




  . In this factory, suggestions often have to wait for months before they are fully _____.

  A. admitted

  B. acknowledged

  C. absorbed

  D. considered

  [答案] D. considered

  [注释] considered 考虑; admit 承认; absorb 吸收。

  2. The boy slipped out of the room and headed for the swimming pool without his parents\' _____.

  A. command

  B. conviction

  C. consent

  D. compromise

  [答案] C. consent

  [注释] consent 同意, 赞成, 答应。conviction 深信, 确信。compromise 妥协, 折中。command 命令, 指令; 掌握, 运用能力。

  3. Our research has focused on a drug which is so _____ as to be able to change brain chemistry.

  A. powerful

  B. influential

  C. monstrous

  D. vigorous

  [答案] A. powerful

  [注释] powerful (=having or producing great power) 强有力的。在这里四个形容词中, 只有powerful (有效力的) 可与表示药物的名词搭配。influential 有影响的, 有势力的, monstrous 异常大的, vigorous 精力旺盛的, 强健有力的。

  4. The lost car of the Lees was found ___ in the woods off the highway.

  A. vanished

  B. abandoned

  C. scattered

  D. rejected

  [答案] B. abandoned

  [注释] abandoned 放弃, 抛弃;vanish vi.消失, 绝迹;scatter 驱使, 使分散,撒, 到处放; reject 拒绝接受。

  5. She was afraid that unless the train speeded up she would lose her _____ to Scotland.

  A. ticket

  B. place

  C. seat

  D. connection

  [答案] D. connection

  [注释] lose one\'s connection to 误了到......地方去的 (汽车、火车、轮船的) 联运。

  6. The ship was _____ in a storm off Jamaica.

  A. drowned

  B. sunk

  C. wrecked

  D. submitted

  [答案] C. wrecked

  [注释] wreck vt. 撞坏, 毁坏; sink vt. 下沉, 沉没;drown 溺死, 淹死;submit 提交, 呈送 (to),屈服,投降。

  7. He has impressed his employers considerably and ___ he is soon to be promoted.

  A. eventually

  B. yet

  C. finally

  D. accordingly

  [答案] D. accordingly

  [注释]accordingly (=for that reason, therefore) 因此, 所以。

  8. It was a great _____ for him to be pleasant to people he didn\'t like.

  A. attempt

  B. trouble

  C. power

  D. effort

  [答案] D. effort

  [注释] effort 努力的尝试。

  9. The firemen managed to _____ the fire in time.

  A. extinguish

  B. prevent

  C. suppress

  D. ruin

  [答案] A. extinguish

  [注释] extinguish (=put out) vt. 扑灭 (火焰等) 。Stop the fire虽然也可以搭配, 但按本句题意用extinguish为最佳。

  10. What is most obvious in this book are all those details of daily living which make Mrs. Richard _____ common.

  A. nothing but

  B. anything but

  C. above all

  D.rather than

  [答案] B. anything but

  [注释] anything but 根本不; nothing but 只不过; above all最重要的是;rather than 而不是。

  11. His new appointment takes _____ from the beginning of next month.

  A. place

  B. effect

  C. post

  D. office

  [答案] B. effect

  [注释]take effect 生效

  12. The policeman stopped him when he was driving home and _____ him of speeding.

  A. charged

  B. accused

  C. blamed

  D. deprived

  [答案] B. accused

  [注释]accuse sb. of... 控告某人....;warn sb. of警告某人...;deprive sb. of 剥夺某人...;charge sb. with指控某...

  13. Mr. Smith gradually _____ a knowledge of the subject.

  A. attained

  B. achieved

  C. required

  D. acquired

  [答案] D. acquired

  [注释]acquired 获得,得到;achieve, vt. 取得 (胜利、成功等) ;attain 达到 (目的等) , 取得 (成就等)

  14. My camera can be ___ to take pictures in cloudy or sunny conditions.

  A. treated

  B. adopted

  C. adjusted

  D. remedied

  [答案] C. adjusted

  [注释]adjust强调, 调节, 使适应。

  15. According to the psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud, wisdom comes from the _____ of maturity.

  A. fulfillment

  B. achievement

  C. establishment

  D. accomplishment

  [答案] B. achievement

  [注释]achievement取得, 达到, 成就;fulfilment 履行, 实行;establishment 建立,建设;accomplishment (顺利) 完成.

  16. The number of tickets _____ will be determined by the size of the stadium.

  A. adaptable

  B. acceptable

  C. advisable

  D. available

  [答案] D. available

  [注释] available 可用的, 有效的, 可得到的; acceptable 可以接受的;advisable 明智的, 可取的, 适当的;adaptable 能适应的。

  17. He is a very honest official and never _____ any gifts from the people who sought his help.

  A. accepted

  B. received

  C. took up

  D. excepted

  [答案] A. accepted

  [注释] receive 收到, 接到, 指“收, 接”这一动作; 而accept 是经过考虑“接受”下来, 表示当事人的态度。

  18. He was not ___ to the club because he wasn\'t a member.

  A. allowed

  B. admitted

  C. permitted

  D. approved

  [答案] B. admitted

  [注释] admit sb. to允许某人某物进入,承认;approve 批准,赞成, 赞许。

  19. The reason why he adapted to the new situations quickly is that he has a _____ attitude.

  A. changeable

  B. alternate

  C. movable

  D. flexible

  [答案] D. flexible

  [注释] flexible 灵活的, 可变通的。

  20. Will all those _____ the proposal raise their hands?

  A. in relation to

  B. in excess of

  C. in contrast to

  D. in favor of

  [答案] D. in favor of

  [注释] in favor of 赞成;in excess of 超过;in relation to 关系到;in contrast to 与......相对照。

  21. An early typewriter produced letters quickly and neatly; the typist, _____ couldn\'t see his work on his machine.

  A. however

  B. therefore

  C. yet

  D. although

  [答案] A. however

  [注释] however 然而

  本题译文:早期的打字机打起字来又快又整齐, 然而打字员不能看着机器键盘打字。

  22. We are interested in the weather because it _____ us so directly——what we wear, what we do, and even how we feel.

  A. benefits

  B. guides

  C. affects

  D. effects

  [答案] C. affects

  [注释] affect vt.影响;effect n.影响, 作用。

  23. I can meet you at eight o\'clock; _____ you can call for me.

  A. incidentally

  B. actually

  C. alternatively

  D. accordingly

  [答案] C. alternatively


  24. He has the ____ of an athlete: he really goes all out to win.

  A. instants

  B. instances

  C. instincts

  D. intelligences

  [答案] C. instincts

  [注释] instinct 天生的本领;instant n. 瞬间, 时刻; adj. 立即的, 直接的。

  25. Keys should never be hidden around the house since thieves _____ know where to look.

  A. virtually

  B. variously

  C. unavoidably

  D. invariably

  [答案] D. invariably

  [注释]invariably 总是, 不变地;virtually 事实上, 实际上;unavoidably不可避免地;variously 不同地。

  26. The boy had a _____ escape when he ran across the road in front of the bus.

  A. close

  B. short

  C. narrow

  D. fine

  [答案] C. narrow

  [注释]have a narrow escape 幸免遇难。

  27. Do you mind if I _____with my work while you are getting tea ready.

  A. get through

  B. turn to

  C. carry on

  D. come on

  [答案] C. carry on

  [注释]carry on 继续。

  28. I left for the office earlier than usual this morning traffic jam.

  A. in line with

  B. in case of

  C. for the sake of

  D. at the risk of

  [答案] B. in case of

  [注释] in case of 万一,假设;in line with 与......一致, 符合; for the sake of 为了......起见;at the sake of冒......的风险。

  29. The finance minister has not been so _____ since he raised taxes to such a high level.

  A. popular

  B. well-known

  C. favorable

  D. preferable

  [答案] A. popular

  [注释]popular 此处意为受爱戴的, 有名声或声望的。

  30. It is wrong for someone in such a high _____ in the government to behave too badly in public.

  A. situation

  B. position

  C. employment

  D. profession

  [答案] B. position

  [注释]position 此句中指“地位” (不可数, 有时加不定冠词)。

  31. We all knew from the very _____ that the plan would fail.

  A. outcome

  B. outset

  C. income

  D. output

  [答案] B. outset

  [注释] outset 开端, 开始;outcome结局;income 收入;output 产量。

  32. He looked rather untidy as there were two buttons _____ from his coat.

  A. loosing

  B. losing

  C. off

  D. missing

  [答案] D. missing

  [注释]missing 缺少的。

  33. Lawyers often make higher _____ for their work than they should.

  A. bills

  B. charges

  C. prices

  D. costs

  [答案] B. charges

  [注释]make charges for对......收 (费) ; 索 (价)。

  34. The workmen made so much _____ that Mrs. Walker had to spend three days cleaning up afterwards.

  A. trouble

  B. damage

  C. mess

  D. nuisance

  [答案] C. mess

  [注释]make mess弄得乱七八糟。

  35. They have held several meetings to _____ next year\'s production plans.

  A. set down

  B. make out

  C. work up

  D. draw up

  [答案] D. draw up

  [注释]draw up草拟,起草。

  36. This book gives a brief _____ of the history of the castle and details of the art collection in the main hall.

  A. outline

  B. reference

  C. article

  D. outlook

  [答案] A. outline

  [注释]outline 轮廓, 概要; give an outline of sth. 概括说明某事。

  37. Dress warmly, _____ you\'ll catch cold.

  A.on the contrary

  B.or rather

  C. or else

  D. in no way

  [答案] C. or else

  [注释]or else (=otherwise; if not) 否则。

  38. Although John was the eldest in the family, he always let his sister _____ charge of the house.

  A. take

  B. hold

  C. make

  D. get

  [答案] A. take

  [注释]take charge of负责、掌管、看管。

  39. The child enjoyed _____ up the wooden bricks then knocking them down.

  A. adding

  B. pushing

  C. piling

  D. forming

  [答案] C. piling

  [注释] pile up把......放成一堆, 堆积。

  40. John was very upset because he was _____ by the police with breaking the law.

  A. accused

  B. arrested

  C. sentenced

  D. charged

  [答案] D. charged

  [注释]be charged with 受指控犯有......。

  41.It isn\'t quite _____ that he will be present at the meeting.

  A. sure

  B. right

  C. exact

  D. certain

  [答案] D. certain

  [注释]在it作形式主语, that引导主语从句时, 主句中表语只能用certain, 不能用sure。

  42. Many new _____ will be opened up in the future for those with a university education.

  A. opportunities



  D. probabilities

  [答案] A. opportunities

  [注释]opportunity常指“ (难得的应抓住的) 机会”。

  43. The members of the club wouldn\'t run a _____ in entrusting(委托) the organization to an unreliable person.

  A. danger

  B. risk

  C. hazard

  D. chance

  [答案] B. risk

  [注释]run a risk (in) 冒险。


  44. The meeting was _____ when the chairman fell ill.

  A.put down

  B.shut out

  C.cut short

  D.taken off

  [答案] C. cut short

  [注释]cut short 打断, 中断。

  45. John says that his present job does not provide him with enough _____ for his organizing ability.

  A. scope

  B. space

  C. capacity

  D. range

  [答案] A. scope

  [注释]本题中scope (=opportunity; outlet) 施展机会, 发展余地, 是不可数名词;Range意指“变动范围; 视听范围; 理解范围”, 如:the range of prices (价格变动范围)。

  46. My brother likes eating very much but he isn\'t very _____ about the food he eats.

  A. special

  B. peculiar

  C. particular

  D. unusual

  [答案] C. particular

  [注释]be particular about对......讲究, 挑剔。

  47. Voices were _____ as the argument between the two motorists became more bad-tempered.

  A. swollen

  B. raised

  C. developed

  D. increased

  [答案] B. raised

  [注释]raise (=lift up) one\'s voice提高嗓门, 高声叫喊。

  48. Having lived in the town for quite a few years, Mr. Johnson no longer felt _____ among the local people.

  A. out of order

  B. out of place

  C. out of control

  D. out of the question

  [答案] B. out of place

  [注释]out of place 不合适的;不相称的;不在适当的位置;out of order 发生故障; 失调;out of control 失去控制;out of the question 不可能的。

  49. He stopped his ears with his hands to the terrible noise.

  A. show off

  B. cut out

  C. keep from

  D. shut out

  [答案] D. shut out

  [注释]shut out 排除;show off炫耀;cut out 删掉;keep from隐瞒;不沾, 避开;使不做某事。

  50. My house is the only brick one on the street. It _____ and you can\'t miss it.

  A. stands up

  B. looks out

  C. sticks out

  D. wipes out

  [答案] C. stick out

  [注释]stick out伸出, 突出; 显露, 显眼;wipe out 擦去, 消灭。









