






A)请听下面的8段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A,B,C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并将其填到答题卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间回答有关小题和阅读的下一小题。每段对话读两遍。  ( )1. What does the man want to buy?

A. A pair of jeans B. A pair of shoes C. A pair of glasse


( ) 2. How is the weather today?

A. Cold B. Hot C. Cool.

( ) 3. What does Ben’s mother look like?

A. She is tall. B. She is of medium height. C. She is short.

( ) 4. What does Linda’s aunt look like?

A. She has short hair. B. She has straight hair. C. She has curly hair.

( ) 5. What’s the weather like in Guangzhou?

A. Sunny B. Windy and rainy. C. Windy and snowy

( ) 6. Who is that man over there?

A. Tom’s uncle. B. Lucy’s father. C, Tom’s father.

( ) 7. What are Alice and Ben doing?

A. They are cleaning. B. They are reading. C. They are talking.

( ) 8. Where is the hotel?

A. On this street. B. Behind a bank. C. Near a pay phone.



( )9. Where is the restaurant?

A. On Long Street. B. On Center Street. C. On North Street.

( ) 10. How can the man get to the restaurant?

A. On foot. B. By bus. C. By bike.


( ) 11. Who has short curly hair?

A. Kate. B. Rosa. C, Paul.

( ) 12. What does Rosa look like?

A. She has short hair. B. She’s kind of heavy. C. She’s of medium  build.


( ) 13. Where is Lucy going?

A. To the train station. B. To the subway station. C. To the  airport.(机场)

( ) 14. How is the weather now?

A. It’s rainy.

B. It’s cloudy. C. It’s sunny.

( ) 15. What does Lucy’s uncle look like?[来源:Z____k.Com]

A. He’s tall and heavy. B. He’s thin and short C. H is hair is long.


( ) 16. What is Lisa doing?

A. Help her mother cook B. Doing her homework. C. Playing computer  games.

( ) 17. What is the weather like in Jim’s city?

A. Cloudy. B. Sunny. C. Rainy.

( ) 18. What does Tom look like?

A. He is tall and heavy. B. He wears glasses. C. He has long face.


( ) 19. Who is watching TV now?

A. Scott. B. Helen and Scott. C. Helen.

( ) 20. What does Helen want to buy?

A. Some books. B. Some CDs. C. Some skirts.

( ) 21. How will they go to the bookshop?

A. By bike. B. By bus. C. By subway.

( ) 22. When do they want to go?

A. At 1:30 pm. B. At 2:30 pm. C. At 4:30pm.

C)  请听下面一段独白,根据独白内容完成下列句子,每个句子不超过3个单词。将答案填写到答题卷的相应位置。听独白前你将有50秒钟的时间阅读句子内容。独白读两遍。

23. Tony lives in ___________now.

24. Tony has two big eyes, a big nose, and a small ___


25. Tony has a(n) ________________face.

26. Mike Johnson is Tony’s favorite ________________.

27. Tony is ______________ with his friends in the photo.


( )28.----______ Nanchang?

----It’s sunny.

A. How is the weather like? B. What is the weather?

C. How is the weather? D. What does the weather like?

( ) 29. Hurry up! Everyone_______ for you.

A. wait B. waits C. is waiting D. are waiting

( ) 30. ____left at the second crossing. The hotel is ____your right.

A. Turn, on B. Go, on C. Turn, in D. Go, in

( ) 31. Mike ____ a lot of time playing computer games every day.

A. spends B. takes C. costs D. pays

( ) 32. Now students are very busy with their schoolwork and they have  ____time to do exercise.

A. few B. little C. a few D. a little

( ) 33. Linda is a beautiful girl _____ hair.

A. in straight long blonde. B. with long straight blonde. C. in long  straight blonde D. with blonde long straight .

( ) 34. Jeff looks____his father and he ____taking photos with his  father.

A. like, like. B. likes, like C. likes, likes. D. like, likes.

( ) 35. There______a pen and six books on your desk.

A. be B. am C. are D. is



My dream home is very big and clean. It is near the ( 36 ). I can watch the  sea and ( 37 ) volleyball on the beach. My grandparents live ( 38 ) us in this  big house. ( 39 ) room is ( 40 ) the first floor(层), too. I always chat with them and help them ( 41 ) some housework at weekends. On the  ( 42 ) floor, there is a kitchen and a dinning room. All the family ( 43 ) will  have dinner there. My bedroom, study and bathroom are on the third floor. There  is a big balcony(阳台) in my bedroom. I can play games, read books and chat ( 44 )  my friends there. The furniture in my house is all made of wood. It is good ( 45  ) my health. I like ( 46 ) to music while reading books in my bedroom, I always  ask my friends ( 47 ) here. My parents’ room is on the fourth floor. It’s ( 48 )  very big and clean. There is a big and nice garden behind the big house. There  are many flowers and ( 49 ) tall trees in it. In summer, I can sit under the  trees with my family. Behind the garden, there is a swimming pool. I can ( 50 )  freely in it. I think it is very comfortable(舒服) to live in my dream home.

(36) A. river B. sea C. ground D. school

(37) A. play B. to play C. play the D. play with

(38) A. at B. for C. with D. of

(39) A.Their B. Her C. Our D. Your

(40) A. in B. on C. with D. of

(41) A. does B. doing C. do D. is doing

(42) A. fourth B. third C. first D. second

(43) A. pets B. members C. things D. animals

(44) A. of B. about C. with D. on

(45) A. at B. to C. with D. for

(46) A. listening B. leading C. withing D. doing

(47) A. to look for B. to clean C. to come D. to leave

(48) A. also B. too C. either D. but

(49) A. few B. a few C. little D. a little

(50) A. swim B. dance C. read D. run


enjoys live quiet tire small supper across from interest off take a walk

Pine Street is a good place (51) in. It's a very (52)street. It's (53)the  busy Center Street. If you are (54)after work, you can (55)the city's quietness  here. And there is a (56)park near here. In the morning or after (57),you can  (58)through the park. (59)the park is a bookshop. There are many (60)books in  the shop. So sometimes in the park, you can see many people enjoy their  books.

51. ____ 52. _____ 53. _____ 54. _____ 55. _____

56. ____ 57. _____ 58. _____ 59. _____ 60. _____




Family members

What does he/she look  like?

My father

My father is very tall. He has curly hair. He’s  handsome.

My mother

My mother is not beautiful. She is short. She is only  1.5 meters .She has black hair. And she is  fat.

My sister

My sister is a lovely girl. She has long curly hair.  She’s of medium build.

My brother

My brother looks like my mother. He is short, too. He  is heavy.

61. What does the writer’s(作者的) father look like?

A. He is very short. B. He is short and has black hair.

C. He’s of medium build. D. He is tall and has curly hair.

62. Who are short and heavy? .

A. The writer’s mother and brother. B. The writer’s mother and father

C. The writer’s father and sister. D. The writer’s father and brother.

63. According to the passage, which is right?

A. There are four people in the writer’s family.

B. The writer’s mother is a beautiful woman.

C. The writer’s father and sister have curly hair.

D. The writer’s brother looks like his sister.


Dear Sam,

What are you doing now? I’m writing this letter in a hotel in the  Alps(阿尔卑斯山脉). Now it’s summer vacation, so we can stay here for two weeks.  Summer is usually very hot in Europe, but in the mountains, things are  different. There is always snow. My parents and my sister are with me. We are  having a great time.

The morning in the mountains is cold and windy, so we don’t go out. We  watch TV or play chess in the hotel. When the sun comes out and the weather is  not so cold, we go out to play in the snow. There are many schools. They teach people how to  ski(滑雪). My sister and I take classes in one of them. It is really fun!

See you next month.

64. Peter doesn’t go out in the morning because ________.

A. it is cold and windy outside B. he doesn’t like snow

C. he likes to play chess D. it is hot outside

65. The underlined word “different” means “________” in Chinese.

A. 奇怪的 B. 不同的 C. 无关的 D. 相似的

66. How do Peter and his sister learn to ski?

A. Their parents teach them.

B. Sam teaches them.

C. They learn it in the hotel.

D. They learn it in a school.

67. What can we learn from the passage?

A. Peter has a brother.

B. People in Europe like summer.

C. The summer in the Alps is not hot.

D. Sam is living at his uncle’s home.


My name is Panrit. I live in Samutprakarn. It is about thirty kilometers  south of Bangkok,the capital (首都) of Thailand. My house is near a museum and  opposite a school.

My house has two floors, two bedrooms and two toilets. We don?t have a  dining room, so we eat our meals in the living room. There are four people in my  family, my mum, my dad, my brother and I.My house doesn’t have a garden but we have some plants in pots(盆景). We also  have some small fish. My mum likes the plants very much. She usually waters and  looks after them when she?s at home.

I don?t usually stay at home. I usually stay at my grandma?s home because  it is more comfortable. In her home, there is no homework, and all I have to do  is to play.

68. Panrit lives_______ the capital of Thailand.

A. about thirty kilometers from B. to the east of

C. far from a museum D. in the north of

69. Panrit?s family have meals in the___________

A. dinning room B. living room C. bedroom D. garden

70. Panrit?s ________ looks after the plants at home.

A. father B. brother C. sister D. mother

71. Which of the following is TRUE?

A. Panrit often helps his grandma with the housework.

B. Panrit likes watering the plants at home.

C. Panrit often stays at his grandma?s home.

D. Panrit is the only child in his family.


Johnson likes swimming in a small river near his house. But then his father  goes to work in a big city and Johnson goes with his family. Their new house has  a garden, but the garden is very small. Johnson is not very happy.

“Is there a river near the house? ” he asks his father on the first  morning. “No, there isn’t. But there is a big park near here. And there’s a pool  in it. We are going there this afternoon,” says his father. Johnson is happy.  Johnson and his father go to the park in the afternoon. Johnson wants to walk  near the pool. Then he sees a sign(标牌).His father reads it to him,  “Warning(警告):This pool is dangerous. 365 people fell into (掉入) it .” Johnson  looks into the pool carefully(小心地), then he says,“I can’t see them.”

72. Johnson isn’t very happy because .

A. there isn’t a big park B. there is a pool

C. his father goes to work in a big city D. there isn’t a river near the  new house

73. There is a near the pool.

A. sign B. river C. garden D .tree

74. The warning tells people near the pool.

A. to look into it B. to swim C. to be careful D. not to look into it

75. Which is NOT right?

A. There isn’t a small river near Johnson’s new house.

B. Johnson’s father gets a new job in a big city.

C. There are 365 people in the pool now.

D. Johnson goes to the big city with his parents.



On Wednesday my class go to London Zoo. (76) We are all very happy.

We leave early in the morning because it is a two-hour trip. (77) Because  the driver of the bus wants to check (检查) something. While we are waiting(等待),  my friend and I go to a shop to buy chips. We soon forget about time. (78) My  friend and I run outside and start shouting, but it is of no use. We wait for  some time but the bus doesn’t return. (79) Just as I am ringing, I look up and  can’t believe my eyes. Our bus is driving into the station. (80) We are so  happy! Then we get on the bus.

A.  We go shopping on  Sunday.

B.  It is our first  trip.

C.  We stop halfway at a  station.

D.  All our classmates are shouting to  us.

E.  Fifteen minutes later I decide (决定)to call my  parents.

F.   I am buying chips when I suddenly see our bus  leaving

G.  We go there by  bus.


A: Hi, this is Cindy speaking.

B: Hi, Cindy. It’s Kate. (81)_______________________________

A: Great, thanks.

B: (82)_______________________________

A: I’m reading a postcard from my friend.

B: Oh, (83)_______________________________

A: A girl.

B: (84)_______________________________

A: She’s from America.

B: (85)_______________________________

A: She is good-looking and a little thin. She has straight hair and she’s  of medium height.

B: Really? Can I make a friend with her?

A: Sure.




(1) 出火车站,左边有个阳光大酒店。

(2) 公共汽车停靠站在酒店的对面,乘坐2路公交车。

(3) 中等身高,圆脸,大眼睛,有点胖,长的黑色的直发。

Dear Eric,

I’m glad you’ll come to my school. Let me tell you how to get to my school  and what I look like.

________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________  Call me when you get to my school. I’ll meet you at the school gate.


Li Na




1,W: Can I help you, sir?

M: Yes. I want to buy a pair of jeans for my son.


W: It is cold today. Please put on your sweater.

M: OK. Thanks a lot,Mum.


W: Is your mother tall or short ,Ben?

M: Oh she is of medium height.


M: Does your aunt have straight or curly hair , Linda?

W: She has long straight hair.


W: Is it sunny in Guangzhou, Dave?

M:No,it’s windy and rainy.


M: Is the man over there your father,Lucy?

W: No,he isn’t. He is thin, but my father is fat. He is Tom’s father.


W: Are Alice and Ben cleaning the classroom now?

M: No. They are reading books in the classroom.


M: Can you tell me the way to the hotel,madam?

W:Sure.Please go along this street and then turn right. It’s on your left  just near a pay phone.



M: Excuse me.Are there any good restaurant around here?

W: Yes. There is one on North Street.

M: How can I get there?

W; Well,we’re on Long Street now.Go along the streetand turn right at a  hotel. Then you can see the restaurant on your left.

M:Do I need to take a bus?

W: No.It’s not very far.You can walk there.


M: The girl looks nice. Who is she, Kate?

W: Oh, Paul, she is my sister Rosa.

M: You have short curly hair,but she has long straight hair.It’s  interesting.

W: Yeah. Look! Does she look cool with glasses?

M: Yes, she does. AND SHE Isn’t heavy or thin. She must be healthy, I  think.

W: That’s true.


M: Hi! Lucy! Where are you going?

W: Hi, Jack! I’m going to the train strain to meet my uncle.

M: Do you know how to get there/

W: No,I don't. May you help me?

M: Sure.Look!There are many black clouds.I can drive you there.

W: That’s nice of you. Thank you.

M: You’re welcome. But what does your uncle look like?

W: Well, he’s tall and thin with glasses. And he has long hair.

M:Oh, I see. Let’s go.


W: Hello, this is Lisa speaking.

M: Hi,Lisa. This is Jim. What are you doing now?

W; I’m helping my mother cook. What about you?

M;I’m doing my homework.Is it sunny in your city now?

W;No, it’s cloudy, but it’s very warm. What about the weather in your city  now?

M:It’s sunny . In the afternoon,I will go to a bookstore and buy some books  with my cousin Tom.

W: Your cousin? How old is he now ?

M: He is fifteen and he is in the same class as me.

W;I see. What does he look like? Piease describe him for me.

M; OK. He is tall and thin. He has a round face and he often wears  glasses.

W: Thanks for telling me that.


W:Hello, Helen speaking.

M ;Hi, Helen. It’s Scott here. What are you doing now?

W: I’m watching TV. What about you?

M: I’m playing computer games. But I’m going to the bookshop. Would you  like to go with me?

W; Sure! What do you want to buy?

M: I want to buy some books on computer.

W: Oh,I’d like to buy some CDs. Do you want to go there by bus?

M: No. Let’s take the subway, OK?

W: Sure! What time do you want to go ?

M: How about two o’clock in the afternoon?

W: No problem.

M: Let’s meet at your home first.

W: OK. See you later!


(W) Today is Sunday. I’m at home. Now I’m looking at a photo of Tony. Tony  is my cousin and he lives in Canada now.He is ten years old .He is very tall. He  has two big eyes and a big nose. His mouth is small. He has a round face like an apple. He likes  singing . And Mike Johnson is his favorite singer. In the photo,the weather is  snowy. And he is making a snowman with his friends. How happy they are!


1~5 AABBB 6~10 CBCCA

11~15 ACABC 16~22 ABBCBCB

23 Canada 24 mouth 25 round 26 singer

27 making a snowman

28~30 CCA 31~35 ABBDD

36~40 BACAB 41~45 CDBCD 46~50 ACABA

51. to live 52. quite 53. off 54. tired 55. enjoy

56. small 57. supper 58. take a walk 59. Across from 60. interesting

61~65 DACAB 66~70 DCABD

71~75 CDACC 76~80 BCFED

81. How's it going?

82. What are you doing?

83. Is your friend a boy or a girl?

84. Where is she from?

85. What does she look like?

























