




  1.He was angry with himself for having made such a ________ (fool) mistake.

  2.The man became rich by ________ (inherit) a lot of money from his uncle.

  3.There is a need for greater ________ (多样性) and choice in education.

  4.Although the sale of cars rocketed up recently, only a________ (minor) of the population has a car in China.

  5.Wearing the wedding ring on the fourth finger of the left hand is an old________ (风俗).

  6.The ________ (腰带)matches well with your new dress.

  7.They are ________ (astonish) to find the old house still in its original condition.

  8.Some of the stolen ________ (财产) was found in Mason's house.

  9.Who is ________ (run) the company while he is away?

  10.Her ________ (nation) language is German.

  答案:1.foolish 2.inheriting 3.diversity 4.minority

  5.custom 6.belt 7.astonished 8.property 9.running 10.native


  1.Seriously damaged, the bridge is no longer ________.

  2.Whether they win or lose is ________ to me.

  3.Dunhuang ________ its mural art.

  4.Mysterious Antarctic may ________ the oldest civilization.

  5.________, many persons could play together; now, only 8 persons can.

  6.Everyone listened as if someone had ________ them.

  7.This undeveloped village only ________ less than 300.

  8.While walking in the forest, we suddenly ________ a kind of flower we had never met before.

  9.The mountain is over 5,000 metres high and its top ________ snow and ice all the year round.

  10.The small river ________ the whole city.

  答案:1.in use 2.all the same 3.is famous for 4.be home to 5.At first 6.put a spell on 7.has a population of 8.came across 9.is covered with 10.runs through


  1.The giant panda is native to China.

  China ________________ the giant panda.

  2.There is a wide variety of patterns to choose from.

  There are ________________ patterns to choose from.

  3.His money used up, he had to ask his friends for help.

  His money ________________, he had to ask his friends for help.

  4.There is no point in crying over the spilt milk.

  It's ________________ crying over the spilt milk.

  5.However clever you are, you should study hard.

  ________________ clever you are, you should study hard.

  6.When winter comes on, the trees turn yellow and some birds fly south.

  With winter ________________, the trees turn yellow and some birds fly south.

  7.Because she was frightened, she asked me to go with her.

  ________________, she asked me to go with her.

  8.I met Li Ming at the railway station yesterday.

  It was ________________ that I met Li Ming yesterday.

  答案:1.is home to 2.various/varied 3.running out 4.no use 5.No matter how 6.coming on 7.Frightened 8.at the railway station


  The name of Yunnan __1__ beautiful clouds in the south. Yunnan has almost all kinds of geographies __2__ mountains and lakes __3__ rainforests. After __4__, Simon went to travel there, he was __5__ by how __6__ the landscape was. The peak of Yulongxueshan Mountain was __7__ snow. Early in the morning, he sat on the slopes watched the town __8__ the day. __9__, Lijiang was a maze, tourists were easy to __10__. And he also found it was the women who __11__ the Naxi society, and until recently, they __12__ all property. They have the __13__ of the playing cards outside.

  答案:1.means 2.from 3.to 4.leaving university 5.astonished 6.varied 7.covered with 8.waking up to 9.Seen from above 10.get lost 11.ran 12.inherited 13.custom

  Ⅴ. 完形填空

  By the time that a student reaches his tenth year in high school, he is likely to believe that he is an expert in reading. No matter how __1__ he is, he can still improve. How do you read an article in a textbook? Do you have a certain __2__ of doing it or do you just __3__ at the beginning and keep reading __4__ you come to the end?

  __5__ students say that they use the “slow and sure” method(方式). By this they mean they read every sentence slowly and __6__. Every time they come to an __7__ word they stop __8__ what it means and, if necessary, looking it up in the __9__. In this method a person __10__ has no time left for __11__ what he has read, for he has used all his __12__ in trying to get the meaning of each word to __13__ that he __14__ everything.

  Other students use what has been __15__ the review method. Here a person tries to arrange his time __16__ he can read his lesson __17__ twice. This type of reading is __18__ than the “slow and sure” method, for the lesson __19__ be read rapidly or there will not be __20__ time left for a second reading. Which method do you think better?

  1.A. high B. weak

  C. good D. well

  2.A. idea B. way

  C. wish D. plan

  3.A. stop B. read

  C. do D. start

  4.A. after B. before

  C. until D. unless

  5.A. Few B. Some

  C. No D. All

  6.A. carefully B. carelessly

  C. correctly D. eagerly

  7.A. useful B. important

  C. unknown D. old

  8.A. thinking B. to think

  C. to understand D. to know

  9.A. textbook B. grammar book

  C. English dictionary D. dictionary

  10.A. always B. nearly

  C. almost D. probably

  11.A. learning B. reviewing

  C. preparing D. considering

  12.A. time B. energy

  C. mind D. money

  13.A. think B. be sure

  C. believe D. answer

  14.A. wants B. remembers

  C. forgets D. understands

  15.A. called B. said

  C. given D. known

  16.A. because B. but

  C. as D. so that

  17.A. at most B. no more than

  C. at least D. only

  18.A. shorter B. faster

  C. nicer D. more important

  19.A. can B. may

  C. must D. need

  20.A. some B. no

  C. little D. enough


  1.C 由主句内容可推知答案。另A项表意不清,D项作“好”讲时,为副词,不能用作表语。

  2.B 本文讲的主要是阅读的“方法”,故另外三项在此不合语境。

  3.D 根据“keep reading”和“come to the end”可推知,这里应为“开始”。另外从“at the beginning”这一短语中亦能得到启示。

  4.C 根据前后逻辑关系选定答案。until“直到”。

  5.B 与下一节的“other students”形成对比。

  6.A 为了“确信”(sure)文中的内容,就得“仔细”阅读每个句子。

  7.C 停下来考虑或查阅词的意思,说明是遇到了“不认识的”词。

  8.B 根据文章应为暂停阅读去“考虑”该词的意思。stop doing“停止做某事”,显然不合文意。

  9.D 查阅生词应在“词典”中。C项内涵较小,文中并未专指阅读英语书籍,故应舍去。

  10.D 凭语感选D项。此外,即使所有学生均采用同一阅读方法,各人的阅读速度也还是有差异的,故不可能“总是”没有时间,B、C两项应指具体情况,而本文论及的乃是一般现象,因此,A、B、C三项均应排除。

  11.B 由后文的信息可推知答案。从下一段第一句话中也可得到暗示。

  12.A 根据上下文可知用完的是“时间”。

  13.B 参见下题解析。

  14.D 由“trying to get the meaning of each word”可推知,他这样做是“为了确保”(to be sure)自己“理解”(understand)所有内容。

  15.A 四个选项中只有call可带补足语。若选D项,需在known后加as。

  16.D 后一分句表示的是目的。

  17.C 另外三项不合逻辑。

  18.B 由空格后的内容可知,这种阅读比前一种阅读要“快”。

  19.C must表示“必要性”。need作为情态动词一般不用于肯定句,故应舍去。

  20.D 之所以必须快速读完第一遍,就是为了留下“足够的”时间来复读。


  Actually we have known a lot of examples and meaningful words to support the fact that we should try our best to ease the bad impression of others. Just like the old saying goes, we should give a better assumption to the one than we think he was. But many of us always fail to do this.

  Take the situation of my class for example. Right at the beginning of the first semester when we were freshmen we all showed great favor to each other. And when there was an activity that needed some people to join, we would be willing to attend whether it was interesting or not. And we were really like brothers and sisters, and our class was just like a family, a warm family. But now, I feel tired of those meaningless activities not only because of the boring activities themselves but also the cool response of our classmates.

  I think the reasons why the passion of most classmates is so low may be as follows:

  To start with, many of us take part in more than one organization, which will certainly make us tired. Also, in the study fields, many of us may find that our courses are sometimes difficult to understand or comprehend, especially the specialized subjects.

  Moreover,“history” teaches us that if one does not study hard, it is possible to fail in the exams. So it is a big and good excuse to say that “I do really want to attend, but I have a lot of homework to do, so...”.

  Last but not least, some people believe that some of our leaders should not be regarded as a leader, maybe I should say we, as leaders, lost the reputation, support and trust of yours. At least I am the warm­hearted one, although I cannot promise you that your advice will be adopted surely, at least I will spare no effort to “give” you the right to be heard, and to serve you.

  Be active to show your talents and abilities and to create a better image of our class. Most important of all, work painstakingly for a better condition that we should have reached.

  【语篇解读】 昔日热衷于参加各类活动的雀跃而又温馨的场面已成为美好的回忆,如今取而代之的是冷漠。创建优秀的班集体需要全体学生的共同努力,班干部要起好带头作用。

  1.At the beginning of the first semester the students were ________ each other.

  A. quite curious about

  B. active and kind to

  C. full of sympathy to

  D. specially tired of

  答案与解析:B 细节理解题。结合第二段第二、三、四句的内容可知,学生在第一学期开始的时候非常活跃,并且彼此之间非常友好。

  2.Now the students are unwilling to get involved in the activities because they are ________.

  A. not easy to organize

  B. costing too much time

  C. difficult to comprehend

  D. meaningless and boring

  答案与解析:D 细节理解题。根据第二段最后一句的内容可知,现在学生不愿参加各种活动的原因是这些活动既没有意义又枯燥乏味。

  3.Which of the following statements is TRUE?

  A. Students' passion for activities was high at first but weakened gradually.

  B. Students' passion for activities grew gradually because they were interesting.

  C. Students were too busy to take part in activities after their classes.

  D. Students were unwilling to participate in activities because of their leaders.

  答案与解析:A 推理判断题。第二段提到新生在第一学期开始的时候热衷于各种各样的活动,而现在已对这些活动毫无兴趣,由此可推断学生对活动的热情度起初很高,但是后来逐渐减弱了。

  4.We can infer from the passage that the writer must be ________.

  A. a supporter of activities

  B. a responsible teacher

  C. a top student in class

  D. a devoted class leader

  答案与解析:D 推理判断题。结合倒数第二段前半部分中的“...maybe I should say we,as leaders...”以及本段后半部分的内容可推知,作者是一位忠诚的班干部。
