1.Mutual trust
2.Full co-operation
Full co-operation among team members has a direct impact the organizational performance. When the culture of team cooperation is built up in the team members, they would render collective efforts to achieve the common objectivesand ensure a higher level of quality and workmanship.
Mutual trust is the first secret of successful teamwork. In the teamwork, the staff function better and cope with stress more easily when they are in a trusting relationship. They will tend to share their real thoughts and communicate with each other effectively. This helps to bring out the potentials and the reliable collective cohesion among employee.
Pre-building is a critical component to drive team success. Many view team-based, horizontal organization structures as the best design for involving all employees in creating business success. Especially nurturing team dynamics can stimulate employee to create the innovative product or idea.
On top of that, timely communication and decision making will also help to improve work efficiency.
(1) In my opinion, we should , first of all, focus on issues like how to form an effective team and how to improve communication within the team. These are the most important things we need to consider when holding a training programme.
(2)So we can include in our programme, the activities that help to promote team spirit, activities that help develop employee motivation and improve communication.
(3)We can organize outdoor adventures like rafting and rock climbing. These events serve to increase personal awareness of abilities and complementary skills in your teammates.
1.2 Internal Communications 内部沟通
Strategic significance 重要战略意义
Overall purpose 整体目标
Feedback on performance工作反馈
Communication channel 沟通渠道
Annual reviews 年度回顾
Coping mechanisms 应对机制
Organizational relationships 组织关系
Tangible performance standards 具体工作标准
Two-way communication 双向沟通
Opinion survey 意见调查
Staff appraisal (对员工的)业绩评估,业绩考核
Layout 版面设计
Cartoon picture 漫画
Management message 管理信息
Subordinate 下级,下属
企业内部沟通在公司运作中起到重要战略意义(strategic significance)。企业要搞好内部沟通(Internal Communications),首先,要有共同目标(Overall purpose),树立全员沟通理念增加凝聚力(collective cohesion)。其次,要建立健全的工作反馈制度(Feedback on performance)和效及时沟通渠道(communication channel),其包括书面沟通(written communication)、口头沟通(verbal communication)、网络沟通(internet communication)。接下来,我们看看下面的例子。
What’s important when…?
Communicating management messages to the staff
1.Overall purpose
2.Feedback on performance
3.Enrich the communication channels
First thing first, in my view, I think a successful company is consequence to define a clear and unifying overall purpose among all the employees. The reason is that the overall purpose resemble a beacon to guide the employee, the follower, to turn the purpose into achievable goals, projects, and actions in the next step.
In addition, a timely and correct feedback on performance is the key methods to optimize and evaluate the goals for theupcoming year. The staff perform the annual reviews and give feedback on performance which can help the company to amend or provide continuous effective coping mechanisms.
Besides, its broad range of communications activities, channels and media strive to help employees manage and use corporate information they receive in their work and organizational relationships, and it can help them feel both valuedand valuable.
E-mail Newsletter电子邮件快讯
You company would like to introduce an E-mail newsletter to send to all members regularly. You have been asked to help co-ordinate the project. Discuss the situation together, and decide:
1.what kinds of articles and information should be included
2.what the newsletter should look like and how often it should be sent
(1)It should carry articles about the tangible performance standards for staff to follow, and information about any changes in the company, such as new policies, new projects and new managers, etc. this will help to reduce the chance for confusion and misinterpretation of key corporate polices and decisions.
(2)I think we should place emphasis on two-way communication. The newsletter should also focus on the employee side. We should allow our employees to voice their opinions about day-to-day work and corporate development. They should also have a chance to comment on the performance of the managers and point out problems in their work.
(3)Besides the contents, the layout is also important. We can use some photos, people usually like to see pictures of themselves and people they know. So it will be able to attract more readers. We can also use cartoon pictures to help illustrate our ideas.
Unit One: Company Operation and Management 公司运作和管理
1.3 Reducing Production Cost 降低生产成本
Quality supplier高质量的供货商
Efficiency of production line生产线的效率
Cost management 成本管理
Reducing business costs降低成本
Cutting corners偷工减料
Corporate identity公司形象
Cost- conscious注重节约成本的
TQM (total quality management) 全面质量管理
Production line 生产线,流水线
Specialist 专家
Shift work 倒班制,轮班工作(一半指三班倒,即day shift, evening shift,以及night shift)
Permanent schedule 固定班
Adjust to 对…适应
Hazard 危害,公害
企业的生产成本包括由人工费用、材料费用等构成的制造成本和管理费用、财务费用、销售费用构成期间费用。企业成本管理的一个主要方法是全面质量管理(Total Quality Management,TQM),它以质量为中心,以全员参与为基础,目的是通过让顾客满意和本企业所有成员以及社会收益而达到长期成功的管理途径。
What’s important when…?
Aiming to control production cost 要控制生产成本需要考虑哪些要点?
1.Quality supplier 高质量的供货商
2.Efficiency of production line 生产线的效率
Cost management is one of important contents of enterprise management. Most companies will improve the state of business by means of reducing business costs. It can obviously result in higher profits and a stronger enterprise.
Some companies would choose a quick way to cut costs by cutting corners in production or using cheaper materials, but it always can be a self-destruct of the corporate identity. A true Cost- conscious companies not only try to get quality from suppliers but also work with the suppliers to help them improve their operations and quality of output. Because low quality goods from suppliers is a major source of waste.
In addition, efficiency of production line is another important thing to consider. In these days of changing technologies and methods, it is necessary to update the equipment and train your workers to increased the efficiency of production.
Accordingly,it becomes very prominent problem to improve the quality and efficiency of production.
因此, 提高其产品质量和生产效率成为十分突出的普遍问题。
Introducing Shift Work实行倒班作业制
Your company would like to introduce shift work operation to optimize the production process. You have been asked to help co-ordinate the project. Discuss the situation together, and decide:
你们公司正在考虑实行倒班作业制以优化生产过程。请你们协助策划这一计划。讨论并决定: to arrange the work schedule
怎样安排工作时间表 to match staff to this new work requirement
(1)When introducing shift work, the most important thing is to work out good work schedules. I think we can divide our twenty-four hour operation into three shifts: day shift, evening shift and night shift. And we’ll have this permanent schedule. It’s tough to work at night, but once you get used to it, it’s easier to fight off the night-time fatigue.
(2)We should also provide our shift workers with training programmes to help them better adjust to this new work requirement. We should inform them of the harmful effects of night shifts and give them tips on how to prevent and fight off these hazards.
(3)We can arrange health specialists to give them training courses and provide online consultancyservice for the convenience of our shift workers.