


  第二部分 英语知识运用(共两节, 满分45)

  Last Christmas, I didn't get a single Christmas present. This wasn't a __41_ I had asked for it. A week before Christmas. I decided that instead of 42 presents. I wanted to buy presents for the 43 in the local orphanage (孤儿院).

  When I told my family my plans, there was a lot of __44_ . On Christmas Day, however. the __45__ shocked me.

  As I knocked on the door of the orphanage that morning. I fell __46__ and unprepared for what was coming. I almost _ 47__ , but then a woman opened the door and __48__ as she led me in.

  I'd heard a lot about how orphanages were __49__ built but the reality was still a shock.I instantly _50__ it. There were no smiles. It felt a bit like being in a huge house filled with forgotten. __51__ kids.

  I was taken to a room full of children, and was suddenly __52__ at how empty it felt. I wanted to make these children smile. I felt 53 ,and I was.

  But then, as my presents were __54__ , the atmosphere in the room changed. I could see the ___55___ in the eyes of the children. My feeling of powerlessness ___56 __. A little girl ran up to me and __57__ my legs. I carried a little boy in my arms and he kissed me on the nose before lying___ 58___ against my shoulder, which moved me to tears.

  For many of us, Christmas is the best time of the year. The time I spent in the orphanage taught me that the __59__ I felt at Christmases should not be taken for granted. It taught me to __60__ everything that was mine.

  41. A. joke B. holiday C. surprise D. story

  42. A. distributing B. receiving C. donating D. exchanging

  43. A. doctors B. patients C. workers D. children

  44. A. support B. doubt C. disagreement D. humor

  45. A. trend B. disaster C. reality D. emotion

  46. A. energetic B. ashamed C. excited D. uncomfortable

  47. A. turned up B. turned away C. broke down D. broke in

  48. A. hesitated B. smiled C. whimpered D. cried

  49. A. secretly B. frequently C. poorly D. randomly

  50. A. hated B. left C. forgot D. abandoned

  51. A. unwanted B. unwilling C. unbearable D. unconscious

  52. A. regretful B. angry C. confused D amused

  53. A. proud B. encouraged C. disappointed D. powerless

  54. A. picked out B. put aside C. turned down D. handed out

  55. A. envy B. kindness C. excitement D. tension

  56. A. arose B. grew C. disappeared D. returned

  57. A. hugged B. bit C. scratched D. hit

  58. A. heavily B. gently C. quickly D. guiltily

  59. A. happiness B. gratitude C. respect D. loneliness

  60. A. receive B. keep C contribute D. value



  I was born in London, bill I grew up in Taunton, which is a small town with not much to do,so I had to invent a lot of garner. This is probably 61_____ I was good at making things. As a child. I always enjoyed 62______ (design) objects.

  At the age of 16,1 decided to leave school to work for a design company. 63________ (main) doing routine work in the office. During this time I learnt a lot 64 _______my manager. She was quite inspiring and taught me how 65______(solve) problems by looking at things in a different way.

  In 2006. I 66______(feel) I needed a new challenge so I decided to take a film-making course. My 67_______ (apply) was successful and I spent a(n) 68______ (enjoy) month learning film-making. It was at this time that I realized the most suitable job for 69_______ was designing advertisements and commercial films. I made up my mind to develop different 70_______ (skill) so that I would be able to work in this field in the future.

  第三部分 写作(共两节,满分35)


  Our school was founded in 1989. It’s in the foot of a mountain. It’s a real beautiful school in our city, that many flowers and trees have been planted. There is no dormitory for student in the school so no one else lives in it. School starts at seven o’clock but we have to get up very early in∧morning to go to school from home. There are many activities in our school. That we like most is the sports meeting, and they all take an active part in it. The school basketball team won the national match in 2015, earn a great honor for our school.










  Dear John,

  I’m writing to introduce to you my friend Dapeng, who’s going to further his study in your city, New York.








  答案 21 D 22 B 23 A 24 B 25 C 26 D 27 A 28.A 29.B 30.C 31.C 32 B 33 A 34 A 35 D 36 G 37 F 38 B 39 C 40 D

  41 C 42 B 43 D 44 A 45 C 46 D 47 B 48 B 49 C 50 A 51 A 52 B 53 D 54 D 55 C 56 C 57 A 58 B

  59 A 60 D

  答案 61. why 62. designing 63. mainly 64. from 65. to solve

  66. felt 67. application 68. enjoyable 69. me 70. skills







