





  Many students choose to attend schools oruniversities outside their home countries. Whydo some student abroad? Use specific reasonsand details to explain your answer.

  Model Essay(范文):

  Although students can get a good education in most subjects at their home universities, it isimportant to study abroad for some or part of one’s college education. Study abroad can give astudent competency in a new language, familiarity with a different culture, and a chance togrow in different ways.

  One cannot deny that it is important to be bilingual or even multilingual in today’s fast-pacedworld. We have a global economy and communication by Internet and satellite TV means wemust be familiar with other languages in order to keep up with new developments.

  Knowing another culture is also important today. Respect for other people and their traditionswill foster cooperation and peace. We should all do our part to make sure the world is safe forour children. It will only be safe if we understand and respect other people and their culture.

  When we are out of our environment, we feel freer to experiment with different ways of doingthings. We are all individuals and we need time to be on our own, away from our comfortablenests. We may try different things and reject them. We might also adopt them. People canchange and it is easier to change when you are away from your family surroundings.

  Study abroad can be enriching. Not only can we learn a new language, understand more abouta different culture, but we can learn more about ourselves too. At the same time, of course, weare getting an education in the formal sense.



  Your school has enough money to purchaseeither computers for students or books for thelibrary. Which should your school choose to buy—computers or books? Use specific reasons andexamples to support your recommendation.

  Model Essay(范文):

  Our school has been given a grant to make necessary improvements to its facilities. We canspend it on new books for the library or on more computers. Our school already has books inits library and it already has computers. Since we have more books than computers, I think thatnew computers will benefit the student more.

  Computers can access up-to–date information on the Internet. Right now, the referencebooks in our library are very outdated. Our encyclopedia set is eight years old. But if everystudent had access to a computer, we all could have the latest facts and figures on everything.

  Unfortunately, giving every student a computer means we need a lot of computers. Right now,the ratio of computers to students is one to twelve. This means students only get to work onthe computers three or four times a week. But if every student had a computer, we could use itwhenever we wanted.

  “Information on demand” should be our slogan. Students today need lots of information rightaway. Life goes by too quickly to wait. It takes forever to identify a book that you think mighthave the information you need. Then you have to go to the library and look for the book.Usually it’s not even there.

  With a computer, information searches are instantaneous. If we all had computers, we couldaccess more information and access it faster by computer. We could have all the information weneeded for our schoolwork. We could all improve our grades. For these reasons, I feel thatpurchasing more computers will benefit us more than buying more books.



  People remember special gifts or presents thatthey have received. Why? Use specific reasonsand examples to support your answer.

  Model Essay(范文):

  I think we remember special gifts we’ve receivedbecause these gifts often are part of a special memory for us. It may be a memory of someonespecial we’ve cared deeply about. He or she may no longer be alive. Or it may be a memory of aspecial event in our lives. It may even be a memory of the person we once were at someparticular moment in our lives.

  Gifts from other people can make us feel joy every time we look at them. A gift from ourparents, or our husband or wife makes us feel loved each time we see or use it. If we havechildren, the first gift our child made for us in kindergarten is cherished long after the child hasgrown up. A family heirloom given to us by a grandparent makes us feel connected to our past.A gift from a good friend is a reminder of all the good times we’ve shared. A memento from arespected colleague of a reminder of a job we worked on successfully together.

  Gift may also pinpoint special events in our lives. Gifts given to us as part of our religiousheritage, such as First Communion or Chanukkah gifts, remind us of those celebrations. Thesame is true for gifts given for birthdays and graduations, and for the anniversaries of specialdays in our lives, like our wedding day.

  Gifts can also be a symbol of the person we were at a particular point in our lives. A giftreceived in childhood may remind us of a passionate hobby that’s now boxed in the attic. Agift received when we left a job may bring to mind the first career we bad, now that we’re onour third or fourth.

  The gifts that are important to us are the ones that remind us of family, friends and happytimes. They’re a way of surrounding ourselves with our past.






