



  1.What will you wear for the party? 晚会上你穿什么?

  2.I’ll wear my blue dress 我会穿我的兰色裙子。

  3.Don’t you think it’s too formal? 你不觉得太正式了吗?

  4.Why? What will you wear? 为什么?你会穿什么?

  5.Just my shirt and jeans 我就穿衬衣和牛仔裤。

  6.You should have your suit cleaned and ironed 你应该把你的套装拿去洗烫一下。

  7.You’d better put on your jacket It’s cold outside 你最好穿上夹克,外面冷。

  8.The blouse no longer fits me 这件衬衣不再合我身了。

  9.My son has outgrown these trousers 我儿子已经长的穿不了这条裤子了。

  10.The shoes are worn-out 这鞋已经不能穿了。

  11.I don’t like wearing the uniform 我不喜欢穿制服。

  12.Do you want to change before the banquet? 宴会前你想换衣服吗?

  13.Your shoe lace is loose 你的鞋带松了。

  14.You forgot to fasten the collar buttons 你忘了系鞋带。

  15.Take off your hat It doesn’t fit 取下你的帽子,它不适合你。

  16.He is a very creative student 他是个很有创造力的学生。

  17.What you have said about this is very interesting 你说的很有意思。

  18.I cannot agree with you on this point 在这一点上,我不能同意你的意见。

  19.You’ve got the point 你抓住了问题的实质。

  20.That’s the point 这正是问题的关键。

  21.The whole class is in a heated discussion 全班同学正在热烈讨论。

  22.Let’s just run through the arguments for and against 我们来看一下赞成和反对的理由。

  23.Please sum up what you said just now 请把你刚才说的总结一下。

  24.Has anybody else anything to say on this? 关于这点,谁还有什么别的要说吗?

  25.Does anybody share David’s opinion? 有谁同意大卫的观点吗?

  26.Is there any evidence to support what you have said? 有什么证据可以支持你的说法吗?

  27.Well, it depends 这得视情况而定。

  28.I don’t think it’s necessary for us to discuss this question any further 我想我们没有必要进一步讨论这个问题。

  29.There are always two sides to everything 每件是都有两面性。

  30.Finally, we came to an agreement 最后我们达成了一致。

  31.I want to be a journalist after graduation 毕业后我想当记者。

  32.If it doesn’t rain tomorrow, we’ll have a picnic 如果明天不下雨,我们就去野餐。

  33.As soon as he comes, we’ll let him know 他一来,我们就告诉他。

  34.You can stay as long as you pay the rent on time 只要你按时交房租,你就能住这儿。

  35.When she leaves, he’ll cry for a day 她走时,他会哭一天。

  36.She will go into business when she wants to 她想经商时就会去经商。

  37.I’ll leave for London if I finish my work today 如果我今天完成工作,我就会去伦敦。

  38.I’ll work for years and then go back to school 我会工作五年,然后会学校。

  39.He will become a writer if he goes on doing well in writing 如果他仍写的这么好的话,他将成为一个作家。

  40.I hope he will meet me at the airport 我希望他能到机场接我。

  41.I’m thinking of quitting the job 我在考虑辞职。

  42.I plan to learn photography 我打算学摄影。

  43.What do you say we have a party this weekend? 我们周末开个派对,你觉得怎么样?

  44.She will certainly remain single 她肯定会保持独身。

  45.He will probably follow in his father’s footsteps 他可能会继承父业。

  46.I would have had a much better holiday if I had stayed at home 我要是呆在家里的话,假期会好过的多。

  47.What have you been doing since I saw you last time? 自从我上次见到你以后你都在干什么?

  48.If I had got enough money yesterday, I would have bought that tape 如果我昨天钱够的话,我就买了那盒磁带了。

  49.Looking back on it, I think I shouldn’t have given up the contest so easily 回过头来看,我想我不应该如此轻易的放弃那次比赛。

  50.Had I taken a taxi, I wouldn’t have been late 如果我打的去的话就不会迟到了。
