







  第一节(共5小题;每小题1. 5分,满分7. 5分)


  1. What was the weather like when the man got home?

  A. Snowy. B. Cloudy. C. Rainy.

  2. Where are the speakers?

  A. On a ship. B. In an exhibition hall. C. In a classroom.

  3. What will the man do?

  A. Make a cup of tea. B. Have a cup of tea. C. Boil water.

  4. What does the man suggest?

  A. Finding out the reason. B. Sticking to playing. C. Quitting chess.

  5. How old is the man now?

  A. About 20. B. Nearly 40. C. Over 60.

  第二节(共15小题;每小题1. 5分,满分22. 5分)

  听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选 项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小 题,每小题5秒钟。听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听第6段材料,回答第6至7题。

  6. What’s the probable relationship between the two speakers?

  A. Teacher and student. B. Father and daughter. C. Boss and employee.

  7. What happened to Mary?

  A. She didn’t do well in the exam.

  B. She was made to take a walk.

  C. She was scolded by her mother.


  8. What’s wrong with the man?

  A. He can’t see clearly sometimes. B. He has a headache. C. He has broken his leg.

  9. What will the doctor do next?

  A. Call an expert immediately.

  B. Operate on the eyes.

  C. Give some tests.


  10. Where is the woman’s room?

  A. On the 2nd floor. B. On the 3rd floor. C. On the 4th floor.

  11. Where can the woman get free Wi-Fi?

  A. In her hotel room. B. In the parking lot. C. In the restaurant.

  12. What does the woman decide to do finally?

  A. Cancel the reservation. B. Move to another hotel. C. Stay in the hotel.


  13. How many job offers has the woman got?

  A. None. B. One. C. Three.

  14. Where is the woman’s hometown?

  A. New York. B. Boston. C. California.

  15. Why hasn’t the man got a job?

  A. He is inexperienced in working.

  B. He hasn’t sent any application.

  C. He wants to continue his education.

  16. Who are the speakers?

  A. Fellow students. B. People out of work. C. High school teachers.


  17. On which Channel can you learn about the Election campaign?

  A. Channel 6. B. Channel 8. C. Channel 11.

  18. Which program provides local information?

  A. The News. B. What’s On. C. Night Time.

  19. What do we know about the game shows?

  A. You can watch them on Channel 11.

  B. You can read more program guidelines.

  C. You can get gifts by answering questions.

  20. What is the passage about?

  A. The best channel. B. Entertaining programs. C. Everyday TV shows.





  Everyday Food

  by Martha Stewart

  No matter how busy you are, at the end of the day you want meals that are easy to prepare. And you want lots of choices and variations. You’ll find all of that in this book: 250 simple recipes for delicious meals that bring freshness and nutrition.

  Paperback, published by Random House, $ 16. 79


  by Scott Westerfeld, Margo Lanagan, Deborah Biancotti

  New York Times bestselling author Scott Westerfeld teams up with Margo Lanagan and Deborah Biancotti in the book about six teenagers with amazing abilities. These teenagers have powers that set them apart. They can do things ordinary people can’t.

  Paperback, published by Simon &- Schuster, $ 12. 99

  Mighty Jack

  by Ben Hatke

  Jack dislikes summer. But he’ s got a good reason: summer is when his single mom takes a second job and leaves him at home to watch his sister, Maddy. It’s lots of responsibility, and it,s boring, too, because Maddy doesn’t talk. Ever. But one day, at the market, Maddy does talk—to tell Jack to trade their mom’s car for a box of mysterious seeds. It’s the best mistake Jack has ever made.

  Hardcover, published by First Second, $ 14. 15

  Only Daughter

  by Anna Snoekstra

  She’ s caught stealing. She,s homeless and on the run. But she happens to look the same as a girl who went missing a decade ago, Rebecca Winter. She assumes Rebecca’ s identity, using it as a way out. Little does she know her new life as Rebecca is itself a prison and it looks like a killer might be after her.

  Kindle edition, published by Harlequin Enterprises, $ 8. 88

  21. Who wrote a book to help you cook a meal?

  A. Martha Stewart. B. Anna Snoekstra.

  C. Ben Hatke. D. Scott Westerfeld.

  22. How much should readers pay for a story about a boy’s amazing experience?

  A. $ 8.88 B. .99 C. $ 14.15 D. .79

  23. How is Zeroes different from the rest books?

  A. It tells a story. B. It’s in paperback.

  C. It’s quite popular. D. It’s a co-written book.

  24. What do we know about Only Daughter?

  A. Its heroine enjoys her life on the run.

  B. Its heroine lives with a false identity.

  C. It provides different kinds of editions.

  D. It is written by Harlequin Enterprises.


  I remember the first time I got on a horse. When I was a little boy aged two, my mom agreed to let me take a short ride and that was it! From then on, I drove my parents crazy begging for a horse.

  When I was four,I had Mutism, in which children stop speaking in certain social situations. I went days, weeks, months without a sound at school. At most, I might quietly whisper to a friend. I suffered silently through school until I was ten when a psychologist had an idea. He asked me what I wanted more than anything else in the world. He explained I was going to be given an opportunity to work for that. And I was permitted to whisper the answer in my mother’s ear, “A horse. ”

  I was to get a pony, but I had to live up to my end of the bargain. I had a chart of weekly tasks I had to accomplish. I had to answer the phone five times per week, something I had never done before. I had to say one word to my teacher at school and the list went on. For a child with Mutism, saying one word to someone can be like climbing Mount Qomolangma. I did everything that was asked of me and the day came. His name was Sequoia, whom I fell in love with immediately. When I was in Sequoia’s presence, I forgot all about my problems and felt strong and secure.

  I am a fully participating member of society these days. My horses and I made it through a master’s degree. I may have made it otherwise,but I’m not sure. I feel I owe my life to the horses and I try to give it back to them every day. They have given me the best gift I could ever imagine, my life.

  25. What was the situation like when the author was four?

  A. He didn’t say a word at all.

  B. He learned how to ride a horse.

  C. He found his classmates unfriendly.

  D. He had difficulty in communicating.

  26. What can we infer about the author from Paragraph 3?

  A. He completed some tasks easily.

  B. He pushed himself extremely hard.

  C. He fell in love with Sequoia gradually.

  D. He found the psychologist’s idea ineffective.

  27.What is the author’s purpose in writing the text?

  A. To share his unfortunate childhood.

  B. To give tips on how to cure Mutism.

  C. To show his deep gratefulness to horses.

  D. To inspire kids struggling against Mutism.


  Wouldn’t it be wonderful to travel to a foreign country without having to worry about the headache of communicating in a different language?

  In a recent Wall Street Journal article, technology policy expert Alec Ross argued that, within a decade or so,weJ11 be able to communicate with one another via small earpieces with built-in microphones. That’ s because technological progress is extremely rapid. It’s only a matter of time. Indeed, some parents are so convinced that this technology is imminent that they’re wondering if their kids should even learn a second language.

  It’s true that an increase in the quantity and accuracy of the data loaded into computers will make them cleverer at translating “No es bueno dormir mucho” as “It’ s not good to sleep too much.” Replacing a word with its equivalent (同义词)in the target language is actually the “easy part” of a translator’s job. But even this seems to be a discouraging task for computers.

  It’ s so difficult for computers because translation doesn’t—or shouldn’t—involve simply translating words,sentences or paragraphs. Rather, it,s about translating meaning. And in order to infer meaning from a specific expression, humans have to interpret a mass of information at the same time.

  Think about all the related clues that go into understanding an expression: volume, gesture, situation, and even your culture. All are likely to convey as much meaning as the words you use.

  Therefore, we should be very skeptical of a machine that is unable to interpret the world around us. If people from different cultures can offend each other without realizing it, how can we expect a machine to do better? Unless engineers actually find a way to breathe a soul into a computer, undoubtedly when it comes to conveying and interpreting meaning using a natural language, a machine will never fully take our place.

  28. What does the underlined word “imminent” in Paragraph 2 probably mean?

  A. Ready. B. Approaching. C. Helpful. D. Advanced.

  29. Why is it hard for computers to replace a word with its equivalent?

  A. Their data is not adequate enough.

  B. The real meaning of words can vary.

  C. Their accuracy needs big improvement.

  D. A soul hasn’t been breathed in them.

  30. What view does the author hold about translation?

  A. Proper translation can be tough for humans.

  B. Slight distinctions matter little in translation.

  C. Some machines will interpret our world properly.

  D. Cultures deserve more attention than words used.

  31. What is the best title for the text?

  A. An Expert’s Precise Prediction B. The Complexity of Translation

  C. Who Will Be a Better Translator D. Will Language Barrier Actually Fall


  Lucy, whose skeleton(骨骼)was discovered in Ethiopia in 1974, died shortly after she fell out of a tree, according to a new study published Monday in the British journal Nature.

  For their research, Kappelman and Dr. Richard Ketcham used a CT scanner to create more than 35,000 “slices” of Lucy’s skeleton. Scientists named her Lucy from the Beatles song “Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds“,which was played at the camp the night of her discovery.

  The following analysis of the slices showed sharp,clean breaks seen at the end of Lucy,s right humerus (肢骨)are similar to bone breaks seen in victims of falls.

  The researchers concluded that these and other breaks in her skeleton show that Lucy, who is believed to have stood about 3 feet 6 inches and weighed about 60 pounds, fell feet first and used her arms to support herself — but that the injury was too severe to have been survivable.

  The researchers estimate that Lucy was going about 35 miles an hour when she hit the ground after falling from a height of roughly 40 feet, according to the statement.

  That sounds plausible. But other scientists are doubtful. “ There are countless explanations for bone breaks,” Dr. Donald C. Johanson, director of the Institute of Human Origins and one of the scientists who discovered Lucy, said, “The suggestion that she fell out of a tree is largely a just-so story and therefore improvable. ”

  Johanson said it was more likely that Lucy’s breaks occurred long after she died, saying that “elephant bones appear to have the same kind of breaks. It’s unlikely they fell out of a tree. ”

  But the new research focused on “a small number of breaks” that are consistent with “high-energy bone-to-bone influences” and which differ from the sorts of breaks commonly seen in other collected bones. Kappelman responded in an email,“These appear to have occurred at or near the time of death. ”

  32. What can we know about Lucy from Kappelman and Dr. Richard Ketcham,s research?

  A. She got her name from a song.

  B. She had more than 35,000 slices.

  C. She couldn’t use her arms properly。

  D. She made an effort to save herself.

  33. What does the underlined word “plausible” in Paragraph 6 probably mean?

  A. Reasonable. B. Creative. C. Surprising. D. Unbelievable.

  34. Which of the following would Johanson probably agree?

  A. Elephants are unlikely to die from falling.

  B. Lucy got breaks at or near the time of death.

  C. Other reasons for the breaks should be considered.

  D. Lucy’s bone breaks differ from other bone breaks.

  35. What conclusion can we draw from the passage?

  A. Lucy didn’t die from falling out of a tree.

  B. The newly published study was meaningless.

  C. The argument on how Lucy died will continue.

  D. Scientists will find another way to solve the problem.

  第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分) 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,选项中有两项为多余选项。

  Shoulder pain is common. The shoulder has the most range of movement of any part in the body. 36 Furthermore, shoulder pain sometimes comes from other areas of the body. Here are some tips to help reduce shoulder pain.

  37 Often, the root cause of shoulder pain is simply your overdoing something. If your problem is work related, change to a different activity. If the shoulder pain is exercise-related, then you may be working out too aggressively or with bad form — turn to a personal trainer for help.

  Ice your shoulder. The application of ice is useful for almost all acute injuries. 38 Apply ice for 10-15 minutes every hour,then reduce the frequency as the pain and swelling become less strong.

  Do some light shoulder stretches(拉伸). While standing or sitting, reach around the front of your body and seize the opposite elbow ). 39 Reach behind your back towards your shoulder and hold it with your other hand. Slowly pull on the hand with the painful shoulder until you feel a stretch.

  See your doctor. If your shoulder pain is especially severe, and long-lasting, what else can you do? 40 Your doctor will discuss a treatment plan according to your pain.

  A. Seek medical help.

  B. Rest your shoulder.

  C. Build shoulder strength.

  D. Consider surgery if necessary.

  E. That’s why it’s so likely to suffer from injury.

  F. The cold treatment works well when applied to the most painful shoulder.

  G. Gently pull on the back of the elbow until you feel a stretch in the shoulder.


  第一节完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分) 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中选出可以填入空白处的 最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

  When you are living a fully-scheduled life, every minute counts. No matter how many ways you divide your 41,there’s never enough time in a day to catch up.

  Six years ago, I was 42 with a care-free, stop-and-smell-the-roses type of 43 When I needed to rush out, she was taking her sweet 44 picking out a purse and a shining crown. When I needed to have a 45 lunch, she7 d stop to speak to the elderly woman who looked like her grandma. Whenever my child caused me to deviate (偏离)from my main 46,I thought to myself,we don’t have time for this. 47,the two words I most commonly spoke to my little lover of life were: “ 48 !“

  Then one day, things 49 . We,d just picked up my older daughter from kindergarten and were getting out of the car. Seeing her little sister not going fast enough for her liking, my older daughter said,“You are so 50 . ” When the older one crossed her own arms, it dawned on me that her annoyed look 51 that of mine. I saw the damage my hurried existence was doing to 52 of my children.

  Though my 53 to slow down was made almost three years ago, living at a slower pace still takes great effort. My younger daughter is my living 54 of why I must keep trying. In fact, she reminded me once again the other day. When I thought my little child was going to eat the last 55 of an ice cream, she held out a spoonful of it. “I saved the last for you“,she said. At that moment, I 56 I’d just got the deal of a lifetime. I gave my child a little time, and unexpectedly, 57,she reminded me that things taste 58 and love comes easier when you stop 59 through life.

  Pausing to delight in the simple joys of daily life is the only way to truly live. Trust me, I learned from the world’s born 60 in joyful living.

  41. A. attention B. memory C. love D. experience

  42. A. bored B. blessed C. content D. patient

  43. A. sister B. grandma C. son D. daughter

  44. A. time B. ice cream C. step D. lunch

  45. A. big B. quick C. nutritious D. joyful

  46. A. goal B. responsibility C. schedule D. interest

  47. A. Consequently B. Frankly C. Surprisingly D. Unusually

  48. A. Cheer up B. Pull up C. Shut up D. Hurry up

  49. A. improved B. changed C. appeared D. worsened

  50. A. silly B. excited C. careful D. slow

  51. A. silenced B. contradicted C. mirrored D. encouraged

  52. A. both B. all C. some D. neither

  53. A. demand B. offer C. promise D. mistake

  54. A. reminder B. memory C. image D. example

  55. A. half B. bite C. cup D. piece

  56. A. wondered B. realized C. recognized D. valued

  57. A. in conclusion B. in short C. in return D. in fact

  58. A. hotter B. softer C. sourer D. sweeter

  59. A. rushing B. going C. getting D. surviving

  60. A. scientist B. magician C. expert D. designer





  第二节(共10小题;每小题1. 5分,满分15分)


  Over 2 ,200 years ago,Chengdu was threatened by frequent floods. Li Bing, together with his son, decided to construct an irrigation system on the Minjiang River 61 (prevent) flooding. 62 having a long study and a lot of hard work by the local people, the great Dujiangyan Irrigation System was completed. Since then, the Chengdu Plain 63 (be) free of flooding and the people have been living peacefully and wealthily.

  It is the 64 (old) and only surviving no-dam irrigation system in the world. It is also 65 wonder in the development of Chinese science. The project consists of three important parts,namely Yuzui,Feishayan and Baopingkou,which were 66 (science) designed to control the water flow of the rivers throughout the year.

  There is a glorious bridge called the Anlan Cable Bridge crossing the Minjiang River above Yuzui, 67 you can clearly see the entire system. The great 68 (construct) originally started before the Song Dynasty. At that time, the body of the bridge was constructed with wooden blocks and the handrails(扶手)were made of bamboo. Recently the wood and bamboo have been replaced with steel and concrete to guarantee the security of 69 (visit) from home and abroad. Seen from afar, the bridge looks like a rainbow 70 (hang) over the river.



  假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中 共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。 增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(A ),并在其下面写出该加的词。





  During my second month of nursing school,our professors gave us a quiz. I had smoothly finished the others,questions when I got stuck on the last one: “What’s the first name of the woman who clean the school?” I had seen, many times, the woman, tall and in her fifty, but how could I know her name? I handed in my paper,leave the last question blankly. After a class ended,one student asked for the answer for the question. The professor said, “As you know, that in your careers you will meet many people. You should respect them and care about them, even you just smile and say ‘hello’ to them. ”


  假定你是李华,你校将于2017年元旦节在学校体育馆组织一次义卖活动。请根据以下 要点给你校外教John写一封信,邀请他一同参加。








  参考词汇:义卖活动charity sale;体育馆stadium。

  Dear John,

  How is everything going?


  Li Hua




  1~5CBABC 6~10BAACB 11~15BCCBA 16~20AABCC



  21~25 ACDBD 26~30 BCBBA 31~35DDACC 评分标准:21~35题,每小题2分。


  36~40 EBFGA



  41~45ABDAB 46~50CADBD 51~55CACAB 56~60BCDAC




  61. to prevent 62. After 63. has been 64. oldest 65. a

  66. scientifically 67. where 68. construction 69. visitors 70. hanging

  评分标准:1~70小题,每小题1.5分。有任何错误,包括用词错误、单词拼写错误(含大小 写)或语法形式错误,均不给分。


  During my second month of nursing school,our professors gave us a quiz. I had smoothly


  finished the others’ questions when I got stuck on the last one: “What’s the first name of


  the woman who clean the school?“I had seen, many times, the woman, tall and in her


  fifty, but how could I know her name? I handed in my paper, leave the last question

  fifties leaving

  blankly. After a class ended, one student asked for the answer for the question. The

  blank a改为the for改为to

  professor said, “As you know, that in your careers you will meet many people. You


  should respect them and care about them,even you just smile and say ‘hello’ to them."



  One possible version

  Dear John,

  How is everything going ? Knowing that you are enthusiastic about charity activities, I’m writing to invite you to join us in a charity sale.

  It will be held at the school stadium at 8 a. m. on New Year’s Day,2017,lasting 4 hours. A variety of items are welcomed, ranging from books, earphones and handicrafts to home-made cakes.

  This activity can bring about various benefits. It can help raise charity awareness and cultivate the habit of helping others. Besides,this is also a precious chance to develop our ability to design and organize activities.

  Please let me know whether you will come or not as soon as possible.

  Looking forward to your reply! (108 words)


  Li Hua






