






  School failure is a process in which a student slips farther and farther behind his peers(同龄人)and gradually disconnects from the educational system. The end result of school failure is leaving school before graduation. Many cases of school failure happen among students who have the ability and intelligence to succeed but are not able or willing to apply these abilities in the school setting.

  People who fail in school may feel “stupid”, but emotional or mental health problems and “hidden” learning disorders, not low intelligence, often are the root causes of their inability to meet the standards of a school. The following are some factors that can lead to school failure.

  Depression is one of the most common causes of school difficulties. It is a condition that makes people trapped in low spirits for long periods of time, have less energy, and lose interest in studies that normally give them pleasure.

  Anxiety is a feeling of excessive worry about a possible danger or an uncomfortable situation that is intense enough to interfere with(妨碍)a person’s ability to concentrate and focus.

  Students also may bring their problems at home to school with them. If a student’s family is experiencing violence, unemployment, or any other upsetting situation, it can be difficult for him to concentrate on schoolwork. Many students who are having family problems might have trouble controlling their anger and frustration at school, and they may end up in trouble because of their behavior.

  Learning disorders are conditions that interfere with gaining specific academic skills, such as reading or writing. Learning disorders can damage a person’s ability to process or remember information.

  Students at risk of school failure need to be identified as early as possible in their school careers if they are to receive the help they need. This task usually falls to the teachers and parents. Parents can help by taking a genuine interest in their children’s school life and attending school events. They should take seriously sudden changes in their children’s behavior, sleeping, or eating. Besides, they should help their child identify what he or she is bad at or good at.

  On the other hand, there are a lot of things teachers can do to help those students who fail in school. For example, they can develop learning plans that support the students’ strengths, carry out evaluations about their possible learning disabilities, support their learning by teaching them how to study, and encourage them to participate in school activities, such as sports, plays, or clubs, so that they feel they are a part of the school.

  School failure

  第五部分 单词拼写(共10小题,每小题1分,共10分)


  76. I know your time is p________, but could you please give me a few minutes?

  77. After a________ to his mother for his rude remarks, he was forgiven.

  78. In the resort you can enjoy all the comfort and ________(便利,方便) of modern tourism.

  79. I took his advice and found it was really b________ to me.

  80. Taking illegal drugs made his whole life completely d__________.


  81. Q: To what degree was the largest biscuit heavy in the competition?

  A: It was so heavy that a crane had to be used to r__________ it from the lorry.

  82. Q: Do tramps have to sacrifice their human dignity for independence? Why?

  A: No, because they deliberately choose their way of life, fully a__________of the consequences.

  83. Q: How did the tourists react when the decks were soon covered with various wares?

  A: Many of them found it difficult not to be tempted and began b__________ with the tradesmen.

  84. Q: In the concept of “sick humor”, how do comedians make their jokes?

  A: Comedians b__________ their jokes on tragic situations like violent death or serious accidents.

  85. Q: Why did Eric return to his father’s farm and hide until the end of the war?

  A: Because he learned that he would be sent a__________.

  第六部分 书面表达(满分20分)

  信息时代广告无处不在,魏则西事件让我们进一步懂得了虚假广告的危害,由此而引发的有关虚假广告的讨论愈演愈烈。请就此给China Daily投稿,发表自己的见解。


  1. 虚假广告形式多样:有些广告宣传的内容与所提供的商品或者服务的实际质量不符;有些广告即使没有撒谎,但并不意味着它是完全清白的。

  2. 虚假广告的危害:给消费者造成经济损失,甚至会影响生命健康;不仅对个人,对社会也造成危害……(具体阐述)。

  3. 你认为应该采取哪些措施来阻止防范更多虚假广告的发生,至少两点。


  1. 对所给要点逐一陈述,适当发挥,不要简单翻译。

  2. 词数150左右。开头已经写好,不计入总词数。

  3. 作文中不得提及考生所在学校和本人姓名。

  参考词汇: 误导mislead (vt.) 规范regulate (vt.)

  Nowadays, no matter where you go, ads are everywhere to be seen. The death of Wei Zexi—a college student of China -- has caused a heated online discussion about false advertising.











  51-53 DCC 54-57 BCDC 58-61 CCDB 62-65 BCDA


  66. disconnected/separated 67. leaving 68. factors 69. energetic 70. concentrating/focusing

  concentrated/focused 71. academically 72. concern 73. ignore 74. Evaluate 75. belonging

  单词拼写 (共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分)

  76. precious 77. apologizing 78.convenience 79.beneficial 80.destroyed

  81. remove 82.aware 83.bargaining 84.base 85. abroad


  Nowadays, no matter where you go, ads are everywhere to be seen. The death of Wei Zexi—a college student of China -- has caused a heated online discussion about false advertising.

  False ads appear in various forms. In some cases, what they provide does not match what they promote. Even if some ads do not lie, it does not mean they are completely innocent. They can mislead consumers to make mental connection with what they are trying to sell.

  False advertising may cause consumers to spend more money than they actually need, and even ruin their health in some extreme cases. Meanwhile, it may influence people’s trust in media and disturb the market order.

  As far as I am concerned, some measures should be taken to stop false advertising. Laws should be made to regulate advertising. People should be educated to raise their awareness of distinguishing false ads. Last but not least, we should be encouraged to exchange experience and join together to avoid falling for their tricks. Only in these ways can we solve this problem. (148 words)


  21. C 考查动词短语辨析。句意:他很害羞,不擅长向别人表达自己的思想。get…across to sb意为“被理解,把……讲清楚”。

  22. C考查动词短语辨析。come down with意为“患(病)”。

  23. A 考查名词词义辨析。give sb access to…意为“让某人能够接近或使用……”

  24. B 考查倒装、主谓一致、定语从句。地点状语前置,主句用完全倒装;句中a family指的是整体概念,所以用单数;非限制性定语从句根据句意“家庭的成员”,用whose

  25. D 短语in order后接动词不定式表示目的,the Chinese dream是不定式to be realized的逻辑主语。

  26. C 考查动词时态语态。根据句意“那儿的水供应被暂时切断”可知“一条主要供水管正在被修理”。

  27. B 考查非谓语动词用法。句型Sb be said/believed/thought/reported…to do sth中,动词不定式有时态和语态的变化。“在澳大利亚开始教学生涯”动作已经发生,所以用动词不定式的完成态。

  28. C 考查时态和虚拟语气用法。“某人第几次做某事”用完成时态;It’s (high/about) time (that) sb did/should do sth.

  29. A 考查情态动词用法。shall的一个用法就是:根据法律条文条款、规定等必须、应该做某事。

  30. D 考查名词性从句。第一空后的句子不缺成分,用that引导表语从句;in后面的宾语从句缺主语,所以用what引导。

  31. C 形容词做状语,表示主语状态。

  32. D 考查情态动词用法。从句中的时间提示可以看出这是对过去事情的陈述,所以要用“情态动词+have done”结构;would have done本来想做但是没做,could have done本来能够做但是没做

  33. D 考查名词性从句。There is no doubt that…that引导同位语从句,补充说明doubt的内容;

  be meant for后缺宾语,用what引导。

  34. A 考查it做形式宾语。

  35. C 考查口语交际。“你觉得昨晚大剧场的音乐会怎么样?”“不怎么样,但是指挥很棒。”根据后句的but转折可知评价不高。

  66. disconnected/separated 首先判断空格上缺形容词,根据第一小节第二行gradually

  disconnects from the educational system可知答案

  67. leaving 根据第一小节第二三行The end result of school failure is leaving school before graduation可知,result in sb doing sth考查动名词的复合结构

  68. factors 根据第二小节最后一句话The following are some factors that can lead to school failure.

  69. energetic 此空缺形容词,根据第三小节第二行的have less energy, and lose interest in可知

  70. concentrating/concentrated/focusing/focused 根据第四小节第二行的interfere with(妨碍)a person’s ability to concentrate and focus.

  71. academically 此空缺副词,根据第六小节的Learning disorders are conditions that interfere

  with gaining specific academic skills

  72. concern show concern about由第七小节第三行的taking a genuine interest in转化而来

  73. ignore 根据第七小节第四行take seriously sudden changes in their children’s behavior

  74. Evaluate 根据最后一小节第二行carry out evaluations

  75. belonging a sense of belonging归属感,根据最后一句可知



  36. B。联系下文45空的语句可知答案。

  37. D。“系着”一些来自狗窝的腐烂木板。

  38. A。根据我发现她的地点“判断”,我知道镇上大多数人都没注意她(地点偏僻)。

  39. B。如果她逃进树林里,她身后“拖拽”着的十字架将会使她裹在一棵树上(不得动弹),“直


  40. B。参考上题解析。

  41. C。联系本段中流浪狗和我待在一起后的改变可知,她现在的生活十分“幸福”。

  42. D。联系下句可知,当我突然“动一下”时她也不再退缩,因为她现在知道了我不会打她。

  43. C。通过本段对流浪狗和作者友好关系的描述可知,她和我几乎“形影不离”。

  44. A。联系上句她已变得勇敢,可知作者向窗外看时她正“努力试图”和别的狗一起嬉戏。

  45. C。作者从流浪狗身上的变化看出,她现在一点也不“想念”自己原来的主人和生活。

  46. A。目前还不清楚她会继续“留”在这里,还是我会为她另找一个爱心之家,在那里她可以


  47. C。参考上题解析。

  48. D。联系下文可知,作者在嘲讽狗的原主人:尽管来法院“起诉”我说你是她的合法主人吧。

  49. C。联系下句可知,没有什么事比偷狗的那一天更让我开心了,因此作者认为这是自己


  50. D。联系全文可知,作者已深深爱上了这只狗,因此说她偷走了自己的“心”。


  51. D。由最后一段第四句Forgetting is a choice可知。

  52. C。完成一项久拖不决的工作。

  53. C。由第五段倒数第二句可知C项表述错误。

  54. B。由第一段第三句可知。C项表述虽正确,但这并非学徒和熟练工的区别。

  55. C。由第二段倒数第三句可知,C项表述错误。

  56. D。由第二段最后两句可知D项正确。由第三段整段可知A项错误,B项中most应表述为


  57. C。文章属于说明文,客观介绍了学徒体制的优缺点,应选C项。

  58. C。由第二段最后一句可知。

  59. C。由第四段第一句可知C正确。

  60. D。联系前半句“has been built, is operating or”可知。

  61. B。由倒数第三段可知。

  62. B。由第六段第三句可知。

  63. C。由第六段的内容可知。

  64. D。原文未提及peace, friendship, civilization,顾排除其它三项。

  65. A。通读全文,可知文本节选自奥巴马总统的开学演讲。






