








  1. What will the woman probably do?

  A. Take a long walk.B. Take a good rest.C. Go to the country.

  2. What book has the woman bought?

  A. A music book.B. An English book.C. A history book.

  3. What is the man going to do?

  A. Take another flight.B. Give the ticket to someone.

  C. Catch the plane at 6:00.

  4. What does the woman mean?

  A. They should buy a new typewriter.

  B. They should find a new place for the typewriter.

  C. They should find a better typist.

  5. What are the two speakers talking about?

  A. The study plan.B. The school plan.C. The vacation plan.




  6. Why did the woman stop her car suddenly?

  A. The man’s car hit her car.B. A small child ran in front of her car.

  C. The traffic lights turned red.

  7. What would happen if the man got another ticket?

  A. He would pay a lot of money for the damage.

  B. He would lose his job.

  C. He would lose his driver’s license.


  8. When did the woman get to Canada?

  A. Several days ago.B. Last month.C. Last September.

  9. What’s the meaning of moonlighting?

  A. A kind of lamp.B. A second job.C. A kind of toy.

  10. How much does it cost the woman to get to the Pacific Hotel?

  A. .25.B. .25.C. .52.


  11. What do we know about the man’s neighbour?

  A. He’s sleeping now.B. He will have to get up early tomorrow.

  C. He’s making noise.

  12. What were the man and his friends doing?

  A. They were having a rest.B. They were having a birthday party.

  C. They were having a celebration.

  13. What were the man and his friends about to do?

  A. End their activity.B. Leave where they were.

  C. Apologize to their neighbour.

  14. Where does the conversation probably take place?

  A. In a hotel.B. At home.C. In the manager’s office.


  15. How does the man feel about David’s way of sleeping?

  A. It’s harmful.B. It’s strange.C. It’s the best.

  16. How many hours does David sleep a day?

  A. Four.B. Six.C. Seven.

  17. What does the man mean at the end of the conversation?

  A. People should develop a habit like David’s.

  B. People need longer hours of sleep.

  C. People have different sleeping habits.


  18. What were the professors doing?

  A. They were talking.B. They were reading.

  C. They were sleeping.

  19. Why did the other two professors come to the railway station?

  A. To catch the train.B. To say goodbye to Professor Egghead.

  C. To meet Professor Egghead.

  20. What do we learn about these professors?

  A. They are serious. B. They are helpful.

  C. They are absent-minded.




  21. volunteer

  A.horizonB. accomplishC. globeD. conclude

  22. evaluate

  A. eveningB. decadeC. lengthD. entire

  23. refer

  A. islanderB. diverseC. averageD. suffer

  24. upset

  A. visaB. analyzeC. roastD. accuse

  25. court

  A. qualityB. waterC. saltD. cough



  26. One of the first foreign expeditions arrived at Mountain Qumolangma in 1921 and they had no idea what they were _________.

  A. againstB. up againstC. facedD. opposite

  27. ---I’ve always wanted to be a teacher.


  A. Really? Can it be true?B. How nice!

  C. That’s what I want to do.D. Congratulations!

  28.In the early 21th century, Australia _______the USA of the 18th century was a new world society.

  A. resembling B. resembledC. to resembleD. as like

  29. Some people believe that mutual understanding ______ a happy marriage.

  A. takes toB. makes forC. brings inD. depends on

  30. In area Australia is approximately the same size as the USA (without Alaska) , which , however, has more than fourteen times _______many people.

  A. asB. thanC. soD. more

  31. Shylock ________not take the money earlier. All he wanted was justice. So he must have one pound of flesh, no more, no less. And not one drop of blood ______fall.

  A. would, needB. would, mustC. could, can’tD. will, must

  32. _________ smoothly, the article _________to the whole class when I knocked at the door.

  A. Reading, was readB. Read, was read

  C. Reading, was being readD. To be read, was being read

  33. In 1996, Atlanta was ______host of the Olympic Games, ______honor the city shares with great cities such as Sydney and Beijing.

  A. X, XB. the, anC. the, aD. the, the

  34. They killed the bison, cut ______the skins and left the bodies ______.

  A. off, to rotB. up, rottingC. off, to be rotted D. away, rotted

  35. The news that he had won the game soon __________in the small village.

  A. turned aroundB. got overC. stuck outD. got around

  36. She ________ the survey ________on this subject _______surely a great success.

  A. insisted, conducting, beingB was insisted, made, was

  C. insisted, conducted, wasD insisted, conducted, should be

  37. He didn’t pay me five hundred dollars; _________he wished to borrow five hundred dollars.

  A. howeverB. instead,C. thereforeD. yet

  38. It is cold in the room. You must have turned off the steam, _______ you?

  A. don’tB. didn’tC. haven’tD. mustn’t

  39.______will be no ____________of our beating their team, for there are so many excellent players in their team.

  A. There, possibilityB. It, wonder

  C. Whether there, chanceD. There, doubt

  40. With two children ________college if they succeed in the entrance examinations, the couple are working day and night to save money.

  A. attendedB. attendingC. will attendD. to attend

  41. Isthe man said that really true?

  A. thatB. whatC. all thatD. it

  42. ---I can’t find Mr. Brown. Where did you meet him in the morning?

  ---It was in his office ________he worked.

  A. whereB. whichC. thatD. the one which

  43. Good ideas are no accident. They are the results of a long _____of trial and error. _______ each new invention that works there areat least ten that do not.

  A. progress, ForB. process, ForC. experience, With D. guidance, As

  44. ---I’m going to Beijing tomorrow. Do you have anything ________for your wife?

  --- No, thanks.

  A. to buyB. to be boughtC. boughtD. buying

  45. As China faces up to a battle against bird flu, the government announced a range of control measures ______believes will bring the disease under control.

  A. itB. thatC. which itD. this

  46. According to their theories, ________we think of as empty space ______in fact contain energy in the form of movement.

  A. what, doB. which, doesC. what, doesD. X , which

  47. My second–hand car _____wrong though I used it only once. Therefore, I have to get it repaired.

  A. wentB. has goneC. is going D. had gone

  48. _______you be interested, I have a book on the subject you ______like to see.

  A. Should, must B. Could, mightC. Should. mightD. Shall, will

  49. --- A traffic jam?

  --- Oh, no._______, the right side of the road is closed for the time being.

  A. To be repairedB. Being repaired

  C. RepairedD. Having repaired

  50. --- What clothes should I wear to go to the party?

  ---You can dress ________you like.

  A. whateverB. howeverC. wheneverD. whichever

  第三节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)


  When Spanish football club Barcelona paid US $ 35 million for Ronaldinho last summer, they were not buying a pretty face. “I’m 51.” admits the Brazilian super star. “But every one has got a different kind of beauty. What I do have is 52 .”

  Indeed he has. His buck teeth, flowing hair, big smile and of course his 53skills are always eye-catching on the pitch. The 23–year –old striker scored two goals in a 3-2 win Deportivo La Corunaon March 1.It was Barcelona’s sixth win 54and thanks to their Brazilian’s 10-goal contribution, 55looked like a poor season could now end a success.

  Ronaldinho --- full name Ronaldo De Assis Moreira --- is one of many South Americans who learned their skills playing in the backstreets before 56themselves off on the world stage.

  Great things are expected when he was signed as a seven –year –old and he soon became 57 with Ronaldo ,who was then the other young star of Brazilian football. 58 was Ronaldo who first called him Ronaldinho, 59 Little Ronaldo and the name stuck.

  He first played for his country in 1999 but it was in 2000 World Cup that he showed his real 60, scoring an unbelievable free-kick in Brazilian quarter –final victory 61England.

  “I have never 62to deliver in big matches ” Ronaldinho said , “My game is 63on improvisation(即兴). Often a forward does not have the 64to decide whether to shoot or pass.It is instinct that gives the 65.”

  66 he may not have Beckham’s good looks, Ronaldinho has a playboy 67 off the pitch. At former club Paris Saint Germain, which sold him to Barcelona, he 68club rules by going out and enjoying the city’s nightlife.

  “Without doubt, Ronaldino is the most 69 player I have ever come across,” says the former PSG coach Lius Ferdandez. “The main problem for a coach is that one player without discipline can hurt the whole team.”

  But Ronaldino doesn’t think he has done anything wrong. “I am just a young person who enjoys 70 .” he says.

  51. A. ugly B. beautifulC. cleverD. handsome

  52. A. talentsB. charmC. skillsD. ability

  53. A. amazingB. surprisingC imaginaryD. different

  54. A. on purposeB .in realityC. on accountD. in a row

  55. A. thatB. whatC. whichD. whether

  56. A. showingB. takingC. makingD. turning

  57. A. enemiesB. classmateC. playmatesD. friends

  58. A. ThatB. WhatC. ItD. How

  59. A. callingB. meaningC. intendingD. becoming

  60. A. worthB. valueC. dreamD. technique

  61. A. onB. overC. againstD. with

  62. A. triedB. managedC. attemptedD. failed

  63. A. basedB. dependedC. reliedD. decided

  64. A. moneyB. chanceC. timeD. possibility

  65. A. ordersB. demandC. request D. guidance

  66. A. AsB. WhenC. SinceD. While

  67. A. fameB. name.C. reputationD. competition

  68. A. brokeB. obeyedC. setD. kept

  69. A. famousB. difficultC. lovelyD. talented

  70. A. myselfB. himselfC. lifeD. football




  Mother Knows Best?

  Once while being prepared for a television interview, I was chatting with the host about stay-at-home fathers. I made the point that one reason we’re seeing more stay-at-home dads may be that it’s no longer a given (a known fact) that a man makes more money than his wife. Many families now take earning power into account when deciding which parent will stay home.

  At that point, one of the male crew members commented, almost to himself but loud enough for my benefits, “It should be the better parent who stays at home”. A lot of guys say things like that.

  I was a stay-at-home father for eight years, so his declaration made me bristle (excite).

  It implied that our family’s choice could only have been correct if I was a “better” parent than my wife.

  I think men shoot themselves in the foot with this kind of thinking. I suppose an argument could have been made that when I began staying home my wife was the “better” parent: she had spent more time with Ry, couldread him better and calm him more quickly. And given a choice, he’d havepicked her over me. But as she was the more employable one, my wife went out to work and I looked after our son.

  Know what? I caught up. Because of the increased time I spent with him, I soon knew Ry well, understood what he needed and could look after him more or less as my wife could. Actually, the experience helped me unlock one of the world’s great secrets: Women are good at looking the children because they do it. It’s not because of any born female gift or a mother’s instinct---which I think is mostly learned anyway. It’s because they put in the time and attention required to become good at the job.

  Women obviously get a biological head start from giving birth and nursing, but over the long term experience is more important. When I got the experience myself, I was good, too. As good? I don’t know. Who cares? Children are not made of glass. Other people are capable of looking after them besides Mom.

  71.Which of the following is the first paragraph imply?

  A. Men are no longer given the chance to stay at home

  B. In more and more families the wives are earning more than their husbands.

  C. The author works in the TV station

  D. There are more stay-at- home fathers than stay-at-home mothers

  72. The author decided to stay at home eight years ago because _________.

  A. he thought he was the better father

  B. it was easier for his wife to find a job

  C. their son Ry liked him better

  D. he was earning less than his wife

  73. Women are better than men at taking care of children because__________.

  A. they were born with the ability

  B. they just enjoy doing it

  C. they spend more time doing it

  D. they have learned it at school

  74. Which of the following is the author’s conclusion drawn at the end?

  A. He is better than his wife at taking care of children

  B. He is as good as his wife at taking care of children

  C. Any one can take good care of children if he has the experience

  D. Children are strong enough to be taken care of by both fathers and mothers.


  The scariest part of buying a used car is not being completely sure of what condition it’s in. A car that’s been in a major accident is always a bigger risk, but sellers often try to hide this information. Andrew Bleakley, evaluator-inspector, runs a mobile vehicle inspection service in Montreal. For about he will perform a full inspection on a used vehicle. In his 10 years as a professional inspector, Bleakley has seen a lot. He warns, “Watch out for dealer demonstration vehicles which are used, not new. They may have been in a collision.” He adds that it is not uncommon in Ontario and Quebec especially for unscrupulous(不择手段) sellers to roll back the odometer(里程表) or to even disengage(make loose)it. Bleakley has special tools to check for this.

  Bleakley always recommends hiring an independent technician to inspect the condition of a used car before you buy it. The problem is finding someone qualified to do the inspection, which he says generally doesn’t mean just any mechanic. A thorough mechanical inspection includes checking the compression, all major systems, including the engine, electrical and charging systems, transmission and drive line, fluids, brakes, suspension, and steering. Essential, too, is an inspection of the car’s body and finally a road test. There are, however, a few things everyone can do before buying a used car. Do a visual check of the car. Look at the right rear door hinges. If they are very worn or the door doesn’t close well, the car may have been used as a taxi. Holes in the roof could mean the car was used for deliveries. Check for oil leaks on the pavement. Note that leaks are not necessarily a significant problem---it depends on the cause. Don’t assume that new-looking brake and accelerator pedals mean the car hasn’t been driven much. Resellers know people check these details and can buy new pads for around . Copy down the vehicle identification number (VIN), a 17-character combination of numbers and letters, from the vehicle’s dashboard (仪表板). In Ontario, ask the dealer or seller for the Used Vehicle Information Package. This gives details of previous owners, any outstanding liens (扣押) on the car, and the fair market value of the vehicle.

  75. According to the passage, in buying a second-hand vehicle it is most important to know _________.

  A. how long it has been usedB. what color it is

  C. whether it has been in a collision D. whether it leaks oil

  76. All of the following are mentioned as tricks which dishonest second-hand car dealers may play upon the customers except___________.

  A. to repaint the carB. to roll back the odometer

  C. to replace the old pedalD. to disengage the odometer

  77. “An independent technician” in the first sentence of the second paragraph means ______.

  A. a technician who checks a car free of charge

  B. a technician who learned his trade all by himself

  C. a technician who works for a particular car-dealer

  D. a technician who runs his own inspection service

  78. Which is the best title for the passenger?

  A. How to buy a carB. Take care of your car

  C. Examining a carD. Inspecting a used car


  We still don’t understand the influence of the mind’s power over the body, nor do we understand why there should be such power. All we can say for certain is that the mind does have power over the body in very many different ways.

  If a man is told that he is at the North Pole and he believes what he is told, he’ll show physical signs which suggest that his body is reacting as though he were at the North Pole. He’ll go pale and shiver. When the film Lawrence of Arabia was shown, cinema managers around the world reported that the sales of ice cream rocketed. The endless desert scenes had made the moviegoers feel uncomfortably hot.

  Hypnotists use the power of the mind over the body in order to use their influence. The hypnotist must only convince the patient that something is true, and the patient will act accordingly. If he convinces the patient that his arms are as heavy as lead, then the patient will be unable to lift his arms. If he convinces the patient that a piece of ice is a hot iron and he then touches the patient’s skin with the ice, a blister(水泡)will develop. The body will react to the suggestion and not to the reality, and signs of a real burn will appear.

  79. From the passage, we can imagine that people watching a film about the North Pole would probably want __________.

  A. an ice creamB. a cold shower

  C. a hot drinkD. a hot iron

  80. A hypnotist is supposed to be able to control __________.

  A. patients’ bodiesB. people’s minds

  C. patients’ diseasesD. people’s movements

  81. The phrase “the reality” refers to __________.

  A. a real burnB. a hot iron

  C. the touch of iceD. the body’s reaction

  82. A good title for this passage would be __________.

  A. Mind and BodyB. Physical Signs

  C. Research on MindD. The Power of the Mind


  Lack of parent willpower may contribute more to juvenile obesity than under-exercising or overeating.

  Research suggests that having overweight parents is a big influenceupon a child’s weight, with one study finding that children with overweight parents were four times more likely to be overweight themselves.

  The findings add heat to an already fierce political debateover childhood obesity. The Prime Minister, John Howard, last week decided that 6 million be used for programs to deal with obesity, while the Opposition Leader, Mark Latham, recently announced that his party would move to protect children from unhealthy food advertisements.

  Clare Collins, a senior lecturer at the University of Newcastle, believes such programs will definitely fail unless they influence the way of life of whole families. “If we can’t get parents to take action against their own weight problems, then we can’t expect to influence their kids,” she said.

  However, Professor Louise Baur from the Children’s Hospital at Westmead, doubts whether adult education programs offer any solution to weight problems. “Many parents know they need to lose weight and they know it influences their kids, but they lack the willpower to do anything about it.”

  The 10-year study of 150 American children found two-thirds of children with overweight parents became overweight. Only one in six children whose parents were of average weight became overweight.

  The president of the Australasian Society for the Study of Obesity, Associate Professor Gary Wittert, said parents needed help in doing their job and the Opposition Party’s policymight be on the right track.

  “We know that driving without a seat belt is unsafe, so we make law against it,” he said. “Obesity is a major public health concern, so why shouldn’t we change the law regarding unhealthy food ads?”

  83. What does the underlined phrase “juvenile obesity” mean?

  A. Adult education.B. Childhood overweight.

  C. Parents’ influence. D. Growing pains.

  84. What is TRUE about the programs supported by the Prime Minister?

  A. Debates on them will become less fierce.

  B. They will be effective in dealing with obesity.

  C. A large sum of money will be spent on them.

  D. They will influence people’s way of life.

  85. Both Collins and Baur believe that overweight parents .

  A. will come up with better solutions

  B. will help with their children’s education

  C. should be more active in reducing weight

  D. don’t have enough knowledge about obesity




  86.Kerry and Bush had different opinions about how to reduce the ______________(失业) rate.

  87.There _________(存在) many problems which called for immediate solution.

  88.Today there are more opportunities for disabled people to develop their _________(潜能).

  89.He tried to pass the test but in v________, which made him sad.

  90.No p___________ experience was necessary for this job, so many graduates applied for this job.

  91.By preparing for and p___________ in the Special Olympics, mentally disabled children and adults can develop their ability to move, improve their health and gain self-confidence.

  92.A hard back _________(版本)of the dictionary costs more than an ordinary one.

  93.You should write “Yours t_______” at the end of your letter before you sign your name.

  94.By reading a lot and using your dictionary , you can remember more new words to enlarge your v____________.

  95.Why I should have mercy on him? I’ve just kept my side of the b___________.







  Uniforms have used all over the world to identify people. They are96________

  a part of everyday life. Let’s look at some of the reasons that97_________

  people wear uniforms and the types of people wear uniforms.98_________

  Many children have to wear uniforms at school. Boys or girls99_________

  must wear same colored clothes and wear a school tie.100_________

  There are many reasons for which wearing school uniforms. The101 ________

  Uniform shows that the children attend the same school. It is important 102________

  for children to feel they belong to a school but they identify with the103 ________

  school. Secondly, the uniform makes it easy for other people to say104_________

  which school the children go from .They know they must behave105_________

  best because people know which school they go to.


  假定你是李明,请你给曾在你校讲过课的英籍教师Mr. Wood写封短信,告诉他你校将举行一次万人赛跑活动,热情邀请他前来参加,并请他收到信后通过电话(63541234)告知能否准时参加。

  注意: 1. 具体内容见下面海报2. 词数100左右。






  81--85 CDBCC

  86.unemployment 87.existed 88.potential 89.vain90.previous

  91.participating92.edition93.truly/truthfully 94.vocabulary95.bargain

  96.used前加been97.that→why98.wear→wearing 或wear前加who 99.or→and100.same前加the101. 去掉which 102. 正确103.but→and 104.say→tell 105.from→to


  May 10, 2004

  Dear Mr. Wood,

  How’s everything with you? I’m writing to tell you that there is going to be a 10,000-metre race on the afternoon of May 15, whether it rains or not. The race will start at 2:00. We’ll run along the People’s Street to the traffic lights and then turn right. Go on running until we reach the post office and turn right again. After taking the second turning on the right, go on along the river and finally return to the school. Ten students of each class are asked to take part in the race. Teachers are welcome, too. We’ll be very glad if you could come. If you join us, be sure to get to our school playground before 1:30 that afternoon.

  Ring me up and tell me whether you will come or not, will you? My phone number is 63541234.

  Yours sincerely,

  Li Ming






