


雅思写作中结构起着很重要的作用。一篇语言华丽,但却毫无结构的文章是远远不及一篇结构清晰、语言朴素的文章的。可见结构乃写作中的重中之重。雅思大作文写作一共可分为两种类型。Report & Argumentation .而每种类型都有着他们特定的结构。我将结合题目的问法一一向大家介绍。


当我们坐在考场时遇到这样的题目:It is said that people's life now is becoming more and more stressful. What are the causes and how to solve it? 或者遇到这样的字样what is the reason, what is the affect ,what should our government do?那么恭喜你,你遇到的是典型的一篇report.

那么report文章的结构应该是怎样的呢?很简单。只要分四段就OK啦。第一段:不用说啦,引出来题就好了,只是report文章不需要有什么观点存在,只要说明现象就可以。第二段,就要写引起这件事的reason.第三段:自然就是affect了。就顺着题目的问法一段段写就OK了。第四段:也就是how to solve it.怎么样?挺简单的吧。

Report 文章一般出现的机率不会太大。所以考试前一要看Google预测,二就要关注一下前几次考试有没有出现Report,如果没有出现,准备一下喽。但是这样的文章好写呐。遇到就先高兴一小下。好好把握语言。

Argumentation:这是我们最为熟悉的essay了。一共可以有三种结构。一边倒 2+1 Balance

一边倒:当我们在考场遇到这样的题:Do you agree or disagree? 或者是What's your opinion?


第一段:因为在题目中一定会有提出两方观点,所以在第一段的时候也要亮出双方观点(万万不可抄写题目,要把题目的意思换个句式说法) 同时亮出你是同意或者不同意,或者是你的观点是怎样.通常第一段会有固定的模式,这样看你自己的句套是怎样设计.





2+1:当在考试时遇到这样的题问:To what extent do you agree or disagree?或者How far do you agree or disagree? 或者Discuss the advantages and disadvantages about…? 此处建议使用2+1写法.2+1写法也为五段式.

第一段: 此开头段一定要直接说明你的观点,而且是必须表明.(为了方便阐述,这里将雅思很BT做为观点)






Balance:当在考场上遇到这样的提问方式Do you agree?或者

Discuss the negative and positive. 你便要想到用平衡的写法了.顾名思义,许多聪明的朋友已经知道应该怎么写了.这样的问题出来以后,题目本身会向你说明一个状况,或者是出题人自己说的一个观点.而你需要的就只是想出两个IDEA.一个是支持作者观点的IDEA,另一个是反对作者观点的IDEA.所以,这样的结构文章,可分四段式.







现在大家都知道复习时应该怎么复习了吧.1.要了解雅思考题都会有怎样的问法,熟练掌握各种问法所使用的结构.2要自己想许多的IDEA.由上述段落写法时,大家可见通常一篇文章中都需要三个IDEA.所以没有IDEA怎么才能支持你自己的观点呢?文章会没有说服力的. 3是要练好基本功,基本功怎么练请见。



Task:Many people fail to achieve a balance between work and the other parts of life. What causes the situation? How to overcome this problem?


1. 根本的原因之一在于,巨大的工作竞争和压力让人们变成工作狂。为了保住饭碗,他们不得不长时间的加班,开会,来确保他们在工作上有一个好的表现,也表现出他们对于公司的贡献和忠诚。

2. 另外一个原因在于,科技不断地提高着人们的工作量和工作预期。举例,电灯的发明让员工们在晚上加班成为可能;手机也模糊了工作和休息的界限,让人们在私人时间,周末,甚至是出门旅游的时候,也总是接到关于工作的短信和指示,这让他们无法顾忌自己的休息和照顾家庭。

3. 如何恢复工作和生活的平衡,取决于如下几个方面:首先,公司应该提供终身的工作合同,这能减少员工对于下岗的恐惧和压力,也让他们能把一些注意力用于个人生活。此外,工作时间应该被严格控制,禁止深夜和周末的加班。此外,人们在私人时间的时候,也应该远离那些通讯工具,不然自己被工作信息所困扰。


Nowadays, there has been a heated social trend that the whole life of people tends to be surrounded by work, so that they are lack of time for the personal lives. In the following words, I will give possible relevant causes and solutions to this social issue.

This phenomenon stems from many causes, and the first one is about employment. In fact, limited job positions, in conjunction with the overpopulation and a declined economy, make the job competition increasingly fierce. For the security of jobs, all employees have to devote themselves into work to keep a good performance. Besides, working hard also represents their loyalty and values to the companies.

Another direct cause is driven by new technologies which serve a function of enhancing the working expectation among employees today. For example, the invention of electronic lights has made working at night available for workers, thus prolonging the work time. Similarly, the wide application of cell phones blurs the border between working and living. In leisure time of weekends and holidays, calls and messages from the companies, leaders of workplaces and clients frequently interrupt and even cancel the leisure plans of employees, as well as stealing their private time that could be spent on the family, children, and parties with friends.

In order to recover a balance between working and living, I think there should be combinative efforts of social laws, companies and individuals. Firstly, it is the responsibility of the government to strictly enact and carry out the laws of limiting the number of working hours in all positions of companies, which can ensure that employees have enough private time for leisure, exercise and family. Secondly, on the level of companies, they should provide life-long contracts, instead of temporary ones, to staff. Under a long-term security of employment, workers would get rid of the fear of losing jobs, and can devote themselves into working in moderation, rather than becoming workaholics. Lastly, employees should change a work-oriented lifestyle after a hard day at work, for example, ignoring emails, text messages and instructions sent from companies, which is a good way helping them to shift their concentration from working back to living.

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Task:Some people say that playing computer games is bad for children in every aspect. Others say that playing computer games can have positive effects on the way children develop. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

Sample answer:

In recent years, the prevalence of computer games has exerted a significant effect on children's life. As to whether they affect children negatively, there is an endless debate. Despite the fact that playing computer games is an effective way to relieve pressure, the problems associated with study and health cannot be neglected.

Clearly, playing computer games is regarded as a main factor leading to poor academic performance. With the entertaining nature, computer games will easily distract children from their studious pursuits. With the passage of time, children will probably fall behind their peers in academic development. In addition, when children spend too much time playing computer games, they are less likely to participate in physical activities, which is one reason why many children suffer from obesity. As a result, these overweight children’s confidence may be undermined and their health may be negatively influenced as well.

Despite these disadvantages, the advantages can still not be ignored. First of all, the latest research shows that game-playing helps children to hone their communication and interpersonal skills. In many cases, players work together in teams to achieve goals, competing against other players. Therefore, their social skills and teamwork spirit are put to the test. Also, computer games can have positive and therapeutic effects on players. Games provide an opportunity for children to decompress and tune out of strains and stresses of everyday life. Giving their mind time to rest is critical for emotional and mental well-being.

In conclusion, it is not advisable for children to play computer games, for the reasons that it not only has a negative impact on their study, but also makes them lose confidence, although computer games provide a form of relaxation.

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Task: Young people are often influenced in their behaviors and situations by others in the same age. This is called “peer pressures”. Do the disadvantages outweigh the advantages?


1. 首先,同龄人的压力会消除个性。举例,在这种压力下,年轻人总是关注,模范和跟随他人,包括了衣着,口味和行为。这种一致性让孩子们慢慢失去自我认知(self identity)。

2. 同龄人的压力还会导致年轻人犯错。举例,如果有同伴有着糟糕的生活习惯,如吸烟,喝酒和吸毒的话,那么这个年轻人就会忍不住去尝试,并最终上瘾。此外,为了服从某个团体的所谓规矩,天真的年轻人会被迫使加入一些团伙犯罪活动之中,如偷窃,抢劫等。

3. 当然,某些适当的同辈压力也会给年轻人的进步带来动力。举例,在学校学习中,来自其他同学的良好的学习表现是一个天然的压力,会刺激一个年轻人更努力的听课,思考和完成作业。此外,如果朋友们有着去图书馆的习惯,那么这个年轻人也会被鼓励去学习和阅读。


Peer pressure refers to the influence exerted by a peer group in encouraging a person to change his or her attitudes, values, or behavior in order to conform to group norms. In my view, peers bring more negative influences on a youngster than the positive ones, and my reasons would be explored as below.

Individuality is removed. Actually, for the purpose of receiving the social acceptance, young people might consciously compel them to approve of and comply with ideas, views and behaviors of other peers, instead of obeying their inner hearts. One typical example is lifestyle. As living in groups, unconditionally catering to even-aged students and students around is the main way of young people to avoid being labeled as eccentrics, such as by blindly following their tastes of food and clothing, hairs, music and amusements like sheep.

The high vulnerability to peer pressure is a reason of youth violence and crimes. In fact, if companies have poor values and illegal behaviors, the youth would be brainwashed by the evil. For example, gravitating to young friends abusing alcohol or drugs, a youngster is very likely to try these new things, thus trapped in the addictions of unhealthy and unlawful habits. Similarly, in order to succumb to rules of a gang, a teenager would engage in social crimes, like thefts, school bullying, vandalism, arson and rape. Consequently, the ill influence from peers will ruin the life of youngsters.

Admittedly, to some extent, the influence of peers is valuable, because a moderate peer pressure can sharpen good qualities of the youth. For example, in school education, the pressure of classmates is a natural motivation for a young student to study hard. In addition, when a child knows his or her friends have a habit of reading books in library regularly, he or she will feel tempted to do so. Therefore, a positive impact of peers can help to keep a child on a right track.

In conclusion, risks from peer pressures are over the benefits. Although children can be driven by pressures of classmates to work hard in school education, the adverse effects of such pressure on depersonalizing teenagers and forming ill behaviors and illegal minds among them should never be underestimated.

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