


  52. A. filling with B. was filling with C. filled with D. was filled with

  53. A. buildings B. cities C. beggars D. changes

  54. A. same B. different C. similar D. difficult

  55. A. in B. on C. with D. of

  56. A. because B. so C.although D. while

  57. A. sang B. singed C. to sing D. sing

  58. A. happy B. happier C. more happily D. happily

  59. A. it B . they C. these D. them

  60. A. what B. / C. where D. who

  第二卷 非选择题(70分)

  五、 词汇运用(20分,每小题1分


  In a primary school, a teacher asked her students what they wished to become when they grew up. There were several a 61 —a doctor, a teacher, a film-star and so on.

  One of the students gave a s 62 answer. This child said, “I want to be a television!” The teacher asked the child w 63 he had such a wish. He said, with his eyes full of tears, “There is no one at home to w 64 (照看) me or care for me. Everyone sits around the television. If there is a 65 ['enɪθɪŋ]wrong with the TV, they give great attention to it and fix it at once.”

  The loving teacher met the child's mother and t 66 about this with her. The mother said,

  My husband is a very busy businessman. He n 67 has time to look after the child.” “But what about you?” the teacher asked the mother. “What do you know about me? I'm the president of the women's club. I have s 68 many meetings and activities.” The teacher now understood why the child f 69 lonely at home.

  “I think children want their parents to spend m 70 time with them.” said the teacher.

  B. 从方框选择适当的词并用其正确形式填空。

  of what helpful hobby with much success if clear do write few

  Confidence(自信) is very important in daily life. It is 71 to develop a healthy attitude(态度). If people are more confident, they are 72 happier. And they can have more chances to be 73 . Here are some suggestions to be more confident.

  ★ Speak loud. When you are not confident, you can’t do well 74 you want to do. Try to speak loud enough so that people can hear you 75 . The high voice can help you become more confident.

  ★ Play sports. Physical exercise makes you tired but strong. A strong body helps you be full 76 confidence.

  ★ Encourage yourself. 77 down a list of things you did during the day to see how many things you have done well. Give yourself praise(表扬) for the good things you have 78 .

  ★ Pick up a hobby. 79 you like singing, sing as much as you can. In some ways, a 80

  can make you excellent. And it will make you happy and confident.


  Some etiquette(礼仪)in modern life

  Do you often use a cellphone? Do you take the subway to school every day? These items make our modern life easier. But do you know how we should behave properly while using them? The following suggestions might be helpful.

  For cellphone users

  ◆Keep your voice down when you make a phone call in public.

  Shouting on the phone may make others feel uncomfortable. And you’d better not use it during an appointment(约会).

  ◆Stop sending messages or playing games with your cellphone at a dinner or a party. It’s a good time to communicate(交流)with your family and friends.

  ◆Don’t make or answer a call while driving. It is not only very dangerous

  for both you and your passengers but also against the law.

  For subway passengers

  ◆You are supposed to wait in line while buying tickets and getting on the subway.

  ◆You’re not allowed to eat, drink or smoke on the subway train. The smell and noise may trouble others. It’s our duty to keep the train clean and tidy. Besides, smoking is bad for health.

  ◆ You can’t take pets on the train. As we all know, animals may spread diseases(传播疾病)and get the train dirty.

  ◆ You’d better not lie across the subway seats even if the train isn’t crowded. Offering your seat to someone who needs it is regarded as good manners.


  Titles:Some etiquette in modern life

  Items Do’s Don’ts


  Keep your 81.______ down in public ● Don’t send messages or play games at a dinner or a party.

  ● Don’t make or answer 82.______ while driving.

  83.______ ● Wait in line

  ● Keep the train 84.______

  ● Offer your seat to someone who needs it. ● Don’t eat, drink or smoke on the train.

  ● 85______ on the train.

  ● Don’t lie across the subway seats.


  Should Shanghai bid for(申办) the Summer Olympics in 2028? Here are some people’s opinions.

  Some people said, “The games will improve Shanghai’s global influence and the city is powerful and must try to become a platform(平台) for major international dialogue s. Shanghai has succeeded in holding the World Expo in 2010 and the city can also hold a successful Summer Olympics.”

  Others, however, are not sure that it’s a good idea. They think the Olympics would be too expensive and the money could be better spent on other things.

  The 2008 Beijing Olympics brought much prestige(声望) to the city and to China, but its cost, over million, was high and the Olympic site(场地) in the center of the city is now largely unused. Could Shanghai learn from Beijing’s experience and do it better?

  My answer is yes. As one American said, “A great city has to do great things.” Shanghai is a great city and is not afraid of facing challenges. Holding the 2028 Summer Olympics would prove that.

  86. When did Shanghai hold the World Expo?

  87. Why don’t some people agree to bid for the 2028 Summer Olympics?

  88. How much did the 2008 Beijing Olympics cost?

  89. Does the writer agree to Shanghai’s bidding?

  90. What’s your opinion about it? Give your reason.


  91. 我认为他不会明天来

  I come tomorrow.

  92. 自1995年以来,我们的家乡发生了很大变化

  Great since 1995.

  93. 我们当中没人喜欢这个问题

  likes this question.

  94. 我经常通过写信和我笔友保持联系。

  I my pen pal by writing letters.

  95. 快点,否则我们会迟到了。

  . , we’ll be late.

  八. 书面表达(20分)

  每一个人都会畅想自己未来的生活,有目标才会有动力。你将来的理想生活是怎样的? 请以“My life in a few years”为题,根据以下提示,用英语写一篇不少于100词的短文。


  1. 几年之后你的理想职业是什么? 为什么?

  2. 你将生活在哪儿?

  3. 你将来的业余活动是什么?

  4. 你现在该怎么做去实现你的理想?


  My life in a few years




  Ⅰ. 1—5 BACAB

  Ⅱ. 6—10 CABCB

  Ⅲ. 11—15 BACBA

  Ⅳ. 16—20 ABCBC

  Ⅴ. 21—25 BACAB

  Ⅵ. 26. 95 27. everyday 28. education 29. married 30. time

  二、口语运用 31-35 BDGEA


  36-40 ADDAC

  41-45 DACCB

  46-50: DAECB



  五、 词汇运用

  A.61. answers 62. strange/ special/ surprising 63.why 64. watch 65. anything

  66. talked 67. never 68. so 69. felt 70. more/ much

  B. 71. helpful 72. much 73.successful 74.what 75.clearly

  76. of 77.Write 78.done 79.If 80.hobby


  A .81. voice 82. a call 83.subway passengers

  84. clean and tidy 85.Don’t take pets

  B. 86. In 2010

  87. (Because) They think the Olympics would be too expensive and the money could be better spent on other things.

  88. (It cost) over million.

  89. Yes, he/she does.

  90. 略


  91. don’t think he will

  92. changes have taken place in my hometown

  93. None of us

  94. keep/stay in touch with

  95. Hurry up, or

  八 书面表达

  My life in a few years

  What do you think your life will be lik e in a few years? Have you thought of it?

  Well, I will be a popular and famous singer and I will sing around the world. I will buy a big house for my parents which lies in a big city. I will keep a pet dog and I might even keep some cute fish in my spare time. I will make much money and work hard to help others and make my parents and family happy. To make my dream come true, I will try my best to practice singing and I will never give up! So how about yours?






