




Hello, everyone!

Welcome to the Baiyu mountain scenic spot in Lushun. It is one of the top ten scenic spots in Dalian.

In the sixth year of the reign of Emperor Guangxu, Li Hongzhang accompanied Prince Chun, the father of Emperor Guangxu, to inspect Lushun. He said that there was golden mountain in Lushun,

There should also be Baiyu mountain. From then on, it was named "Baiyu mountain". Baiyu mountain is located in the center of Lushun city. It is close to the coast and has pleasant scenery. There is south

The two roads circle the mountain. On the east slope of the mountain, there is a 496 step concrete staircase leading to the top of the mountain. Along the way, there are pavilions for visitors to rest. On the south foot, there are aerial Cableways leading to the top of the mountain. At the top of the mountain are the Baiyushan tower, the TV Tower as high as 110 meters and the Naval Weapons Museum. Baiyushan is also the dividing line between the old and new urban areas in Lushun, with the old urban area in the East and the new urban area in the West. Standing on the top of the mountain or climbing on the Baiyu mountain tower, you can enjoy the scenery of Lushun city. What's more, it's the best place to watch the Lushun entrance, the East and West ports and the tiger tail peninsula. Overlooking the Lushun Port and the entrance, which is one of the five military ports in the world in ancient times, is a great pleasure to visit. Climbing Baiyu mountain, standing in a dangerous position, looking at thousands of ocean, looking at the distance between the tiger and the river, it will be very impressive. Our beloved Premier Zhou has climbed Mount Baiyu twice.

At this moment, the world-famous military port of Lushun is in front of us. Lushun military port is located in the southwest of Liaodong Peninsula and the North Bank of the Yellow Sea. Its terrain is made up of nature, and the narrow waterway in the middle connects with the open sea, which is also the channel for warships to enter and leave. The port opens to the southeast, the East is the majestic Gold Mountain, the west side is the tiger tail Peninsula, and the southwest is the lofty old fellow iron mountain. It is known as "the wonder of the world". Look! That crooked dry beach looks like a tiger's tail! I don't understand. Do you remember the legend I told yesterday when I was at the tiger beach? It was a man named Shicao who fought with the tiger, grabbed the tiger's tail and swung it to Lushun! Now this one in front of us is the incarnation of the tiger's tail!

From there, we can see southwest, the highest mountain is old fellow iron mountain, 466 meters above sea level. The remotest corners of the globe old fellow Huang Bo and the two seas of the old fellow iron mountain. The old iron mountain has a prominent headland that extends straight into the sea. This corner is the boundary of Huang Haihe Bohai and the end of the Northeast China's mainland. So it is also called the "ends of the earth" in the northeast. In front of the corner of the mountain, the Yellow Sea is bluer, and the Bohai Sea is slightly yellow. In the middle, there is a "clear cut" intersection line, which is the boundary between the Yellow Sea and the Bohai Sea. China's old fellow Bohai has "Cape of Good Hope" as its "old fellow".

Now, let's look back at this white pagoda on the mountain. It's called Baiyushan pagoda. It's a criminal evidence of Japan's war of aggression against China. Then, why did the Japanese invaders build such a tower here? Because in the Russo Japanese War, in order to reduce the Japanese people's weariness of war, the Japanese army built a memorial tower for the war dead, in order to deceive the Japanese people and beautify the war of aggression. In 19__, they first built the Nagu Temple of Baiyushan shrine, where more than 20000 boxes of Japanese ashes were stored. The construction of this tower started in 19__ and was completed in 19__. It took two years and five months. The height of the tower is 66.8 meters. It is just in front of Nagu temple. It looks like a burning candle. They want this burning candle to shine on the souls of Japanese soldiers who died in the war forever. At the same time, it was also like a shell, which was used to show the great achievements of the Japanese Empire. At that time, it was called "biaozhong tower". The bronze inscriptions signed by Japanese Navy commander Toshio Hirao and army commander naimu Mingdian in Lushun are set in the north of the top of the tower, which records the general situation of the Russo Japanese war in Lushun. It is said that this inscription was used in Japanese primary school textbooks. In order to build the tower, the Japanese army recruited more than 20000 Chinese migrant workers, many of whom were tortured and disabled to death. After liberation, the Nagu Temple of Baiyu shrine was destroyed during the cultural revolution. At the moment, the tower was retained as a criminal evidence of Japan's invasion of China, and was renamed "Baiyushan tower" in 1985.

Now you're free to watch~


Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. First of all, on behalf of the driver and __ travel agency, I welcome you to the beautiful coastal city Dalian. I'm the tour guide of __ travel agency. My name is Wang Qian. Qian belongs to Qianlong. Qian is not money. For the convenience of memory, you can call me Xiao Wang. The driver in front is master x, who has many years of driving experience and excellent driving skills, so we can rest assured in the process of driving. Driving friends may have heard such a sentence: Jilin is Jikai, Mongolia is Mengmeng, Shanghai is hukai, Dalian is both black and white. This is because Dalian is a city with flowers in spring, moon in autumn, cool breeze in summer and snow in winter. In a city with four distinct seasons, our roads are black in summer and white in winter, so our master is familiar with both black and white, so we can rest assured. In the next few days, master X and I will serve you.

There's a Chinese saying that it's a good thing to build a ship in one hundred years. Today we are: one hundred years of repair with the car shop. We all go to the same destination from different places and ride in the same car. It's really a wonderful and perfect fate for us to go through this perfect fate. Xiao Wang was there first to wish you a happy trip to Dalian. He hoped that our good mountains, good water, good guides and good drivers in Dalian would bring you a good mood and make you come here with expectation and longing for Dalian and come back with satisfaction and lingering in Dalian. Finally, I wish you all a happy life in Dalian.

Wonderful live performance of tour guide Grand Prix. Needless to say, they have a lot of brilliance, and they are different. However, the only way to introduce yourself in the opening speech is surprisingly similar, like a mold cast out. They introduced themselves to tourists like this: "dear friends, my surname is X. please call me Xiao X It's very popular for tour guides to introduce themselves in this way. Is there any language defect

First, is it appropriate for them to just say "my surname is x"? No, it seems to be dry and not serious. To introduce yourself to guests, the traditional Chinese courtesy is to give both surnames and common names. The so-called "big man, horizontal do not change his name, vertical do not change his surname." It's a big social event to use a common name and surname. It is obviously not standard for tour guides to introduce themselves and tell people their surnames but not their names.

Second, it also shows that I am serious and responsible for my work. The tour guide leads the group. Tourists will come to him for many things. For example, at the end of the tour, the tourist has something to ask for the guide surnamed x, and the travel agency has more than one guide surnamed X. That will bring unnecessary trouble to the tourist and affect the efficiency. When a tour guide introduces his or her name to the guests, he or she should not cut corners, hide his or her surname, or be careless, which is a manifestation of honesty. The formal name of the guest will give the first impression of gentleness and modesty. Isn't that important

Third, the reason for this phenomenon may be the influence of overseas tour groups. For foreign tourists, after the tour guide introduces his name, he always adds "let's call me Xiao X" Because it is relatively difficult for foreign tourists to name Chinese people. In a nutshell, it is easy to learn and memorize, which improves the efficiency of communication.

In addition, it is a Chinese custom to use the surname "old" or "small". To introduce a Chinese address habit to foreign tourists is also spreading a culture. Foreign tourists will find it novel and exciting, so the tour guide should point it out. For domestic tourists, it's tourists' right to call tour guides. Tour guides don't have to take over the responsibilities. At the moment, many imitators do not look at the object, do not look at the specific language environment, blind imitation, has become the flavor of yellow rice wine, a little sour. Our guide's explanation to tourists should be like sister-in-law a Qing in Shajiabang. We should speak without leakage. Only in this way can we show our skill and level.


Xinghai Park is a multi-functional and comprehensive seaside park with a long history in Dalian. Xinghai Park is composed of a land garden covering an area of 150000 square meters and a bow shaped bathing beach about 800 meters long. In the land garden, there are thousands of flowers, thousands of trees and cobblestone pavilions, which connect Qile Pavilion, Wanghai Pavilion, Haiyan Pavilion, Yingchao Pavilion and Jinhua Pavilion. There are cliffs at both ends of the East and the west, which are connected by the sea and the sky, making people relaxed and happy. There is a "sea exploring cave" in the east hill. It winds down the stone steps in the cave. After the deep valley, it suddenly opens up. Big Haydn appears in front of it, and the waves are coming down. It's very interesting. The beach is flat with slow flow and moderate depth. Every summer, there is an endless stream of tourists. There, tourists can go to the sea pavilion to see the vast sea, the stars, the sun and the moon. They can also go to the sea world of Shengya to explore the strange ecology of the seabed. There are many amusement projects in the park, including the world's most luxurious bungee jumping introduced from New Zealand, with a platform height of 55 meters. There is also the world's longest cross sea landing ropeway introduced from Canada. The Museum of prehistoric life in the park is the only prehistoric exhibition hall in China, which displays all kinds of life fossils hundreds of millions of years ago.

In the past few years, the park has successfully held such cultural and entertainment activities as "summer night swimming of Xinghai", "golden autumn garden party of Xinghai", "world totem art exhibition", "Beijing opera facial Art Exhibition". Especially in the selection of "Dalian eight sceneries", Xinghai Park "Xinghai Tingtao" was rated as one of the eight sceneries.

Xinghai Park is divided into four parts: sightseeing area, rest area, children's amusement park and bathing beach.

Bathing beach is one of the four major bathing beaches in Dalian along the 800 meter long half moon beach in China.

In the park, there are sea view Pavilion, tide view Pavilion and sea view tower. If you are interested, you may as well climb on the colorful sea view pavilion to have a bird's-eye view of the magnificence of the sea. In addition, there are also sea park, high platform water skiing, torrent adventure, Shengya ocean world and other tourism facilities. Shengya ocean world is a large-scale tourism project jointly invested by five companies from China, New Zealand and other countries. The main supply of underwater seascape and marine life viewing services. It has two floors: the first floor has a colorful tropical fish exhibition hall, a rock pool for visitors to watch and touch; there are also Western restaurants, souvenir shops and other service facilities. The second floor is a 118 meter undersea passage, with more than 200 kinds of fish and more than 700 fish. The water volume of the main pool is nearly 400 tons. Shengya ocean world is the only underwater passage type marine aquarium in China.

In the middle of the park, there are two fountain pools of different sizes and 95 meter long steps, which form a well arranged landscape. The central and western part of the garden is covered with 70000 square meters of green lawn with flowers.

In recent years, Xinghai water park, the first water park in Dalian, is newly built. It is located at the foot of the hill on the west side of Xinghai Park, where there are high platform water skiing, magnetized swimming pool, high platform diving and other water entertainment facilities.


How to play the scenic spots in Dalian? How to eat seafood in Dalian? In addition to searching for answers in extensive reading, Liu Kai embarked on a journey to find Dalian stories when he found that some materials could not be read from the books.

Go to the Central Street Library of Harbin to find the footprints of entering Kanto; look up the history of the Middle East Railway in the Moscow National Archives; go to Kitakyushu to see the buildings that have become Dalian's friendly city Liu Kai spent a total of 100000 yuan, in order to have more substantial information in his tour guide. "When tourists come to Dalian, their initial impulse is to rush to the sea of Dalian, but they have to understand that there are many seas in the country. Why do they choose Dalian? The history and story of the sea should be different. For example, if you travel to Shandong, you may pay more attention to the seaside life of chuangdong. So my purpose is to tell tourists the difference of Dalian sea through personal search and self footprints. "

In __'s eyes, Dalian is a very inclusive city, with both historical precipitation and the atmosphere of petty bourgeois life such as fisherman's Wharf, Binhai Road and urban nightscape. Liu Kai said that Dalian's tolerance and Dalian's temperament can meet different needs. To a certain extent, the tour guide is required to make the guests realize these, "all we have to do is to make the guests realize that it's not a good time to come to Dalian It's not an ordinary trip, but a full and perfect tour.


Dear distinguished guests

No talking, no laughing, no cheering. In order to give you an impression of Dalian in advance, today will bring you into a wonderful world. And recite a self created poem for you:

The beautiful scenery of Bincheng is changing with each passing day, full of trees and grass.

There are numerous European style buildings, urban sculptures and waterfront.

The style of the square is different, and the beautiful scenery along the sea is pleasant.

People are happy with the fresh air, and the ancients should sigh today.

Dalian is a city full of poetic charm. Every street, square, green space and building will give people beautiful enjoyment. People living in this city live a full and romantic life. Please allow me to use the name plate of Qin yuan Chun, which Chairman Mao used in the past, to praise Dalian. It has the scenery of Bincheng, 100 meters of Huaijing, thousands of miles of sea. It has a long history, pleasant climate, beautiful scenery, more than 13000 square meters, a total population of 5.9 million, and a romantic hometown. Dalian is so famous that countless heroes take on the responsibility of building Xinghai Square and setting up a splendid watch. Long distance football has its own famous players. Once a year, in the clothing festival, the wine, the pleasure and the clothes are all gone. If you work hard, you will be more brilliant.

Dalian is a young city with a long history. Her development is closely related to the modern history of China. It has been 1__ years since the Czarist Russia built Dalian port as a symbol of the city in 1899. Help the present and recall the past, with a red song of ManJiang as a message: the long river of history, waves washed out, the wind does not stop. Looking back, Dalian has been full of grief for a hundred years. Japan and Russia vied for food in China, and the Qing Dynasty lost its power, dishonored its blood, sighed at the common people, cherished its lofty ambition, and appreciated its glory. The past generation is shamed, but it will be snowed. Today's generation is willing, sincere, diligent and studious. The bright pearl of the North shines brilliantly, the romantic capital shines the sun and the moon, and then from the beginning, build a great Dalian, chaotianque!

If Dalian is a poem, then what she tells people is her struggle and her struggle; if Dalian is a song, she tells people the achievements and glory of Dalian. What I want to tell you today is the song of Dalian, but it's not singing, it's talking. Each song is composed of seven notes, and Dalian also has these seven notes. Do is 1, and Dalian is the only city in China's history that is inscribed by old fellow president __ as "Pearl of the north". It is also the sole "romantic capital" identified by the director of the National Tourism Administration. This opening chapter gives a good start to Dalian's song. Dalian is across two seas, and the Huang Bo sea boundary is located at the old headstone of Lushun district, Dalian, so the seafood in Dalian is delicious. Why do you say, for example, if the next generation produced by the people of the two countries is called hybrid, it's very smart; if the breed produced by the two countries is called hybrid, it's delicious. (laughter) actually, this is determined by the salinity and water temperature of Dalian sea area. Dalian has three shortages. The first is that there are few bicycles. Why? Because Dalian is a hilly area. There are many uphill and downhill. The uphill feels uncomfortable. The downhill shivers with fright. The uphill is tired to death. The uphill rushes downhill with eyes closed. Besides, the car is a bit broken. Ouch, I still haven't said it. I fall to the ground with a puff. You say it's a lot of fire. (laughter + applause) the second is the traffic police in Dalian Cha Shao, but don't think the traffic situation in Dalian is bad. In fact, there are electronic eyes at many traffic intersections. After breaking the rules, your license plate and name will be published in the newspaper, and you have to pay the fees. The third is that the quality of Dalian people is relatively low. Dalian citizens have three regulations and six no regulations

Self mouth, no spitting, no swearing; control self hands, no graffiti, no littering; control self feet, no crossing the road, no trampling on the lawn. What kind of Dalian people are good! FA is 4. Dalian is made up of four treasures, Ma Jiajun, Shide team, Bo Xicao and clothing festival. What needs to be said is Bo Xicao. __ has done a lot of work for Dalian during his tenure as mayor of Dalian. Now the green coverage rate of Dalian is about 41%. The excellent environment has made Dalian a good investment scene. There are many negative oxygen ions in the air, and the young man is healthy Strong, beautiful girls, lovely children, healthy old people, the people of Dalian are blessed, you are also blessed, let you free oxygen. In order to commemorate __'s work in Dalian, people in Dalian named this grass Bo Xi grass

I believe you must have a good impression of Dalian. After listening to the FA of Dalian, let's take a look at the so of Dalian, that is, 5. Dalian is a tourist city. Dalian tourism has played five cards, that is, the romantic city is the brand of Dalian, the Pearl of the north is the gold medal of Dalian, the top five world environment is the trump card of Dalian, the competition in Beijing and sightseeing in Dalian are the signboard of Dalian, and Jinshitan Famous scenic spots such as Dalian, Lushun and so on are famous brands of Dalian. This is not what I said, but what Liu Zhenwan, director of Dalian Tourism Bureau, said. When it comes to Jinshitan, I've created a word board called do listen to spring rain. It's about Jinshitan. Please clap first, and then enjoy (applause) Jinshitan's heavenly craft. Ghosts, axes, gods, and famous people are still there. The waves are whispering and listening to the spring breeze. Immediately pull hard crossbow, waving, talking and laughing, flowers, feeling to thick. The stone has no beauty. It's a real dragon exploring the sea from afar. Jue Jue, walking place, there are beautiful scenery never met. La is 6. Dalian is known as the romantic capital. There must be romance in it. To sum up, there are six romantics: romantic sea; romantic square and green space; romantic architecture; romantic people; romantic festival activities; romantic city. In any case, it is wave after wave. In Ren Xianqi's song, it is (singing): one wave has not subsided, another wave is attacking Finally, let's take a look at the final note of the song of Dalian, Xi, which is 7. Since ancient times, there are seven scenes in Dalian, namely, the sea of stars listening to the waves, the city carving enjoying the moon, the red maple in Bingyu, the sunset in Heishan, the tower watching the double seas, the Jinshi heavenly craft and the bird's nest homing. The seven sceneries of Dalian constitute a unique landscape of Dalian and enrich the horizons of every visitor to Dalian. In fact, Dalian is so beautiful. I just hope to create a good mood for you,

And a song also depends on the organization of seven notes to form music. Next, I will sing a song representing Dalian's wish for you, and a "friend" by Zhou Huajian for you. I hope you can like it and sing it together!













