
book review是什么意思


  看完一本书之后,写的book review是什么意思呢?下面学习啦小编为大家带来book review是什么意思,欢迎大家一起学习!

  book review的意思

  n. 书评;

  book review的双语例句

  1. This book review was written with acrimony.


  2. You can also contact the book review staff directly.


  3. He is abstracting a story for a book review.


  4. Book Review: The Buddhist Art in Xinjiang along the Silk Road.

  西域净苑的瑰丽画卷 —— 《丝绸之路·新疆佛教艺术》评介.

  5. And what makes a book review good or bad?

  怎么判断书评的好坏 呢 ?

  6. Book Review: Flogging a Dead God?

  书评: 鞭打死去的上帝?

  7. Is this a factual report, a book review, a comparison, or an analysis of a problem?

  这个调查是否是个事实报告 、 一个图书评论 、 一个对比或者一个问题分析?

  8. The article was a book review on Professor Tong Zhongliang's new work Modern Musical Theory Course.


  9. The first is a 4 - 5 page book review of one of the books in the syllabus.

  第一个是一个从大纲中选取一本书进行评论,篇幅为4 - 5页.

  10. End to those preparation hair book review of the reader speak a few lines.


  11. John Rothchild has written for Time, Fortune, Worth, and The New York Times Book Review.

  约翰·罗瑟查尔德是时代周刊 、 财富 、 价值和纽约时报书评的撰稿人.

  12. The first is a 4 - 5 page book review of one of the books in the syllabus.

  第一个是一个从大纲中选取一本书进行评论,篇幅为4 - 页.

  13. The first is a 4 - 5 page book review of one ofbooks in the syllabus.


  14. But what makes a book review good is totally up to the reader – personal taste.


  15. The author of this book review tries to comprehend every point, sharing its value after reading.

  本文作者经过仔细研读,试解读其中受益之处, 谨供读者参考.

  book review的英语例句

  This cartoon appeared in last week's edition of the New York Times book review.

  The Mar. 7 Book Review also has a full-page ad for the Amazon Kindle.

  The answer to this seeming riddle is at the end of this book review.

  The award is given for the "angriest, funniest, most trenchant" book review published in the last year.

  Abramson does not remember this proposal but recalls being offered the editorship of the weekly Book Review.

  At a time when the book review section looks distressingly cadaverous at 24 pages, any ad beats no ad.

  The latter was cited by The New York Times Book Review as one of the most notable books of 1989.

  At the Washington Post's Web site, visitors can read a book review and click to get prices and log an order.

  The New York Observer is reporting that The Wall Street Journal is planning to launch a new pull-out book review section.

  Case in point: This week some notable scientist bloggers unloaded on a book review in the Guardian of The Epigenetics Revolution by Nessa Carey.

  In a recent book review in the Wall Street Journal, The Long Way Around, Andrew Stark makes a compelling case for paradoxical thinking.

  Book review sections at newspapers have dwindled away to almost nothing.

  In 1956 he landed on The Economist and, luckily for us, stayed there, until and beyond his retirement, contributing a book review days before he died.

  There are now more bookshops in the city than at any other time in its history, according to Steve Wasserman, the editor of the Los Angeles Times book review.

  So when Terrence Rafferty, in the Times Book Review last year, expressed disappointment with a novel that tried and failed to transcend the limitations of its genre, he caught some flak.


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