One of the most well known plays of William Shakespeare, Hamlet helps us find the answer to the eternal question we heard many times: “To be or not to be?”. This is a story that can teach us to accept the responsibility for all our decisions and deeds.
经典英文小说2.Uncle Tom’s Cabin
想了解美国的历史、文化,这本小说是不错的选择~ 它是美国作家哈里特·比彻·斯托(斯托夫人)于1852年发表的一部反奴隶制小说。 19世纪中期,美国北方肯塔基州农场主谢尔比家有一名忠心的黑奴,被称为“汤姆叔叔”。因主人破产,只好将汤姆等十名黑奴卖给奴隶贩子抵债,一起乘船运回南方……历经磨难,汤姆以强大的灵魂战胜了自身悲惨的命运~
This book is a part of many colleges history though it was both praised and criticized. A difficult and quite controversial period of American history many famous writers described is represented here, and it helps young people understand the principles and values of their nation to see how they have been changed since then.
经典英文小说3. 1984
A world divided between three totalitarian states. A total control, elimination of all human values, and attempts to survive in this world full of hatred. Will you be able to challenge the system? Are you strong enough to remain for ever one and not to lose your individuality?
This is a story about a relationship, a love triangle which subjects first met in college. What will become more important to them: love or friendship? Is there any decision for this difficult situation, when you love but do not want to lose your best friend? Every college student should know the answer to these questions.
经典英文小说5.The Great Gatsby
This book should be read to feel the disillusionment many Americans felt during the Jazz Age. This is a good lesson to young people that teaches them to assess their capabilities and understand that our past can’t be returned; so, it is better to let it go.
Full of humor and intrigue, this novel about forbidden love between a man and a young nymphet remains controversial today but can teach us understanding, sacrifice, forgiveness and many other traits that are so important but forgotten by so many people today.
经典英文小说7.Paradise Lost
We all know the Biblical story about Adam and Eve’s temptation into sin by Lucifer, the arrogant angel that fell from grace. But we know practically nothing about Lucifer himself. Paradise Lost helps us see the different side of good and bad, allowing to make our own impression about who is right.