Getting advice from friends who are older than you is more valuable than getting advice from friends your same age. 从年长的朋友处得到的建议比从同龄的朋友处得到的建议更加有价值,是否认同?(2009 年11月1日)
俗语说:姜是老的辣. 讲的的是年长者的人生智慧和生活阅历。当你遇到困境的时候,需要来自他人的建议,自然,年长的者人生智慧,生活经历,思辨头脑对于我们的指导意义更大。因为,年长者的经验可以令我们不走或者少走弯路。有趣的例证就是:大学的爱情风花雪月,男生喜欢美丽女神,女生喜欢帅气的男生, 但是,单纯的爱情被肤浅的快乐吸引,情侣们很少考虑家庭的背景,或者是两种的兴趣志向是否相同,这时候,年长朋友的建议对于未来幸福婚姻是有很重要的影响,因为,年长朋友经历过了才懂得大学美好爱情不等于未来和谐的婚姻,仅仅有爱是不能结婚的。再比如:年轻人求学的时候,可以选择海外留学或者国内读书,这时候,可能父辈们的建议和鼓励对于我们学业成功就有极其重要的指导意义,因为,很多的年轻人都是读书无意识,人生无意识。年长者的眼光通常很长远,年长者的阅历通常很丰富,因此,他们的建议是重要的。
1. get advice from sb…… = acquire suggestions from sb……= gain guidance from sb …… v 从……中获得建议 (指导)
2. A is more valuable than B = A is better than B = A is superior to B A比B更加有价值
3. friends of similar age = peers n 同龄人
4. have deeper understanding about life v对于生活有更深刻的理解
5. can help us make sound judgment v帮助我们做出合理的判断
解析:sound = reasonable adj 合理的
6. have rational mode of thinking v有更加理性的思维
解析:rational adj理性的
7. Every one of us grow up by experiencing failure or hardship, sometimes, one might feel puzzled so that he or she needs advice and guidance from others. 成长中,人人经历了失败和艰辛,有时候,人会感到迷茫,所以,人需要来自他人的建议和指导。
拓展:feel perplexed = feel puzzled = feel confused v 感到很困惑
8. Advice from older friends deserves more praises, although suggestions from peers are never without their merits. 来自年长者的建议更加值得赞美,尽管同龄人的建议不是没有利好。
9. Rich life experience including those bitter or painful experience could be seen as a kind of precious wealth. 丰富的人生阅历可被当做是宝贵的财富,即使是那些痛苦和辛酸的经历。
10. In this case, older friends could be our best teachers because they have accumulated a pool of life wisdom, thus, their advice could be precious life guidance. 因为他们积累了丰富的人生智慧,他们的建议是一笔宝贵的财富。
点评: 需要例证展开。
11. My brother Paul had studied in America for more than five years,that is why he strongly recommended me to study abroad when facing with the option of study at home or furthering my study in a foreign country. 哥哥保罗在美国学习五年多了,因此,在我选择是国内读书还是海外留学的时候,他强烈地建议我出国留学。
解析:to further my study in a foreign country v海外留学
12. His suggestion is that I could become mature, independent and confident by personal struggle in an unfamiliar environment. 如果在陌生的环境中自我奋斗,我可以变得更加成熟,独立,自信。
13. After listening to my brother’s advice, I studied even hard during the process of self-improvement, I happily found that I can be more focused, and have more self-control.听了我哥哥的建议,我学习更加努力,我惊喜地发现我可以为了梦想变得更加专注和自控。
拓展:be come focused = become more attentive 变得更加专注
拓展:focus on= zero in on = concentrate on v 专注于……
14. I had a clear goal to fight for. It is the suggestion from my bother that helped to hardened my heart to study overseas. 我有了清晰的奋斗目标,正是哥哥的建议帮助我下定决心海外学习。
15. I believe in my choice, for the life wisdom learning from my brother could be considered as a shortcut to success,which helps me avoid detour. 我相信我的选择,因此来自哥哥的人生智慧是成功的捷径,帮助我少走弯路。
解析:avoid detour v 少走弯路
16. Our peers’ understanding about life is far from mature compared with those from older friends because older friends are more far-sighted and wise. 相比年长的朋友,同龄人对于生活的理解远非成熟,因为年长的朋友更加有远见和明智。
拓展:future-minded adj 有前瞻性的;
拓展:provident = far-sighted adj有远见的
17. He who gives no thought to the difficulties in the future is sure to be beset by worries much closer at hand. 人无远虑必有近忧。
解析:be beset by ……,被……烦扰;被……困扰
18. The older,the wiser 姜还是老的辣(年长者的智慧更加丰富)
The movies are worth watching only if they can teach something in real life, to what extent do you agree or disagree? 只有使我们在真实生活中学到东西的电影才值得看,你在多大程度上同意这个观点?(2016年5月28日)
Only movies that can teach us something about real life are worth watching,to what extent do you agree or disagree? 只有教会我们认知真实生活的电影才是值得关注的,你在多大程度上同意这个观点?(2013年9月1日)
① 科幻电影:探究未知,满足好奇是人之本性,这就是为什么很多年轻人喜欢看科幻类的电影。我个人就是科幻电影的发烧友,因为科幻电影可以激发我的想象能力,满足我的好奇心,加深我对于未知世界的洞察。
② 喜剧电影:现代人生存压力大,观影其实是很多人忘却现实烦恼以及放松身心的一种方式,因此,观看喜剧电影就是很好的缓解压力的方式。电影中的幽默元素舒缓紧张情绪,培养人的幽默感,甚至可以令人在欢笑中思考生活,以乐观态度面对生活。
① 当一部电影可以反映最真实的生活的时候,它可以引发观影者共鸣,因此,一些人喜欢观看现实主义的电影, 一些纪录片就是很好的例证。以我为例,我也很喜欢类似于《站台》,《小武》这样的写实主义电影,它们描绘的场景很多再现了我成长的岁月的片段,因此,观看这类电影也是一种温暖的回忆,同时,它们加深了我对于现实生活的洞察。
1. Such is human nature to explore the unknown 探究未知是人之本性
2. One man's meat is another man's poison 萝卜青菜,各有所爱。
3. People's tastes differ greatly in their choice of favorite movies 选择自己喜欢的电影,人们的品味差异很大。
4. science fiction movie 科幻电影
5. a fancier of science fiction movie 科幻电影的发烧友
6. I take great pleasure in watching movies that depict the future world 我以观赏描述未来世界的电影为乐趣。
7. meet one's sense of curiosity 满足一个人的好奇心
8. stir one's vivid imagination = stimulate one's vivid imagination 激发一个人丰富的想象力
9. foster my keen analytical mode of thinking 培养我敏锐的分析能力
10. deepen my insight into the future world 加深我对于未来世界的洞察
11. Watching comedy movies is an effective way to relax one's body and ease one's mind 观看喜剧电影是有效的一种有效的放松身心的方式。
12. make one have a pleasant character 使一个人性格开朗
13. cultivate one's sense of humor 培养一个人的幽默感
【拓展】cultivate = foster = develop 培养
14. It is worthwhile to appreciate those movies that could mirror the reality of life 反映现实的生活的电影是值得欣赏的。
【解析】worthwhile adj有价值的
【拓展】is worth doing sth = be worthy of doing sth值得做……
15. Some documentary films greatly arouse my sympathy. 一些纪录片极大地引起了我的共鸣
【解析】sympathy n 同情心,共鸣
16. make us have a deeper understanding about life 加深我们对于生活的理解。
17. films that mirror real life = movies that reflect real life 反映真实生活的电影
18. The nostalgic theme of the movie called up my warm memory of growth 电影怀旧的主题唤醒了我成长岁月的温暖记忆。
【拓展】nostalgic = retrospective adj 怀旧的
19. After enjoying this thought-provoking movie, I benefited a great deal, it gave me a kind of invisible power and taught me to remain cheerful in time of adversity 观赏了这部令人思考的电影,我收益良多,我获得一种无形的力量,电影教会我在逆境中保持乐观。
【解析】《肖申克的救赎 》的教育意义
【解析】remain cheerful in time of adversity 逆境保持乐观
【解析】thought-provoking adj 令人思考的
20. I learn to brave life challenges optimistically 我学会了乐观地面对生活的挑战。
The best way to learn about a foreign country is to read newspapers and magazines from that country?Do you agree or disagree?最好的方式了解外国就是阅读该国的报纸和杂志,是否认同?(2012年6月30日)
Spending time alone is the best way to reduce the stress 独处是最佳的缓解压力的方式, 是否认同?