







  例:What is the man going to read?

  A. A newspaper.

  B. A magazine.

  C. A book.


  1. When does the play start?

  A. At 7:15. B. At 7:30. C. At 8:30.

  2. Where does the conversation probably take place?

  A. In a department store. B. In a post office. C. In a bank.

  3. What does Tom do now?

  A. He is a secretary. B. He is a novelist. C. He is a newspaperman.

  4. Where are the photos?

  5. What are the speakers talking about?

  A. Wine. B. Rice. C. Fruit.




  6. What are the two speakers mainly talking about?

  A. When to eat food.

  B. How to lose weight.

  C. Why to follow a good diet.

  7. Why did the man’s friend fall ill?

  A. Because he was overweight.

  B. Because he lacked enough exercise.

  C. Because he ate a little food every day.


  8. What does the woman want to do at first?

  A. Change the gloves. B. Return the gloves. C. Try on the gloves.

  9. How much will the woman pay to get the gloves she likes?

  A. $ 4. B. $ 25. C. $ 29.


  10. What is the relationship between the two speakers?

  A. Teacher and student. B. Colleagues. C. Classmates.

  11. Why does Dr. Downs want his students to have these books?

  A. These books are really cheap.

  B. He wants to discuss them in detail.

  C. The students are expected to read more.

  12. How does the woman suggest buying the books?

  A. She buys three and the man buys two.

  B. She pays the man fifty dollars for sharing.

  C. They each pay half of the total amount of money.


  13. Who are the listeners?

  A. Patients. B. Visitors. C. Doctors.

  14. When can visitors meet patients?

  A. At 2:00 pm. B. At 5:30 pm. C. At 7:30 pm.

  15. What is the purpose of the speech?

  A. To change the time schedule.

  B. To announce the hospital rules.

  C. To give patients some comfort.



  第二部分:知识运用(共两节, 45分)

  第一节 单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分, 共15分)


  例:It’s so nice to hear from her again. _____, we last met more than thirty years ago.

  A. What’s more B. That’s to say C. In other words D. Believe it or not


  21. It is freezing here. Wear your coat, ______ you’ll catch a cold.

  A. or B. so C. but D. and

  22. —The exam was easy, wasn’t it?

  —Yes, but I don’t think ______ could pass it.

  A. somebody B. anybody C. everybody D. nobody

  23. It snowed heavily all night, ______ really annoyed everyone.

  A. which B. that C. when D. where

  24. Listen, Mary ______ have done it. She’s been with me at the shop all day.

  A. wouldn’t B. shouldn’t C. needn’t D. couldn’t

  25. —Have you received a reply to your job application?

  —No. I ______.

  A. waited B. am waiting C. have waited D. had been waiting

  26. ______ Barbara Jones offers to her fans is honesty and happiness.

  A. Which B. Whom C. That D. What

  27. ______ his opinions more clearly, he used some body language.

  A. Express B. Expressing C. Expressed D. To express

  28. You can get to your destination earlier ______ you don’t mind taking the night train.

  A. when B. if C. though D. until

  29. She has owned the painting since 1950, when it ______ to her as a wedding present.

  A. has given B. gave C. was given D. has been given

  30. We haven’t discussed yet ______ we are going to place our new piano.

  A. where B. which C. what D. that

  31. I’d like to recommend some new computer programs _______ for home buildings.

  A. designing B. designed C. to design D. design

  32. If you ______ an hour earlier, you wouldn’t have been caught in the rain.

  A. has returned B. returned C. had returned D. will return

  33. —Hi, Albert, I can’t find my reference book!

  —Sorry, I ______ it and I guess I put it on the top shelf with my things.

  A. use B. had used C. am using D. used

  34. Don’t respond to any e-mails ______ personal information, no matter how official they look.

  A. requested B. request C. requesting D. to be requested

  35. Working in the kitchen for years made Alice ______ a good cook.

  A. for B. into C. of D. as

  第二节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,共30分)


  My Emotional (感人的) Experience in Jaipur

  I came to India in February 2012 to complete a volunteer practicum requirement with some friends. It was really an unforgettable experience!

  Before we set off, I thought it would be a hard job, __36__ that I could not adapt to the poor living conditions. After arriving in Jaipur, we went straight to the hotel that the Center had __37__ for us; a relief to us as we were tired from the __38__. During the following days we were __39__ to the city and had Hindi lessons with our guide Ravi.

On our fourth day in Jaipur we were taken to the head office. There we were __40__ for the Child Development Program and over the course we __41__ two studies related to child work and child rights. We focused on the experiences of the children who were working and the __42__ that pushed them into work. The experience was entirely new for me and I learned so much through the __43__. The best part of the work, however, was __44__ being in the communities and interacting with the children and their parents. I was __45__ to a way of life completely different from my own. In spite of the poor living situations, people in Jaipur were __46__. We found that the parents communicated openly with each other and they were always __47__ to share their own thoughts and feelings with their children. I could __48__ that people in Jaipur have positive relationships with their family and community members. Talking with the people there and hearing their stories was something that had a strong effect on my worldview, continuing to __49__ how I understand everything around me now. I have been __50__ by the people that I met through this experience.

  On the weekends I spent time in Jaipur, __51__ the city and shopping. We were __52__ enough to be there during Holi, an exciting and colorful celebration in February end or early March in India! We really __53__ every minute of the life in Jaipur!

  Generally, my practicum experience with Volunteering India was extremely __54__. I know that I will be thinking about everything that I saw, learned and __55__ in India and look forward to the day that I can return to this amazing country.

  36. A. expecting B. worrying C. determining D. promising

  37. A. booked B. covered C. reported D. designed

  38. A. distance B. program C. movement D. journey

  39. A. limited B. arranged C. introduced D. pointed

  40. A. responsible B. available C. famous D. powerful

  41. A. described B. conducted C. exchanged D. benefited

  42. A. standards B. chances C. fears D. causes

  43. A. adventure B. memory C. process D. discovery

  44. A. really B. simply C. properly D. generally

  45. A. exposed B. selected C. compared D. delivered

  46. A. independent B. attractive C. comfortable D. cheerful

  47. A. careful B. willing C. upset D. ashamed

  48. A. predict B. advise C. sense D. wonder

  49. A. influence B. reflect C. analyze D. test

  50. A. reminded B. witnessed C. admitted D. inspired

  51. A. identifying B. exploring C. representing D. charging

  52. A. curious B. energetic C. lucky D. generous

  53. A. valued B. delayed C. confirmed D. permitted

  54. A. complex B. reasonable C. reliable D. positive

  55. A. declared B. imagined C. experienced D. promoted





  A Special Appointment

  Years ago I moved to Woodland Hills to take a job in a small hospital’s emergency department. No one wanted to work on Christmas Eve, so the shift (轮班) went to me. I kissed my family goodbye and went off to spend the night in the hospital. It was a thankless job.

  At 9 pm, the ambulance brought in a man in his 60s who was having a heart attack. His face was pale, and he was frightened. The whole night I did my best to save his life. Before I left in the morning to spend Christmas with my family, I stopped by to see how he was doing. It was still tough, but he had survived the night and was sleeping.

  The following year I got Christmas Eve duty again. At 9 pm sharp, the ward clerk told me there was a couple who wanted to speak with me. When I approached them, the man introduced himself as Mr. Lee and said, “You probably don’t remember me, but last Christmas Eve you saved my life. Thank you for the year you gave me.” He and his wife hugged me, handed me a small gift, and left.

The following year a new doctor had joined the group, but I wanted to see if Mr. and Mrs. Lee would return. This time, I volunteered for the shift. I kept an eye on the door. Once again, at exactly 9 pm, the Lees appeared, carrying a warmly wrapped bundle. It was their new grandchild. Mr. Lee, his family and I spent 13 Christmas Eves together. In the later years the staff all knew about the story and would work to give me time with him in the break room, where we spent a half-hour each Christmas Eve.

  The last year I saw him, he brought me a gift. I carefully opened the package and found a crystal (水晶) bell inside. It was engraved (镌刻) with a single word: Friendship. Now, my family, friends and I ring that bell every Christmas Eve at exactly 9 pm and offer our best wishes to the man who we won’t forget.

  56. Working on Christmas Eve was considered “a thankless job” because ______.

  A. most patients were seriously ill

  B. patients refused to express thanks

  C. doctors had nothing to do on that day

  D. doctors couldn’t get praise for the hard job

  57. When the author left the hospital the next morning, Mr. Lee ______.

  A. was really angry with her B. was still in a state of danger

  C. got ready to leave the hospital D. recovered from his heart attack

  58. According to the passage, the author formed a habit of ______.

  A. celebrating Christmas Eve with her family

  B. giving Christmas gifts to the hospital staff

  C. spending Christmas Eve with Mr. Lee in hospital

  D. ringing the bell for patients in the emergency department

  59. Why does the author ring the bell on Christmas Eve?

  A. To honor her working experience. B. To tell kids the traditional custom.

  C. To show the beginning of the holiday. D. To remember an old friend of hers.


  Do you know a child who has used first aid to save a life or help an injured person?

  St. John Ambulance is seeking young people who have acted quickly, calmly and effectively at a real emergency for its annual Young First Aider of the Year awards.

  The awards are open to all those under 18, and the closing date for nomination (提名) is April 30, 2016. The winners will be invited to attend a special ceremony in June, 2016.

  “St. John Ambulance believes it is essential for young people to learn first aid so that they can help anyone who is injured,” said Sandra Stocker, director of St. John Ambulance Awards Committee. “The Young First Aider of the Year is a wonderful way to celebrate their bravery and quick-thinking.”

  Nomination for the Young First Aider of the Year is now open. Please complete and return the nomination forms as soon as possible and certainly no later than April 30, 2016. The committee will decide which of the nominees will receive the Young First Aider of the Year awards by considering the actions of the nominees along with their ages and other factors. You should send any evidence you have with the nomination form, showing the nominees’ actions.

  Examples of evidence could include:

  ◆ Newspaper clippings (剪报) of the incident.

  ◆ Police incident record numbers.

  Once a nomination form is received, the nominee or nominator may be approached for further details of the incident. For further information please get in touch with Sandra Stocker by email or on 020-73244082 or 020-73244083.

  Find out who our winners will be for 2016.

  60. What does the passage intend to tell the readers?

  A. Young people should learn first aid to help the injured.

  B. Learning first aid can help young people win an award.

  C. The injured are encouraged to act quickly and calmly.

  D. St. John Ambulance makes profit by training first aiders.

  61. If you suggest someone for the awards, you should ______.

  A. attend the awards ceremony B. make a speech introducing yourself

  C. provide the details of the incident D. have a good knowledge about first aid

  62. Which of the following is the best title for the passage?

  A. Demand for First Aiders B. Importance of First Aid

  C. St. John Ambulance Awards D. Young First Aider of the Year


  The Entropia Universe

  The Entropia Universe is a virtual world on the Internet, which seems very like our real life. It is set in a distant future and based on a planet called Calypso. Entropia was the brainchild of a group of Swedish computer lovers who decided to see if they could create a three dimensional (维度的) virtual world that could be placed on the Internet. They did manage after they received the financial backing they needed.

  The game can be played for free, but nearly all in-game activities require personal resources that you have available to use. Although there are various activities to keep you busy on Calypso, what most people do first is to find themselves a profession, such as hunting the fierce animals on Calypso, mining the precious minerals and making tools. Then they can think about buying their virtual house or paying a visit to a virtual nightclub or doing any of the other activities that make life bearable.

  Entropia has its very own economy (经济) and its own currency, the PED (Project Entropia Dollars). Players move real world money into PED which they then use to pay for their life on Calypso. However, the virtual things inside Entropia do have a real value in the outside world, and careful business deals mean that players can actually make real money there. PED can be changed into dollars any time at a rate of 10PED to 1US$.

  What’s so impressive about The Entropia Universe is the number of players; currently more than 600,000 representing over 220 countries from planet Earth. A number of players insist that it’s a good way to make money. However, the reality of Entropia’s economic system is that most people end up paying more than they earn and it’s not uncommon to find players who are paying up to 0 a month into their PED account. This might not be the most economical way of spending one’s free time. However, some people say that for them the fact that they can escape the realities of the earthbound life and become a different person with a completely different life for a few hours every week is worth the use of money, even if they don’t get any interest rates on it.

  63. What can we learn about The Entropia Universe?

  A. It costs nothing to join.

  B. It focuses on business plans.

  C. It is designed for computer lovers.

  D. It presents what life is like on other planets.

  64. What does Paragraph 2 mainly talk about?

  A. What people do on Calypso.

  B. When people buy houses there.

  C. How people make life bearable.

  D. Why people often find a job first.

  65. According to the author, playing on The Entropia Universe ______.

  A. may be very annoying B. can be quite expensive

  C. is a cheap way to kill time D. is a good way to earn money

  66. What can be inferred about The Entropia Universe?

  A. It is technical. B. It is satisfying.

  C. It is ridiculous. D. It is educational.