




  China has its own festivals, and my hometown, yunyu county, zhangzhou city, fujian province, where the Spring Festival is very different from other places.

  In the sky, during the Spring Festival, do not say unlucky words, if the child is ignorant, say an unlucky words, should use paper towel to wipe the mouth. Avoid quarrel threatened and broke the dishes at the same time, accidentally broke the dishes, will fragments collected into stone mortar, reciting "suisui peace", to borrow "broken" and "old" homophonic to fierce for, keep peace joy.

  On the first day of the lunar New Year, the family set off firecrackers, known as "kaizheng", and they also have tea, candy and incense in front of the door, which is called "baizheng". Early on the first day everyone gets up early and wears new clothes to burn incense and worship the ancestors of heaven and earth. Young people pay a New Year to their elders, and elders then give them red envelopes.

  At the time of the opening, the family will eat the brown sugar noodle soup. Sugar, meaning sweetness; The line, meaning longevity, is to pray for a long and happy family.

  Do not eat porridge on the first day, so as not to go out in the rain; Do not pour out rubbish outside, avoid "money and gas leak". In addition, there is no need to pay debts, not to scold children and other taboos.

  ? The Spring Festival of the sky is exquisite and don't have fun! Besides, you can learn more about the customs of different places in the Internet and books, and enrich your knowledge!


  Spring Festival is our Chinese New Year, so Chinese New Year is very important to us Chinese! Therefore, preparations for the Spring Festival are also essential.

  The New Year! The New Year! Every family is busy with Spring Festival couplets, haircuts, New Year's eve dinner... There are too many things to do, and too many "rules"! Some of the customs are very strange, but under the helpless, I ask the mother who is pasting spring couplet.

  I see my mother put the word "fu" upside down, I do know why it is a custom to pour the word "fu" upside down, the 'fu' upside down means' fu '! But I still asked, "what customs and rules do you have for Chinese New Year?" My mother stopped her work and told me patiently.

  In the past, there was a custom of setting off firecrackers, which originated from the story of nian. Once upon a time there was a "nian", who lived deep under the sea and jumped out of the sea on New Year's eve to do evil. After one year an old man fired a cannon, dressed in red, and put on the red Spring Festival couplets to drive away the "nian", which was calm, and then the method became known. But now we don't have fireworks in guangzhou, so we're not going to do that anymore.

  New Year's eve is of utmost importance to our country. This evening, our whole family is going to eat the reunion dinner.

  It is the most lively and joyful time of the Spring Festival. On the eve of the lunar New Year, a large number of New Year dishes were filled with a table, and family members gathered around the table to eat the reunion dinner. People are not only enjoying the table, but also enjoying the happy atmosphere. There are chicken, goose, and roast meat on the table. There are two kinds of things. One is hotpot, and the other is fish. The hot pot is steaming hot, indicating red hot fire; "Fish" and "yu" homophonic meaning "more than one year". The last sweet, the blessings of the future sweet honey.


  When the Spring Festival arrived, the families were jubilant and round. Spring Festival has many customs, such as: paste Spring Festival couplets, set off firecrackers, eat dumplings and so on. Let's get to know them!

  Posted goalkeeper almost every family New Year's day is this to do, there is an interesting myths and legends about stick keeper: according to legend, in ancient times there is a dragon king always want to steal to eat tribute of the jade emperor, the jade emperor discovered severely punish it, but the dragon king still often teach not to change, so the jade emperor let two strong god to watch over the door, don't let the dragon king to rock the boat. But the two gods were just as sleepy as we were. So the jade emperor thought of a good idea, and put the two pictures of god on the door, and the custom of tiding the door was passed on from generation to generation.

  There is a custom in the north of our country, which is to eat jiaozi, the homonym of the dumpling is the "jiao zi", which expresses the yearning for the New Year auspicious and prosperous. Southerners like to eat tangyuan in the morning of the big year, which means we are full and round in the New Year. People also like to eat "shepherd's purse" vegetables and dumplings, "shepherd's purse" has been called "the rich" meaning in the New Year to make a fortune, the wish.

  During the Spring Festival, we also need to set off firecrackers to activate the atmosphere of the Spring Festival. Set off firecrackers in the folk has a legend: according to legend in ancient time, there was a monster named "year", every Spring Festival when they come out to scare people, so people will think of a way to, with bamboo tube light thrown at it, bamboo tube explosion made a lot of noise, scared away nian, the custom of setting off firecrackers is come down.

  The custom of Spring Festival is still many and many, it enriches our knowledge and brings people closer. It is a fine tradition of Chinese people, let's go to know them together!







