





  It has been two years since China Daily last interviewed 31-year-old Zhang Chao. The Beijing-based micrograph enthusiast still wears the same hair style, even the same coat.


  But one thing is very different: He's become a celebrity in cyberspace almost overnight, afterhis pictures, which depict what the rampant smog in Beijing looks like under his microscope,spread like a virus on China's major micro-blogging site Sina Weibo, since he posted them lastFriday. Now the media is hounding him for interviews.


  "Why do I become famous when I took pictures of the smog?" he asks with a wry smile. "Ihave taken numerous pictures of beautiful nature whenever I have spare time, but there areno more than 10 interview requests for me every year before. Now, I have to answer dozensof phone calls from media every day.


  "But I only gained 2,000 more followers over the weekend. I guess the micro blog is not aspopular as before," he says, jokingly.


  On Monday morning, a camera crew from a TV station based in southern Hunan province eventook a flight to Beijing just to record how Zhang takes pictures of the Beijing's most-talkedabout feature: the floating enemies in the air.


  The process is not complicated: He puts microscope slides on his windowsill and collects thesamples covered by fallen dust after 10 hours.


  Zhang's apartment is on the eighth floor, which he says is perfect for capturing the densestlevels of smog.


  As a Beijing native, Zhang explains his original purpose is to "deconstruct" Beijing's smog andunveil its shroud of mystery.


  "People have higher and higher standards for the environment," he says. "When I was a child,I was annoyed by the frequent sandstorms, so I feel Beijing's air seems much better now allin all because there are hardly any sandstorms in recent years. Now, we've noticed PM2.5, whichhas long been neglected."


  Although he graduated as a science major from Beijing Normal University, Zhang says it isdifficult for him to give an exact definition of what smog is in Beijing. "It's too complicated,and its ingredients keep changing."


  Under his scope, which magnifies the sample 1,000 times, the smog is found to containminerals, fragments of animal fur and insects, seeds and burnt dust. But many are compounds,he says, which are more difficult to identify.


  "I wanted to know if there are many pollen grains in the early spring's smog, and my guessturns out to be right," Zhang says, noting there are on average 10 pollen grains found on eachslide.


  "Though the number is low compared with other ingredients of smog, it may partially explainwhy smog makes us feel uncomfortable because many people are allergic to pollen."


  Zhang realizes that he may have disappointed the public because he can't show the innerconstruction of PM2.5, today's most notorious element in smog. It is beyond the capacity ofhis microscope and camera to explore such tiny grains.


  Working as a freelancer and editor for an astronomy magazine affiliated with the NationalAstronomical Observatories of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, his regular job is to stare atthe starry firmament and write popular-science articles. However, he is proud to have stirredequal interest by observing the micro world.


  "You cannot imagine how splendid the micro world is until you fall in love picturing bugs in thegarden, different kinds of sand grains, or some tiny corners in our daily lives.


  "My favorite is to shoot snowflakes. I would love to compile my snowflake pictures to publish abook. But you know how much warmer Beijing was in the past winter - I should have traveledto northeastern China to get more pictures."




  For summer vacation, the flight is booked, the hotel is reserved, the bags are packed, butwhat about the professional photographer to take snapshots and make you looksupernaturally gorgeous?


  A growing number of hotels and resorts are offering sessions with photographers to chronicleguests' vacations. Travelers want to record memorable moments without ruining themstressing about focus and flash. They want more sophisticated shots to share on socialmedia. And vacationers realize that an iPhone may not catch that perfect surfing or skiingtriumph.


  In May, Jumby Bay, a Rosewood Resort in Antigua in the Caribbean began offering a 'TogetherPackage' for couples that includes a two-hour shoot with a professional photographer. Earlierthis year, the Sanderling Resort & Spa in Duck, N.C., launched an 'Everlasting Memories'package with a family photo shoot and a YouTube video of the session (a disc of images isguaranteed within a week).

  今年5月,加勒比海安提瓜岛(Antigua)上罗斯伍德集团(Rosewood)旗下的Jumby Bay度假村开始为度假情侣提供“共度套餐”,包括一位专业摄影师提供的两小时拍摄服务。今年年初,北卡罗来纳州达克市(Duck)的Sanderling Resort & Spa水疗度假村推出了“永恒回忆”服务,包括一张全家福和一部YouTube视频(一周内可拿到影像光碟)。

  The Four Seasons Resort Bora Bora is planning to unveil a 'Romance' room-service menu inAugust that will feature a couples' photo session. Walt Disney World in 2010 started selling a0 one-hour 'Enhanced Portrait Session.' It includes retouching and flourishes such as black-and-white and sepia shots and a customized photo book (prints cost extra). A perk: Getting towander around the Epcot theme park before it opens to other guests.

  波拉波拉岛四季度假村(The Four Seasons Resort Bora Bora)计划于今年8月推出“浪漫”客房服务菜单,包括为情侣提供拍照服务。2010年,迪士尼乐园(Walt Disney World)开始推出一小时“高级肖像照”服务,价格为350美元。该服务包括对照片进行润饰和美化,例如黑白效果、怀旧效果和定制相簿(印刷需另交费),还有额外优惠:可在Epcot主题公园向其他游客开放前进入游览。

  A host of independent freelance wedding and adventure photographers are also starting tooffer vacation travel shots, seeing them as a lucrative side business.


  Jumby Bay said it came up with the 'Together Package' because its employees were getting somany requests from guests to take their pictures. The surge in multigenerational trips-oftenthe only time an extended family is in the same place and, hopefully, relatively relaxed-is alsoboosting the popularity of professional shoots.

  Jumby Bay称推出“共度套餐”是因为许多客户都向员工提出了拍照要求。举家出游的热潮──这通常是一个大家庭聚在一起、相对放松的唯一时光──也让专业摄影大受欢迎。

  When family vacation photos were relegated to dusty albums and slide shows, getting qualitypictures perhaps wasn't that critical. That's not so when you're sharing your shots withhundreds-or thousands-of Facebook fans and Twitter followers.


  Then there is the perennial vacation photography problem: the missing family member. Shiraand Chuck Badger, 35-year-old chiropractors from Henderson, Nev., say they have few vacationpictures that show both of them. They try the extended-arm self-portrait trick but 'we alwaysend up with double chins in those photos,' says Mr. Badger. 'And we're both in good shape.'When the Badgers planned their wedding and honeymoon trip to the Four Seasons Bora Borathis week, they booked a photographer not only for their sunset ceremony, but also paid fora photographer and videographer (equipped with an underwater camera) to accompany themon a snorkeling trip to see manta rays.

  此外还有一个长期困扰人们的关于拍假日照的问题:照相时总会少一个家庭成员。希拉・巴杰(ShiraBadger)和查克・巴杰(Chuck Badger)来自内华达州亨德森(Henderson),两人都是35岁,都是按摩师,他们说,他们几乎没有两人同时出现的假日照。他们尝试了伸出手臂自拍的方法,但查克说,“在这些照片中我们总是有双下巴。而我们两人其实体型都很好。”当巴杰夫妇筹划本周去波拉波拉岛四季度假村举行婚礼并度蜜月时,他们预订了一位摄影师,这位摄影师不仅负责拍摄他们的婚礼,还负责在他们浮潜看蝠口时跟随拍摄照片和录像(使用水下相机)。

  Chad and Katya Bradford of Arlington, Va., booked Jumby Bay's Together Package for theirhoneymoon. The couple had photos taken of them on bicycles, lounging in a hammock and on adock at sunset. The couple appreciated 'having one less thing to worry about on our vacation,'says Mr. Bradford, a 32-year-old consultant for the federal government. (The price tag for theTogether Package starts at ,500 for seven nights. It also includes meals, a couples'massage and other services.)

  弗吉尼亚州阿灵顿(Arlington)的查德・布拉德福德(Chad Bradford)和卡佳・布拉德福德(KatyaBradford)为他们的蜜月预订了Jumby Bay的“共度套餐”。摄影师为这对夫妻拍摄了他们骑自行车、躺在吊床上和夕阳下在码头上的照片。这对夫妻很高兴,32岁的美国联邦政府顾问查德・布拉德福德说,“我们在假期中要担心的事少了一件。”(“共度套餐”起价为10,500美元,含七晚住宿。它还包括餐饮、为夫妻提供的按摩和其他服务。)

  Natalie Davis has been vacationing on the North Carolina coast since she was 8 years old andbought a vacation house there last year. 'We usually just ask anyone lying in the sun, 'Can youtake a picture of all four of us?' ' says Ms. Davis, who is from Vienna, Va. This week, she hiredhusband-and-wife team Mike and Allie Hawkins to shoot her, her husband and two sons on thebeach in Duck.

  来自弗吉尼亚州维也纳(Vienna)的纳塔莉・戴维斯(Natalie Davis)从八岁起就到北卡罗来纳州的海滨度假,去年她在那里买了一栋度假别墅。戴维斯说,“我们经常问躺着晒阳光的人:‘你能给我们四个人拍张照吗?’”本周,她雇了迈克・霍金斯(Mike Hawkins)和阿莉・霍金斯(Allie Hawkins)这对夫妻为她、她丈夫和两个儿子在达克的海滩上拍照。

  Grant Myrdal, a photographer from Bend, Ore., offers shoots with skiers and snowboarderson the slopes of Mount Hood Meadows Ski Resort. 'When someone is going 40 miles an hourdown the hill, an iPhone doesn't do it,' says Mr. Myrdal, a former photographer for surfingmagazines. 'I'll snowboard alongside [clients] with my camera firing away and get a sequenceof shots of them doing big turns and the spray flying off of the powder,' he says.

  来自俄勒冈州班德(Bend)的摄影师格兰特・米达尔(Grant Myrdal)为胡德山草地滑雪度假村(MountHood Meadows Ski Resort)雪坡上的滑雪者们照相。曾担任滑雪杂志摄影师的米达尔说,“当某人以40英里的时速从山上滑下时,iPhone可就不管用了。”他说,“我会跟着[客户]一边滑雪一边不停拍照,拍下一系列他们做出大回转,雪尘飞溅的照片。”

  Prices for vacation photo sessions can range from about 0 an hour to much more. TheFour Seasons Resort Hualalai in Hawaii, for example, charges 0 for an hour. A half-dayshoot is ,200.

  假日摄影的价格从每小时100美元左右到很高的价格不等。例如,夏威夷的哈尔尔莱四季度假村(FourSeasons Resort Hualalai)收费每小时800美元,半日摄影为3,200美元。

  Abercrombie & Kent, the luxury-travel outfitter, occasionally has clients who hirephotographers for their entire vacations. 'They just want to enjoy the destination withoutanyone [in the family] being responsible and having to worry about missing a shot or amemorable experience,' says Rob Veden, manager of private travel at A&K. Mr. Vedensays many clients hire a photographer for hours or a day.

  奢华旅游服务公司Abercrombie & Kent偶尔会有客户雇用摄影师为他们提供全程假日摄影。A&K的私人旅游经理罗布・韦登(Rob Veden)说,“他们只是想享受旅程,而不用[家里]某人负责照相,担心错过某张照片或某个难忘瞬间。”韦登说,许多客户都定购了数小时或一天的摄影师服务。

  Most pros offer some retouching to digitally erase blemishes and wayward hairs and brighteneyes and teeth. Tara Leigh, a photographer in Nevis in the Caribbean, has had some moreinvolved requests. For a recent maternity shoot with a pregnant vacationer, the client said, 'Idon't want my thighs to be that big,' Ms. Leigh recalls. Ms. Leigh, who had worked as a fashionphotographer in Toronto, was used to digitally shrinking models. Afterward, the client wasthrilled. 'She said, 'I look like a supermodel pregnant lady,' ' Ms. Leigh says.

  多数专业摄影师都会对照片进行某些润饰,用电脑去除暗斑和支楞的头发,提亮眼睛和牙齿的颜色。加勒比海地区尼维斯(Nevis)的摄影师塔拉・利(Tara Leigh)的客户则提出了一些更高难度的要求。利回忆说,最近在为一位怀孕游客拍摄照片时,这位客户说,“我希望我的大腿看上去别那么粗。”在多伦多当过时尚摄影师的利曾用数字技术为模特瘦身。后来,这位客户十分激动。利回忆说,“她说:‘我看上去就像一位怀孕的超模’。”

  Some city photographers are starting to get requests. Anna Azarov, a part-timephotographer in New York, recently was hired to spend three hours with a vacationing couplefrom St. Petersburg, Russia. (She got the gig through the couple's travel agency.) Ms. Azarovshot them in Grand Central Terminal, Times Square, Bryant Park and 'we took a little cab ride sothey could get their photos taken inside a New York cab,' Ms. Azarov says. They also wantedshots of themselves in McDonald's and Starbucks.

  有些城市摄影师的客户也开始提出一些特殊要求。纽约的兼职摄影师安娜・阿扎尔诺夫(Anna Azarov)最近受雇为一对从俄罗斯圣彼得堡来度假的夫妇提供三小时拍摄服务。(她通过为这对夫妇安排行程的旅行社得到了这笔生意。)阿扎尔诺夫在纽约中央车站(Grand Central Terminal)、时代广场(Times Square)和布莱恩公园(Bryant Park)为他们拍照。阿扎尔诺夫说,“我们搭了一小段出租车,这样他们就可以在纽约的出租车里拍照了。”他们还希望在麦当劳(McDonald's)和星巴克(Starbucks)里拍照。

  Last August, Cathy Bork from Egg Harbor Township, N.J., visited Disney World for the 18thtime. Her family had not had a professional family portrait taken since their youngest child,Samantha, now 8, was born. They booked a one-hour photo shoot with Disney Fine ArtPhotography. They were photographed in the Morocco, Japan and France areas of Epcot beforeit opened for other guests. (Families can't book shots in the Magic Kingdom with its castle:That is reserved for 'Disney Fairytale Wedding' couples.)

  去年8月,来自新泽西州蛋港镇(Egg Harbor Township)的凯茜・博克(Cathy Bork)第18次游览迪士尼乐园。从她最小的孩子、今年八岁的萨曼莎(Samantha)出生后,他们家就没有拍过专业的全家福。他们预订了迪士尼艺术照(Disney Fine Art Photograph)的一小时拍照服务。他们在Epcot主题公园向其他游客开放前,在摩洛哥区、日本区和法国区拍了照。(家庭不能预定在有城堡的“魔法王国”中拍照:那是专门留给预定“迪士尼童话婚礼”(Disney Fairytale Wedding)的夫妇的。)

  'We wanted to get a family portrait and vacationing and Disney World is what we love to do,'says Ms. Bork. Enlarged photos from the shoot are now hanging in their home. Seven of thephotos were featured in the family's Christmas card last year.



  Photography and Art

  The earliest controversies about the relationship between photography and art centered on whether photograph’s fidelity to appearances and dependence on a machine allowed it to be a fine art as distinct from merely a practical art. Throughout the nineteenth century, the defence of photography was identical with the struggle to establish it as a fine art. Against the charge that photography was a soulless, mechanical copying of reality, photographers asserted that it was instead a privileged way of seeing, a revolt against commonplace vision, and no less worthy an art than painting.

  Ironically, now that photography is securely established as a fine art, many photographers find it pretentious or irrelevant to label it as such. Serious photographers variously claim to be finding, recording, impartially observing, witnessing events, exploring themselves—anything but making works of art. They are no longer willing to debate whether photography is or is not a fine art, except to proclaim that their own work is not involved with art. It shows the extent to which they simply take for granted the concept of art imposed by the triumph of Modernism: the better the art, the more subversive it is of the traditional aims of art.

  Photographers’ disclaimers of any interest in making art tell us more about the harried status of the contemporary notion of art than about whether photography is or is not art. For example, those photographers who suppose that, by taking pictures, they are getting away from the pretensions of art as exemplified by painting remind us of those Abstract Expressionist painters who imagined they were getting away from the intellectual austerity of classical Modernist painting by concentrating on the physical act of painting. Much of photography’s prestige today derives from the convergence of its aims with those of recent art, particularly with the dismissal of abstract art implicit in the phenomenon of Pop painting during the 1960’s. Appreciating photographs is a relief to sensibilities tired of the mental exertions demanded by abstract art. Classical Modernist painting—that is, abstract art as developed in different ways by Picasso, Kandinsky, and Matisse—presupposes highly developed skills of looking and a familiarity with other paintings and the history of art. Photography, like Pop painting, reassures viewers that art is not hard; photography seems to be more about its subjects than about art.

  Photography, however, has developed all the anxieties and self-consciousness of a classic Modernist art. Many professionals privately have begun to worry that the promotion of photography as an activity subversive of the traditional pretensions of art has gone so far that the public will forget that photography is a distinctive and exalted activity—in short, an art.






