



  Why do human beings still risk their lives under ground and doing one of the dirtiest and most dangerous jobs in the world? It’s an increasingly urgent question, given the recent mining accidents in Sago. W. Va. and Huntington, Utah. A small group of engineers and robotics experts look forward to a day in the not-too-distant future when robots and other technology do most of the dangerous mining work.

  Robotic technology, in particular, holds much promise, McAteer says, especially when it comes to mapping mines and rescuing trapped miners—the special operations of the mining industry.

  One of the first mining robots was developed five years ago at Canegie-Mellon University’s Robotics Institute. It was called Groundhog. It used lasers to “see” in dark tunnels and map abandoned mines – some of the most dangerous work in the business

  The latest design is called Cave Crawler. It’s a bit smaller than Grondhog, and even more advanced. It can take photos and video and has more sensors that can discover the presence of dangerous gases. The robot has a real sense of logic, which is hard to believe. If it comes across a thing in the way it gets confused. It has to think through the process and where to go next, and sometimes it throws a fit just like a real person.

  The greatest problem, though, is cost. The money of the earliest research project was provided by the government, but that money has dried up, and it’s not clear where future money will come from. Partly for that reason, and partly because of advances in safely, mining is not nearly as dangerous as it was in the past. Since 1990,fatalities(致命性) have declined by 67 percent and injuries by 51 percent, according to the National Mining Association.

  Some experts predict that robots in the mines will serve much of the same function that they do in the automotive industry. The robot do the most boring and dangerous jobs, but don’t eliminate the need for human workers.

  51. The latest robot is more advanced than Groundhog mainly because_____.

  A. it’s a bit smaller

  B. it can map abandoned mines

  C. it can see in the dark tunnel

  D. it has a real sense of logic

  52. The underlined phrase “throws a bit” in Paragraph 4 probably means _____.

  A. gets angry B. gets sick

  C. becomes hungry D. becomes cheerful

  53. We can infer from the last paragraph that _____.

  A. robots in mines will serve much in the automotive industry

  B. there will be no need for human workers in mines

  C. the mine robots will have a very bright future

  D. robots in mines only do some simple jobs now

  54. We can learn from the text that _____.

  A. a mining robots can help miners have an operation

  B. Groundhog can discover the presence of dangerous gases

  C. experts are trying to make robots help miners with dangerous work

  D. robots have helped improve the safety of mining

  55. What can be the best title for the text?

  A. Mining Accidents in America

  B. Robots in Mines

  C. Cave Crawler, the Latest Robot

  D. The Future of Robots






  When we were growing up in our grandparents’ home, Jack, my grandfather, was always in his room sitting in the chair and listening to the radio. The voices speaking from the metal box day and night, taught us that there was a larger world outside. He would roll the black dial (刻度盘) back and forth until the signal was clear. Then he would listen.

  Now he is old and falls ill. When I went to visit him, he said to me, “I dislike the Internet. The problem is that we’re losing primary contact with each other. No more shaking hands. Everyone is so busy. We want too much and in the process of getting it we miss so much.” He stopped for a while. “It makes me lonely and sad.” Then he looked at me, “I just want to hear your voices.”

  I think of all the voices on the radio he has spent a lifetime listening to. I asked, “How did you become interested in radio?” “I don’t know,” he said. “It was another way to reach people. I was always interested in searching for a better signal, a clearer, more powerful signal that could communicate with someone somewhere.”

  “And I’ll tell you another funny thing: you can electronically eliminate all kinds of noise from the signal, but you can’t remove natural noise caused by thunder and lightning, rainstorms, or snowstorms.”

  He closed his eyes and smiled. “I was just thinking that in spite of all our technologies, maybe we haven’t progressed that far as human beings. We shouldn’t forget we still have the same basic needs.”

  56. What did Jack use to do in his room? (No more than 15 words)


  57. Why did Jack roll the black dial back and forth? (No more than 5 words)


  58. How is Jack feeling now? (No more than 10 words)


  59. What does the underlined word “eliminate” in Paragraph 4 mean? (1 words)


  60. What should you do to solve the problem of losing direct contact with others?

  (No more than 20 words)



  61.近年来,微信(WeChat)成为人们日常生活中必不可少的通讯工具,尤其在今年春节期间,“微信抢红包”热(“Red envelope” fever)风靡全国。请对这一现象写一篇短文,内容包括以下几点:







  In recent years, WeChat is becoming increasingly popular._______________









  1-5CDDAC 6-10ACCDB 11-15ACCCB

  16-20ACACB 21-25DABBD 26-30DCCBC 31-35DAABB

  36-40CBDBA 41-45ACCDB 46-50ABDBC 51-55DACCB

  56. He used to sit in the chair, listening to his radio.

  57. To find a clear signal.

  58. He is feeling lonely and sad.

  59. Remove.

  60. We should reduce the time we spend on the Internet and find more time to communicate with others.

  61. One possible version:

  In recent years, WeChat is becoming increasingly popular. “Red envelope” fever has swept the country especially during this Spring Festival.

  There are many reasons for WeChat to be known. To begin with, WeChat is a relatively cheap way of communication, which cuts down the cost of making a phone call. Next, WeChat is to the taste of the majority of people with the various functions; it is available everywhere at any time.

  However, problems exist meanwhile. Firstly, our identity can be revealed and we can be in trouble. Moreover, it may make communicating with others face to face less. Finally, our attention might be drawn too much to focus on work.

  There is some doubt that WeChat will improve as time goes by.






