



However, along with its rapid development, bicycle-sharing system also brings some problems, including random parking, vandalism and possession of shared bikes, etc.

To solve these problems, there are some measures for the authorities to take. Firstly, the government could implement more strict laws and rules to regulate the operation and management of bicycle-sharing system. Secondly, the public should raise their awareness of using shared bike reasonably. Lastly, urban transportation system should be upgraded and improved to accommodate automobiles, bikes and pedestrians.


I’m writing to tell you more about the new form of sharing bike--mobike mentioned in your latest letter.

It’s very convenient to use if you have a smartphone. What you do is to find a nearest mobike through the APP, scan the QR code on the bike, and enjoy your trip.

Compared to other forms of sharing bike, the greatest advantage of mobike is that you can easily find one and never worry about where to park it. It is becoming a new trend as a means of transportation, which relieves the traffic pressure and does good to the environment as well.

Hope to ride a mobike with you in China.


At present, there is a hot word in our life - "low carbon". For this new friend, I have done a detailed understanding, the original, low carbon is to reduce carbon dioxide emissions. Low carbon environmental protection, green travel, in todays society, bike sharing is the top priority.

In 20xx, shared bicycles have sprung up on the streets of Fuzhou with colorful colors, including blue, orange and yellow Dressed up in the beautiful streets of Fuzhou. It serves every citizen of Fuzhou and brings convenience to us. Everyone is contributing to the environmental protection cause of Fuzhou. This is the responsibility and obligation of Fuzhou citizens. I see the rapid development of bike sharing. There are yellow cars, Moby bikes, and hello bikes This aroused my curiosity, and I also wanted to experience it. Today, I took my mothers mobile phone and couldnt wait to find a small yellow car. I turned on my mobile phone, scanned the QR code of the bike sharing car, and input the password. I only heard "didi" and the lock on the bike was opened. This operation is really convenient. So my mom and I got on the bike sharing. We enjoy the scenery on both sides of the road, talking and laughing all the way, but also exercise. This is really a healthy and environmentally friendly way to travel!

However, the good time is not long, bike sharing is facing unprecedented disaster. Some are thrown into rivers, some are short of arms and legs, some are locked in private Where are the qualities of these people? Is this the quality that we Chinese should have? No, this is not the quality that we Chinese should have! This small bike sharing is like a mirror, reflecting the quality of Chinese people. The original intention of bike sharing is good, it can bring convenience to the public, low-carbon environmental protection, green travel! I hope you can maintain bike sharing together!

With the progress of society, peoples quality should be constantly improved. Bike sharing is a good invention. Lets protect it together. Low carbon and environmental protection. Starting from me, lets maintain a better tomorrow with both hands. Lets make our sky bluer and our air cleaner!









The development of society is no doubt very fast, and gradually formed a shared society. So far, sharing bicycles has become an essential means of transportation for people to go out.

So I personally think that sharing a bicycle is really a good conscience for our small people.

In the US there, all the way down, not long to see the small yellow car, but no one can damage, needless to say, chilling is that no damage, are the two-dimensional code and number of wounded, so you can not use, then, those who write down the number of bicycles. For himself. My God! It's terrible. It's not those bicycles. It's terrible! Such a blatant theft is also such a large group. What kind of feeling do you feel when you live in a society where thieves and thieves are everywhere every day?

Many foreigners evaluate Chinese people, and always bring a word of "poor quality".

In fact, a lot of people know ofo, v-mobile, bike sharing panda like, but have you heard of the 3Vbike to share a bike? It went bankrupt recently. This is the second bankrupt shared bicycle business in the public view. Compared with the first month's life of 5 months, the 3Vbike shared bicycles survived for 4 months. Why is that? 3Vbike founder, in an interview with the media, said that the most direct reason was to share a large number of stolen cars. According to his statement, there were only a few dozen of the more than 1000 cars invested, and nearly 80% of the cars disappeared.

I hope that these sharing will bring us the convenience of our life, and I hope that our quality can be improved.


In recent months, v-mobile, ofo, blue, etc. the emergence of bike sharing Xiaoming, indeed greatly facilitate people's lives.

But ofo and other types of bicycle bike sharing is different: not the real name system can also unlock the bike! That high street and high streets and back lanes often to school time or rush hour will appear swarms of minor pupil staff ofo bicycle on the road speed is very fast on the rampage, self and others are very dangerous! (with observation of the people should be able to notice)

Just like I just went out shopping, at a junction, I saw eight to ten primary school students, riding on ofo sharing bicycles, making loud noises at the intersection, which seriously affected the traffic.

From the ofo sharing bike to today, I saw at least twenty minor students riding on the road, riding on the road!

Some people may say that their parents are using mobile phone to unlock their use! EXM, kidding! Twenty parents, each of you can unlock to his children on the road that winds, how did not see Mobell, blue, told those car.

Minors on the road so dangerous ride, for pregnant women, the elderly, as well as the implementation of the baby cart people, will have unimaginable serious consequences!!!

Sharing bicycles can facilitate people's travel life and make an indelible contribution to the city's environmental protection work, but please don't ignore the other side!!!

I hope the government and other relevant departments can control ofo shared bicycle, like Mobell, blue, Xiaoming, through the real name system to unlock the way to maintain order in the city safe!


Recently, bike-sharing system becomes more and more popular in some big cities such as Shang还 and Guangzhou. The public can find a mass of shared bikes and hire them at a low price. What's more, you can park the bike wherever you like. Because of it, urban transportation becomes more convenient and even results in revolutionary change.

However, as the bike-sharing system develops, there are some problems coming forth including parking at random, damaging the bikes and so on. The authorities have to take measures to solve these problems. In the first place, the government can put stricter laws and regulations into effect to normalize the operation and administration of the system. Moreover, the public should strengthen the awareness of using the shared bike reasonably. Last but not least, the urban transportation system should be upgraded and improved to cater to cars, bikes and pedestrians.

In all, we should hold a rational attitude to the bike-sharing plan. It can be forecasted that the bike-sharing system will play a constructive role in the urban public transportation by taking effective measures and corporate efforts.


With the vigorous development of the "Internet plus", to solve the traffic congestion innovations have also emerged bike sharing. But the bad behavior is striking, with deep hatred and resentment, attracted condemning.

When the car starts, it needs to be supported. We are pleased with the development of good things, so we have to take practical action to protect it, and we can't turn away after being scolded.

The emergence of a shared bike is associated with the previous "parachute" action. The "little red umbrella" was suspended by the little red umbrella only by the absence of return. And now share a single car has a great danger of "Xiao Hong umbrella".

Why is it so hard to do a good thing in our country?

It is attributed to the low moral level of the Chinese. I think such a simple and arbitrary conclusion is irresponsible. In the period of the rapid development of China's reform, it is inevitable that the phenomenon of "the body is in front, the soul falls behind". Besides, there are few public welfare actions in our country. It is unavoidable that there will be the occurrence of competing things.

Only effectively alleviate the people's mood and anxiety, sharing a single car can go long, and this is a springboard to improve the moral level of the citizens of our country.

Nietzsche said, "there must be a reason for all." In the process of the flourishing development of the shared bicycle, there are some unreasonable measures that lead to the emergence of bad behavior. Some businesses in order to seize a city to share the share of a single car as soon as possible, wantonly to launch a single car without good planning. This brings management problems to the cities that have not much space, and needs the careful planning of the merchants and the patient management of the city managers.

Nietzsche said, "when we look at the abyss, the abyss is staring at us." Someone put the bike sharing as a mirror, it reflects the shortcomings of our society, management and lack of humanity. But we have to do now is to focus on the eyes, and begin to arm, do not let the bike sharing, in condemning and criticism had receded. How to handle the sharing of the bicycle, the test of our wisdom, and the test of our determination.

When the car starts, it needs to be supported. Don't let the "red umbrella" tragedy again, our whole society must act, a tenacious vitality of the things even if sharing bike is "Internet plus", we also cannot let down, because good policies also need to seriously implement.

When the car starts, you need to help! When the car starts, you need to help!



时间:20xx年4月 日―20xx年4月 日


对象:交通繁华地段的共享单车使用者,小区管理人员,交通管理员,附近居民 方法:问卷调查法已经访谈记录

方式:走访主要的繁华交通地段,发放问卷以及对相关人员的访谈,并作下记录 正文内容:

这次周末回家的时候,从火车站到家里的路上发现杭州多了很多共享单车的 身影,现在骑共享单车慢慢地变成的了一种潮流。以前杭州城区投放的是“小红 车”,也就是公共自行车。目前杭州主流的四款共享单车是ofo,小鸣,hellobike, 骑呗单车,其他投放量不大的还有永安行,mobike等下面先介绍一下几款单车的 性能和优缺点让大家有个基础的了解与认识。

租车方式:手机下载“哈罗单车(Hellobike)”App。注册并支付199元押金后, 可以开始租车。

租车过程:点击App的“扫码开锁”,对着车锁位置的二维码扫一扫,锁打开了, 表示租车成功。还车直接关锁即可。上锁后,App会跳出支付界面。

价格:租用哈罗单车半小时需支付1元钱,每日不封顶,每日首次换骑15分钟免 费,每天晚上11点到早上6点实行夜间免费。

押金退款,App显示,退款需要1-7天,点击退款后,没有超过两分钟,微信马 上收到了

骑行感受:车身偏重,有前筐,可放东西,蹬起来顺滑,转弯灵活,有点颠。车辆 多。 Hellobike“小白车”



租车过程:小鸣单车在扫一扫开锁时,需要打开蓝牙。对着车锁位置的二维码扫一 扫,锁打开了,表示租车成功。另外小鸣单车还有一个亮点就是可以预约租车:点 击页面的单车图标,点击预约。

这辆单车就可以保留20分钟,如果在前往预约车的途中遇到其他车,也可以直接 扫码开锁使用。

价格:采取分段计费,价格为0.5元每半小时。退款同样很快,从申请退款到支付 宝的到账通知,没有超过两分钟。




租车过程:小黄车的借还相对麻烦,用户对着车锁位置的二维码扫一扫,收到一串 密码,再把这串数字通过按键锁手动输入密码即可解锁。还车的时候,需要把车子 锁上后重置密码。


骑行感受:车身比较轻巧,一代的车子没有车篮,是充气胎,二代的车子有车篮、 硬胎。需要输入密码手动开锁比较麻烦。


租车方式:下载“骑呗单车”App,注册登录后可租车。芝麻信用分高于750分, 租车不需要押金。但如果不足750分,则需要预存200元押金。









第一:价格便宜。对比公共自行车的话,一般的共享单车的价格都在每公里一 元钱左右,不同单车的押金不同,在99到299之前,有的只有蚂蚁信用在705分 以上就不用押金,相比公共自行车来说,不需要办理公交卡。押金也可以立马退, 总体比公共自行车要便宜很多。

第二:节能环保。现在主张建设低碳环保的和谐社会。共享单车增加了民众出 行骑单车的机会,减少碳排放。

第三:随放随停,使用方便。共享单车不用在固定的停放点停放,只要在画有 白框的停放处即可。

第四:数量多,分布广。 其次,共享单车的不足和缺点:

一 出行时无法及时获取单车资源。这个我在下载注册一些共享单车的APP 的时候发现,在注册成功之后,,我发起使用需求超过3次,但成功使用只有1次, 约有一半的用车需求因车已被他人预定或者预约后找不到车而放弃。在使用过程中 定位不准、刷码延迟等问题都能忍,唯一伤害我的便是找不到车

二 车辆太容易损坏。举个ofo的例子,一代单车的车胎是充气的,损耗率相 对大一些。

三 找不到合适的地点停车。画白框的停车处分布比较散,不集中,停车不方 便。

四 押金太贵。

五 单车不好骑。很多采用硬胎和无链条的传动,骑行比较费力。

六 无后座。

七 体积小,无法满足各种人群。

八 没有筐放东西。

九 对于损坏的单车,厂家没有及时处理,造成扣费后解锁失败等问题。 然后,共享单车的一些不文明的现象。




这种情况是最最最常见的情况了,据说现在投放在杭州的共享单车啊,有几十万辆 呢!目前杭州有5家共享单车公司,第六家即将进入,如果每家都投放5万辆车子, 六家就是30万辆,共享单车数量庞大,目前远远超过了市场需求,一定程度上造 成了资源浪费。截至20xx年底,全国共享单车市场数量达1886.4万辆,预计20xx 年底将突破5000万辆。在杭州,哈罗单车已经投放超过七万五千辆,小鸣单车也 已经超过两万辆。车辆的快速增长似乎让这座城市有些“吃不消”。

对比公共自行车,杭州公共自行车公司经营8年来,目前的投放量只有56300辆自行车,投放量和设置的点位是根据城市规划研判后设置的,每个服务点都有专门的客服、 司机、维修工等等工作人员养护、维护,已经形成系统化的运营。但是对于共享单车基 本上他们是无能为力来整治的。因为太多了,他们也搬不了,他们能保证的就是 这些 占道的共享单车不压盲道而已。


小区里的共享单车呀,是绝对的舒服了自己,坑了队友啊!要知道小区里所有的公共面 积都是全体业主的,不能私占!另外,共享单车公司他们也有一点点小私心,那就是进 入小区的单车不利于流通,所以,每次进入小区的共享单车都是单车管理员他们治理的 重点!并且街道,社区也会常常给他们发通报,让他们管理员赶快来收拾!

4恶意损坏共享单车、上私锁。自行车被用户随意停放甚至带回家、二维码被毁、车上被贴广告、车座被损坏、恶意破坏、私自加锁占为己有??作为新生事物的“共享 单车”,在给出行带来方便的同时,也遇到了各种“恶意”,甚至还有使用者将其丢进河里。 共享单车公司却表示:网格化管理力不从心。

目前该共享单车公司在杭州投入量是65000量,到4月底即将投入8万辆,公司的 正式员工是40几人,搬运工、司机大概有100多人,对共享单车的管理方式是网格化 管理,把各区按照3公里乘以3公里的区块分成若干网格,每个网格配备一定量的师傅, 进行违规车辆的摆放与检修,确保车辆不影响市容。但是这样的管理似乎有点力不从心。 对于公共自行车公司来说共享单车供过于求,管理欠缺。

过程:在周末两天的时间里,在繁华路段发放调查问卷,回去之后统计数据作为理论的依据。然后采访本次调查主题有联系的人员,比如附近小区的管理人员,交警, 城管等,将他们的访谈汇总到调查报告中去。











Presently, in big cities like Shanghai and Guangzhou, bicycle-sharing system has become increasingly popular. A large number of shared bikes can be found and rented at a low , you can park the bike almost anywhere you like. Urban transportation has thus been made much more convenient and even revolutionized.

However, along with its rapid development, bicycle-sharing system also brings some problems, including random parking, vandalism and possession of shared bikes, etc. To solve these problems, there are some measures for the authorities to take. Firstly, the government could implement more strict laws and rules to regulate the operation and management of bicycle-sharing system. Secondly, the public should raise their awareness of using shared bike reasonably. Lastly, urban transportation system should be upgraded and improved to accommodate automobiles, bikes and pedestrians.

To conclude, a sensible attitude should be held toward bicycle-sharing program. Witheffective and efficient measures taken, and efforts made by those involved, it can be expected that bicycle-sharing system will play a contributive and constructive role in urban public transportation.











