






  1. 本试卷分第I卷(选择题)和第II卷(非选择题)两部分。

  2. 答题前,考生务必先将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在本试卷相应的位置。

  3. 全部答案在答题卡上完成,答在本试卷上无效。





  1. What is the time now?

  A. 4:40. B. 5:00. C. 5:20.

  2. How will the woman help the man?

  A. By writing a history paper.

  B. By finding some information.

  C. By giving him a newspaper.

  3. What will the man do at 4:00?

  A. Take a test. B. Have a class. C. Visit a doctor.

  4. What does the man mean?

  A. The woman’s idea is not practical.

  B. The woman should start her own tour company.

  C. The woman should find her own apartment.

  5. Where does the conversation take place?

  A. In a hotel. B. In a hospital. C. In a restaurant.




  6. What are the speakers talking about?

  A. Stealing. B. Killing. C. Robbing.

  7. What does the guy look like?

  A. He wears a red jacket.

  B. He has long blond hair.

  C. He has a scar(疤)on his forehead.

  8. Who is the man speaker probably?

  A. A lawyer. B. A police officer. C. A café owner.


  9. What are the speakers talking about?

  A. The building of a bridge.

  B. The sport facilities (设施) of a school.

  C. The building of a city park.

  10. Why is the man against the idea of having outdoor tennis courts?

  A. It isn’t popular here.

  B. There is a limit of users.

  C. It can’t be used in bad weather.

  11. What do the two speakers agree to build?

  A. A dance studio. B. A children’s pool. C. Basketball courts.

  听第8段材料,回答第12 至14题。

  12. When was the party held?

  A. On Friday. B. On Saturday. C. On Sunday.

  13. What did the man enjoy at the party?

  A. The food. B. The computer games. C. The music.

  14. How did the man go home after the party?

  A. He walked home. B. He took a bus home. C. He drove home.


  15. Where will the speakers go first?

  A. To Italy. B. To Austria. C. To France.

  16. How will the speakers travel most of the time?

  A. By car. B. By ship. C. By train.

  17. How long will the speakers’ holiday probably last?

  A. Three weeks. B. Four weeks. C. Six weeks.


  18. What is the woman?

  A. A scientist. B. A hostess. C. A guide.

  19. What is the title of the man’s presentation?

  A. A Smaller World.

  B. Technology and Cultural Change.

  C. Means of Transportation.

  20. What’s the problem with people who use communications technology?

  A. They have worse and worse eyesight.

  B. They don’t have enough time for housework.

  C. They spend less time with friends and neighbors.





  World records can be set even if you are over 100 years old.

  Robert Marchand was born in 1911 in northern France. He enjoys riding a bicycle, and started cycling seriously when he was in his 60s. Marchand is now 105 years old.

  On Wednesday, a crowd gathered at the Velodrome National, about 30 kilometers outside of Paris. They were there to see how far he could travel in one hour.

  The record for one hour is held by Britain’s Bradley Wiggins, a former Tour de France winner. Wiggins covered 54.5 kilometers in 2015. Evelyn Stevens of the United States holds the women’s record. She went almost 48 kilometers in an hour last year.

  In 2012, Marchand set a record for riders over 100 years old when he traveled almost 27 kilometers in an hour. So the question many people asked this week was: "Could he break his own record?" Marchand set off on his record attempt as sports lovers cheered and photographers watched. He moved slowly but steadily around the cycling track.

  Marchand is relatively small. He is only 1.52 meters tall and weighs 52 kilograms. When the hour ended, he completed 92 times around the track. That is just over 22.5 kilometers.

  After the event, Marchand said he could have done better. He did not see his trainers telling him he only had 10 minutes remaining. “I would have gone faster. I would have posted a better time,” he said.

  But the news was still good, as he did set a new record for riders 105-years-old or older. “I’m now waiting for a rival (对手),” he said.

  21. The main purpose of the first paragraph is to tell readers ________.

  A. an unbelievable fact

  B. bring in the topic of the text

  C. any per son can set a world record

  D. setting a world record is not so difficult as people think

  22. Which word can best describe the feeling of Marchand just after the event?

  A. Tired B. Proud C. Regretful D. Depressed

  23. Which of the following statements is NOT true?

  A. Bradley Wiggins set the cycling record in 2015

  B. Robert Marchand is the record holder of cycling over 100 years old

  C. The women’s record of cycling record was set by Evelyn Stevens in 2016

  D. Though Marchand didn’t perform as well as before, he still set a record of cycling this year.

  24. Which of the following well-known sayings best expresses the message of the text?

  A. Experience is the best teacher.

  B. You can’t teach an old dog new tricks.

  C. A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.

  D. Old people may still cherish high aspirations.


  2017-03-10 chinadaily.com.cn

  Mother Nature in Chinese photographer’s lens

  For those who haven’t got the time to travel, this exhibition featuring numerous photos of the beauty of Mother Nature will be a delight for the weekend. From these photos, visitors can see the greatness and power of nature and the differences between humans and animals.

  Time: 9 am – 5 pm, through Mar 19 (closed on Mondays)

  Venue: National Art Museum of China, 1 Wusi Avenue, Dongcheng district.

  Ticket: Free

  Contact: 010 - 6400 1476

  The British Museum brings a hit show to Beijing

  The BritishMuseum’s highly-acclaimed A History of the World in 100 Objects has attracted more than one million visitors during its world tour. That number is growing fast with its China leg proving a success since it opened in Beijing last week.

  The exhibition developed from a broadcasting series that the London museum started in partnership with the BBC in 2010. Each 15-minute program introduced one of 100 objects from the museum’s collection that revealed (展现) the communication methods of various human cultures over the course of two million years.

  Time: 9 am – 5 pm, through May 31 (closed on Mondays)

  Venue: National Museum of China, 16 East Chang’an Avenue, Dongcheng district.

  Ticket: 50 yuan

  Contact: 010-6511 6400

  When photographs look like paintings

  The line between painting and photography has blurred (模糊) in conceptual artist (概念艺术家) Fu Wenjun’s works. For nearly 30 years, he has devoted himself to the exploration of producing photos that look like abstract paintings to inspire people to think rather than simply appreciate the accuracy of images. Fu’s ongoing exhibition aims to provide more insights into his art world.

  Time: 9 am - 5 pm, through March 19 (closed on Mondays)

  Venue: National Art Museum of China, 1 Wusi Street, Dongcheng district.

  Ticket: Free

  Contact: 010 - 6400 1476

  Museum celebrates 80-year-old lacquer master

  Known as “the father of modern Chinese lacquer art”, 80-year-old Qiao Shiguang breathes new life into the country’s long-standing tradition of lacquer painting (漆画).

  He applies eggshell chips (蛋壳碎片) to demonstrate the peaceful beauty of Southern China. The lacquer paints under his brushes presents the depth of Eastern aesthetics.

  Time: 9 am – 5 pm, through Mar 19

  Venue: NationalCenter for the Performing Arts, 2 West Chang’an Avenue, Xicheng district.

  Ticket: Free

  Contact: 010 - 6655 0000

  25. According to the text, we can learn that Fu Wenjun is a(n)________.

  A. photographer B. lacquer painter C. broadcaster D. conceptual artist

  26. Assuming you are interested in traditional Chinese paintings, when can you go and enjoy one according to the text?

  A. 10 am, Mar 31 B. 3 pm Mar 19 C. 9 pm May 31 D. 10 am May 19

  27. You can enjoy the following art works free of charge except ________.

  A. Fu Wenjun’s works B. Qiao Shiguang’s works

  C. photos of the beauty of Mother Nature D. A History of the World in 100 Objects


  The unique coloration (自然花纹) of the giant panda that is loved by many people has long been a mystery to scientists. But now a joint research team believes they have solved the mystery, once and for all.

  The black and white patches on the giant panda mainly have two functions – camouflage (伪装) and communication, the joint research team from University of California, Davis, and California State University, Long Beach explains.

  The giant panda’s white face, the back of ear, the back of tongue, belly, and rump (臀部) are adapted for crypsis (隐蔽) against a snowy background, whereas its black shoulders and legs are adapted for crypsis in shade, according to the study that the joint research team published in the journal of Behavioral Ecology on Feb. 28.

  However, dark markings on the head are not used in crypsis, but in communication: dark ears may be involved with signaling intention about aggressive behavior while dark eye marks may serve in individual recognition, according to the study.

  There is no strong evidence for their fur color being involved in temperature regulation, disrupting the animal’s outline or in reducing eye glare, the study explains.

  “Understanding why the giant panda has such striking coloration has been a long-standing (存在已久的) problem in biology that has been difficult to tackle because actually no other mammal has this appearance, making analogies difficult,” said Dr. Tim Karo, a professor from the University of California and the lead researcher.(236词)

  28. Which of the following body parts of pandas serve as intention of violence?

  A. Dark ears. B. White face. C. White belly. D. The dark markings on the head.

  29. The underlined word “tackle” in the last paragraph is closest in meaning to ______.

  A. analyze B. solve C. discover D. face

  30. Which of the following statements is FALSE?

  A. The white legs are used for disguise in shade.

  B. The dark eye marks may act as individual recognition.

  C. The fur color of a panda is involved in temperature regulation.

  D. The white rump of the panda is used for disguise against a snowy background.

  31. Where would you be most likely to find the text?

  A. a science fiction B. Children’s literature C. an official document D. a science report


  Kids attracted to 2017 Swedish Outdoor Show as spring starts

  STOCKHOLM, March 12 (Xinhua) -- Although still cold in the Nordic in early spring, Swedish kids couldn’t wait to go for outdoor activities in the early spring.

  On Saturday, outdoor clubs and exhibitors brought their new products to the Swedish Outdoor Show 2017 inStockholm, and encouraged kids to play and join their activities.

  "This is gold panning (淘金), that we do in the middle part of Sweden, a small town called Kopparberg. It is a nice activity for children, for adults, just to be out in the nature, and see the lovely nature that we have in Sweden, and maybe find some gold," exhibitor Ulla Kalander-Karlsson told Xinhua. "They have seen the program on television called Gold Rush that comes from Canada. So many people are interested in gold panning, they want to be rich. But you do not be rich, you just be rich of seeing the nature," she added.

  Apart from traditional activities like kayaking and climbing, diving is another favorite outdoor sports for the Swedes.

  “Stockholm is surrounded by lakes, and everyone is really going into lakes and diving, swimming etc. Kids are taught to swim already in school, so every Swedish kid can swim, and going from there into diving is easy, of course,” exhibitor Anders Holmberg told Xinhua.

  The three-day Swedish Outdoor Show lasts until Sunday, and is expected to bring about 30,000 active outdoor people with different interests and levels of experience.

  32. The main purpose of holding Swedish Outdoor Show is to ________.

  A. make some people become rich B. make a profit for the organization

  C. get more people to get close to nature D. make people much stronger in health

  33. The underlined part in the first paragraph probably means________.

  A. were not willing to go B. had a strong desire to go

  C. could have no alternative but to go D. couldn’t decide whether to go or not

  34. The author’s purpose of writing the passage is to ________.

  A. inform B. entertain C. persuade D. describe

  35. Which of the following can be the best title for the passage?

  C. The Past and Present of Swedish Outdoor Show

  B. New Products Added to 2017 Swedish Outdoor Show

  A. An Overall Introduction of 2017 Swedish Outdoor Show

  D. Kids Attracted to 2017 Swedish Outdoor Show as Spring Starts



  Tips for healthy skin


  Good skin care and healthy lifestyle choices can help delay the natural aging process and prevent various skin problems. Get started with these four tips. 36

  ◆ Don’t smoke

  Smoking makes your skin look older and contributes to wrinkles. Smoking narrows the tiny blood vessels in the outermost layers of skin, which decreases blood flow. 37 Smoking also damages the fibers that give your skin strength and elasticity. Besides, the repetitive facial expressions you make when smoking can contribute to wrinkles.

  ◆ Manage stress

  Uncontrolled stress can make your skin more sensitive and cause other skin problems. To encourage healthy skin and a healthy state of mind, take steps to manage your stress. Set reasonable limits, cut down on your to-do list and make time to do the things you enjoy. 38

  ◆ Have a healthy diet

  A healthy diet can help you look and feel your best. 39 The association between diet and acne isn’t clear, but some research suggests that a diet rich in vitamin C and low in unhealthy fats and processed or refined carbohydrates might promote younger-looking skin.

  ◆ 40

  One of the most important ways to take care of your skin is to protect it from the sun. A lifetime of sun exposure can cause wrinkles, age spots and other skin problems as well as increase the risk of skin cancer.

  A. Get started with these four tips.

  B. Protect yourself from the sun

  C. Try to stay indoors as often as possible.

  D. Don’t eat anything that contains fat or oil

  E. The results might be more dramatic than you expect.

  F. Eat plenty of fruits, vegetables, whole grains and lean proteins.

  G. This depletes the skin of oxygen and nutrients that are important to skin health.

  第三部分:英语知识运用 (共两节,满分45分)

  第一节完形填空(共20小题;每小题1. 5分,满分30分)


  It took me more than two hours to clean out the fridge and freezer last week. After I 41 every drawer and threw away 42 leftovers, I went to the grocery shop for the first time in months.

  I’d run into the shop for a loaf of bread, milk, or eggs. I 43 fruits and vegetables and cleaned and cut them into small pieces to store in my newly cleaned fridge. I 44 clothes out from under the girls’ 45 and washed them. I took three-inch piles of papers out of their school folders and read 46 from their teachers.

  After a few months of working like 47 , I spent last week working as “Momma.” When you are “The momma,” a lot of 48 you feel like there is no one 49 behind you to take up the chores (杂物). I cannot 50 imagine how it must feel to be a(n) 51 parent. But I’m for fortunate, because, as I 52 myself in work, my house and my children’s 53 didn’t have to suffer.

  My husband, Zeb, 54 up to take care of my kid and home. My mother came to stay with me for a couple of weeks 55 Zeb travelled for work. Then there was Mrs. Velma, my angel I sent straight home from heaven who does, as a matter of fact, clean my 56 better than I ever could but who more 57 , fills my house with positive energy and wouldn’t let me get 58 .

  Working parents all 59 to find the balance between work and home, the job and family. I personally don’t think that balance exists without 60 . While I was on the work end, my mom, Velma, Zeb and Madeleine, my babysitter, gave me help.

  41. A. searched B. emptied C. watched D. noticed

  42. A. broken B. separated C. unrecognizable D. different

  43. A. judged B. sent C. bought D. took

  44. A. kicked B. put C. picked D. dug

  45. A. boxes B. cupboards C. beds D. tables

  46. A. notes B. blame C. instructions D. articles

  47. A. blind B. crazy C. mindless D. angry

  48. A. ways B. aspects C. times D. moments

  49. A. hiding B. running C. standing D. calling

  50. A. still B. yet C. already D. even

  51. A. strict B. loving C. single D. hard-working

  52. A. stick B. devote C. absorb D. involve

  53. A. lives B. study C. homework D. relationship

  54. A. woke B. stepped C. put D. got

  55. A. before B. since C. while D. if

  56. A. bedroom B. yard C. road D. house

  57. A. luckily B. gladly C. importantly D. diligently

  58. A. angry B. pleased C. relaxed D. discouraged

  59. A. deserve B. struggle C. keep D. continue

  60. A. effort B. knowledge C. support D. judgment



  第三部分:英语知识运用 (共两节,满分45分)



  Tristan da Cunha, a 38-square-mile island, is the 1 (far) inhabited island in the world, according to the Guinness Book of Records. It is 1,510 miles southwest of 2 (it) nearest neighbor, St. Helena, and 1,950 miles west of Africa. Discovered by the Portuguese admiral (葡萄牙海军将)of the same name in 1506, the island belongs to Great Britain and has 3 population of a few hundred.

  Coming in a close second-and often 4 (wrong) mentioned as the most distant land-is Easter Island, 5 lies 1,260 miles east of its nearest neighbor, PitcaimIsland, and 2,300 miles west of South America.

  The mountainous 64-square-mile island 6 (settle) around the 5th century, supposedly (据说) by people who were lost at sea. They had no 7 (connect) with the outside world for more than a thousand years, giving them plenty of time 8 (build) more than 1,000 huge stone figures, 9 (call) moai, for which the island is most famous.

  On Easter Sunday, 1722, however, settlers from Holland moved in and gave the island its name. Today, 2,000 people live on the Chilean territory (智利领土)? They share one street, a small airport, 10 a few hours of television per day.

  1. farthest 2. its 3. a 4. wrongly 5. which 6. were settled 7. connection 8. to build 9. called 10. and








  1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

  2. 只允许修改10处,多者从第11处不计分。

  Our English teacher, Ms. Joan, came to our school in 1986. She taught English for nearly 31 years so far. She works hardly and has been a model teacher for ages.

  She is kind to us but she is rather strict with us as well. She always encourages ourselves to speak and read more English. She is good at teaching and tries her best to make every lesson lively and interested. She is not only our teacher and also our friend. We students love and respect for her.

  Tomorrow she is going to attend a important meeting, at which she will be given a medal for his advanced deeds. We both sincerely congratulate her on achieving so extraordinary achievements.




  1. 心态良好,睡眠充足;

  2. 均衡饮食,积极运动;

  3. 其它建议(至少两条)。


  1. 字数:110左右;

  2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。

  3. 信的开头和结尾己给出,不计入总词数。

  Dear Mike,

  As is well-known to all, physical and mental health is of great significance to success in exams. _________________________________________________________________________


  Best wishes and stay healthy.


  Li Hua



  1—5 ABAAB 6—10 ACCBB 11—15 CBABC 16—20 ACBAC



  21. B. 文章的第一段,也就是文章的第一句话,显而易见是为了引出本文要讨论的话题。故正确答案为B.

  22. C. 根据倒数第二段的信息:After the event, Marchand said he could have done better. He did not see his trainers telling him he only had 10 minutes remaining. “I would have gone faster. I would have posted a better time,” he said. 可知,在骑行结束后,Marchand说他本来可以做得更好。他当时没有看见到教练们在告诉他还剩余10分钟。由此可知,当时他的心情应该是有些遗憾。故正确答案为C.

  23. C. 根据第二段中的信息:Robert Marchand was born in 1911…. Marchand is now 105 years old.可知,该文的写作时间是在2016年。再根据第四段中的信息:Evelyn Stevens of the United States holds the women’s record. She went almost 48 kilometers in an hour last year. 可知,女子骑自行车纪录是由美国的Evelyn Stevens去年(2015)年创造的,而不是2016年。故C项说法与原文内容不符。

  24. D. 纵观全文内容可知,Robert Marchand虽然年龄已经105岁了,但还是不服年老,不断创造了一个又一个的老年骑自行车纪录。由此可知,文章给我们传达的寓意就在于“老骥伏枥,志在千里”,比喻有志之士,年纪虽老而仍有雄心壮志。故正确答案为D项。A项意为“经验是最好的老师。(有经历必受益)”;C项意为“朽木不可雕”;C项意为“双鸟在林不如一鸟在手”。

  25. D. 细节理解题。根据“When photographs look like paintings”部分中的信息:The line between painting and photography has blurred (模糊) in conceptual artist Fu Wenjun’s works. 可知,Fu Wenjun是一位概念艺术家。故正确答案为D.

  26. B. 细节理解题。根据“Museum celebrates 80-year-old lacquer master”中的信息:… 80-year-old Qiao Shiguang breathes new life into the country’s long-standing tradition of lacquer painting (漆画). 可知,要欣赏的时间是9 am – 5 pm, through Mar 19,B项在这个时间段内,故正确答案为B.

  27. D. 细节理解题。根据每一部分中的“ticket”中的信息可以看出,除了欣赏A History of the World in 100 Objects 需要门票50元以外,其它的都是免费欣赏的。由此可知,正确答案为D.

  28. A. 细节理解题。根据第四段中的信息:dark ears may be involved with signaling intention about aggressive behavior while dark eye marks may serve in individual recognition, … 可知,正确答案为A. 注意:题目中的violence与文中的aggressive behavior含义相同。

  29. B. 词义猜测题。根据上下文和语境,该下划线词所在的句子大意是:理解为什么大熊猫有如此惊人的颜色一直是一个存在已久一直难以解决的生物学问题。因为实际上没有其它的哺乳动物是这个样子,结果是使得比较它们变得困难。由此可知,该词的含义是“解决”,与solve含义相同,故正确答案为B.

  30. C. 细节理解题。根据第五段中的信息:There is no strong support for their fur color being involved in temperature regulation, …没有强有力的证据表明它们的皮毛颜色参与调节体温或减少眩光。因此,C想说法与原文内容不符。

  31. D. 文章出处题。纵观全文内容可知,本文主要介绍了大熊猫的黑白颜色各自的作用,应该是一篇科技报道。故正确答案为D.

  32. C. 细节理解题。根据文中第三段中的信息:…they want to be rich. But you do not be rich, you just be rich of seeing the nature, … 以及全文内容可知,举办Swedish Outdoor Show的主要目的就是鼓励孩子们(也包括成年人)更多地去接近大自然。由此可知,正确答案为C.

  33. B. 词义猜测题。根据全文内容内容可知,Swedish Outdoor Show很受孩子们的喜爱,所以此处下划线的部分所在句子表达的的含义应是:孩子们迫不及待地在早春出去参加户外活动。由此可知,正确答案为B.

  34. A. 写作意图题。结合全文内容可知,全文主要给读者介绍了Swedish Outdoor Show这个活动项目。故正确答案为A.

  35. D. 标题判断题。纵观全文内容可知,全文主要介绍了在早春,2017年Swedish Outdoor Show的举办吸引了孩子们(和成年人)积极参加。故D项作为文章的标题最为合适。

  第二节:36—40 AGEEFB



  41. B. 根据上一句可知,作者是在清理冰箱,根据生活经验可知,作者将冰箱的每个抽屉都倒空 (emptied)了。

  42. C. 根据生活常识,作者在清理冰箱的过程中,将一些已经辨认不出 (unrecognizable) 好似什么东西的剩饭菜扔掉了。

  43. C. 根据本段的第一句话可知,作者到商店里采购食物,所以此处应该是购买 (bought)了一些水果和蔬菜,洗净并储存在刚刚清理好的冰箱里。

  44. D. 根据后半中句and washed them并结合生活经验可推知,作者从女儿的床下面翻出 (dig out)穿脏的衣服拿去洗涤。

  45. C. 根据生活常识,一般情况下,孩子们的脏衣服最容易掉到床 (bed)下面。

  46. A. 根据上半句可知,作者从孩子们的文件夹中拿出他们平时考试的试卷,结合生活常识可知,试卷上一般会有老师的批注,所以此处作者是在阅读老师在试卷上给孩子们的批注 (notes)。

  47. B. “like crazy”是固定表达,意为“疯狂地”,形容快速地完成很多的事情。

  48. C. 结合语境,作者此处是在倾诉,作为一名母亲,很多时候(times)会赶到孤立无援。

  49. C. 承接上一句的语境,作为一名母亲,总会有很多时候你感到没有人在背后支持你,帮助你处理琐碎的事情。此处“stand behind you”是比喻用法,本意为“站在某人的身后”,此处指“帮助某人”。

  50. D. 根据下一句的语境可知,作者很庆幸自己有很多人在自己的周围帮助自己,所以她甚至(e ven)都不敢想如果自己是一位单身母亲的话,会是一种什么样的感受。

  51. C. 根据下一段的第一句话可知,作者的丈夫也会常常帮助自己照顾孩子和家庭,所以她不敢想象作为一位单身(single)母亲的话,会是一种什么样的感觉。

  52. D. “involve sb. in…”是固定搭配,意为“忙于……”。此处意为“当我忙于工作的时候……”。

  53. A. 根据下一段可知,正是由于周围亲人朋友的帮助,作者的家和孩子的生活(lives)才没有受到很大的影响。

  54. B. “step up”此处相当于“come up”,表示作者的丈夫总是“走过来”帮助作者照顾孩子和处理家务。

  55. C. 根据句意,在作者的丈夫Zeb出差期间,作者的母亲过来陪着作者待了几个星期。while引导时间状语从句时,表示“在……期间”,后面常接延续性动词或状态动词。

  56. D. 根据下一句中的“fills my house with…”可知,Velma不仅比作者将家里(house)清理得更好,而且让这个家庭充满了正能量。

  57. C. 根据上下句之间的关系可知,上半句提到的是Velma给这个家庭带来的外在的变化,而下半句提到的是精神方面的变化,所以使用importantly (更重要的是),符合语境。

  58. D. 根据空格前面的fills my house with positive energy可知,Velma使作者家里充满了正能力量,让作者不再感到沮丧(discourage)。

  59. B. 根据生活经验,上班的那d些父母们都在“奋力地”(struggle)想在工作和家庭之间寻求一种平衡。

  60. C. 根据下一句的提示可知,作者在此处是要强调,没有来自方方面面的支持 (support),那种平衡是不可能存在的。



  第一节 短文改错

  Our English teacher, Ms. Joan, came to our school in 1986. She∧taught English


  for nearly 31 years so far. She works hardly and has been a model teacher for ages.


  She is kind to us but she is rather strict with us as well. She always

  encourages ourselves to speak and read more English. She is good at teaching and


  tries her best to make every lesson lively and interested. She is not only our teacher


  and also our friend. We students love and respect for her.


  Tomorrow she is going to attend a important meeting, at which she will be given a


  medal for his advanced deeds. We both sincerely congratulate her on achieving so

  her all such

  extraordinary achievements.


  One possible version:

  Dear Mike,

  As is well-known to all, physical and mental health is of great significance to success in exams. Therefore, I’d like to offer you some practical tips on it.

  Firstly, make it a rule to go to bed early and get up early to get enough sleep. Secondly, keep a balanced diet and not eat junk food. Thirdly, take more exercise to keep fit. Taking exercise can also make you full of energy. Next, have more talk with your teachers, parents and classmates to get a calm state of mind. Last but not least, listen to some peaceful music when you feel worried. The beautiful music can make you relaxed. I think what you do in your daily life has a great impact on your success.

  Best wishes and stay healthy.


  Li Hua





