





  1. 使用iPad对学习的好处;

  2. 对课堂纪律和学习可能产生的负面影响;

  3. 提出自己的建议并说明理由。


  Is iPad Good or Bad for Middle School Students?

  I’m a junior middle school student named Li Hua. Now many students have iPads and they think it’s a fashion to use them.


  Is iPad good or bad for middle school students

  I’m a junior high school student named Li Hua. Now many students have iPads and they think it’s a fashion to use them. Using an iPad, we can listen to music, download a lot of learning materials and read them on the screen. Apparently, it’s helpful to our study, especially to our English listening.

  Some students, however, bring their iPads to the classroom and listen to music without earphones, which makes the teacher and other students greatly annoyed. Some of them even waste precious time in class playing video games.

  In my opinion, as students, we should make good use of iPads to help achieve academic success. The

  classroom is a place for students to study, and therefore concentration is awfully needed for us to learn our lessons. Furthermore, the school should make a rule to guide the students to use iPads in a proper way.


  三年的初中生活即将结束,静坐在考场中的你,一定会思绪万千。三年来,你在学习、生活等方面取得了优异的成绩,这些成绩的背后有老师的辛勤教诲、家长的次次鼓励,还有……现在想来你很感谢他们。请以“Thank you,my...”为题写一篇英语短文。

  要求如下:1. 短文内容应包括人物的外貌、性格、爱好和使你难忘之处等;

  2. 短文中不得出现真实的校名和人名;

  3. 词数80左右。

  【优秀满分范文1】Thank you,My English teacher

  I should say “thank you”to my English teacher.

  He’s a tall man with thick glasses. He likes sports and often plays football and basketball with us. He’s humorous and always makes his classes lively and interesting. He’s kind but strict with us. He never allows us to pretend that we know what we don’t know. He often tells us that it’s no use memorizing new words without understanding. My English has greatly improved with his help.I think he is the best in my mind. I will remember him forever.





  In my life I have met many people who are really worth my recalling. But perhaps the most unforgettable person I ever knew is my Chinese language teacher.

  What frequently brings back memories of my school teacher is his special

  qualities. First of all, I was attracted by his lively wit. I remember we always long for

  his class with great eagerness because his lecture were humorously delivered, never failing to provoke loud laughs. Second, he gave us the greatest gift a teacher can offer-- an awakening of a passion for learning. He not only led us to an appreciation of the beauty

  and perfection of Chinese and literature, but also aroused our great interest in exploring

  something deeper in this field. Finally, I was deeply impressed by the respect he showed for us, for he treated us like friends rather than students.

  Although it is nearly 10 years since I attended his last class, he is the talk of our

  old classmates, and I know part of him has already stayed in my heart.







