, hosting a question-and-answer session in Mandarin at a Chinese university and evenonce jogging across a smog-choked Tiananmen Square. The company also quietly worked on acensorship tool and released a photo-sharing app in China, called Colorful Balloons, withoutputting its name to the service.


  Despite not having any product or office in China, Facebook still does booming business here. The company sells ads across the world to Chinese companies and the Chinese government. Facebook’s ads are so in demand that China has been the company’s largest source of adrevenue in Asia.


  The legal representative for Facebook’s new China subsidiary was the same employee whoregistered the company that launched Colorful Balloons: Ivy Zhang, Facebook’s chiefrepresentative and head of business development in China.

  Facebook新中国分公司的法定代表人是注册了推出彩色气球的那家公司的同一名员工:Facebook首席代表兼中国业务发展主管张京梅(Ivy Zhang)。

  Also on the board of the new subsidiary with Ms. Zhang is William Shuai, Facebook’s Chinagovernment affairs representative and a former government relations executive at theChinese search engine Baidu and LinkedIn. Before holding those positions, Mr. Shuai was brieflya low-level official in the Chinese government.

  Facebook的中国政府事务代表、前中国搜索引擎百度和领英的政府关系主管率鹏(William Shuai)也与张京梅一起加入了新子公司的董事会。在担任这些职务之前,率鹏一度是中国政府的一名低级别官员。






