





  第一部分 听力(略)

  第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)




  Dear Interested Pre-Applicant,

  On January 4, 2017, The Housing Authority of Cook County (HACC) will begin accepting pre-applications for one(1) bedroom standard and (1) bedroom Uniform Federal Accessibility Standard units(UFAS)at the following Affordable Housing Community.

  North Suburban Housing

  215 W. Miner in Arlington Heights, IL&9238 Gross Point Road in Skokie, IL

  Note: Uniform Federal Accessibility Standards units

  These apartments are all one bedroom, one bathroom units that include accessible features such as lower cabinets in the kitchen as well as grab bars and a shower seat in the bathroom. These units also have wider doorways for easier access for wheelchairs and walkers and accessible controls for heating and air conditioning as well as the shower set at a height that is easier for a wheelchair user to reach.

  To qualify for the wait list opening:

  ◇The head of household or co-head/spouse must be eligible for one of following preferences: a person 62 years of age or older OR a person 18 years of age or older with a disability.

  ◇The annual income for one person household cannot exceed(超过),340 and the annual income for a two person household cannot exceed ,960.

  ◇Household will be required to pay rent equal up to 30% of their annual income.

  Please note that the HACC will only accept the first 300 completed pre-applications. Beginning January 4, 2017, Wait List Pre-Applications will be available at the following locations during noted business hours:

  HACC Wait List & Leasing Department

  175 West Jackson Blvd., Suite 350 Chicago, IL 60604, Fax (312) 542-4752

  North Suburban Housing Offices:

  215W. Miner In Arlington Heights, IL 60005 OR 9238 Gross Point Road in Skokie, IL 60077

  Business Hours For All Offices:

  Monday to Friday, 8:30 am to 4:30 PM, Closed Wednesdays


  If you or anyone in your household is a person with a disability and requires a specific accommodation or seeks assistance with the completion of the pre-application, please contact the housing authority via any of the methods listed above, or call(312) 542-4786. Please contact our office with any further questions at 9312)542-4788.


  Wait List and Leasing Department

  21. What does the underlined word “eligible” probably mean?

  A. qualified B. affordable C. responsible D. prepared

  22. According to he letter ,you can’t apply for the housing if _______.

  A. you are over 62 years old B. you earn less than ,340 a year

  C. you are under 18 years old D. you are a disabled middle-aged man

  23. If you have any further questions about the pre-application, you can ______.

  A. write to HACC B. call(312)542-4788

  C. Fax(312)542-4752 D. visit HACC personally

  24. What can we learn from the letter?

  A. The HACC will accept all the pre-applications

  B. The pre-application must be completed by yourself

  C. Wait List Pre-Applications will be available at any time

  D. The apartments have special deigns for disabled people


  Fidel Castro was born at his father’s farm on August 13, 1926. His father, Angel Castro, was a migrant to Cuba from Galicia, Northwest Spain. He had become financially successful by growing sugarcane at Las Manacas farm in Biran, Oriente Province.

  Aged six, Castro was sent to live with his teacher in Santiago be Cuba, before being baptized(洗礼)into the Roman Catholic Church at the age of eight. Being baptized enabled Castro to attend the la Salle boarding school in Santiago, where he regularly misbehaved, so he was sent to the privately funded Dolores School in Santiago. In 1945 he transferred to a more famous school, De Belen in Havana. Although Castro took an interest in history, geography and debating at Belen, he did not excel academically, instead devoting much of his time to playing sport.

  In 1945, Castro began studying law at the University of Havana, where he became involved in student activism, and the violent gangsterism culture within the university. Passionate about anti-imperialism and opposing U.S. interference in the Caribbean, he unsuccessfully campaigned for the presidency of the Federation of University Students on a platform of “honesty, decency and justice”. Castro became critical of the corruption and violence of President Ramon Grau’s government, delivering a public speech on the subject in November 1946 that received coverage on the front page of several newspapers.

  In 1947, Castro joined the Party of the Cuban People, founded by Eduardo Chibas. Chibas advocated social justice, honest government, and political freedom, while his party exposed corruption and demanded reform. Though Chibas lost the election, Castro remained devoted to working on his behalf. Social situation becoming worse, Castor soon received a death threat urging him to leave the university; refusing, he began carrying a gun and surrounding himself with armed friends.

  25. From paragraph 2, we know that Fidel Castro _______.

  A. had no interest in history

  B. performed very well at school

  C. spend much time playing sport

  D. attended the La Salle boarding school before 8

  26. What is the right order of the following events related to Fidel Castro?

  a. delivered a public speech

  b. entered the University of Havana

  c. joined the Party of the Cuban People

  d. transferred to famous school, De Belen

  A. dbac B. abcd C. dabc D. acdb

  27. Fidel Castro carried a gun at university_________

  A. to catch people’s attention

  B. to hang out with friend for fun

  C. to get involved in the political activities

  D. to defend himself against the death threat

  28. What does the passage mainly talk about?

  A. the Party of the Cuban People

  B. Fidel Castro’s misbehavior at school

  C. Cuba’s political situations in the 1940s

  D. Fidel Castro’s early life and political activities


  This month, the singing competition, American Idol, will come to an end. For years, the popular show was a platform for rising artists. With a group of famous judges and a wide range of talents, it is clear that the competitive atmosphere of American Idol will remain unrivaled by any other show. After all, its success has been “unmatched in broadcasting history.”

  American Idol came from the British series Pop Idol. Through an application, contestants came into the competition and thereafter, were chosen to audition(试音)for the show. Each candidate would have to perform a piece to the judges, and participate in a strict selection process. Not only would contestants have to sing in groups, they were sometimes tasked to perform pieces without musical instruments. At the end of this stage, only 24 o 36 artists were chosen to enter the semi-final stage. Soon, the fate of the contestants would be decided by the public. During the candidate’s live performance, a free telephone number was displayed on the screen for viewers to dial, to cast their vote. At the end of the night, only 13 lucky singers would be left in the competition; by the finals, only 8 contestants would remain. Finally, a runner-up(亚军)and a winner were announced every season. Though only the winner would receive a million dollar reward and a significant record deal, other contestants would have had a chance to be known by the public. As the famous producer Simon Cowell once said, “The point of the show is not to be mean to loser, but to find a winner.”

  As the final season of the program begins, past winners will return to the stage to say goodbye and a new winner will be announced. With amazing performances and an excellent cast of singers, the show’s conclusion will leave audiences nostalgic(怀旧的), but more satisfied than ever.

  29. Those who enter American Idol will _______.

  A. share the one million dollar reward together

  B. be asked to perform in pairs in the semi-finals

  C. experience at least three rounds of performances

  D. have the chance to become famous even if they fail

  30. Who play the most important roles in the finals of American Idol?

  A. The audiences B. The past winners

  C. The judges D. The record companies

  31. The author thinks the conclusion of American Idol will _________.

  A. change its history B. be worth watching

  C. not be the last season D. pick her favorite singer

  32. In which section of the newspaper may you probably find the passage?

  A. Advertisement B. Finance C. Entertainment D. Business


  A new study suggests that washing dishes by hand is healthier than using a dishwasher.

  Nobody likes doing the dishes, but it turns out that doing this task might pay off in an unexpected way. According to a new study publishe in the Journal of Pediatrics, washing dishes by hand instead of using a dishwasher might prevent the development of allergies(过敏).

  Researchers in Sweden surveyed the parents of 1,029 children aged 7 and 8. They discovered that children whose families hand-washed the dishes instead of using a machine were less likely to have allergies.

  Earlier research has shown that dishes washed by machine are cleaner than those washed by hand. So why would kids who eat off of slightly dirtier plates be better off when it comes to preventing allergies? One explanation is based on a theory known as the “hygiene hypothesis,” which says the reason kids develop allergies is that their surroundings are actually too clean. Your immune system keeps you healthy by fighting germs(细菌)like bacteria and viruses. But when you have allergies, it overreacts and tries to fight ordinary things like pollen(花粉)or certain foods.

  Being exposed to germs, especially early in life is good training for the immune system, says the lead author of the study, Dr. Bill Hesselmar of Queen Silvia Hospital in Sweden. “You stimulate the immune system in various ways and it becomes tolerant.”

  This study shows that while using the dishwasher might be easier, the old-fashioned method of cleaning up could be better for your health.

  33. What is the benefit of washing dishes by hand?

  A. It can improve our immune system

  B. It is easier than washing by machine

  C. It costs less time than washing by machine

  D. It might reduce the chance of developing allergies

  34. What can we learn from paragraph 4?

  A. Our health depends much on our immune system

  B. Children in clean environment must have allergies

  C. Our immune system can only fight bacteria and viruses

  D. Hand-washed dishes are as clean as those washed by machine

  35. What do we know about germs from the passage?

  A. Without germs, people won’t get sick

  B. There are no germs in clean environment

  C. Exposure to germs can improve our immune system

  D. Germs like bacteria and viruses do harm to our health



  Tips for Starting Your Own Travel Blog

  Travel stories always make for very interesting reads. It’s great to know what’s happening elsewhere in the world. We bring some great advice on travel writing and some great ways to start your own travel blog.

  1. 36

  Why is it that you want to start a travel blog? Maybe you want to keep your friends updated about your travels, to help fellow travelers to travel smarter, or to discuss the beauties of this world. Writing down the reasons will give you clarity of thought, a direction, and a purpose.

  2. Decide what you want to write and for whom.

  Now that you know why you’re starting the blog, make a list of things you want to cover in your about places? This way you’ll be telling your readers what to expect from your blog.

  3. Name your blog intelligently.

  Now that you have a clear picture about why and what you want to write, think of name for your blog. 38 A long, confusing name will not only be difficult to remember but also lead to you losing out on potential repeat visitors.

  4. Don’t let the numbers get you down.

  ______39 Maybe only your friends, family, and a few colleagues. You might feel a little depressed seeing shallow figures, but your efforts will pay off in the long run. Keep at it and stick to the plan. Slowly and steadily your readers will grow in number.

  These tips for starting your own travel blog will not only help you to work smarter, but also ensure that your readers get the very best from you. 40 Best of luck.

  A. Post consistently and regularly.

  B. Every blog MUST have a focus

  C. Write down your reasons for starting the blog

  D. Initially, not many people will visit your blog.

  E. The name should be easy for people to remember.

  F. You need to have some concrete experience in traveling to start a blog

  G. It is a good idea to start now and make a name for yourself and your blog.


  第一节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)


  Grandma is ninety this Christmas. I remember once visiting her, crying when my big sister told me “There is no Santa Claus!”, because I knew she always told the 41 .

  “No Santa Claus?” she snorted(哼着说). “Ridiculous! Don’t 42 it. That rumor has been going around for years. Now, put on your coat, and let’s go.”

  “Go? Go where, Grandma?” I asked.

  “Where” 43 to be Kerby’s General Store. As we walked in, Grandma 44 me twenty dollars. “Take the money,” she said, “and buy something for someone who needs it. I’ll wait for you outdoors.”

  I was only eight years old, and had never shopped for anything 45 . For a few moments I just stood there, ___46 , wondering what to buy, and 47 on earth to buy it for.

  I thought of everybody I knew: my family, friends, classmates. Suddenly I thought of Bobbie, a kid sitting behind me in the classroom. He didn’t have a 48 ; he never went out during the winter. I held the bill 49 . I would buy Bobbie a coat. I saw a red one with a hat to it. It looked really 50 . He would like that.

  That 51 , Grandma helped me wrap the coat in Christmas paper and write, “To Bobbie, From 52 ”on it. Then she drove me to Bobbie’s house. Grandma 53 down the street, and we hid in the bushes by his front walk. Then Grandma pushed me gently. “All right, Santa Claus, get going!” she 54 .

  I took a deep breath, 55 for his front door, threw the 56 down, rang his doorbell and flew back. Together we waited 57 in the darkness for the front door to open. Finally it did, and there stood Bobbie.

  Forty years haven’t 58 the thrill of those moments. That night, I realized those awful 59 about Santa Claus were just what Grandma said: they were 60 . Sana was alive and well, and we were on his team.

  41. A. story B. truth C. joke D. lie

  42. A. believe B. ignore C. suspect D. admit

  43. A. seemed B. supposed C. proved D. imagined

  44. A. borrowed B. delivered C. threw D. handed

  45. A. alone B. lonely C. special D. expensive

  46. A. bored B. depressed C. frightened D. confused

  47. A. when B. how C. who D. what

  48. A. money B. coat C. friend D. hat

  49. A. excitedly B. nervously C. anxiously D. thoughtfully

  50. A. new B. warm C. cheap D. beautiful

  51. A. morning B. weekend C. evening D. afternoon

  52. A. Grandma B. classmates C. friends D. Santa Claus

  53. A. parked B. slowed C. rode D. walked

  54. A. shouted B. whispered C. complained D. ordered

  55. A. searched B. dashed C. waited D. started

  56. A. paper B. bill C. present D. bush

  57. A. delightedly B. cheerfully C. willingly D. breathlessly

  58. A. weakened B. strengthened C. reminded D. informed

  59. A. secrets B. discussions C. rumors D. sayings

  60. A. unusual B. incredible C. strange D. ridiculous





  Your meeting starts in 10 minutes, but you find yourself 61 (stick) in traffic. Don’t panic. With just a press of buttons, your car will lift off the ground and fly to the company. What’s your impression? It seems 62 science fiction, but it isn’t. engineers have taken up the research of flying cars, and they have already found 63 (solve) to many of big challenges. They predict that we will be using these 64 (amaze) vehicles one day. According to One Car Magazine, one model, 65 is part car and part plane, is going to be on the market in the not-so-distant future. It will look like a regular car 66 it’s on the road, but its wings will unfold when the driver 67 (decide)to take to the sky. And operated by 68 computer, all controls will be automatic(自动的). Imagine this: You’ll be doing your work while your car is getting you to the company 69 (safe). And what does this future dream car cost? Well, at first 70 will be about 1 million dollars, but a few years later, you’ll be able to buy one for “only” ,000. Don’t throw away your old driver’s license just yet!

  第四部分 写作(共两节,满分35分)








  I was writing to suggest lift the ban on using smart phones, tablet computers and other mobile devices in class.

  Mobile devices came into existence as result of the development of science and technology. They would benefit us a lot as long as they are used proper. First, mobile devices are efficiency and can help teachers know that students understand what is taught when they finish their exercises. Second, mobile devices can make classes more interested so students will be more willing to learn. Finally, using mobile devices will reduce the use of paper, and which will be good for the environment. Please take my suggestion into consider.

  Looking forward to our reply.

  第二节 书面表达(满分25分)

  假定你是李华,现在是华南师范大学(South China Normal University)大一新生,你高三时在王老师的帮助下,英语进步很大,为表示感谢,给王老师写一封感谢信。









  Dear Mr. Wang,

  I’m writing to tell you a piece of good news and express my thanks for helping me improve my English.







  Again, I sincerely thank you for your help!


  Li Hua


  阅读理解:21-24ACBD 25-28CADD 29-32DABC 33-35DAC 36-40CBEDG

  完形填空:41-45BACDA 46-50DCBAB 51-55CDABB 56-60CDACD


  61. stuck 62. like 63. solutions 64. amazing 65. which

  66. when/while 67. decides 68. a 69. safely 70. it




  One possible version

  Dear Mr. Wang,

  I’m writing to tell you a piece of good news and express my thanks for helping me improve my English.

  Now, I’m a freshman in South China Normal University. That’s all because of our careful guidance. Without your help, I wouldn’t have made such great progress in English, let alone been admitted to a good university. So I’m very grateful to you for that. I still remember the days when you taught me English in Grade 3 of senior school. My English was once poor, but you were very patient with me and tried to tutor me after class. It was your help and encouragement that made my dream come true.

  From the bottom of my heart. I hope more and more of your students can go to their ideal colleges. Wish you a healthy body and a happy life!

  Again, I sincerely thank you for your help!


  Li Hua






