




  Spring Festival is our Chinese New Year, so it is very important for our Chinese people! Therefore, preparation before the Spring Festival is also essential.

  The New Year! The New Year! Every family is busy with the Spring Festival couplets, shaving hair, making New Year's eve dinner... There are too many things to do, and there are too many "rules"! Some of the customs are quite strange, but I ask my mother who is on the Spring Festival couplets.

  I saw mother stick to "f" word backwards, I do know why to stick, stick backwards' f 'word is a kind of custom,' f '(show' f 'down (to)! But I still ask, "what customs and rules are there for the Spring Festival?" My mother stopped her work and patiently talked to me.

  Originally, there was a custom of setting off firecrackers in the past year, which came from the story of nian. A long time ago, there was a "nian", which lived deep under the sea, and on New Year's eve, the sea was full of evildoers. After one year an old man fired a cannon, dressed in red, and put on the red spring couplets to drive away the "nian", which was calm, the method has since spread. But now we don't have fireworks in guangzhou, so we're not going to do that anymore.

  New Year's eve is very important to our country. This evening, my family was going to eat the reunion dinner.

  Eating New Year's eve is the most joyful time of the Spring Festival. On the eve of the great year, the feast was filled with a table, and the family gathered around the table to eat the reunion dinner. People is both enjoy a full table delicacies, and enjoy the joy of the atmosphere, there are chickens, geese, burning meat on the table, etc., generally without two things, one is the hot pot, is a fish. Hot pot is hot and hot. "Fish" and "yu" sounds like "more than one year". The last sweet, the blessings of the future sweet honey.

  Today is too big, I know a lot of the knowledge of the Chinese New Year customs, but I feel a little superstitious, but it was a pleasure, as long as happy, why not superstitions? What is more, it is a traditional custom, and it is better to believe that it is not believable.


  The bell of the New Year is about to ring, and the whole country is buzzing with excitement. People are busy returning home for the Spring Festival to reunite with loved ones. Though I didn't go home, I experienced the celebration of Spring Festival. Staying in dongguan is a natural time to visit the flower market. After eating the New Year's eve dinner, our family walked along the breezy path of the breeze, laughing and laughing. In the distance, the lights were blazing. We had come to the center of dongguan, where the annual flower market was being held.

  Scene is very magnificent, full of red lanterns on the road, an endless stream of people going to flower market, admiring, purchase, like a gorgeous scenery, in the heart of the city bright is dazzing. We also joined the procession, looking at flowers, watching flowers, smelling flowers and buying flowers. Mother took a fancy to a pot of white gardenia, need 30 yuan, mom frowned, said: "can you cheaper! 20 yuan, you this is not very big bowl again!" The florist shook his head and shook his head. "no, I've given you the lowest price, and we're all out of business." Mom didn't say anything. The boss thought he was not going to buy it. He was in a hurry. "ok, ok, sell it to you for 25 yuan." Mother listened, hurriedly paid, and went away with the flowers. My father and I shook our heads in the back. "the mother bought the flowers to forget us!" Walking along, my mother took a fancy to a ball type of flower, there are many colors, my mother and I like it, but it's too expensive.


  When the Spring Festival arrived, the families were jubilant and round. Spring Festival has many customs, such as: paste spring couplets, set off firecrackers, eat dumplings and so on. Let's get to know them!

  Posted goalkeeper almost every family New Year's day is this to do, there is an interesting myths and legends about stick keeper: according to legend, in ancient times there is a dragon king always want to steal to eat tribute of the jade emperor, the jade emperor discovered severely punish it, but the dragon king still often teach not to change, so the jade emperor let two strong god to watch over the door, don't let the dragon king to rock the boat. But the two gods slept like we did. So the jade emperor thought of a good idea, and put the two pictures of god on the door, and the custom of tiding the door was passed on from generation to generation.

  In the north of our country have a custom, is to eat dumplings, dumplings homophonic "jiaozi", expressed the people to the more old hand, a desire for the New Year auspicious rich. Southerners like to eat dumplings on the morning of the big year, meaning we are full and round in the New Year. People also like to call a "shepherd's purse" eat vegetables and dumplings a, "shepherd's purse" is referred to as "money" means in the New Year, also come true.

  During the Spring Festival, we also need to set off firecrackers to activate the atmosphere of the Spring Festival. Set off firecrackers in the folk has a legend: according to legend in ancient time, there was a monster named "year", every Spring Festival when they come out to scare people, so people will think of a way to, with bamboo tube light thrown at it, bamboo tube explosion made a lot of noise, scared away nian, the custom of setting off firecrackers is come down.

  The customs of the Spring Festival are many and many, which enrich our knowledge and bring people closer together. It is a good tradition of the Chinese people, let's go to understand them!











