




  第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)





  Uber is available in over 70 cities throughout 40 countries worldwide. You can either choose a typical Uber unmarked car or regular taxi. The app can show you where drivers are, so you know how long you’ll be waiting .You can also get fare quotes(报价) in advance. Your payment source is linked to the app and is automatically charged, so no physical money is ever needed.


  Lyft is a service that is also available in many large cities in the US. However, it offers something different, one of which is Lyft Line. With this service, you can find people that take the same route on a daily basis as you and split the fare with them. Lyft’s regular service lets you easily see where rides are, catch one, and easily pay right within the app.

  Easy Taxi

  Easy Taxi is available in 86 cities across 26 countries and lets you quickly scrub through maps and find locations you’d like to be picked up at.From there,just make sure there are taxis in your area.Confirm your ride and then pay for it within the Easy Taxi app.Once you book a ride,you should see the taxi’s plate number and phone number appear on the map,making it easy for you to pick out both the car and the driver.


  Curb, formerly Taxi Magic, is currently available in around 60 cities across the United States as well as select cities in the United Kingdom, Canada, and Mexico. It ties in with taxi companies and their drivers. As your taxi makes its way to your location, you’ll be able to track its progress inside the app. You can link a payment account to Curb to pay your fare through the app. You can also pay in cash.

  1. Which app is available in the most countries?

  A. Uber. B. Lyft. C. Easy Taxi. D. Curb.

  2. What’s the special service of Lyft?

  A. You can pay the fare in cash.

  B. You can see where your ride is.

  C. You can get fare quotes in advance.

  D. You can find someone to share the fare.

  3. What do the four apps have in common?

  A. They are available worldwide.

  B. They are tied to taxi companies.

  C. They allow users to pay via app.

  D. They can identify your location.

  【答案】1. A 2. D 3. C


  I had been following the yellowish-green markers for a “popular and easy” three - mile out - and -back hike (远足). Immediately after the trailhead, the trail (小径) became very rocky and steep. But having read about the hike, I knew within five minutes, I was supposed to reach the hike’s first overlook.

  However, the overlook never arrived. Instead, I found myself lost in the woods. Pulling out my cellphone, I saw it read “no service”. I checked the last text message I’d sent to my mom. It read, “Conference ended … going for a small hike before my flight home this afternoon.” I put my phone away and kept moving and yelling, “Help! Is anybody out there?” Every so often, I’d stop to listen, but I never heard a reply.

  I got out my phone again. The battery was running out fast as it searched for a signal, I struggled to find a place where I could get service. When I did, I called my mom. It went through! In a shaky voice, I said, “Mom?” and then the all dropped. More than 1,500 miles away, my mom instantly knew something was wrong. She called the Denver Police Department and was directed to the US Forest Service.

  This was how I was introduced to John, an operator from the US Forest Service, Following John’s instruction on the phone, I finally escaped from the woods. I breathed a sigh of relief. Then my phone rang, and it was John, making sure I was still going in the right direction. “By the way,” he said, “we’ve had your mother on hold this whole time. So once you get down the mountain, you will absolutely want to give her a call.”

  4. What did the author do while finding the trail rocky and steep?

  A. He yelled for help. B. He continued walking.

  C. He returned to the start. D. He found the first overlook.

  5. When did the author tell his mom about the hiking?

  A. After he got lost. B. After John’s call.

  C. After a conference. D. After the call dropped.

  6. How did the author’s mom know he was in danger?

  A. The author called and told her about it.

  B. The author’s flight didn’t arrive on time.

  C. She learned it from the US Forest Service.

  D. She sensed something unusual on the phone.

  7. What can we learn from the last paragraph?

  A. John came to the woods for the author.

  B. The author’s mom was on line waiting.

  C. John lost touch with the author’s mom.

  D. The author went in the wrong direction.

  【答案】4. B 5. C 6. D 7. B


  4. 推理判断题。根据第一段But having read about the hike, I knew within five minutes, I was supposed to reach the hike’s first overlook.可知,作者根据自己对远足的学习,认为只需走很短的时间就可以进行第一次远眺了,故作者肯定是继续前进,选B。

  5. 细节理解题。根据第二段I checked the last text message I’d sent to my mom. It read, “Conference ended … going for a small hike before my flight home this afternoon.”可知,作者是开完会之后告诉他的妈妈的,故选C。

  6. 细节理解题。根据第三段It went through! In a shaky voice, I said, “Mom?” and then the all dropped. More than 1,500 miles away, my mom instantly knew something was wrong.可知,作者的妈妈虽远隔千里,依然感觉到事情不对劲,可能是我打电话的时候说的那声妈妈让她感觉到了,故答案为D。

  7. 细节理解题。根据最后一段he said, “we’ve had your mother on hold this whole time. So once you get down the mountain, you will absolutely want to give her a call.”可知,作者的妈妈一直和US Forest Service连线,一直在等作者的消息,故答案为B。C

  The fact that ants are fascinating insects has been known for some time. Now, scientists have discovered a large number of wood ants living in an abandoned underground storehouse in Templewo, Poland, despite having no obvious source of food.

  Polish zoologist Wojciech Czechowski and his team began studying the underground colony in 2013. They found the ants built a 60-cm high nest in the soil directly over the storehouse vertical air pipe. As years passed, the metal covering on the pipe eroded, leaving behind a hole that thousands of worker ants accidentally slip into each day as they go about their daily chores. The scientists say that there are no sources of food in the storehouse. This means that the insects live in a state of near starvation.

  In July 2015, the researchers disturbed part of the ant nest in search of larvae (幼虫), cocoons(茧), and queens. They found nothing, leading them to suspect that the lack of food and cold temperatures made reproduction impossible and that the group tending the nest is entirely made up of non-reproductive female workers. Their population is refilled every year, by a new rain of unfortunate ants that slide down the hole. The researchers say that when they returned in January 2016, the nest had been repaired. It appears that despite the terrible conditions, the worker ants do not stop constructing their nest.

  Wood ants are known for their ability to adapt to bad living conditions. In this case, the millions of worker ants trapped in the storehouse have no choice. But instead of losing hope, they are making the best of the situation—a classic example of “when life gives you lesions make lemonade.”

  8. How did the wood ants arrive in the storehouse?

  A. They fell down there by accident.

  B. The research team brought them there.

  C. The storehouse builders left them there.

  D. They were attracted by the environment.

  9. What does the underlined word “eroded” in Paragraph 2 probably mean?

  A. Expanded. B. Rotted. C. Exploded. D. Melted.

  10. What did the researchers find in the nest?

  A. Larvae. B. Cocoons. C. A queen. D. Worker ants.

  11. Why did the population of wood ants remain steady?

  A. They had enough food.

  B. They were able to reproduce.

  C. They adapted to the conditions.

  D. They had new comers to join them.

  【答案】8. A 9. B 10. D 11. D

  10. 推理判断题。根据第二段thousands of worker ants accidentally slip into each day as they go about their daily chores.以及第三段They found nothing, leading them to suspect that the lack of food and cold temperatures made reproduction impossible and that the group tending the nest is entirely made up of non-reproductive female workers.可知,巢穴里发现的只有工蚁,其它什么都没有,故选D。

  11. 推理判断题。根据倒数第二段Their population is refilled every year, by a new rain of unfortunate ants that slide down the hole.可知,每年都有一些倒霉的工蚁们不小心掉到洞里来,最后导致林蚁的数量一直都很稳定,故选D。



  Despite being used by 1.24 billion people each year, traveling on the Tube in London can actually be quite lonely.

  One citizen, however, is trying to change this, “You get on the Tube and it’s completely silent and it’s weird,” says Jonathan Dunne, who has started a worldwide dialogue after giving out badges (徽章) with the words “Tube chat?” last month, encouraging passengers in London to get talking to one another, “I handed out 500 badges during rush hour in a city of 8 million, expecting most of them to be thrown away, but after about 24 hours it completely snowballed,” he says, Dunne and his “Tube chat” campaign have since been reported by media across the world, seeing TV interviews in Sweden, Brazil and the UK, as well as countless website, newspaper and magazine appearances.

  Although Dunne says he’s received mostly positive feedback, not everyone agrees with his idea. Londoner Brian Wilson responded with a campaign of his own, handing out 500 badges with the words “Don’t even think about it” on them, Michael Robinson, 24, a student from London, agrees, “Being on the Tube is the only peace and quiet some people get on their journeys to and from work. It doesn’t need to be spoiled by people coming up and chatting to you,” he says.

  “People assume that I just walk up and talk to strangers, which I don’t, but it’s been a great way to meet people you would never have normally spoken to,” Dunne says.

  So if you ever end up using public transport in the West, why not say hello to the person next to you? Just make sure to check for a badge first.

  12. How did Dunne encourage London passengers to talk with each other?

  A. By putting up posters on the tube.

  B. By advocating his idea on the media.

  C. By offering passengers special badges.

  D. By starting a dialogue with passengers.

  13. How is Dunne’s campaign getting along?

  A. It has caught international attention.

  B. It has become a worldwide campaign.

  C. Most passengers have refused to accept it.

  D. Wilson has made great efforts to promote it.

  14. According to Michael Robinson, what should tube passengers do?

  A. Hand in their feedback in time.

  B. Walk up and talk to strangers.

  C. Stop using public transport.

  D. Enjoy the peace quietly.

  15. What can be the best title for the text?

  A. Tube Chat or Not

  B. Lonely Travel in London Tube

  C. Silence on the Tube

  D. Tube Passengers Wearing Badges

  【答案】12. C 13. A 14. D 15. A

  15. 标题判断题。本文讲述了有人发起的一项在乘坐地铁时要互相说话,打破沉默,虽有很多人赞同,但是也有一些不同的声音,故本文最后的主题就落到了在乘坐地铁时要不要说话上面来。故选A。第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)


  Whether you are at Disneyland or another Disney park, you will usually find a nighttime show that will be showing, ___16___Read this article to find out how you can get a good seat for an evening event at any Disney park.

  ● Plan on seeing the show in advance.

  Usually, if you decide an hour beforehand that you’re going to see a show, you will likely end up not getting a good seat, unless the park is not very busy. ___17___

  ● Do your research.

  Research online: “The best places to view …” ___18___Some of them may even be less known, so you may not deal with such a big crowd.

  ● Arrive to the event early.

  ___19___Possibly even earlier if the park is more crowded on that day. If you arrive ten minutes before the event starts, you’re a lot less likely to get a good spot.

  ● ___20___

  If you must leave to do something, make sure that it’s extremely quick, and try to have another member of your party stay in your spot while you are away.

  A. Stay in the same area.

  B. Enjoy the show with a friend.

  C. It’s usually much more enjoyable if you can get a good seat.

  D. This is especially important if you arrive closer to the event time.

  E. In order to get a good spot, plan on arriving an hour before the event.

  F. Therefore, look at the schedule before your trip, or at least the day before.

  G. You’ll see a list of places in the park that are the best for viewing that event.

  【答案】16. C 17. F

  18. G 19. E

  20. A


  16. 前文中说在迪士尼夜间有表演,后一句提到如何获得一个好位子,所以中间肯定是说好位子可以给你带来好的享受,此外,还有一个非常重要的关键词:get a good seat,C项正好就有,和后文完全匹配起来,故选C。

  17. 根据此段的标题Plan on seeing the show in advance.可知,要提前计划好,而且本段第一句也说了提前一小时也不行,故F项“至少提前一天”就符合要求了,故选F。

  18. 根据后一句Some of them may even be less known中的them可推知,them就是指代好的观赏点,带着这个意思到选项中找,不难发现G项中的a list of places,指的是好的观赏点的清单,正好和下一句匹配起来,故选G。

  19. 根据本段的标题Arrive to the event early可知,要提前到,带着这个意思到选项中找,不难发现E项中的plan on arriving an hour before the event“计划提前一小时到”符合此段意思,也和后一句Possibly even earlier意思匹配起来,故选E。

  20. 根据本段的意思:如果你有事要离开一会,请务必尽快回来,并且要让一个跟你一起来的人在你离开时帮助你待在你的位置,所以本段的意思就是尽量待在原位置不要走,故选A。第三部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)

  第一节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)

  阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D )中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

  Honest Thanks

  I sat down at my desk and started writing. I wrote an emotional letter of gratitude. I put the notecard into the _____21_____, sealed it and stuck the stamps on it, but when it came to actually placing the letter into the mailbox … I _____22_____.

  The letter was to a schoolmate with whom I kept in contact via Facebook ___23___. She had inspired me to live a(n)___24___life—for example, by___25___more.

  Her volunteer efforts weren’t___26___—she wasn’t building wells in Uganda, but___27___she was doing small, local good deeds, such as serving as a crossing guard. These were things I could do, too. She made me ___28___ I could make a difference here at home. I felt I should let her know how her___29___positively influenced my life. I could have easily sent her an e-mail, ____30____that seemed a bit lame for such an important thank you, That’s why I ended up____31____the letter. But now I stood before the mailbox, unable to place the envelope inside. What was____32____me? Why was this so ______33______to do? I guess I felt strange because it wasn’t like she was my best friend, I just knew her, “People don’t ______34______do this,” I thought to myself. However, ____35____thinking it over, I still felt a(n)____36____to let her know how grateful I was. Finally, I put the envelope in the mailbox.

  Weeks later I received her reply. She was____37____a tough time and my letter meant the____38____to her, She didn’t know she had such a(n)____39____on others. Not only did this letter make her happy, but her response to it increased my______40______of happiness, I decided to write a gratitude letter to someone each month, Cultivating gratitude is a great skill to practice, Life is too short not to do it.

  21. A. envelope B. drawer C. handbag D. pocket

  22. A. sighed B. froze C. panicked D. smiled

  23. A. usually B. formally C. occasionally D. secretly

  24. A. different B. tough C. enthusiastic D. rich

  25. A. enjoying ` B. volunteering C. exercising D. travelling

  26. A. essential B. meaningful C. ordinary D. huge

  27. A. once B. also C. still D. instead

  28. A. accept B. realize C. admit D. prove

  29. A. words B. thoughts C. example D. emotion

  30. A. and B. but C. so D. or

  31. A. editing B. receiving C. answering D. handwriting

  32. A. stopping B. urging C. encouraging D. confusing

  33. A. boring B. pleasant C. hard D. cool

  34. A. directly B. constantly C. equally D. normally

  35. A. until B. after C. while D. before

  36. A. desire B. ambition C. fear D. curiosity

  37. A. going through B. going for C. going against D. going over

  38. A. earth B. world C. dream D. future

  39. A. comment B. honor C. influence D. concern

  40. A. search B. appreciation C. level D. experience

  【答案】21. A 22. B 23. C 24. A 25. B 26. D 27. D 28. B 29. C 30. B 31. D 32. A 33. C 34. D 35. B 36. A 37. A 38. B 39. C 40. C


  21. 考查名词。A. envelope信封;B. drawer抽屉;C. handbag手提包;D. pocket口袋。我把便签卡片放进了信封里,密封起来然后贴好邮票。故选A。

  22. 考查动词。A. sighed叹气;B. froze僵住,呆住;C. panicked恐慌;D. smiled微笑。但是当真正要把信投进邮箱的时候,我僵住了。此处指作者有迟疑,一时呆住了,故选B。

  23. 考查副词。A. usually经常地;B. formally正式地;C. occasionally偶尔地;D. secretly秘密地。这封信是寄给我的一个偶尔通过Facebook联系的校友。根据后问的提示可知,俩人联系不多,故选C。

  24. 考查形容词。A. different不同的;B. tough艰难的;C. enthusiastic热情的;D. rich富有的,丰富的。她鼓励我去过一个不同的生活,比如更多地参与志愿活动,故选A。

  25. 考查动名词。A. enjoying享受;B. volunteering志愿;C. exercising锻炼;D. travelling旅行。根据上题题意,再结合下面一段的关键词volunteer可知,答案为B。

  26. 考查形容词。A. essential必要的;B. meaningful有意义的;C. ordinary普通的;D. huge巨大的。她的志愿者的努力成果并不是很大,她没有在乌干达建造很多的井,但是相反只是做了很小的服务当地的好事。根据后一句中的small…… good deeds可知,此处选huge,故选D。

  27. 考查副词。A. once一旦;B. also也;C. still仍然;D. instead相反。根据上题题意可知,此处选D,表示前后转折或对比的关系。

  28. 考查动词。A. accept接受;B. realize意识到;C. admit承认;D. prove证明。她使我意识到我在家就可以做出有影响的事。故选B。

  29. 考查名词。A. words话;B. thoughts思想;C. example例子;D. emotion感情。我感觉我应该让她知道她的事例是如何积极地影响了我的生活。故选C。

  30. 考查连词。A. and并且;B. but但是;C. so因此;D. or或者。我本可以很轻松地给她发e-mail,但是对于这样一个重要的感谢信似乎很差劲,没有说服力。前后之间是转折关系,故选B。

  31. 考查动名词。A. editing编辑;B. receiving接收;C. answering回答;D. handwriting亲手写。那也是为什么最后我亲手写这封信。故选D。

  32. 考查动词。A. stopping停止,阻止;B. urging敦促;C. encouraging鼓励;D. confusing使困惑。是什么在阻止我呢?故选A。

  33. 考查形容词。A. boring令人厌烦的;B. pleasant开心的;C. hard艰难的;D. cool凉爽的。为什么这么做就那么艰难呢?C项符合语境。

  34. 考查副词。A. directly直接地;B. constantly持续地,不断地;C. equally平等地;D. normally正常地,通常地。因为不是朋友,只是认识,所以说人们通常不会这么做。故选D。

  35. 考查连词。A. until直到;B. after之后;C. while当……时候;D. before之前。但是,在充分地考虑之后,我依然有种渴望让她知道我对她有多么感激。故选B。


  第三部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)


  阅读下面材料, 在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)后括号内单词的正确形式。

  Whenever Prince George steps out for an engagement, like on the royal tour of Canada, or poses for___41___ (office) photographs, he only ever wears shorts, ___42___has long confused royal watchers.

  According to William Hanson, ___43___expert in ceremony, there’s a very good reason for this—and it has nothing to do___44___fashion, but rather a royal tradition that ___45___(date) back to the sixteenth century. A new born baby would___46___(dress) is a gown for their first year or two. Then he was “breached (穿裤礼)” and wore articles of clothing like shorts. The usual custom is that a boy graduates to trousers around eight years old.

  With times___47___(change), middle class boys began to wear trousers but they are considered suburban (土气的) by the upper, Hanson explains,“___48___is a very English thing to dress a young boy in shorts.” The British upper are always keen to hold on to tradition, and this also___49___(silent) marks them out from “the rest”. However, as for William and Kate, the____50____(decide) to dress George in shorts is more likely down to tradition than a class issue.

  【答案】41. official

  42. which 43. an

  44. with 45. dates

  46. be dressed

  47. changing

  48. It 49. silently

  50. decision


  46. 考查被动语态。此处意为“穿衣”,新生婴儿肯定是别人给他穿衣的,故用be dressed。

  47. 考查非谓语动词。此处为with 的复合结构用法with+宾语+宾补,根据change和逻辑主语time之间是主动关系,故填changing。

  48. 考查it作形式主语。此处用it来作形式主语,真正的主语是后面的动词不定式短语to dress……。

  49. 考查副词。此处用副词修饰动词短语mark out,作状语,故填silently。

  50. 考查名词。此处用名词作主语,故填decision。


  it作形式主语或形式宾语的用法。语法填空里it作形式主语或形式宾语是常考点,通常来说,为了平衡句子结构,让句子看起来更美观,用it在句中作形式主语或形式宾语,而且后面必须要给出真正的主语或宾语,而真正的主语或宾语通常有三种形式:动词不定式(短语),动名词(短语),从句。除此之外,在判断的时候还要结合语境。It作形式主语或形式宾语时,没有意义,真正的含义在后面的真正主语或宾语里,因此翻译时要格外注意。掌握了这一用法之后做这类题目就没有问题了。比如第八题,首先根据语境来理解,给小男孩穿短裤是一件很英式的事情,很明显,句子的主语应该是后面的动词不定式,因此想到这马上就可以断定是形式主语,故填It。第四部分 写作(共两节,满分35分)

  第一节 短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)

  51. 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的一下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。






  Recently, a famous basketball player has caused public angry by writing on the Great wall. In the fact, this happens in many place of interest. I had some suggestions to solve this problem.

  First, make more posters to inform the public the damage of graffiti(涂鸦). Besides, punishments, such as a fine, is necessary to tourists with so bad behaviors. Also, I think it’s helpfully to put up some boards along the tourist attractions that tourists can leave messages.

  I’m sure with our efforts, more and more people will become concerning about protecting cultural relics.

  【答案】1. angry→anger;2. 去掉fact前面的the;3. place→places;4. had→have;5. 在public后面加of;6. is→are;7. so→such;8. helpfully→helpful;9. that→where;10. concerning→concerned



  第二处:去掉fact前面的the;考查冠词。此处为固定短语:in fact“事实上”,不需要冠词。

  第三处:place→places;考查名词复数。place of interest意为“名胜”,此处前面有many修饰,后面应用复数名词,此短语的中心词是place,故把place改为复数。


  第五处:在public后面加of;考查介词。此处为固定短语:inform sb of sth“通知某人某事”。





  第十处:concerning→concerned考查形容词。此处为固定短语:be concerned about“关心……”。


  so和such的用法区别。俩词的意思差不多,但用法不同。so通常修饰形容词或副词,such修饰名词,此处的名词可指任意名词,不管可数不可数,单数复数都可以。但是so后也可接名词,但对名词有一个要求就是单数可数名词才可以;such后也可接形容词,但是这个形容词必须是来修饰名词的。当so和such修饰可数名词单数的时候,句子意思一样。so+adj+a(n)+n=such+a(n)+adj+n.如 so good a boy=such a good boy


  第二节 书面表达(满分25分)

  52. 假定你是李华,你的美国朋友David作为交换生曾在你家居住。近期你校要举办以“ Foreigners Tell Chinese Stories”为主题的英语征文活动。请写一封邮件邀请他参加。要点如下:






  Dear David,


  Li Hua

  【答案】Dear David,

  It has been half a year since you left China. How’s everything going?

  Recently, an activity themed “Foreigners Tell Chinese Stories” will be held in our school. Any foreign student who is enthusiastic about China can take part in it. I think you are suitable for the activity, for you used to live here and learned so much about the country. You can write about your understanding of Chinese culture as well as your personal experiences in China. You are expected to write a 500-word article in English. I’d appreciate it if you could mail your article to chinesestory2017@126.com before February 1st, 2017.

  I’m looking forward to your participation.


  Li Hua

  【亮点说明】本文内容齐全,结构严谨,层次分明,布局合理,语言精练,同时运用高级句子。定语从句的使用:Any foreign student who is enthusiastic about China can take part in it。原因状语从句的使用:……,for you used to live here and……。优秀固定句型的使用:I would appreciate it if you……:如果你……我将不胜感激。






