


  理想是力量的泉源、智慧的摇篮、冲锋的战旗、斩棘的利剑。 你想知道初二我的理想的英语作文怎么写吗?下面是学习啦小编给大家整理的我的理想英语作文初二,供你参考!


  Surely everyone has their own ideal, may be when a engineer, construction of our home, may be when a scientist, the lives of human beings, may also is to be a policeman, for the people YangShanChuE, or when a doctor, to help disable disease... In the ideal of so many, I finally located a goal - to be a computer engineer.

  With the rapid development of modern science and technology, the use of computers has become so common that almost every household has a computer. Computers are very versatile, and convenient and quick, was deeply loved by people. Computer is good, but sometimes there will be a failure, and the occurrence of failure often is the masterpiece of the virus, once the fault appears, the consequence is unimaginable.

  Take my dad, have a computer attack by "Trojan horse", poisoned, afterwards stole thousands of yuan, since that moment, I was determined to become a computer engineer, in order to prevent the people's hard-earned money blink of an eye will fall into the hands of criminals.


  Without ideal, life is just like desert, no life; Without ideal, life is just like the night, no light; Without ideal, life is like a maze, no direction. Ideals are like the oasis in the desert, the lighthouse in the ocean, to guide people's direction. My ideal: ordinary but great to be a glorious people's teacher.

  For the teachers' profession, are squabbling, mixed reviews. Some people say that the teacher is a sacred profession, teaching, cultivating flowers of the motherland; Some say that teachers are a nidering profession, no ambition, hard to get ahead. Keep the ideal I since the childhood, I also got gossip, no longer about the evaluation of others and their ideas. Because I already know, life is your own, don't too care about the opinions of others, the key still in their own life path choice, selection of the right goals, as long as constantly strive hard, one day can reach the other side of success, to realize their dreams.


  Don't want to be a good general's soldiers not good soldiers, is the ideal of the good is to be a general, teachers want their students success, is the teacher's ideal is to let students to be pillars; A businessman on the PaoShengYi because his ideal is to become a rich man. Yeah! The world's 6.5 billion population, has how many people is not ideal? Only the effort, the person had a target, people will try to; Only the effort, people can succeed. Visible, the ideal more strong!

  Ideal will make people successful, everybody has ideal. My ideal... Said the fear of laugh, I want to be a writer, a writer like lu xun.

  If I were a writer, I will write one essay. I will use my rich language and clever pen on the paper print of everything to me. Can be a psychological - I put my happiness and smile on paper or vent trouble. Can be my life, my friends and I had seen and heard by pen tells us; Can also be a good thing in the world, such as the fairy tale, such as the story to share with people in my language. Maybe, I let the world know. The exaggerated, but I if is a writer, I only hope for the best.









