





  1.Self-Access 自检

  Co-authors of the book "The Girl's Guide to Kicking Your Career Into Gear: Valuable Lessons, True Stories, And Tips For Using What You've Got (A Brain!) To Make Your Worklife Work For You," Caitlin Friedman and Kimberly Yorio suggest that you begin by asking yourself what it is that you find frustrating1 about your job. Is it your boss? Your daily responsibilities? Your coworkers? Are you not making the money you feel you deserve?

  《女性指南:如何让事业动起来--有价值的课程、真实故事、以及如何用你有的(脑子!)的建议来让你的工作生活为你打工》一书合著者Caitlin Friedman和Kimberly Yorio建议人你开始应该问自己对工作中哪个方面感到沮丧。是老板吗?是日常责任吗?是同事吗?你感到自己赚的钱合理吗?

  "Depending on the source of the frustration2, make an action plan for yourself to change the situation," says Yorio. "The next step is to ask yourself what you may be contributing to the situation. And then actively3 address the problem by asking for what you want, changing your job, confronting a coworker, or even start researching a new career."


  2.Overcome Fear 克服恐惧

  Start by putting your fear into perspective. "Tell yourself that there is no fear bigger than the goals you have for yourself," says Friedman.

  客观看待恐惧。 Friedman说:“对自己说没什么恐惧会比对自己的目标更大。”

  Whether your fear is public speaking, taking on a higher profile assignment, or asking for a much needed and deserved raise, you must face fear in order to move your career forward. "The point is not to ignore them because fears don't go away; they just get bigger and soon will be impacting your career," Friedman.


  3.Dust off Your Resume 重新拿出简历

  If you've become comfortable in your present position, chances are you haven't looked at your resume in a while. People who advance are always ready for their next move. You simply never know when a new position may open up in your present company, or when a great opportunity will come your way somewhere new. Those who have their resume ready will be able to respond to new opportunities with relatively4 little effort compared to those who haven't updated their resume in several years.

  Cheryl Palmer of Call to Career, a career coaching service, suggests maintaining a record of your accomplishments5 as you go along in your job to help you keep your resume up-to-date.


  来自职业教练服务公司Call to Career的Cheryl Palmer建议人们在一边工作中一边对自己的工作成绩做好记录,使自己的简历一直处于最新状态。

  4.Do Good 做好事

  "If your job feels humdrum6 and you feel like you could do it with your eyes closed, but it's not feasible for you to look for greener pastures at this time, you might consider mentoring7 someone who is less experienced in the field to pass along what you have learned over the years," says Palmer.


  "You might also look at taking on collateral8 duties, such as chairing a committee or getting cross-trained in a new area."


  5.Be Open to Change 以开放态度对待变化

  Finally, the only thing that may be standing9 between your present reality and your dream gig is limited thinking.


  "If you aren't sure what it is you want then start tapping into your network," says Yorio. "Ask everyone you meet what they like about what they do, and be open to new ideas and opportunities. People often get stubborn when it comes to how they see themselves at work, which makes it difficult for other people to help them think big."




  You may get along well with your boss but there will always be that specific instance1 where you want to say more than you should. Here are ten things that you should not say to your boss.

  1. In a minute.

  Sometimes you'll get called into the boss' office just as you're about to do something that you've been waiting to do. Bosses don't often view our personal wants as an important factor to the job, so when your boss calls you in to see them, it's not good to say you'll be there in a minute.



  2. Ooh, ugly tie There may be times that your boss wears the ugliest tie on earth but it is not your place to tell them. They are aware how they dress and maybe the tie was a gift that they couldn't say no to wearing. Or maybe they just have bad taste, but that is their privilege2.



  3. I hit your car.

  Yes, it could happen that you bumped3 your boss' car in the parking lot. It's only right that you tell them what you did but it's still not the greatest thing to tell your boss.



  4. Who's the guy I saw your wife with at the bar last night? This is one of those things that you really don't want to get involved with. If you tell your boss and then his wife proves you wrong, that could be the beginning of the end for you.



  5 You're late.

  Being late has come to be one of those privileges4 that may inconvenience you but is their seniority right. Telling them they are late could be seen as undermining5 their position over you.



  6 No!

  If the boss comes to you with a project to do, it's not always in your best interest to refuse to do it. You could suggest someone else do it or declare how busy you already are, but to say no might not be appreciated.



  7. How much do you make a year?

  We all would love to know the truth about that one, and maybe some boss' are free to discuss it. But generally, it's a big no, no.



  8. Can I have another raise?

  Most companies have a set program for raises and you need to understand that plan so that you don't look foolish and ask for a raise out of turn. If you feel you're entitled6 then make sure you do a bit of research and find out the best time to ask.



  9. You don't know that?

  Most bosses like to feel that they know everything, although you and the rest of the office may differ in opinion on that issue. Try beginning your sentence with, "You probably already know this ". This shows your boss that you respect their intelligence, even though you know better.



  10 Oops, I forgot.

  And we do get so busy that we can't remember everything, but some things may not be well received when we say that. So, instead of saying you forgot, try, "I"m on it but I haven't got through to them yet'. It's like saying the glass is half full instead of half empty. They mean the same; one just sounds better.










