



  One day a rich man met Tom. The rich man asked,“I hear you are very clever and 1 is difficult for you. Can you tell me why you are so clever?” Tom answered with 2 , “Oh, I am not clever. Instead, you are too foolish(愚蠢的).” The rich man became 3 .

  Tom said, “Sir, please 4 unhappy. If you don’t agree 5 what I said, now let me 6 you a very easy question: If you have a group of sheep, I send you 7 group. Then, you say, how many groups of sheep do you have?”

  “Why! That’s the easiest question in the world. One and one is two. 8 knows that. I have two groups of sheep, of course.”

  Tom laughed and laughed and said, “You are quite 9 , sir. Two groups of sheep put together is still one group. That’s the 10 question in the world, isn’t it?

  ( )1. A. something B. nothing C. everything D. anything

  ( )2. A. smile B. smiles C. smiling D. a smile

  ( )3. A. happy B. sad C. unhappy D. sorry

  ( )4. A.don’t B. don’t be C.not be D. isn’t

  ( )5. A. with B. to C. for D. about

  ( )6. A. say B. speak C. ask D. tell

  ( )7. A. other B. the other C. one D. another

  ( )8. A. People B.Anybody C.Somebody D. Nobody

  ( )9. A. right B. clever C. wrong D. difficult

  ( )10A. more difficult B. easier C. most difficult D. easiest


  we each have a memory.that’s why we can remember things after a long time.some peope have vety good memories and they can easily learn many things by hearts(背诵),but some people can only remember things when they say or do them again and agan。

  a good memory helps one learn a language well.everbody learns his own language when he is a small child.he hears the sounds,remembers them and then he learns to speak.some children are living with their parents in foreign countries.they can learn two languages easily because they hear,remember and speak the two languages every day.in school it is not easy to learn a foreign language because the students have little time for it and they have to learn other subjects,too.

  our memories can get better and better if we do more and more exercise.do you want to learn a foreign language well? if so,you must do a lot of listening and speaking.

  We can remember things after a ___1____time because we each have a ___2__ .

  A man with a ____3____memory can learn many ____4_____ by hearts.

  If a child often hears,remembers and _____5____ two languages every day,he or she can ____6____ these languages easily.

  At school, it is not easy for the ___7____ to learn a foreign language well because they have _____8____ time for it and they have to learn oter subjects,too.

  If we want to learn a foreign language well, we must _____9___a lot of _____10____and speaking.

  1.____________ 2._____________ 3._____________ 4.______________ 5._____________

  6.____________ 7._____________ 8._____________ 9.______________ 10.____________



  1. What’s the _________ (长度)of the river?

  2.I think sitting too long is bad for your (健康).

  3.Were you (能) to ride a bike when you were 7 yers old ?

  4.I like the (猴子)because they ‘re so lovely.

  5.Please tell the diferencec between them when you finish (看)the magazines.

  6. There is a party __________(/ t ə’ n ai t/). Would you like to go with me?

  7.We should use the l_______________ money do the best work.

  8.In a_________, leaves turn yellow and begin to fall down.

  9.The policeman c_____________ the thief at last because of the traffic..

  10.Young people like p___________ music.

  11. Who did (badly) in the English exam, Kate or Jim?

  12.Fish is ________( taste) than chicken. I think.

  13.Lucy and Lily often have a goog time ______(chat) with each other.

  14.One of the __________________(visit) caught a cold yesterday

  15.During our journey, it’s often sunny. So it’s a ________________ (please) trip.


  1.drive(过去式) 2.pop(完全形式)

  3.important(反义词) 4.so(同音词)

  5.little(最高级) 6.film(美式英语)

  7.hero(复数) 8.I (反身代词)

  9.leave(过去式) 10.far(比较级)


  but different much with more nothing only night long into

  Long ago, people in some villages in South China believed that ___1__ bad people were bitten (咬)by snakes, and that good people and children had ___2___ to be afraid of. This is not true. ___3___ it is true that people are usually bitten at ___4___ when they step on a snake by chance.

  Snakes are of ___5___ kinds and sizes. One kind of snake is only as ____6___ as a pencil, but anyone bitten by it dies almost at once. Another kind of snake is ___7___ bigger and it can spit(吐) a kind of poison. If the poison gets ___8___ one’s eyes, he will become blind unless he washes them quickly____9___ milk. Some big snakes that eat animals like sheep may be twenty—five feet long or ___10__.

  1.____________ 2._____________ 3._____________ 4.______________ 5._____________

  6.____________ 7._____________ 8._____________ 9.______________ 10.____________


  1. A: Shanghai is the biggest city in China.

  B: Shanhai is ________ than _______ ________ in China.

  2. A: Daniel has nine flowers. Amy has six flowers.

  B: Daniel has _______ flowers _______ Amy.

  3. Daniel has more money than Millie. Millie has more money than Kitty.

  B: Daniel has the ________ money _______ the three.

  4. A: Amy’s shirt is like Millie’s shirt.

  B: Amy’s shirt and Millie’s shirt are ______ _______.

  5. A: My backpack is exactly like hers.

  B: My backpack is _________ ________ _______ hers.

  6. A: School life in the USA is not the same as school life in Britain.

  B: School life in the USA is ________ ________ school life in Britain.