


  第二部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)


  Once upon a time, there was an evil wizard (巫师). One night, the wizard visited a city and stole a thousand tongues from the 21 people. He took these tongues and put a spell (咒语) on them. The spell 22 that these tongues could only say bad things about people. Then the wizard returned the tongues to their 23 , who knew nothing.

  Soon that city was filled with the 24 of people saying bad things about each other, "Yes, that guy is a bore, and the other is really 25 ... " Soon everyone was angry with everyone else, and this 26 the evil wizard no end of satisfaction.

  27 all this, the good wizard decided to change this with his own 28 . He put a spell on the 29 of the people. Under this spell, whenever the ears heard people criticizing others , they would 30 tightly, so that nothing could be heard. And a great and terrible 31 between tongues and ears started one endlessly 32 , and the other blocking all this out.

  Who won the battle? Well, with the passing of time, the tongues started to feel completely 33 Why talk if no one was 34 ? Being tongues, they liked to be heard, so they 35 started to change the kind of things they would say. When the tongues realized that saying 36 things about people meant they would be listened to once again, they were filled with 37 ,and forgot forever the spell they had been under.

  Even to this day, the evil wizard 48 putting spells on the tongues all over the world. But 49 the good wizard, everyone knows that to put a(n) 50 to gossip, all one has to do is pay no attention to it.

  21. A. working B. playing C. sleeping D. crying

  22. A. meant B. concluded C. predicted D. promised

  23. A neighbors B. owners C. friends D. guests

  24. A. advice B. habit C. plan D. sound

  25. A. careful B. healthy C. stupid D. active

  26. A. showed B. lent C. caused D. brought;

  27. A. Reading B. Writing C. Doing D. Seeing

  28. A. ideas B. materials C. power D. money

  29. A. dreams B. words C. eyes D .ears

  30. A. close up B. toy out C. move on D. get together

  31. A.discussion B. battle C. teamwork D. game

  32. A. criticizing B. singing C. laughing D. speaking

  33. A. slow B useless C. difficult D. dangerous

  34. A. listening B. attending C.explaining D.leaving

  35. A. happily B. frequently C.suddenly D. gradually

  36. A. easy B. common C. good D. important

  37. A, joy B. freedom C. courage D. patience

  38. A. suggests B. continues C. Stops D.risks

  39. A. together with B. instead of C.thanks to D. according to

  40. A. excuse B. end C. secret D. key




  Linda: Car!, what's this in your hand?

  Cad; It's 41 e-book. It's used for reading. Linda: Is it expensive?

  Car!: A Little, I think. It costs 150 dollars. There are over 1,000 books on it, most of 42 are great works of world-famous writers.

  Linda: Did you buy it 43 (you)?

  CarJ: No. My father bought it for me. He hopes I can use it 44 (do) a lot of reading. You know, I like watching TV very much. He hopes I’11 spend more time reading and 45 (little) time watching TV.

  Linda: Reading is good for us. .

  Carl: What do you usually do in your free time, Linda

  Linda: I used to collect stamps, but now I 'm fond of 46 (collect) coins. Carl: Collecting coins? 47 (sound) interesting.

  Linda: It's great fun. I 48 (start)the hobby when I was in high school and so far I have collected over 500 coins of 49 (difference) shapes and sizes. I can learn a lot 50 these coins.

  Carl: Could you show me some of your coins tomorrow?

  Linda: No problem.









  Our school organized a activity to help the students in greatly need this afternoon. It held in the school's playground. At the beginning, the headmaster called on all the teachers and student to give away some money to the students which come from poor families. Then our teachers gave away pan of their salaries and us students gave away our pocket money. Finally, we raised up over 50,000 yuan . We all felt very happy that we can help.

  I think it is very meaningful to hold such an event . Not only does it help those poor students, and it also helps us develop the habit of save money.



  1.你的理想工作; 2.你理想中的业余生活: 3.你将如何实现你的理想

  注意:1.词数100左右,开头已经为你写好 2.可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。

  I want to talk about my ideal life in the future. ______________







