




  第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)



  例:How much is the shirt?

  A.£19.15. B.£9.18. C.£9.15.

  1.What does Bob need

  A.A sleep. B.A leave C.A rest.

  2.How did Helen travel in the USA

  A.By car. B.By bus. C.By train.

  3.Where does this conversation probably take place?

  A.At a gas station B.At a railway station. C.In an airport.

  4.How does the man feel about the interview?

  A.Upset. B.Confident. C.Confused.

  5.Why does the woman talk about her dinner guests?

  A.To suggest the man have dinner together.

  B.To remind indirectly the man to go off now.

  C.To invite the man to drink more coffee with them.




  6.What is the woman most likely to be?

  A.A college teacher. B.A college student. C.A housekeeper.

  7.What do we know about the flat?

  A.It’s in a busy area. B.It’s in a quiet place. C.It’s far from the school.


  8.What does the man suggest the woman do?

  A.Buy used textbooks.

  B.Change the class schedule.

  C.Take the first class and check the schedule.

  9.What is required to return the wrong book?

  A.The receipt. B.The library card. C.The curriculum.


  10.What’s the probable relationship between the two speakers

  A.Father and daughter. B.Mother and son. C.Husband and wife.

  11.What does the woman suggest?

  A.Watching a bit of each program. B.Reading the newspaper. C.Playing cards.

  12.Why don’t they watch TV in the end?

  A.The lights went out. B.They can’t agree on what to watch. C.The TV programs are not educational.


  13.Where did the woman grow up?

  A.In a single-parent family. B.In a rich family. C.In a poor family.

  14.Who brought up the woman?

  A.Her mother. B.Her father. C.Her brother.

  15.Why didn’t the woman’s relatives help?

  A.They were busy. B.They lived far away. C.They lived a hard life.

  16.What can we infer from the conversation?

  A.The man works in an office.

  B.The man respects the woman’s mother.

  C.The woman is very grateful to her brother.


  17.Who did the early Chinese restaurants serve mainly?

  A.Chinese people. B.Foreign business people. C.British soldiers.

  18.Why did Gerrard want to build housing?

  A.The great fire of London destroyed buildings.

  B.More and more Chinese came and needed houses.

  C.He wanted to rebuild a new London Chinatown.

  19.How long did it take to build Gerrard Street?

  A.7 years. B.8 years. C.9 years.

  20.What did Gerrard build in the east of the new street?

  A.A military training ground. B.A new market hall. C.A new court .

  第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)





  Singapore EXPO Halls 1-3

  10am to 10pm

  The last Saturday of very month


  Have fun with family and friends at Weekend@ EXPO at the Singapore NEXPO.Held on the last Saturday of every month in 2017 at the Singapore NEXPO.Weekend @ NEXPO features a new theme every month from magic shows and fun fairs to musical performances and flea markets for a special cause;there’s something for everyone in the family!Check out our imagined gallery for past events.

  This Month’s Event: Sports Fair

  Featuring soccer,cycling,beginner’s golf,table-tennis,basketball,there will also be branded sportswear and equipment on sale at wholesale prices.Come down with your family and friends on the last Saturday of April.

  Kids,meet your favorite soccer players at the sports fair-our very own Sanji Ali from the National Soccer Team. Sign up for a ten-minute clinic with him and get tips from our top national player free of charge.The first 50 kids who sign up will get an autographed (签名) football free.

  Coming up in May: Games Day

  Parents,let your kids take a break from their revision for the exams,Let your kids get rid of their stress in May’s Event:Games Day Weekend@ Nexpo.We have lost of games in store for you-shooting games,ball games,puzzles, quizzes and more.Get your family down to NEXPO in May.The first 50 families will get a stylus (触控笔) for iphone.

  Get your MEELO drink at refreshments counter,Every registration ticket can be exchanged for one cup of MEELO.First come first served.

  Weekend@ EXPO is organized by Singapore Development Board and sponsored by MEELO.

  21.What’s the purpose of this advertisement?

  A.To urge people to enjoy their weekends. B.To get families to spend more time together.

  C.To encourage kids to learn to play some sports. D.To attract people to come to NEXPO for activities.

  22.If Tommy wants to participate in the soccer clinic,he will .

  A.be able to get free sportswear B.need to register for April’s event

  C.be receiving an autographed football D.have to get an approval from Sanji Ali

  23.Anyone who registers for May’s event can .

  A.have a free stylus for iphone B.go for the sports fair free of charge

  C.show his ticket for a cup of MEELO D.get an autographed football from Sanji Ali

  24.According to this advertisement,WEEKEND@ NEXPO .

  A.occupies 4 halls B.is held every Saturday

  C.will continue monthly for the year 2017

  D.is sponsored by Singapore Development Board


  Unlike Hillary Clinton,and most previous US presidents,who entered the election after years of being politicians, Trump,70,the country’s 45th president,was a New York businessman.And he was not a presidential candidate who worked hard to keep a perfect public image (形象) of a man who was always caring,fair and intelligent.In stead, Trump has a reputation of being bad-tempered,self-important and hateful toward those who disagree with him.He also blames immigrants,both from Latin America and the Middle East,for many problems in the US.This has caused a dangerous division in the country-a country made up of many diverse races.Furthermore,he opposes globalization.

  But to his supporters,the fact that Trump is not a typical politician is actually one of his advantages,His habit of never hiding his opinions is also considered by many to be a sign that he is not a pretender like many politicians are. “We have seen our country take a fall in the eyes of the world.We need to go in a different direction,”Binyomin Weisswasser,39,a man from Chicago,told the Chicago Tribune.“Trump’s not a politician,I like that he is not always politically correct and speaks his mind,It gives me the feeling that what you see is what you get,You may not like it, but you know what it is.”

  But interestingly,many who voted for Trump actually followed the “lesser of two evils(恶魔)” principle-one that people use when faced with picking from two unpleasant options - simply because they didn’t think Clinton was a better choice.“He’s the candidate I disagree less with,” Jack Stucky,20,a student at Northwestern University, told the Chicago Tribune.“I don’t think I’d say Donald Trump is going to be the best president ever,but I did think he’d be better than Hillary Clinton.”

  25.What can we learn from the text?

  A.Trump is more tolerant to immigrants.

  B.Trump minds more about keeping his public image perfect.

  C.Trump is thought to be more complex and flexible in politics.

  D.Trump is considered more straightforward and narrow-minded.

  26.What does the last paragraph imply?

  A.Trump will do better than Hillary.

  B.Hillary is the least unpleasant candidate.

  C.Both Trump and Hillary are immoral,but the former is better.

  D.Trump is going to be the worst president in the history of the USA.

  27.What’s the best title of this passage?

  A.Trump’s shocking win. B.Trump’s new policy to the USA.

  C.Different congratulations on Trump’s win. D.The advantages Donald Trump over Hillary Clinton.


  In Japan,more than a quarter of the population is over 65,a figure set to rise to 40 percent by 2050.

  That means authorities need to think about ways to keep seniors healthy and active for longer but also about how to cope with labor shortages.

  At Cross Heart,more than half of the 119 caregivers are over 60,and 15 of them are over 70.The foundation that runs this nursing home and others in Kanagawa Prefecture has raised the official retirement age to 70 but allows employees to keep working until 80 if they want to and can.

  Although older workers have constraints-some can’t do the heavier tasks -they also offer advantages over younger workers who want time off for their children,said nursing home director Kaori Yokoo.

  “Plus,because they’re close in age,they can relate to each other more,” she said.For the older workers,the money is a nice benefit,but the main motivation is the activity and sense of community.

  Hiroko Akiyama.at the University of Tokyo’s Institute of Gerontology,said a Japanese 65-year-old is in much better physical and mental shape than a 65-year-old a few decades ago.“They are full of energy,and healthy and long-living,” she said.Her research has found that working helps keep seniors that way.

  Meanwhile,researchers are working on robots that can lift the elderly out of beds and wheelchairs.

  Still,Japan can’t rely only on seniors or,potentially,robots to staff its nursing homes,where the need will only grow as the population ages,analysts say.

  Japan has agreements with Indonesia,Vietnam and the Philippines under which applicants who complete job training and pass a Japanese language test can work at a Japanese nursing home.But many Japanese also express deep concern about cultural differences.

  28.From the text we can learn that in Japan .

  A.money will be spent increasing the skills of the workforce

  B.young people are willing to care for children but not seniors

  C.aging caregivers will increasingly become a usual trend

  D.high-level nursing homes are in great need

  29.What does the underlined word “constraints” in Paragraph 4 mean?

  A.failures. B.benefits. C.experiences. D.drawbacks.

  30.What is the main reason for the old to work for nursing homes?

  A.To meet their physical and mental needs. B.To earn some money for their families.

  C.To show love and respect for seniors. D.To reduce the young’s burden.

  31.How many aspects does the writer mention to increase the workforce?

  A.2 B.3. C.4. D.5.


  In the James Bond movie Skyfall,there is a frightening moment when the bad guy of the film removes his prosthetic (假体) mouth to show his damaged face.We are scared,but amazed at the possibility.Could it be possible to replace parts of our body and even improve on the original? Rex,the Bionic (仿生) Man,brings together scientists working on the latest research to test the limits of prosthetic technology.

  Built by leading UK roboticists Richard Walker and Matthew Godden from Shadow Robot,Rex is currently on display at London’s Science Museum.The two-metre tall artificial man has 28 of the latest artificial limbs and organs and cost almost class="con">



  Walker is very surprised by how well technology is being used to build organs to function effectively when the original organ fails.If the Bionic Man can be built again in five years’ time,Walker predicts that we will be even more surprised by what prosthetic technology can do for our bodies.

  32.In the film Skyfall,the bad guy .

  A.shows an artificial mouth to try to frighten others B.uses an artificial mouth because his face is injured

  C.feels both scared and amazed at the same time D.forces experts to replace his artificial mouth

  33.What can we learn about Rex,the Bionic Man?

  A.It was built with technology which was a little limited. B.It will go on show at a museum in London soon.

  C.It has a number of artificial organs in his body. D.It shows artificial people can work for robot experts.

  34.A conventional artificial hand .

  A.makes a signal when it wants to pick something up B.does not belong to prosthetic technology’s product

  C.uses information from the human body to move D.is not able to pick up or hold things at present

  35.What is Walker’s opinion about the future prosthetic technology?

  A.Prosthetic organs can make failed ones function again. B.It will be a surprise if another Bionic Man is built.

  C.Another Rex will be built five years from now. D.It will help people live much better or longer.



  Cucumber(黄瓜)-Your Skins New Best Friend

  Cucumber has a way of making the simplest things better,like a cold glass of water.But did you know that it can also greatly transform your skin’s health and appearance?

  According to a study,cucumber has skincare benefits including vitamin C and caffeic acid,which both fight to reduce irritated (刺激性的) skin. 36 Below are three ways scientists recommend treating your skin with cucumbers.

  37 For an instant fix,place cool cucumber slices around your eyes.They will act like little ice packs to relieve swollen (肿胀的) lids.“Cucumbers contain something that decreases swelling,redness and irritation,” said Wechsler. “They also provide a cooling effect that helps shrink expanding blood vessels,therefore reducing the appearance of swollen eyes.”

  Treat sunburnt and irritated skin. 38 But don’t worry.Cucumbers are loaded with lots of nutrients like water and vitamins A and C that comfort skin conditions like sunburns.Simply place thin slices of cucumber onto your face and lie down for at least fifteen minutes. 39

  Use as an anti-aging facial mask.Wechsler’s mask calls for half a cucumber and two tablespoons of plain yogurt. 40 After that,clean with warm water.Cucumbers contain vitamin C and caffeic acid,which help defend you against wrinkles,sun damage and more,when applied to skin.

  A.Calm swollen eyes.

  B.Make you feel happy.

  C.Then remove the slices and have a wash.

  D.Cucumber can prevent you against any form of harm.

  E.The effects of too much sun can be real painful,especially on the face.

  F.Actually even people with the most sensitive skin types can use it to their advantage.

  G.Make them into a thick mixture,apply to your skin and allow it to sit for fifteen minutes.

  笫三部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)

  第一节 完形填空(共20小题;每题1.5分,满分30分)


  Ever since I can remember,I’ve been told I was the apple of my daddy’s eye.When I was growing up,my dad had a (n) 41 at home.It seemed huge to me, 42 dark wood.I used to 43 under that desk,hiding for hours.

  Why was I 44 to that old desk? Besides the books on the desk,there was also a polished wooden apple with a frame 45 a picture of me.It was a physical representation of 46 my father felt about me.This 47 how precious I was to my dad.

  This saying was 48 ,and I’d heard many people refer to others as the apple of their eye.Many years later I began to 49 about the origin of this saying and learned the apple of the eye is the pupil (瞳孔) of the eye and that this saying was 50 a word picture about relationship,It’s a picture of being so 51 to someone that you can see yourself reflected in the pupil of their eye.

  That picture brought 52 to my own eyes,as I remembered how much I meant to my father,How does that 53 to the time my son spent as a soldier’ in Iraq? One day,when I was struggling with fear over his 54 ,I read the poetry where a 55 refers to his people as the apple of his eye,It reminded me that 56 my son was special to me,he was considerably more 57 to the country.

  As I read the poetry,I found myself 58 ,Not only did I care about what happened to my son, 59 my country eared.And more importantly,my country could and would take 60 of my son.

  41.A.desk B.picture C.frame D.apple

  42.A.taken on B. run into C.rushed to D.made of

  43.A.mature B.adjust C.play D.crowd

  44.A.known B.drawn C.exposed D.compared

  45.A.using B. holding C. opening D.masking

  46.A.how B.why C.where D.when

  47.A. ensured B.explained C. learned D.showed

  48.A.ordinary B. average C.common D.normal

  49.A.care B.talk C.wonder D.bring

  50.A.directly B.equally C.plainly D.actually

  51.A.close B.familiar C.easy D.good

  52.A.regrets B.tears C.pleasure D.pride

  53.A.attend B.relate C.see D.add

  54.A.safety B.health C.independence D.future

  55.A.family B.society C.country D.company

  56.A.as if B.only if C.what if D.even if

  57.A.precious B.necessary C.admirable D.positive

  58.A.in surprise B.in confusion C.at peace D.at a loss

  59.A.and B.so C.or D.but

  60.A.advantage B.care C.note D.place


  第三部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)



  The blue whale is 61 largest animal ever known to have existed.Blue whales are simply huge with most ranging in length from 24 to 30 meters,and the longest one ever 62 (record) was 33.5 meters long.Females are up to 10 meters 63 (long) than males,Blue whales can weigh as much as 90,000 kilograms to 136,000 kilograms.Its heart is the size of a small car, 64

  what greatly surprised the scientists is that its beat can 65 (feel) two miles away.

  With a body that big,you might think that whales eat other big animals. 66 (actual),these huge mammals eat tiny animals,like krill (磷虾).They don’t have teeth,and eat using baleen that is like a filter (过滤器) 67 (catch) the tiny krill,A blue whale can eat up to 4000 kilograms of kill per day!

  These gentle animals live in small groups, 68 are called “pods”,The number of blue whales in the world’s oceans 69 (be) now very small.Blue whales are dying in fishing nets and being caught by illegal 70 (fisherman).There are only around 2000 to 5000 blue whales left in the oceans.

  第四部分 写作(共两节,满分35分)

  第一节 短文改错(共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分)







  I am from Winsconsin,and while we meet someone for the first time,we usually shake hand,Well,I had big surprise in Belgium.When I was introduced to my friend’s brother,something was occurred,which made me felt uncomfortable.I said “Hi” to him,extending his hand and he came up to me and kissed me on the cheek,not once,and three times,going from one cheek with the other! Of course,I went red and they started laugh at me,In Belgium,it’s common to greet someone by kissing three times.How vastly differently kissing traditions are across the world!

  第二节 书面表达(满分25分)

  假设你叫李华,是你班上的英语课代表。为了弘扬中国传统文化,你校艺术俱乐部准备举办一次关于“国画(Chinese painting)”的讲座。你班外籍教师Peter对国画很感兴趣,给你发来邮件询问本次讲座的情况。请给Peter 回复一封邮件,内容包括:

  1.讲座目的; 2.讲座内容; 3.讲座时间和地点; 4.邀请Peter参加。




  Dear Peter,


  Li Hua


  第一部分 听力

  1-5 CABBB 6-10 BBCAC 11-15 CAAAB 16-20 BCABB

  第二部分 阅读理解


  21-24 DBCC 25-27 DCA 28-31 CDAB 32-35 BCCD


  36-40 FAECG

  第三部分 英语知识运用

  第一节 完形填空

  41-45 ADCBB 46-50 ADCCD 51-55 ABBAC 56-60 DACDB


  61.the 62.recorded 63.longer 64.and/but 65.be felt

  66.Actually 67.to catch 68.which 69.is 70.fishermen


  I am from Winsconsin,and while we meet someone for the first time,we usually shake hand,

  when/as hands

  Well,I had∧ big surprise in Belgium.When I was introduced to my friend’s brother,something


  was occurred,which made me felt uncomfortable.I said “Hi” to him,extending his hand and he

  删除was feel my

  came up to me and kissed me on the cheek,not once,and three times,going from one cheek with


  the other! Of course,I went red and they started laugh at me,In Belgium,it’s common to greet

  laughing/to laugh

  someone by kissing three times.How vastly differently kissing traditions are across the world!


  One possible version:

  Dear Peter,

  I'm glad to receive your email asking me about the lecture on Chinese painting.Yes, as you said:there is going to be such a lecture to be organized by the Art Club in our school,whose purpose is to carry forward Chinese traditional culture-as an excellent art form, Chinese painting is one of the major parts of China's traditions.The lecture will help us understand the history and the main techniques of Chinese painting.It will be held in our school lecture hall from 3:00-4:30 next Friday afternoon.

  I know you have great interest in Chinese painting. Why not attend it? I'm sure it will be a good opportunity for you to experience the charm and fun of Chinese painting.


  Li Hua






