



雅思口语话题库Part2范文之: 一节英语课(an English lesson that you have taken)

You should say:

What the activity is

When and where you usually do it

how you do it

and explain why it can keep you fit




Referring to an English lesson I’ve ever taken, I would like to share one taken in my high school. In order to bridge communication with one of our cooperated school in Australia, my high school just invited a team of Australian teachers to teach us how to learn English.

I still remember, at the very beginning of the English speaking class, the teacher just showed a picture of our mother nature and asked students to describe our own feeling about such harmonious system. Because of being nervous and afraid of making mistakes, no student was willing to open their mouth. Then the teacher asked one to use black-color pen to smear the original painting and said whether these winding black zigzag lines like sewage or garbage. Then to my surprise, we began to talk about our ideas about this painting. During the whole discussion, the teacher never denied anyone’s answer or pointed out grammar mistakes but used constant questions to inspire us to open mouth. Afterwards, he divided the whole class into six groups and required each group to select a represent to collect all teammates’ ideas and make a summary about the threats posed by human beings.

In the end, he made comments on every group’s discussion and told us the main purpose of this oral speaking—to encourage everyone to open mouth and express their own ideas, had been reached, because he knew the most obvious weakness of Chinese students is being afraid of making mistakes, in other words, lacking of confidence. Therefore, what he contributed to do during the whole class was continuous encouragement and guidance.

You know, in China, most teachers especially high school teachers always aim to the college entrance examination and ignore developing students’ capability of practical use of language speaking especially the building-up of confidence which leads we students always neglect the practical use of language use.

Now, I turn to be a teacher and as soon as I think of this English class, I will always know what I should do first to help my students is to build up their confidence and focus more attention to the process of studying not the outcome. So this English class just become a very essential inspiration in my life.




build-up one's confidence

高分句型:……he made comments on every group’s discussion and told us the main purpose of this oral speaking—to encourage everyone to open mouth and express their own ideas……

most teachers especially high school teachers always aim to the college entrance examination and ignore developing students’ capability of practical use of language speaking especially the building-up of confidence which leads we students always neglect the practical use of language use.


Talk about a favourite class you like

My favourite class that I took was a class I took about five years ago. The class was on International Trade and Marketing for an International Market. I was a second-year student at university and I was eager to begin to specialize in my field. You see at that time I had all these ideas about how I could get rich by selling Chinese-made products to the west. You know, I think there are a lot of people who have the same dream that I did. My thinking was that what I could sell wasn't available in the west, so international marketing would just be about telling the world about it, and then waiting for the money to come in.

In this course we had a professor who was not only knowledgeable from a theoretical standpoint, he also had a lot of practical knowledge, since he used to work for a Chinese company who sold products in America. He lived in America and supervised the efforts of the marketing department, so he had a rich knowledge of the kinds of things that can go wrong when you're trying to market to people from a different market. He told us how some Chinese executives would choose certain clients over others only because they were willing to make advance payments, but that in fact the clients who wanted better .credit terms were actually more profitable clients. He said it was natural for executives to favor clients who paid early in China, but that in the west where credit was the norm most clients thought it quite normal to pay over long periods of time. He said that some clients took advantage of this mindset to try and squeeze lower prices out of his company.

The style was completely anecdotal. By that I mean he just told stories. He tried to organise these stories as they related to the theory, and they tended to make sense from a practical way of looking at the issues. He also gave us a lot of humorous examples of cultural differences along the way. But he also told us that people are people wher


1. What do you think of teachers?

Teachers normally serve as role models, because students and young children are likely to imitate their behaviour. So, teachers should have high moral standards. Moreover, elementary school teachers should be patient enough, because these students are naughty and lack self-discipline.


2. Did you (do you) like your high school teachers?

I love my teacher, well I think, I can say she is a qualified teacher that she not only provides instruction in literacy and numeracy, but also teaches us the arts and life skills. Well, overall, we can learn both academic knowledge and extracurricular experiences in her class.


3. Do you think it’s important to like your teachers?

Well, I think, it’s quite important. In fact, teachers have huge influence on how students perceive the course materials. Students who love their teachers show great enthusiasm towards the course and have positive attitude.


4. Do school students in China like their teachers?

Nope, they don’t. Teachers are normally expected to act a substitute parents rather that friends. Plus, teachers often inflict corporal punishment as a form of school discipline to those students who disobey the rules.


5. Do you think there are any benefits from teachers being strict with students?

Um… no, I think, being too strict would cause detrimental effects on students. They may get discouraged by the criticism and have no passion or interest to continue their study. Consequently, they have no confidence to face the challenges of study and life in the future.


6. What qualities should a good teacher have?

Well, becoming a qualified teacher requires compassion, dedication, hard work and a lot of patience, especially when teaching in an elementary school. Teacher should have the ability to explain new concepts and frequently communicate and interact with parents, teachers and students.



Describe an English lesson that you have taken

You should say:

What the activity is

When and where you usually do it

how you do it

and explain why it can keep you fit


高分语段:Every Monday, we would take about twenty minutes of class, and everyone had to stand up and say what they did over the weekend. The mini-speeches didn’t have to be long or that involved; rather, it was just an opportunity to get everyone up and speaking English. What made the activity fun, though, was not really the assignment. Instead, it was the class that made it interesting. The first couple Mondays, the speeches weren’t any thing special. Most were pretty boring, and the class had more of a “let’s just get this done attitude instead of an “I like Ibis activity” attitude. The third Monday, however, this all changed. One of the students stood up and told an extremely creative story, using a lot of interesting phrases and some truly funny vocabulary’. After this, the class all sort of accepted this as the new norm, and every week became a contest to see who could tell the funniest, most creative story. As a result, going to class on Monday became something to really look forward to.


 1)由于中外学校结构差异造成一定程度上的做题困难 国外大学结构及官衔

  president(大学校长) University

  dean(学校分院长) College/school

  head of the faculty Faculty

  head of the division Division

  chairman Department





  register/enrole(登记、报到) 一般会student union office

  opening ceremony(开学典礼)

  orientation meeting(介绍会)指学校综合情况




  basic course基础课 specialized course专业课

  required course必修课 optional/selective course选修课

  literature文学 philosophy哲学

  history历史 art艺术

  sociology社会学 linguistics语言学

  psychology心理学 engineering工程学

  architecture建筑学 business商务

  law法学 economics经济学

  fiancé金融学 accounting会计学

  banking银行学 biochemistry生物化学


  kindergarten幼儿园 elementary education初等教育

  secondary education中等教育 higher education高等教育

  adult education成人教育 open admission免试入学制

  day-care center幼儿园(美) nursery school托儿所

  primary/elementary school小学(英/美)

  secondary school中学 coeducation男女生同校制度

  junior high school初中 senior high school高中

  attached middle school附中 technical school技校

  polytechnic institute理工学院/科技大学 key school重点中学

  graduate school研究生院 open university夜大、函大

  private school私立学校 public school公立学校

  universal education普及教育 educationist/educator教育家

  postgraduate研究生 alumnus/alumna校友(男/女)

  undergraduate本科 Alma Mater母校

  auditor=guest student旁听生

  boarder住宿生 open-book exam开卷考

  pop test抽考 orientation program新生训练

  teaching facilities教学设施 assistantship助学金

  scholarship奖学金 room and board食宿

  auditorium礼堂 vice-monitor副班长

  period of schooling学习年限 credit system学分制

  mark/score/grade分数 schedule=school timetable课程表

  individual study自习 individual coaching=tutorial个别指导

  English evening英语晚会 after-school activities课外活动

  social investigation社会调查 voluntary labor义务劳动

  graduation appraisal毕业评估

  graduation ceremony=commencement毕业典礼

  diploma=graduation certificate毕业证书

  drop out辍学 quit school退学

  school discipline校纪 attendance/participation出勤率

  attend a lecture上课 miss a class缺课

  cut a class旷课 expel sb from school开除

  tuition学费 miscellaneous expenses杂费

  a grant-aided student领助学金的学生 lecture portfolio讲义夹

  semester半学期 blue-book考卷

  report card成绩单 final-examination期末考核

  quiz小测验 oral test口试

  diploma毕业证 degree学位

  associate diploma专科证书 Bachelor学士

  Master硕士 Doctor of Philosophy博士

  Expert专家 consultant顾问

  Coordinator班主任/协调人 professor教授

  associate professor副教授 lecturer讲师

  adviser/mentor导师 counselor辅导老师

  course arrangement课程按排 application form申请表

  school of Arts and Sciences文理学院




  letter of recommendation表扬信

  journal周记 office hour教授与学生面谈时间

  catalogue(under titles/authors/subjects)目录

  reference stacks书库

  delivery desk/circulation desk借书台

  call slip借书单(索书单)

  check out登记并借出

  charge out把...借出来

  library card/admission card借书卡

  date slip/deadline/date of expiry期限


  overdue and pay a fine过期并交罚款





  out on loan借出的


  closed reserved只读不借

  in circulation在书库里

  out circulation借走了

  not for circulation不外借



  on the shelf在书架上



  periodical(magazines and journals)定期刊物

  current/back issues现今/以后发行


  return in time及时归还

  interlibrary service图书馆际服务

  open/closed shelves开架/闭架书库



1.雅思英语口语Part 1中最难的十话题





6.雅思英语口语避免盲目跟读录音 纠正语音才最根





