





  Mr. and Mrs. Smith married in 1956. They led a happy life as farm workers in a town in England. It was 21 work from dawn till dusk but, 22 they grew older, they started to plan their retirement 一 they 23 to travel around Europe.

  24 . when Mrs. Smith was 52 years old, she lost her 25 . Feeling her life was over, Mrs. Smith was sad at the possibility of being unable to go on the 26 they had always dreamed about and didn’t want to face a world of 27 . As a result, she shut herself away from the world and began living a life of 28 in her room. It pained her husband to see her become 29 . He thought if they could at least have a visitor each day, it would 30 his wife to come out.

  One day, Mr. Smith 31 a pink flower in the garden and it occurred to him that the beauty of flowers can be 32 not only through eyes but through 33 as well. If he should create a garden 34 flowers, his wife could still 35 their beauty, and people might also come to visit, which would 36 a smile to her face again.

With this in 37 , after two years of hard work, their house was 38 surrounded by a sea of bright flowers, which gave off a pleasant smell.

  Now, the garden constantly 39 visitors from cities nearby. Mrs. Smith can 40 be seen walking around the garden with her husband, a huge smile on her face.

  21. A. easy B. tough C. interesting D. special

  22. A. after B. before C. until D. as

  23. A. desired B. managed C. applied D. demanded

  24. A. Therefore B. Meanwhile C. However D. Otherwise

  25. A. hearing B. smell C. taste D. sight

  26. A. trip B. business C. farming D. gardening

  27. A. surprise B. loneliness C. darkness D. silence

  28. A. union B. separation C.joy D. confidence

  29. A. upset B. nervous C. calm D. shameful

  30. A. instruct B. remind C. require D. encourage

  31. A. glanced upon B. depended upon C. set up D. took up

  32. A. observed B. experienced C. researched D. imagined

  33. A. ears B. mouths C. hands D. noses

  34. A. short of B. painted with C. filled with D. equipped with

  35. A. enjoy B. notice C. judge D. ignore

  36. A. take B. bring C. send D. give

  37. A. hand B. place C. mind D. order

  38. A. originally B. especially C. instantly D. eventually

  39. A. touches B. draws C. stops D. confuses

  40. A. once B. never C. often D. seldom






  We live in a world where snapping (抓拍)photos of your kids and posting them to social media is about as natural to parents as kissing them. But when enjoying 41 (they) with little ones, sharing pictures at birthday parties, or wearing new 42 (cloth), parents should keep some moments private. Otherwise, you may put kids into embarrassment, or even 43 (bad), make them a potential target for child traders. 44 children at certain stages hate their photos to be made public too.

  Now, parents 45 post pictures of their children on social media could be accused by their sons or daughters under France’s privacy laws. Mothers and fathers are likely 46 (face) a year in prison and a fine of £35,000, if they 47 (find) guilty of posting details of their children’s private lives without their permission. And adults, who accuse that their parents damaged their right to privacy when they 48 (be) children, could receive a large amount of money from their parents. In February, Eric Delcroix, 49 expert on Internet law, posted a message on Wechat, reading: “Please stop 50 (post) pictures of your kids on Wechat.”










  I saw a dress in a shop and I knew my sister would love it. My money was tightly, so I asked the store owner keep it for me.

  “May I buy a dress for you?” asked another customer. “Thank you, so I can’t accept such a generous gift.” I said. Then she told me why it was so important for her to help me. She has been homeless for three year and she would not be able to survive with the kindness of strangers.

  “I’m no longer homeless, and my situation has been improved.” She said. “I promise me that I would repay the kindness so much had shown me.


  假定你是李华,2月8日到英国旅游,在伦敦希思罗机场(London Heathrow Airport) 出口处拾到一个手提箱,你把它交给机场工作人员,他们非常感谢你,同时请你写一份情况 说明。要点如下:








  I'm Li Hua.



  1^4 BDBA 5 〜8CAAC 9 〜12BCDC

  13 〜15CDD 16-20 FCGEB


  21 〜25BDACD 26-30 ACBAD 31 〜35 ABDCA 36-40 BCDBC


  41. themselves 42. clothes 43. worse 44. Besides/Furthermore/Moreover

  45. who/that 46. to face 47. are found 48. were 49. an 50. posting


  I saw a dress in a shop and I knew my sister would love it. My money was tightly (改为 tight),so I asked the store owner (加 to) keep it for me.

  “May I buy a (改为 the)dress for you?” asked another customer. “Thank you, so(改为 but) I can’t accept such a generous gift.” I said. Then she told me why it was so important for her to help me. She has (改为 had) been homeless for three year (改为 years) and she would not be able to survive with (改为 without) the kindness of strangers.

  “I’m no longer homeless, and my situation has been (删掉)improved.” She said. “I promise me (改为 myself) that I would repay the kindness so much (改为 many) had shown me.


  A possible version

I'm Li Hua, a high school student from China. Vm here in Britain for my holidays. At around 8:30, on the morning of February 8th, I found a lost suitcase near the exit to London Heathrow Airport. I waited there for some time, but nobody came for it.

  I handed it in to the information center. It is a black suitcase of rectangle shape. Its size is just as big as a school bag. When picked, the suitcase was half open and there are some documents and a camera in it.

  I wish the owner could come back soon and get it!

  Li Hua






