









  New York city is a wonderful place for a family visit at any time of the year. Here is a list of great things to see and do with your family.

  American Museum of Natural History

  All ages. Who doesn’t love to see dinosaur bones or a life-sized model of a blue whale? The American Museum of Natural History offers visitors wonderful exhibits where you can explore science and the natural world up close. Only after visiting with my own kids did I realize that it offers all the excitement of a zoo without the difficulty of finding them in the wild.

  Bronx Zoo

  All ages. If you have got little ones, the Children’s Zoo is great fun with lots of hands-on and close-up experiences. Kids of all ages enjoy the Bug Carousel and the Asia Monorial offers wildlife viewing while you rest your feet—a welcome break since the zoo is huge.

  Lower East Side Tenement Museum

  Age 5+. Experience some of New York City’s rich history at the Lower East Side Tenement Museum, where children and their families can tour an apartment building and learn about the families that called it home. Seeing how families lived in these small apartments is sure to make them appreciate the conveniences of modern life.

  Top of the Rock

  All ages. Enjoy a bird’s-eye view of New York City from it! Although it’s not as well-known as the Empire State Building, Top of the Rock lets you see the Empire State Building, as well as Central Park from its three floors of indoor and outdoor observation areas. By buying tickets in advance,you can avoid most of the waiting associated with enjoying a skyline view.

  1. Visitors to American Museum of Natural History can_.

  A. feel all the excitement of a zoo

  B. get a view of tigers living around

  C. swim with blue whales

  D. see some animals in their natural environments

  2. Which of the following are the most suitable for kids interested in history?

  A. Top of the Rock and Bronx Zoo.

  B. Bronx Zoo and Lower East Side Tenement Museum.

  C. American Museum of Natural History and Top of the Rock.

  D. Lower East Side Tenement Museum and American Museum of Natural History.

  3. Which place sets a limit on the age of its visitors?

  A, Top of the Rock. B. Bronx zoo.

  C. Lower East Side Tenement Museum, D. American Museum of Natural History.

  4. We can learn from the text that Top of the Rock is_.

  A. next to Central Park

  B. home to many kinds of birds

  C. ihside the Empire State Building

  D. a popular place of interest of great height


  The Victorian artist William Morris was born 182 years ago. Most well known for his revolution of textile (纺织品)art,Morris was a painter, poet and a socialist reformer. His famous prints are still seen in wallpapers, cushions and curtains across the UK. Among the works,The Strawberry Thief reflects mainly the artist’s showman qualities.

  Bom to an upper-middle class family in Walthamstow, London,Morris’ strangeness was apparent very early on,earning him the nickname “Crab” while studying at boarding school. As in later life,the young Morris was inspired by visiting prehistoric sites and admiring the architecture and artwork of medieval churches.

  Morris founded the Society for the Protection of Ancient Buildings (SPAB) in 1877 in response to the destruction of original features of historical buildings in the name of refurbishment. SPAB still operates today,teaching the public and professional restorers how to correctly repair historic buildings.

  Setting up the decorative arts company Morris,Marshall,Faulkner & Co in 1861, Morris studied and re-introduced traditional methods of dyeing and hand printing textiles while also selling bricks,stained glass, furniture and home furnishing to the growing middle classes.

  The contradiction became apparent as some of his most devoted sponsors were rich industrialists who stood for everything his love of the romantic medieval past and socialist beliefs stood against.

  5. What do the public think of Morris’s The Strawberry Thief?

  A. A successful poem. B. One of the best curtains.

  C. One of his masterpieces. D. The best creation for wallpapers.

  6. What does the underlined word “refurbishment” in Paragraph 3 mean?

  A, Uncertain future. B. Repair work.

  C. Determination. D. Tradition.

  7. Why did people call Morris “Grab”?

  A. He was quite strange. B. He was always humorous.

  C. He created great artworks. D. He inspired other artists.

  8. What is people’s view about the traditional arts of dyeing and textile production?

  A. Consistent. B. Pessimistic. C. Optimistic. D. Contradictory.


  If you plan to stay at a hostel (招待所),you,re probably on a budget They’re generally cheaper than hotels and have the added benefit of providing free facilities such as a kitchen, laundry and Internet service. It’s an excellent cash saver. I,ve stayed in many hostels around the world and I continually use the tips below to keep the wallet full:

  Eiyoy a free breakfast

  I don’t eat until just before 10 am so I can combine breakfast and lunch together to save some money. I,ve found the breakfast offerings quite good when travelling, so fill yourself up on the free breakfast so you needn’t think about lunch.

  Use the kitchen facilities

  Any hostel should have a kitchen available to its guests. If you need to save some cash, stop eating out. Go to the local market, buy some delicious local ingredients and make yourself a lovely home cooked meal.

  Ask the front desk for tips

  In most cases people working at the front desk will be a local and if not,they would have been living there long enough to know all the local deals. Pick their brain to find out the best and cheapest places to eat and drink and also find out the best trips to go on.

  Drink and eat at the hostel bar

  It’s a hostel, so they know their customers are travelling on a budget so their bar prices should show this. Most hostels have food and drink specials on most nights to draw the hungry crowds.

  Use the free Internet

  If you cannot have access to free WiFi in your room you can have access to free WiFi in the common area or kitchen. Having free WiFi is important as you can save money by making cheap international calls online.

  9. What is the text mainly about?

  A, How to book a proper hostel. B. How to avoid cheats in a hostel.

  C. How to enjoy meals in a hostel. D. How to save money in a hostel.

  10. To save money for travelling,the author_•

  A. seldom travels abroad B. often eats out with friends

  C. often has two meals every day D. doesn’t fall asleep until the morning

  11. What can we learn about people working at the front desk?

  A. They usually travel on business. B. They are all local people.

  C. They may know local life well. D. They can speak fluent English.

  12. What can be inferred from the text?

  A. Most hostels provide free laundry service.

  B. Hostel bars often serve cheap food and drinks.

  C. Hostel customers enjoy free WiFi in every room,

  D. Food and drinks at night are much more expensive.


  The idea of having a part car,part plane,part drone (无人飞机)parked outside your home may not be as unlikely as it seems. There really aren’t any technological difficulties to this.

  We are going to have personal air vehicles that are both cars and planes, at least that’s Missy Cummings’ vision of the future. It’s basically the intersection (交叉点)of a drone with a robotic car,so that your plane is also your car,but the quick development of technology is that you are actually driving neither.

  Drones have a negative image in the media, says Cummings,because they are basically seen as spy cameras. But most people don’t realize that when they are on a plane they are effectively travelling on a drone. The fly-by-wire technology that exists on all Airbus and many Boeing craft is the exact same technology that exists on drones.

  The reason why drones are the answer to the future lies in the truth that we are terrible drivers. Humans have a half-second lag (滞后)in almost any quick response that they need to have. Even a half-second delay can mean the difference between life and death, and computers and automated systems don’t have that.

  So, our transportation network of the future, both on the ground and in the air, will actually be safer when we turn it over to computers.

  There really aren’t any technological difficulties to this idea. The biggest difficulties we have are psychological and cultural,in terms of giving up the car. But no new tech needs to be developed to have your own personal flying car. What we have to do is improve production and reduce manufacturing costs.

  People should be excited about this: it promises much in terms of safer travel, and in parts of the world where the road and air networks are poor, people will be able to get the goods and services they need

  So,when we look at globalizing this concept of personal air vehicles,it means we will see the quality of life improve dramatically for everyone around the world

  13. Most people don’t know that_.

  A. they can drive a flying car

  B. drones are actually spy cameras

  C. planes are much safer than flying cars

  D. the technology on drones is used on planes

  14. What makes drones the best choice in the future according to the author?

  A. Their low costs. B. Their high speed.

  C. Their quick response. D. Their amazing comfort.

  15. What may probably prevent the popularity of flying cars in the future?

  A, Their being expensive. B. People’s not accepting the idea.

  C. Lacking advanced technology. D. People’s failing to improve production.



  The best kind of travel helps you truly get to know your destination. If you want to have a real experience of your destination, there’s no better way than to meet the people who live there. 16

  Join a language exchange website. Before I went to Bogota,Colombia,I joined a few language exchange websites in hopes of finding someone there who would like to help with their English (and would help me with my Spanish). 17 And I maybe get some advice about local culture and hot spots. I was lucky and met a very kind,generous woman around my age who not only showed me her version of Bogota, she went well out of her way to pick me up from the airport, too,and we are still friends.

  Rent an apartment from a local. 18 Rent an apartment or room from someone you think you would get along with based on their profile (人物简介)• This works best when you’re actually renting someone’s home,rather than a company listing vacant apartments intended for travelers,and even better if you rent only a single room and your host continues living there during your stay. You can also try surfing. Some even say that this site is just as good as any other at finding language exchange conversation partners!

  19 There’s an entire marketplace online for finding and booking unique experiences led by people in popular travel destinations around the world. 20 It has guides offering experiences like midnight street food tours, hosted in-home meals and street art tours.

  A. Get help from hotel managers.

  B. Vayable is the most popular site.

  C. Book a guided tour with a local insider.

  D. Skip hotels and stay with a local instead

  E. The persons that you travel with are to blame.

  F. Here is my best advice for people who want to meet locals in their destination.

  G. I figured I would get a chance to hang out with a Colombian for an hour or so.



  阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最 佳选项。

  “Don’t you have any toys you want to share?” I asked my son during our church’s Christmas toy drive. “What about those things in your closet you haven’t 21 in years?”

  “I don’t have anything,” he said. “We,re so poor. ”

  “You’re never so poor that you have nothing to give,” I found myself saying to him, a 22 my mother often used on me. However, how could I help him 23 it?

  At work the next day,one of my 24 said,“I didn’t spell your name right,” as she handed me a Christmas gift—a box of chocolates. No 25 she hadn’t spelled it right—I'd 26 worked at the center for several months,and my name wasn’t easy to pronounce.

  “Thank you, Joanna,” I said,feeling moved I hadn’t 27 a gift—I worked at an adult education center,where we dealt with people who were out of 28 and needed education to get ahead Though these people struggled 29 ,they did something for us nearly every week. Some brought in food,and others did chores (杂事)around the 30 .

  When I brought the candies home to 31 with my family, I told them just how 32 each chocolate was if you 33 how much the unemployed woman’s family made a year. And then I understood so much better in my heart, “You’re never so poor that you have nothing to 34 ,

  Perhaps the way I could help my son understand best was for me to understand first. Thus, 35 ,I went to my bookshelf and 36 several of my favorite novels to share with the center. When I had them boxed, I turned only to 37 my son pulling a basket of toys he’d played with. “I don’t 38 these old things,” he said.

  I saw among them his favorite toy dog,Squishy. He’d learned the way I had-by 39 . Now the students hadn’t only 40 me,but my family as well.

  21. A. seen B. sold C. managed D. used

  22. A. excuse B. sentence C. note D. letter

  23. A. pick B. remember C. understand D. believe

  24. A. students B. neighbors C. colleagues D. friends

  25. A. matter B. problem C. doubt D. wonder

  26. A. already B. only C. still D. ever

  27. A. bought B. required C. expected D. valued

  28. A. order B. work C. control D. sight

  29. A. academically B. physically C. psychologically D. economically

  30. A. center B. school C. hospital D. company

  31. A. deal B. talk C. share D. supply

  32. A. expensive B. precious C. normal D. easy

  33. A, spoke of B. dreamt of C. approved of D. thought of

  34. A. drop B. say C. give D. feel

  35. A« immediately B. slowly C. suddenly D. nervously

  36. A. cleaned B. bought C. chose D. lent

  37. A, find B. keep C. prevent D. imagine

  38. A. donate B. repair C. possess D. want

  39. A. accident B. example C. nature D. mistake

  40. A. influenced B. rewarded C. supported D. blamed



  第二节(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分) 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。

  If you’re seeking to reshape your life,reflect on the 41 (answer) to these four questions to increase your awareness, expand your mind and change your outlook:

  What thoughts do you keep thinking? If fear is 42 first thing that’s flashed in your brain,you will act on that fear and hesitate, 43 (able) to make sound and firm decisions. Imagine a different circumstance or situation,one that is more in your favor.

  To whom are you listening? Your best guidance will shine from within. When in doubt, think about 44 (you) : Are my choices satisfactory to me 45 to someone else? What do I 46 (honest) want to do?

  What is your first reaction? Have faith that regardless 47 what has happened, you 48 (come) out of it better than before. This allows you 49 (reach) a resolution to whatever problem may be at hand.

  How do you regard others? The 50 (much) you continue being a good and genuine person, the more you will be able to forgive those who have wronged you and find the right sort of company.


  第一节短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分) 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有 10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。






  Last week,my friend asked me to visit her hometown with her. She told me her hometown was very beautiful, so I asked for my parents’ permit, and they agreed. We decided to stay there for a week Left home for the first time made me very happy. I was to like a bird, flying in the sky and breathing the free airs. But when the fourth day came,I start to miss my parents. Especial when the night came, the darkness made me feel lonely, that made me want to be with my parents. Through this experience, I begin to realize how a nice place my home is, and that my parents are loveliest persons. It is luckily for me to have such a happy family.


  假设你是李华,你和同学们打算周末去爬山。请你给你们的外教Mr Green写一封电子邮 件,把你们的计划告诉他,并邀请他一起去爬山。内容包括:







  Dear Mr Green,


  Li Hua


  1~4 ADCD 5~8 CBAD 9 ~12 DCCB 13 ~15 DCB 16 ~20 FGDCB 21 ~25 DBCAD 26 ~30 BCBDA 31 ~35 CBDCA 36 ~40 CADBA

  41. answers 42. the 43. unable 44. yourself 45. or 46. honestly 47. of 48. will come 49. to reach 50. more


  Last week, my friend asked me to visit her hometown with her. She told me her hometown was very beautiful, so I asked for my parents’ permit , and they agreed. We decided to stay there for a week. Left home


  for the first time made me very happy. I was to like a bird, flying in the sky and breathing the free airs. But

  去掉to air

  when the fourth day came, I start to miss my parents. Especial when the night came, the darkness made me

  started Especially

  feel lonely, that made me want to be with my parents. Through this experience, I begin to realize how a nice which


  place my home is, and that my parents are 八 loveliest persons. It is luckily for me to have such a happy family.

  the lucky


  One possible version:

  Dear Mr Green,

  I'm happy to tell you that we are going to climb the West Mountain this weekend.

  The West Mountain, which lies west of the city, is 860 meters above sea level. Its beautiful scenery and steep slopes have attracted many people. That is why tourists to our city consider it a must-see. On the top of the mountain, you can have a good view of the city.

  We sincerely invite you to climb the mountain with us. We’ll gather at the school gate at seven on Saturday morning. It will take us half an hour to reach the foot of the mountain and we will make it to the top within 80 minutes. Please take a bottle of water with you and wear strong shoes.

  Yours, Li Hua






