


  55. According to the passage, we can infer(推断) that _____________.

  A. They had enough time to visit every room

  B. The Forbidden City served as a museum until 1925

  C. The first lady enjoyed all of the art and history in this wonderful place

  D. There are more than 1,000 buildings and less than 10,000 rooms



  Once upon a time, two young men were on holiday in the country. One day, while taking a walk together, they crossed a large field.

  “(56) L _____________ out!” one of the young men shouted, because a bull(公牛)suddenly appeared and began to chase(追赶)them. They (57) w_____________ very frightened. They ran as fast as they could, but the bull kept (58) r_____________ after them.

  Finally, one of the men climbed (59) u_____________ a tree. The other jumped into a hole, but soon he came out of it. And then the bull chased him (60) b_____________ into the hole.

  “Stay there!” his friend shouted, (61) b_____________ soon the man came out again, and again the bull chased him right back. This went on five or six more (62) t_____________.

  At last, the man in the tree got (63) a_____________ and shouted to his friend in the hole, “You fool! I have (64) t_____________ you to stay in the hole for a while! Why are you always coming out?”

  “That’s easy for you to say,” the other man said as he jumped one (65) m_____________ time back into the hole, “But there happened to be a bear in this hole!”



  Once when I was a teenager, my father and I were standing in line to buy tickets for the circus(马戏表演). (66) _____________. This family made a big impression(印象) on me.

  There were eight children, all probably under the age of 12. (67) _____________. Their clothes were not expensive, but they were clean. The children talked excitedly about the clowns(小丑). It was clearly a very important day out for them. The fat her and mother seemed happy as they could be.

  The tickets lady asked how many tickets the father wanted, he proudly answered, “Please let me buy eight children’s tickets and two adults’ tickets, so I can take my family to the circus.” The ticket lady told him the price.

  The man’s wife lowered her head. There was no longer a smile on the man’s face. He quietly asked, “How much did you say?” (68) _____________. The man obviously didn’t have enough money. But how could he tell his kids the bad news? Seeing what was happening, my dad took a note from his pocket and dropped in on the ground. (We were not rich ourselves at all!) He then tapped the man on the shoulder and said, “Excuse me, sir, you dropped this.”

  (69) _____________. He picked up the money, looked straight into my dad’s eyes, and in tears replied. “Thank you. This really means a lot to me and my family. ”

  My dad and I went back to our car and drove home. (70) _____________.

  六、阅读表达 (共5小题,计10分)


  When you wake up every day, once again to see this beautiful world, when your parents, teachers and friends give you help, will you know how to be (71)grateful? And when you feel unlucky and make mistakes, will you still be thankful?

  Yu Dan, a professor at the Beijing Normal University, made a report about Gratitude Education(感恩教育). It will affect Chinese people, especially the teenagers.

  Nowadays, some teenagers only care about things outside. They often behave badly. For example, they fight each other, use phones in class, be rude to their parents and teachers and so on. Most of them don’t know love, respect and gratefulness.

  Being grateful or thankful is very important. (73) It is impossible for anyone to be lucky and successful all the time as long as he lives in the world. We should learn how to face failure or bad luck bravely and to try to deal with it. As we know, “Life is a mirror. When you smile in front of it, it will also smile and so will it when you cry t o it. ” If you are grateful to life, it will bring you shining sunlight. If you always complain about everything, you may own nothing in the end.

  I think the teenagers should be grateful to life even when we are unsuccessful or unlucky. We have many reasons for being grateful. For example, being grateful is a way to communicate with adults. And it is a way to sing for our life which comes just from our love and hope.

  If each of us has an attitude of being grateful, we’ll lead a better and more beautiful life. So remember, being grateful forever.

  71. 在文中找出 “grateful” 的同义词。


  72. How do some teenagers behave badly according to the passage?


  73. 请把 (73) 处画线的句子翻译成汉语。


  74. List two reasons for being grateful when teenagers are unsuccessful or unlucky.


  75. Give a title (标题) to the passage.



  下面是Lin Tao 通过网络在“天涯论坛”上发表的一个求助帖子, 描述了他学习英语的烦恼和担心。请你以网友Tom的身份,根据Lin Tao的帖子和下面的提示,给他发一个回复的帖子,针对他的问题,结合自己的学习经验,提出建议,80-100词。开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。


  1、听的方面:听并跟读英语录音(listen and follow the tape)、看英文节目、唱英文歌曲、看英文电影等。

  2、说的方面:课上尽可能多说英语,课下多参加英语俱乐部或者英语角活动,说英语时不要怕出错,通过这些活动提高自己的口语(spoken English)

  Dear Lin Tao,

  I know your problems. Just as you say, English is very important. But I think





  What’s more, we can read more English newspapers and magazines. It’s good for us. I hope it will help you. Please never give up!



  一 ~ 三题


  1-5 ACCBA 6-10 CCABA 11-15 ABCAC

  16. Sunday 17. 7:00/ seven 18. A9891 19. hats 20. lunch

  21-25 CADAB 26-30 ABCDA 31-35 ACDAB

  36-40 ADBDB 41-45.CDCBD 46-50 BBAAC 51-55 DBDAC




  3、与答案不符, 不得分。



  56. Look 57. were 58. running 59. up 60. back

  61. but 62. times 63. angry 64. told 65. more






  66 -70 EDABC






  71. thankful

  72. They fight each other, use phones in class, be rude to their parents and teachers and so on.

  73. 对任何人来说,只要活在世上不可能总是幸运或成功的。

  74. Being grateful is a way to communicate with adults. And it is a way to sing for our life which comes just from our love and hope.

  75. Be grateful/ thankful (forever). / Being grateful or thankful is very important.





  (一)one possible version:

  Dear Lin Tao,

  I know your problems. Just as you say, English is very important. But I think it isn’t so difficult to learn. If you learn it in the right way, you can do it well. Now let me give you some advice.

  In listening, we should often listen and follow the English tapes, sing more English songs and watch English programs. Watching English movies is also helpful to us.

  In speaking, we should speak English in class as much as possible. Don’t be afraid of making mistakes. The more you speak, the fewer mistakes you’ll make. After class, we'd better join the English club or English corner to practice with others. It is a useful way to improve our spoken English.

  What ’s more, we can read more English newspapers and magazines. It’s good for us. I hope it will help you. Please never give up!



  1、短文通顺完整,表达清楚, 语言基本无误,15-20分;

  2、短文较通顺完整,表达基本清楚,语言有少量错误, 11-14分;







