



  After my husband died suddenly from a heart attack on the tennis court, my world crashed around me. My six children were 10, nine, eight, six, three and 18 months, and I was overwhelmed with the responsibilities of earning a living, caring for the children and just keeping my head above water.

  I was fortunate to find a wonderful housekeeper to care for the children during the week, but from Friday nights to Monday mornings, the children and I were alone, and frankly I was uneasy. Every creak of the house, every unusual noise, any late-night phone call-all filled me with dread. I felt incredibly alone.

  One Friday evening I came home from work to find a big beautiful German shepherd on our doorstep. This wonderful strong animal gave every indication that he intended to enter the house and make it his home. I, however, was wary. Where did this obviously well-cared-for dog come from? Was it safe to let the children play with a strange dog? Even though he seemed gentle, he still was powerful and commanded respect. The children took an instant liking to "German" and begged me to let him in. I agreed to let him sleep in the basement until the next day, when we could inquire around the neighborhood for his owner. That night I slept peacefully for the first time in many weeks.

  The following morning we made phone calls and checked lost-and-found ads for German's owner, but with no results. German, meanwhile, made himself part of the family and good-naturedly put up with hugs, wrestling and playing in the yard. Saturday night he was still with us, so again he was allowed to sleep in the basement.

  On Sunday I had planned to take the children on a picnic. Since I thought it best to leave German behind in case his owner came by, we drove off without him. When we stopped to get gas at a local station, we were amazed to see German racing to the gas station after us. He not only raced to the car, he leaped onto the hood and put his nose on the windshield, looking directly into my eyes. No way was he going to be left behind. So into the station wagon he jumped and settled down in the back for the ride to the picnic. He stayed again Sunday.

  Monday morning I let him out for a run while the children got ready for school. He didn't come back.

As evening came and German didn't appear, we were all disappointed. We were convinced that he had gone home or been found by his owners, and that we would never see him again. We were wrong. The next Friday evening, German was back on our doorstep. Again we took him in, and again he stayed until Monday morning, when our housekeeper arrived.

  This pattern repeated itself every weekend for almost 10 months. We grew more and more fond of German and we looked forward to his coming. We stopped thinking about where he belonged-he belonged to us. We took comfort in his strong, warm presence, and we felt safe with him near us. When we saw German come to attention and perk up his ears, and heard that low growl begin deep in his throat, we knew we were protected.

  As German became part of the family he considered it his duty to check every bedroom to be sure each child was snug in bed. When he was satisfied that the last person was tucked in, he took up his position by the front door and remained there until the morning.

  Each week, between German's visits, I grew a little stronger, a little braver and more able to cope; every weekend I enjoyed his company. Then one Monday morning we patted his head and let him out for what turned out to be the last time. He never came back. We never saw or heard from German again.

  I think of him often. He came when I needed him the most and stayed until I was strong enough to go on alone. Maybe there is a perfectly natural explanation for German's visits to our house-maybe his owner went away on weekends-maybe. I believe German was sent because he was needed, and because no matter how abandoned and alone we feel, somehow, somewhere, someone knows and cares. We are never really alone.

  55. What does the underlined part in the first paragraph mean?

  A. trying to keep calm in public B. avoiding being neglected by others

  C. showing her high spirit in face of trouble D. managing to continue to live

  56. Why did the German shepherd come to the author’s house?

  A. He was hungry and had no place to live in. B. His owner went away on weekends.

  C. The passage doesn’t tell us directly. D. He couldn’t find his way to his owner’s house

  57. We can conclude from the passage that ________.

  A. German liked to have a picnic with the family

  B. German’s owner put an ad for him

  C. the writer was not very willing to find German’s owner

  D. German was fond of living with the family

  58. Which of the following doesn’t agree with the passage?

  A. The children needn’t go to school on the weekend.

  B. The housekeeper only came on weekdays.

  C. But for the dog the writer would have broken down.

  D. German’s coming was a great comfort for the writer.

  59.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

  A. German came to the writer’s doorstep on a Friday.

  B. German stayed in the writer’s house for 10 months.

  C. German was forced to leave the writer’s home.

  D. The writer was heart-broken when German left.

  60. Which is the best title for the passage?

  A. Love me, love my dog B. We are not alone

  C. fight for your life D. Keep up when in trouble

  第二节:下面文章中有 5 个段落需要添加小标题(第 61-65 题) 。请从以下选项(A、B、C、D、E 和 F)中选出适合各段落的小标题,其中有一个是多余选项。

  A. Put on a happy face.

  B. Identify the tension.

  C. Clean up.

  D. Think pleasant thoughts.

  E. Play like a child.

  F. Make it new.

  Ways to Feel Calm Every Day

  When you feel as though you’re ready to explode, here are some ways to help you calm down.

  61. ___________________

  Write down the things ratcheting up your stress level—your finances, your scores. Next, figure out what you can control. Even small changes can help you feel as if you can handle the rest. Can you leave work earlier or later so you’re not caught in rush-hour traffic? Such adjustments can lessen the stress coming in, which decreases your blood pressure and the amount of adrenaline you’re running on.

  62. __________________

  When you get stressed about issued at work or in the world, focus your energy closer to home. Try a cleanup—your efforts will feel immensely satisfying. Do the laundry, organize the closets, toss out old medications and cosmetics, clean the fridge. Maintaining order on the home front can make you feel better about outside events that you can’t control.

  63. _________________

  Think about what you loved doing as a kid, and do it again. It’s important to have things in your life that give you some downtime. If you’re immersed in doing a jigsaw puzzle, you’re not going to be worrying about tomorrow’s meeting or the state of the economy.

  64. _________________

  Even if you’re not feeling as content as you’d like, presenting a happy face can actually become self-fulfilling. A study done at the University of California, Berkeley, found that when participants were instructed to look angry, disgusted, fearful, surprised, sad or happy, their moods changed with their expressions.

  65. _________________

Immerse yourself in a positive image or memory. Imagine a trip to the beach. What does the sand feel like? The warmth of the sun? The waves crashing on the beach? When you need a stress release, summoning up this image is a way of putting your head in a different place and relaxing your body.

  非选择题部分(共 40 分)

  第三部分:写作(共两节,满分 40 分)

  第一节:短文改错(共 10 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 10 分)

  下面短文中有 10 处语言错误。请在有错误的地方增加、删除或修改某个单词。

  增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(∧) ,并在其下面写上该加的词。




  2.只允许修改 10 处,多者(从第 11 处起)不计分。

  During the weekend I travelled by the air for the first time in my life. I usual travel by train or bus.

  It’s both cheaper and safe. But to fly in the sky was something new to me. At the end, I felt a little


  It was very nice to get your invitation to spend∧weekend with you. Luckily


  I was completely free then, so I'll to say ―yes‖. I'll arrive in Bristol at around 8:00p.m.


  in Friday evening.


  nervous and frightened. But very soon I became exciting when I found me high up in the sky among the

  clouds. I was like a little bird flying freely. I also found that mountains, fields, river and so on were

  interestingly small. It was such great fun. I really enjoy the frightening and comfortable journey very

  much. After all, it is more interesting take a plane than to take a car.

  第二节:书面表达 (满分 30 分)

  假设你现在正参加一场英语演讲比赛,你抽到的演讲题目是 After-class activities are of great benefit, 请你就该话题展开演讲。你的演讲必须包括以下三个方面的内容:

  1.你对题目的理解; 2. 用一个事例来支持你的理解; 3 .总结发言。

  注意:词数 120 左右。首尾已经给出,不计入总词数。

  Ladies and Gentlemen,

  It’s my honour to give a speech here. My topic of speech is ―After-class activities are of great benefit.


  Thanks for your attention!


  I. 单项选择 (共 10 分)

  1-5 CBDDB 6-10 ACBDB 11-15 DACDA 16-20 CCBDB

  II. 完形填空 (共 20 分)

  21-25ADBBC 26-30 DDBCA 31-35 ACBCA 36-40 BCBDA

  III. 阅读理解 (共 50 分,每小题 2 分)


  任务型阅读: 61-65 BCEAD

  IV. 短文改错(共 10 小题, 每小题 1 分, 满分 10 分)


  V. 书面表达 (共 30 分 )

  A possible version

  Ladies and Gentlemen,

  It’s my honour to give a speech here. My topic of speech is “After-class activities are of great benefit to us”. It goes without saying that after-class activities play a really important part in our school life. Proper activities help enrich our lives, broaden our horizons and develop our personalities.

My own experience can serve as a case in point. When I was in Senior one, I became a member of our drama club, where I used to go on weekends, appreciating classic literature operas, acting out the plays and creating our own performances. Since my participation in various activities organized by the club after class, I have achieved a lot.

  These activities bring me a lot of fun, provide me with good opportunities to develop new friendships, and open a window through which I have a brand-new outlook. With so many benefits shown above, why not join us to have fun!

  Thanks for your attention !