一、 显示刷新率设置不正确
如果是刷新率设置过低,会导致屏幕抖动,检查方法是用鼠标右键单击系统桌面的空白区域,从弹出的右键菜单中单击“属性”命令,进入到显示器的属 性设置窗口。单击该窗口中的“设置”标签,在其后弹出的对应标签页面中单击“高级”按钮,打开显示器的高级属性设置界面,再单击其中的“监视器”标签,从 中可以看到显示器的刷新频率设置为“60” ,这正是造成显示器屏幕不断抖动的原因。将新频率设置为“75”以上,再点击确定返回桌面就可以了。 其实显示器屏幕抖动最主要的原因就是显示器的刷新频率设置低于75Hz造成的,此时屏幕常会出现抖动、闪烁的现象,我们只需把刷新率调高到 75Hz以上,那么屏幕抖动的现象就不会再出现了。
有时我们进入电脑的显示器刷新频率时,却发现没有刷新频率可供选择,这就是由于前显卡的驱动程序不正确或太旧造成的。购买时间较早的电脑容易出 现这个问题,此时不要再使用购买电脑时所配光盘中的驱动,可到网上下载对应显示卡的最新版驱动程序,然后打开“系统”的属性窗口,单击“硬件”窗口中的 “设备管理器”按钮,进入系统的设备列表界面。用鼠标右键单击该界面中的显示卡选项,从弹出的右键菜单中单击“属性”命令,然后在弹出的显卡属性设置窗口 中,单击“驱动程序”标签,再在对应标签页面中单击“更新驱动程序”按钮,以后根据向导提示逐步将显卡驱动程序更新到最新版本,最后将计算机系统重新启动 了一下,如果驱动安装合适,就会出现显示器刷新频率选择项了,再将刷新率设置成75Hz以上即可。
显示器很容易受到强电场或强磁场的干扰,如果使用上面介绍的两种方法仍然不能解决抖动问题,那么就应该怀疑屏幕抖动是由显示器附近的磁场或电场 引起的。为了将显示器周围的一切干扰排除干净,可将计算机搬到一张四周都空荡荡的桌子上,然后进行开机测试,如果屏幕抖动的现象消失,那么说明你电脑原来 的地方有强电场或强磁场干扰,请将可疑的东西(如音箱的低音炮、磁化杯子等)从电脑附近拿手。然后把显示器关掉再重开几次,以达到消磁的目的(现在的显示 器在打开时均具有自动消磁功能)。
打开机箱,将显示卡从插槽中拔出来,然后用手将显示卡金手指处的灰尘抹干净,最好找来柔软的细毛刷,轻轻将显卡表面的灰尘全部清除干净,然后再 用干净的橡皮在金手指表面擦拭了几下,以清除金手指表面的氧化层,最后将将显示卡重新紧密地插入到主板插槽中,用螺钉将它固定在机箱外壳上。再开机进行测 试,一般故障能够解决。
有时由于使用的显示器年岁已高,也会出现抖动现象。为了检验显示器内部的电子元件是否老化,可将故障的显示器连接到别人的计算机上进行测试,如 果故障仍然消失,说明显示器已坏,需要修理。
许多杂牌电脑电源所使用的元件做工、用料均很差,易造成电脑的电路不畅或供电能力跟不上,当系统繁忙时,显示器尤其会出现屏幕抖动的现象。电脑 的电源设备开始老化时,也容易造成相同的问题。此时可更换电源进行测试。
有些计算机病毒会扰乱屏幕显示,比如:字符倒置、屏幕抖动、图形翻转显示等。网上随处可见的屏幕抖动脚本,不信您试试下面的脚本,把如下代码加 入区域中,然后存为Html文件:
Recently opened the computer, the screen will start flashing, a dark one bright, always flashing incessantly, don't know is wrong, also don't know what to do. Is it right? Have many friends and I also encountered the same situation? Look together computer master is how to explain the causes and coping methods.
Float a, just getting on the computer too much, and sometimes even the icons and text are not clear, but after one or two minutes will return to normal. This phenomenon occurred in wet weather, is to monitor http://www.mkykgw.com/ the internal moisture.
Solution: to solve this problem, can be used in food packaging moisture-proof sand string together with cotton thread,http://www.sanbenshu.net/ and then open the back cover of the display, will hang in the damp sand picture tube neck near the base near the tail. In this way, even in wet weather, also won't appear above "".
Two, the power of your work is not stable, thermal performance is not good or poor anti-interference performance,http://www.jiyinyugen1.com/ leading to the output voltage ripple is too large, so that the card is not working properly, causing screen flicker, this kind of problem in the thermal performance is not good.
Solution: turn on the power to replace the switch tube, filter capacitor, or directly for power.
Three, display tube bad performance,http://www.dgfuai.com/ leading to high pressure is too high, the screen is too bright white as a sheet, luminance potentiometer serious oxidation resistance, small or poor contact, the circuit fault leads to accelerated display color voltage is too high or the cathode voltage is too low, will cause the computer screen flicker phenomenon, especially in the initial phenomenon and your problem now is very similar.
Solution: boot appeared screen flicker phenomenon, beat display phenomena whether increased (stopped after the phenomenon, do not use too much effort). Increase the display problem, is above the site due to poor contact, the need to find professionals to repair, no is not the problem.
Four, the graphics interface is bad, bad thermal performance of graphics, and display line contact is not good.
The solution:
1, unplug the card, check whether the corrosion interface, anhydrous alcohol wipe clean, also omitted the shrapnel up some.
After 2, wait for a phenomenon immediately shut down, with cotton gloves or cloth unplug the card, try the graphics chip by hand is overheating (generally slightly warm), overheating for the fan, or change the chip, the card. 3, using a multimeter resistance gear R*1K gear test display connection is good contact, when testing swaying line, the less likely to bad.