you and me这首英文歌,只是歌词就让人觉得很伤感呢。下面是学习啦小编给大家整理的伤感的英文歌曲,供大家参阅!
伤感的英文歌曲you and me歌手简介
迪克兰·加尔布雷斯(于1991年12月19日出生)的英国的歌手。一位堪称歌唱奇才的少年迪克兰·加尔布雷斯,被英国媒体推崇为“终生难得一见的歌唱奇才”的迪克兰,他最出名的是他2002年的单曲《tell me why》,达到在英国排行榜#29 ,当时才10岁,并以他的首张专辑《Declan》轰动欧洲。
伤感的英文歌曲you and me歌手介绍
迪克兰·加尔布雷斯从4岁开始展露歌唱天赋,8岁那年,他开始参加一些音乐比赛,并在14个月中获得了16个大奖。同时他也获得了词作家Barry Mason(写过Last Waltz-最后的华尔兹的作者)的欣赏,从此一发不可收拾。我们听到的这首「Walking In The Air」录制于2001年,那时候他才9岁。据传有好几家唱片公司争相与他签约,最后EMI(百代)以超过百万英镑之巨,签了他3年,并承诺发行3张唱片。
迪克兰的声音,清亮脱俗,演唱歌曲的范畴也是极广。从流行的「Angels」之类到「Carrickfergus」这样传统的爱尔兰歌曲,他都把握得不错。而这个小小童星的心愿却是有一天能够不再翻唱别人的歌曲,能有几首属于“Declan Galbraith”的歌。
除了天使般的声音,迪克兰小小年纪,已经表现星探们热衷的所谓“明星气质”—— 一头松软的深色头发,浓密的睫毛,明亮清澈的橄榄绿眼睛,充满童真颇富感染力的笑容,还有满满的自信。更重要的是,他从不怯场,每次上台都异常兴奋。应该说,也有过一次紧张,那是在圣保罗大教堂为女王献唱的演出上。曾为Robbie Williams和Phil Collins制作MTV的John Carver十分有信心的说,“迪克兰注定要成为一个超级巨星的,不仅是因为他超群的声音,更重要的是他极好的个性,他非常聪明。”
除了他的音乐天赋,以及身后的百万合同,迪克兰和其它男孩没有什么分别。喜欢足球,电脑游戏和游泳,房间里贴满海报,还喜欢Robbie Williams、西城男孩和哈利波特。他也曾为签名不够快而苦恼,直到听从父亲的建议,用“Dec”签名才算解决。他也会在采访中忍不住想要从凳子上逃走,当然会事先礼貌的问“我可以很快去踢球吗?”还有一次迪克兰在接受访问时说自己曾经梦到Alton Johnson邀请他去参加Alton的音乐会,主持人问他如果成真他是否会接受邀请。迪克兰说:“应该会,不然他可能会哭,那样我最终还不是要说‘别惊慌,我会去的’。”angel-Declan迪克兰一边上学一边参与专辑的推广。他有专门的家教,确保他不会因为缺课而影响学业;他有专门的造型设计师,也有专门的声乐导师和专属经纪人,有自己专门的歌迷网……这对于一个床头还摆着恐龙惦记着遥控车的小男孩,似乎的确有些兴师动众了。因此,他没有太多的朋友,除了堂兄Joe。
伤感的英文you and me歌词
This is what I want what I really really want
This is what I want now party everyone
This is what I want what I really really want
This is what I want now party everyone
Happy party people
Happy party people
Together we have fun everyone
Happy party people
Come join us all around to the sun
Happy party people
Together on the way to the sun
Happy party people
It's always on the run having fun
You and me
We are always on the run having fun
Knowing me
Knowing you
It's the best we can do
You and me
We are always on the run having fun
Knowing me
Knowing you
It's the best we can do
Happy party people
Together we have fun everyone
Happy party people
Come join us all around to the sun
Happy party people
Together on the way to the sun
Happy party people
It's always on the run having fun
You and me
We are always on the run having fun
Knowing me
Knowing you
It's the best we can do
You and me
We are always on the run having fun
Knowing me
Knowing you
It's the best we can do
Happy party people
Together we have fun everyone
Happy party people
Come join us all around to the sun
Happy party people
Together on the way to the sun
Happy party people
It's always on the run having fun
This is what I want what I really really want
This is what I want now party everyone
This is what I want what I really really want
This is what I want now party everyone
Happy party people
This is what I want what I really really want
This is what I want now party everyone
This is what I want what I really really want
This is what I want now party everyone
Happy party people
Together we have fun everyone
Happy party people
Come join us all around to the sun
Happy party people
Together on the way to the sun
Happy party people
It's always on the run having fun
Happy party people