



  第三部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)

  第一节完形填空 (共20小题:每小题1.5分,满分30分)


  As a very young child, I recall watching a children’s film titled, “The Little Drummer Boy.” The 41 story told about a 42 shepherd boy(牧童) who went to visit the Christ child on the day of his birth. When he arrived, the boy 43 that other visitors presented the 44 Jesus and his parents with gifts of gold and perfume, but the shepherd boy had no 45 because of being poor. The only 46 in the world the child had was a small handmade drum, and so, the little drummer boy gave the 47 gift he could give out of the pureness of his heart. The young shepherd picked up his drum, and as he looked in wonder at the Christ child, he 48 the best song ever—a drum solo(独奏曲) inspired by the opening of his own heart.

  49 as an adult, this cartoon never 50 to bring a tear to my eye. 51 , it is only a make-believe story, but the message it 52 is not only very real, but of great importance.

  The gift of self is a most precious gift, indeed, 53 it is not a gift that can be 54 easily with money, but requires the time, energy, and love of the 55 . For example, every 56 knows how her heart beats when her child 57 her with a hand-drawn card, offers her a hand-picked 58 , or gives her a noodle necklace! I don’t 59 you, but that silly noodle necklace was more 60 to me than diamonds or pearls! This, my friends, is a gift of love.

  41.A.historic B. fictional C. current D. genuine

  42.A.healthy B. gifted C. lonely D. poor

  43.A. realized B. witnessed C.opposed D. regretted

  44.A. baby B. grown-up C.teenage D.wise

  45.A. talent B. strength C. gift D.interest

  46.A. possession B. companion C. instrument D. relative

  47.A. extra B. only C.same D. ordinary

  48.A. wrote B. played C. recorded D.remembered

  49.A.Still B.Ever C.Somehow D. Even

  50.A. prepare B.manages C. fails D. offers

  51.A. However B.Besides C. Strangely D. Certainly

  52.A. hides B.receives C. conveys D. describes

  53.A. because B. and C.so D. or

  54.A. wasted B. honoured C. purchased D. consumed

  55.A. buyer B. giver C. receiver D. child

  56.A. teacher B.adult C. nurse D. mother

  57.A. awards B. provides C. presents D. charges

  58.A.flower B. card C.letter D.necklace

  59.A. laugh at B. know about C. believe in D. argue with

  60.A. vital B. available C. beneficial D. precious



  41-45.BDAAC 46-50.ABBDC 51-55.DCACB 56-60.DCABD

  41.B。根据第二段第二句it is only a make-believe story(这只是一个虚构的故事)可知。

  42.D。由45空后because of being poor可知。

  43.A。当小男孩到达之后,他意识到(realize)其他的客人给小耶酥及其父母赠送了礼物,但他自己没有带礼物。根据but后的内容排除B. witnessed。

  44.A。由上句on the day of his birth可知,小耶酥刚刚出生。




  48.B。因a drum solo用是鼓演奏的,用play。

  49.D。根据句意:即使成年后,这部卡通片也总是让我感到得热泪盈眶。even意为“甚至,即使”,用来强调出乎意料或令人惊奇的事情(used to emphasize sth. unexpected or surprising)。

  50.C。fail to do sth.表示“没能做某事”,never fail to do则表示“从未做不到,总是能做”。


  52.C。句意:但它传达的信息不仅真实,而且重要。the message it conveys意为“它传达的信”,message后接定语从句it conveys,省略了关系代词that/which。短语convey the message意为“传达信息,给予启示”。

  53.A。因后面讲的是The gift of self弥足珍贵的原因,用because引导原因状语从句。



  56.D。由后文her child可知。

  57.C。表示“赠予某人某物”,为present sb. with sth.


  59.B。句意:我不知道你是怎么想的,但那个幼稚的面条做的项链对我来说,比钻石和珍珠更珍贵。know about了解,知道…的情况;laugh at 嘲笑,believe in 信赖,信仰,argue with 与……争辩。

  60.D。由than diamonds or pearls可知填precious(珍贵的)。



  When I was a boy, my Dad, Mom, Grandma, two brothers and I all lived together in 61 aging house. One day I was playing in my room 62 my Mom walked in carrying a new flower pot to hang on the porch(门廊 ). My Dad was staying in the living room 63 (rest) in his chair after a long and tiring day at work. A surprise was waiting for us all, though. The night before, a snake 64 (climb) up the bank from the river near our home and made its way up the 65 (step) and onto the wooden roof beams(梁) of the porch. Just as my Mom opened the door 66 (go) out on the porch, the head of the snake dropped from the beams right in front of 67 (she) face.

  In my entire life I had never heard my Mom scream so loud or seen my Dad move so fast. He dashed out in a second, caught the snake by the back of the head, and pulled it away from my 68 (terrify) Mom. Later, 69 the snake gone, the whole family laughed 70 (happy) while my Dad wrapped his arms around my Mom in love.

  第二节 语法填空

  61.an 62.when 63. resting 64.had climbed 65.steps

  66.to go 67.her 68.terrified 69.with 70.happily

  61.an。考查冠词。an aging house意为“一座老房子”。表示“一”,用不定冠词;因aging是元音开头,用an。

  62.when。考查连词。表示“正在做……这时”,为be doing…when…。

  63. resting。考查非谓语。现在分词作伴随状语。

  64.had climbed。考查时态。根据状语the night before和故事内容,须用过去完成时。


  66.to go。考查非谓语。动词不定式作目的状语。





  第四部分 写作(共两节,满分35分)






  注意: 1. 没出错误及其修改均仅限一词;

  2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

  Welcome to our English Corner! This Corner set up two years ago. We gather there every Friday evening. Except the students from our school and other schools, many English lovers and some foreigner also join us. We not only talk about things we are interested in to practicing our oral English, but also exchanged experience in English study. In an addition, we can make much friends and have a good time here.

  It is proved that our English Corner is very helpfully and is popular with students, teachers and parents. Though you want to improve your English and make your life more colorful, join us!

  第四部分 写作(共两节,满分35分)


  Welcome to our English Corner! This Corner∧ set up two years ago. We gather


  there every Friday evening. Except the students from our school and other schools,

  here Besides

  many English lovers and some foreigner also join us. We not only talk about things


  we are interested in to practicing our oral English, but also exchanged experience in

  practice/practise exchange

  English study. In an addition, we can make much friends and have a good time here.

  去掉an many

  It is proved that our English Corner is very helpfully and is popular with


  students, teachers and parents. Though you want to improve your English and


  make your life more colorful, join us!







  6.第五句中的exchanged改为exchange。由句中的we not only talk可知用现在时态。

  7.去掉第六句中的an。In addition(另外)为固定搭配。









  注意: 1. 词数100左右;

  2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;

  3. 结语已为你写好。



  One Possible Version

  Dear Tom,

  I’m writing to send you my hearty greetings on your birthday. It’s a special day today and I’ve prepared a self-made gift for you. It’s a Chinese knot, which stands for friendship, love and good luck. Please accept it, not for its own value, but for the sake of the thoughts it represents.

  I’m so sorry that I’ll have to be late for your birthday party this evening. My cousin, who lives in Beijing, is coming to visit us, and my parents inform me to meet him at the railway station. But I’ll go to your party the moment I take him to my home, so please wait for me to sing the birthday song for you!

  Happy birthday and many happy returns of the day!


  Li Hua






