



  A. Music helps you eat less

  B. Music helps develop intelligence

  C. Music helps you sleep better

  D. Music reduces depression

  E. Music makes you happier

  F. Music lowers stress and improves health

  If you love listening to music, you’re in good company. Charles Darwin once remarked, “If I had my life to live over again, I would have made a rule to read some poetry and listen to some music at least once every week.” Recent research shows that listening to music improves our mental well-being and boosts our physical health in surprising and astonishing ways. Here are some amazing scientifically-proven benefits of being hooked on music.

  61. __________ Research at Georgia Tech University showed that softening the light and music while people ate led them to consume fewer calories and enjoy their meals more. If you’re looking for ways to curb your appetite, try dimming the lights and listening to soft music the next time you sit down for a meal.

  62. __________ Over 30% of Americans suffer from insomnia. A study showed that students who listened to relaxing classical music for 45 minutes before turning in slept significantly better than students who listened to an audiobook or did nothing different from their normal routine.If you’re having trouble sleeping, try listening to a little Bach or Mozart before bedtime to catch some Zs.

  63. __________ Research proves that when you listen to music you like, your brain releases dopamine, a “feel-good” neurotransmitter. Valorie Salimpoor, a neuroscientist at McGill University, injected eight music-lovers with a radioactive substance that binds to dopamine receptors after they listened to their favorite music. A PET scan showed that large amounts of dopamine were released, which biologically caused the participants to feel emotions like happiness, excitement, and joy. So the next time you need an emotional boost, listen to your favourite tunes for 15 minutes. That’s all it takes to get a natural high!

64. __________ More than 350 million people suffer from depression around the world. A whopping 90% of them also experience insomnia. The sleep research above found that symptoms of depression decreased significantly in the group that listened to classical music before bedtime, but not in the other two groups. Another study by Hans Joachim Trappe in Germany also demonstrated that music can benefit patients with depressive symptoms, depending on the type of music. Meditative sounds and classical music lifted people up, but techno and heavy metal brought people down even more. The next time you feel low, put on some classical or meditative music to lift your spirits.

  65. __________ Listening to music you enjoy decreases levels of the stress hormone cortisol in your body, which counteracts the effects of chronic stress. This is an important finding since stress causes 60% of all our illnesses and disease. One study showed that if people actively participated in making music by playing various percussion instruments and singing, their immune system was boosted even more than if they passively listened. To stay calm and healthy during a stressful day, turn on the radio. Be sure to sing along and tap your feet to the beat to get the maximum healing benefit.



  第一节: 短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)





  注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

  2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

  Alex Baker, a young American, has a big stomach. He take part in a public competition, which held in a small town near Cincinnati last Saturday to find out who could eat the most in a shortest time. He succeeded in setting a record. In the giving time by the judge, Baker drank two bowl of soup, a whole chicken, half a goose, 10 eggs with 10 pieces of bread or a big cake. To everyone surprise, besides all these, he finished 20 glasses of beer. On the way to home with his friend Tom, Baker begged him sincere:“Don’t tell my wife about the competition until before dinner. I’m afraid she won’t give me anything to eat.”

  第二节:书面表达 (满分30分)



  Dear Sir,

  I’d like to recommend Li Yue as our monitor.






  Zhang Hua



  1-5 ADDCB 6-10 BCACA 11-15 CBDAD 16-20 CABBC


  21-25 BDACA 26-30 BCDBC 31-35 ABDBC 36-40 DAACD


  41-45 DBACD 46-49 CBDA 50-54 CDCAD 55-60 BDCCAC

  61-65 ACEDF




  Dear Sir,

  I’d like to recommend Li Yue as our monitor. Intelligent and diligent, he is one of the top students in our class. However, the reason why I recommend him is that he is responsible and always willing to help others.

The other day, while going to school, I happened to see an old lady getting across the street with difficulty. Suddenly, a familiar figure got into my sight. It was Li Yue who walked the old lady safely to the other side of the street. Small act as it was, it impressed me a lot. Heroes are not necessarily those who save the world, but those who help others around them.

  Too many examples can account for my recommendation. He is a born image of a qualified monitor. I hope that you’ll take my advice into consideration!


  Zhang Hua






