




  第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)




  1. How much did the woman pay for her dress?

  A. . B. . C. 0

  2. What's the man going to do tomorrow?

  A. Go hiking. B. Visit his grandparents. C. Meet his grandma.

  3. How many books does the man want to buy?

  A. 7 B. 10. C. 13

  4. What does Mr Brown's dog often do?

  A.. It often barks. B. It often runs out. C. It often makes his worried.

  5. Why doesn't the woman want to eat outside?

  A. The restaurant is too far. B. It's too cold. C. She doesn't like the food.

  第二节 (共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)



  6. Where's the woman going?

  A. To her mother's B. To school. C. To work.

  7. What will the man do?

  A. Pick up Mike. B. Visit his grandma. C. Buy some apples.


  8. What's the woman's boyfriend doing these days?

  A. Watching football games. B. Playing football. C. Playing tennis.

  9. Which sport does the woman like?

  A. Football. , B. Tennis. C. Horse riding.


  10. Where does the dialogue happen?

  A. On the phone. B. In an office. C. At a meeting.

  11. What does the man want to talk about with Mr Brown?

  A. When to meet. B. His new products C. Where to meet.

  12. What will the man do?

  A. Wait for Mr Brown. B. Attend the meeting. C. Call Mr Brown later.


  13. How many days will the woman travel in New York?

  A. Three. B. Ten. C. Twelve.

  14. Where does the woman come from?

  A. New York. B. China. C. The United States.

  15. With whom will the woman travel?

  A. Her parents. B. Her husband. C. Her friend.

  16. What does the man check?

  A. The woman's suitcase. B. The woman's passport. C. The woman's ticket.


  17. What is the speaker most probably?

  A. A host. B. A teacher. C. A cook.

  18. What is the speaker mainly talking about?

  A. Customs of Thanksgiving. B. How to cook a turkey. C. Gifts of Thanksgiving.

  19. When is Thanksgiving Day?

  A. Nov 24th. B. Nov 25th. C. Nov 26th

  20. How long should the turkey be roasted(烘烤) ?

  A. For two hours. B. For three hours. C. For four hours.

  第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)

  第一节 (共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)



  At Choice Hotels, vacations are a big deal. In fact, we are trying to offer various new choices for you to choose from when you're planning your getaway. Our varieties of vacation rentals (出租房) make sure that you will find both the location and space you're looking for to make your trip special.

  Our vacation rentals offer different kinds of unique villas, beach houses, cabins and condos in vacation destinations, providing a more private space for groups both large and small to spend quality time together. To make it even better, staying in a vacation home can make

  your trip more cost-effective, too.


  Catalina Island is your Pacific island retreat(僻静处)only 50 miles from Los Angeles with nearly 200 rentals. Gorgeous beaches, hiking trails, zip-lining, diving, biking and boating all await your arrival.

  The Smoky Mountains region is a wonderful place. Enjoying the great outdoor or visiting Dollywood will leave you an unforgettable memory. Hike the Great Smoky Mountains and take a break at the designer outlets in Sevierville !


  We selected a network of rentals and trustworthy managers to ensure that the experience you find lives up to both your expectations and ours. You can book confidently, because we offer a satisfaction guarantee(保证) on each vacation rental with photos and online booking to make selecting your rental home as easy as possible. And you'll also earn Choice Privileges points on your vacation rental. We all deserve rewards, especially on vacations.

  21. What can you find at Choice Hotels?

  A. Responsible guides. B. A variety of stylistic foods.

  C. Free rentals. D. Special location and space.

  22. Where are the featured rentals located?

  A. On Catalina Island. B. In Los Angeles.

  C. On top of a mountain. D. In Dollywood.

  23. What's the advantage of the rentals offered by Choice Hotels?

  A. They're designed by famous architects. B. They're located in downtown areas.

  C. They're in different styles. D. They're quite cheap.

  24. What's the purpose of the passage?

  A. To sell a house. B. To advertise a service.

  C. To encourage people to travel. D. To introduce some attractions.


  The term "Renaissance Man" means someone who is good at everything. Leonardo is considered to be the best example of Renaissance men.

  Leonardo da Vinci is regarded as one of the greatest artists in history. Leonardo was excellent in many areas including drawing, painting, and sculpture etc. Although we don't have a lot of his paintings today ( only about 15 of his paintings are still around) , he is probably most famous for his paintings and also achieved great fame during his own time due to his paintings. Two of the most famous in the world include Mona Lisa and The Last Supper. Unlike some artists, Leonardo was very famous for his paintings while he was still alive.

  Leonardo's drawings are also quite impressive. He would keep journals full of drawings, often of different subjects that he was studying. One famous drawing is Vitruvian Man. It's a picture of a man who has perfect proportion (比例) based on the notes from the Roman architect Vitruvius. Other famous drawings include a design for a flying machine and a self portrait(画像) . -

  Many of da Vinci's drawings and journals were made in his pursuit (追求) of scientific knowledge and inventions, in which he also made great achievements. His journals were filled with over 13,000 pages of his observations of the world. He drew pictures and designs of helicopters, war machines, musical instruments and parts of human beings. He also had a

  strong interest in horses as well as cows, -frogs, monkeys, and other animals.

  25. How was Leonardo different from some other artists?

  A. He was famous when he was alive. B. He wasn't known until he died.

  C. Only two of his paintings are still around. D. His style of painting is unique.

  26. What does the underlined word "journals" mean?

  A. Daily or weekly newspapers. B. Albums of different people and objects.

  C. Written records of everyday things. D. Magazines kept for future use.

  27. What can we know about Vitruvian Man from Paragraph 3?

  A. It's a picture of Leonardo himself.

  B. It was drawn with the figure at present.

  C. It was not so famous as Leonardo's other paintings.

  D. It was drawn according to what Virtuvius had written.

  28. Which is the best title for the passage?

  A. Renaissance Man B. Leonardo da Vinci

  C. Famous Drawings D. Mona Lisa and The Last Supper


  The art of paper-cutting in China has a long history, which originated from the 6th century. As paper became more affordable, paper cutting has become one of the most important types of Chinese folk art. Later, this art form spread to other parts of the world, with different areas adopting their own cultural styles. Because the paper cuts are often used to decorate doors and windows, they are sometimes referred to as "window flowers. "

  Scissors and knives are the basic tools to make a paper cut, and the subjects are different in figures, such as flowers, birds, characters, familiar folk stories and fairy tales. It's also common to see some Chinese characters on paper cuts. The most famous paper-cutting characters in Chinese are words meaning "lucky" and " double happiness". Even these days, Chinese people love to hang paper-cutting of these two characters at their doors.

  Chinese paper cuts were used for religious and ceremonial purposes in the past. They have been buried with the dead and burned at funerals. At the same time, paper cuts have special significance on festivals and holidays.

  Paper cuts are made in many areas through the country; in general, the northern style is bold and free while the southern is delicate (精致的) and smooth.

  People express wishes and hopes with paper cuttings. As a national non-material culture heritage(遗产) , paper cut is really precious.

  29. What is necessary if you want to learn paper-cutting?

  A. Glue. B. Scissors.

  C. Chinese characters. D. Different colors.

  30. What is the text mainly about?

  A. Paper-cutting skills. B. Paper-cutting experts.

  C. The art of paper-cutting. D. The history of paper-cutting.

  31. How is the text organized?

  A. Introduction - Supporting details - Conclusion.

  B. Main idea - Comparison - Supporting examples.

  C. Opinion - Discussion - Description.

  D. Topic - Argument - Explanation.


  I've been quite busy planning my holiday with my older brother, Colin, a few weeks before he goes to university. Well, now we're ready to go! We're going to visit so many exciting places and do lots of astonishing things. We will go to Africa first.

  We will leave London on 15th July, and we'll be flying to Morocco. We're going to travel through the Sahara Desert. We'll be traveling by camel, with local guides, camping in tents and sleeping on the ground in our big, thick sleeping bags. I'll bring a torch with me so that I'll be able to see beautiful stars on clear nights in the dark. I'll have to sit on a camel for almost a week - how uncomfortable ! I hope my camel likes me!

  After that, we've going to travel down the River Nile. We'll start at Lake Victoria, where we'll go white-water rafting, which is quite dangerous, but very exciting! We have to wear special clothing, a helmet and a life jacket, just in case the raft gets turned upside down or sinks. Then we're going on a trip to see wild animals in Kenya. Since we'll be walking every day, for almost two weeks, I'll need to buy a large, strong, light backpack to carry my supplies of food and water. During the day, we'll walk across the land, following. the footprints of big animals such as elephants, lions and giraffes. We'll try to get as close as possible to the animals, even though they're dangerous, so that I can take some really good photos. But don't worry about me - our guides will have guns with them.

  At last, we'll be moving on to Tanzania, where we're going to climb Mount Kilimanjaro. The African part of our trip will take about four weeks. Then we're going to the Himalayas.

  32. What can we know about Colin according to Paragraph 1?

  A. He is not so.excited about the journey. B. He'll go to university after the trip.

  C. He usually travels in summer. D. He didn't want to go to Africa.

  33. What does the underlined word "that" in Paragraph 3 refer to?

  A. Going down the River Nile. B. Walking through Morocco.

  C. Watching stars at night. D. Traveling in the Sahara Desert.

  34. What kind of holiday does the author enjoy according to the text?

  A. Relaxing holidays. B. Adventure holidays.

  C. Cultural holidays. D. Uncomfortable holidays.

  35. What's the purpose of the author in writing this passage?

  A. To entertain readers. B. To persuade readers.

  C. To inform readers. D. To warn readers.

  第二节 (共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)


  Americans have contributed to many art forms, but jazz, a type of music, is the only art form, that was created in the United States. 36 Many blacks were brought from Africa to America as slaves. The black slaves sang and played the music of their homeland.

  37 It is a combination of the music of West Africa, the work songs the slaves sang, and religious music. Improvisation (即兴创作) is an important jazz. This means that the musicians make the music up as they go along, or create the music on the spot. 38

  Jazz bands formed in the late nineteenth century. They played in bars and clubs in many towns and cities of the South, especially in New Orleans.

  New Orleans is an international seaport. 39

  Jazz became more and more popular. 40 By the 1940s, you could hear jazz not only in clubs and bars, but in concert halls as well. Today, people from all over the world play jazz. jazz musicians from the United States, Asia, Africa, South America, and Europe meet and share their music at festivals on every continent. In this way, jazz continues to grow and change.

  A. Jazz grew out of blues.

  B. Jazz was created by black Americans.

  C. Jazz is a mixture of many different kinds of music.

  D. One of the most famous names in jazz is Miles Davis. .

  E. By the 1920s, jazz was popular all over the United States.

  F. People from all over the world come to New Orleans to hear jazz.

  G. This is why a jazz song might sound a little different each time it is played.

  第三部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)

  第一节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)



  The day I had been afraid of in six weeks had finally arrived --- The League Finals for the 4 x 400 meters relay. The thought of racing other 6th graders from different schools 41 me. It also worried me that I was running third leg and my whole team was 42 me to catch up with 43 teams, like Miller and Cupertino, whose team members had 44 trainers.

  Everywhere I 45 , I see other 6th grade teams handing out their batons (接力棒 ), practising and running at full speed when the baton reaches their 46 . It makes my team, 47 me, look like a bunch of amateurs(业余爱好). But it was too late to 48 now. I was going to run, no matter 49 .

  To 50 my nerves, I turned around and went to sit next to my best friend, Alison, hoping that she would give me some 51 . However, when I sat down next to her, I knew Alison was even more 52 than me. She was rocking 53 and she was 54 like a snowman in the sun.

  So, 55 having her comfort me, I told her that she would do well and that she would 56 every girl in the race. I comforted her with these words again and again, not realizing I was not just helping Alison, but also helping 57 .

  I knew 58 our team was not the best, we would give it our best shot. I kept that in my 59 and when my 60 to run finally came, I wasn't so sacred anymore.

  41. A. excited B. worried C. disappointed D. interested

  42. A. speaking about B. depending on C. taking up D. getting on with

  43. A. connected B. unique C. undefeated D. creative

  44. A. strange B. handsome C. common D. personal

  45. A. look B. run C. study D. fancy

  46. A. space B. hand C. purpose D. destination

  47. A. exactly B. unfortunately C. especially D. except

  48. A. try out B. take part C. turn back D. put up

  49. A. where B. when C. which D. what

  50. A. calm B. arrange C. guide D. pack

  51. A. effect B. impression C. comfort D. Entertainment

  52. A. unclear B. responsible C. realistic D. nervous

  53. A. at a time B. full of joy C. in a circle D. back and forth

  54. A. shining B. sweating C. performing D. racing

  55. A. instead of B. as well as C. apart from D. along with

  56. A. attack B. promote C. rediscover D. beat

  57. A. myself B. my team C. others D. her team

  58. A. even if B. so that C. now that D. as if

  59. A. permission B. mind C. imagination D. promise

  60. A. reaction B. event C. turn D. Competition


  第三部分 英语知识运用{共两节,满分45分)



  My heart is full of so much gratitude(感激) and love for my amazing life 61 is simply filled with lots of blessings, sunshine and flowers.

  I still remember that one special day when I gave away animals at the emergency room of a nearby hospital - so nurses could give away those 62 (love) teddy bears to hurting or sick children. I was on my way home and 63 (think) of a nice dinner. As I was about to walk into 64 store, I saw a young man 65 (sit) on the bench right in front of the store. He looked weak and hungry. I stopped in front of him with a big smile, saying "Hi, how are you doing?" He smiled back and said he was trying to sell his favorite flutes (长笛) 66 he could buy 67 (he) some dinner. I smiled and. said, " Please join me. I'd love 68 ( buy) you your dinner. " He smiled and opened his 69 ( arm) and gave me a big warm hug(拥抱) and then said the 70 ( much) beautiful prayer (祈祷) for me before we entered the store.

  This became another beautiful moment of heaven on earth. Be kind to strangers because you never know you might entertain some angels.

  第四部分 写作(共两节,满分35分)

  第一节 短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)







  I was used to use the Internet mainly for games. It takes my friends and me long time to play games. So I did poor at school. And now I use the Internet for anything I need to help me with my school work in any moment. I use the online dictionaries, encyclopedias and magazines. It's great because I can download pictures and articles and use it with my homeworks. Besides, I use it to keep up-to-date with events where happen around the world. It's such helpful that I'm getting better grades now.

  第二节 书面表达(满分25分)

  假定你是李华,学校即将举行板报设计大赛,你们班的主题是“My Dream House"。请给你的英国笔友David写封信,请他介绍英国房子的特点并寄来一些房子的照片。



  Dear David,


  Li Hua


  第 一 部 分

  1.5 ACABB 6.10 ACABB 11.15 BAABC 16.20 AABCB

  第 二 部 分

  21.24 DACB 25.28 ACDB 29.31 BCA 32.35 BDBC

  36.40 BCGFE

  第 三 部 分

  41.45 BBCDA 46.50 BCCDA 51.55 CDDBA 56.50 DAABC

  61. which/ that 62. lovely 63. thought 64. a 65. sitting

  66. so 67. himself 68. to buy 69. arms 70. most

  第 四 部 分

  第 一 节 :

  1. 去 掉 was 2. takes 改 为 took 3. long 前 加 a

  4. poor 改 为 poorly 5. And 改 为 But 6. in 改 为 at

  7. it 改 为 them 8. homeworks 改 为 homework

  9. where 改 为 that 或 which 10. such 改 为 so

  第 二 节 : one possible version:

  Dear David,

  How is everything going? Here’s some good news. Our class will take part in the Wallboard Design Competition. And we’re determined to make it our school’s best-ever wallboard with your help.

  Our theme is “ My Dream House” and we need you to send us your ideas. Will you please introduce the house in England, including the kind of the house, the materials, the rooms and what is special. Besides, could you send us some photos of the house?

  I’m looking forward to your reply.


  Li Hua






