不皱愁眉 心情愉悦
A study in the journal Psychological Science indicates that people who had facial muscles deadened with botox had difficulty processing negative emotions. Karen Hopkin reports
心理科学》上的一项研究表明,通过注射肉毒杆菌来麻痹面部神经,除了能祛除皱纹,也会降低人表达负面情绪的能力。卡伦·霍普金 报道
At one time or other, someone has probably told you “it’s written all over your face.” That’s because your emotions can influence your expressions. Well, a study in the journal Psychological Science suggests that the reverse is also true: that the look on your face may influence your ability to process emotions.
Psychologists have a theory called the facial-feedback hypothesis. It states that your mug and your emotions interact. So, when you’re happy, you smile, and the act of smiling boosts your feelings of joy. To test the theory, psychologists reached for the botox. They used the toxin to deaden the muscles that control frowning.
Then they asked their frown-free friends to read statements that were either angry (about telemarketers), happy (about water parks), or sad (no e-mails on your birthday). And they found that the folks on botox took longer to read and understand the sad and angry sentences than they did the happy ones. Their inability to scowl seemed to impair their ability to see why pushy telemarketers or a lack of birthday wishes might make one’s face fall. It all suggests that you should smile as you read the newspaper. Maybe things won’t seem so bad.
时间VS金钱 左右你心情的是......?
Priming our mind with thoughts of time or money influences our future behavior. ChristieNicholson reports
A study published this week in thejournal Psychological Science finds that priming our mind with thoughts of either time or moneycan have a very real impact our behavior.
Subjects were asked to create sentences from random words. Some received words abouttime, like “clock” and “day.” Others received words relating to money, like “wealth” and “price.”When asked how they were going to spend the next 24 hours, those who created the time-related sentences intended to hang out with friends. And those who created the money-related sentences planned to work.
The researchers then tried this experiment at a local café. Results were the same: people whoreceived the time words socialized, and those who received money words worked. Additionally, itwas the socializing group who reported being happier than the worker bees.
Says the author, "There is so much discussion and focus on money…and the relationshipbetween money and happiness. We're often ignoring the ultimately more important resource,which is time."
Benjamin Franklin might disagree. To quote his advice given to a young tradesman in 1748:Remember that time is money. And Franklin, who thought a lot about money, felt that makingmoney was time well spent.
hat is the telltale clue to a genuine smile? Recent research finds positive correlations withthis honest show of emotion. Christie Nicholson reports Most of us can spot a genuine smile.There’s just something different about it.
Well, it was a French doctor in the 1860s who went to thetrouble of stimulating facial muscles with electrical currents to discover what reveals agenuine smile. And turns out it’s two muscles working together. The zygomatic major musclethat turns the corners of the lips up, and the orbicularis oculi muscle that squeezes the eyesinto the famous fanned wrinkles otherwise known as crows feet. Now it’s this latter musclethat’s involuntary, so the crows feet smile is considered the real spontaneous emotion and isknown now as the Duchenne smile.
And it turns out the real thing has a lot of power. In this month’s Observer Magazine, Eric Jaffeoutlines some fascinating effects of an honest smile. For instance a 30-year long studypublished in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology found that women who displayedthe Duchenne smile in their college yearbook photos had greater levels of well-being and maritalsatisfaction three decades later. Another study published this year in Psychological Sciencewent further and found the professional baseball players who sported Duchenne smiles intheir yearbook photo were only half as likely to die as those who had not.
人们发现真的东西拥有某些力量。在这个月的观察杂志中,Eric Jaffe 概述了真诚的微笑的一些神奇效果。比如,一项历时30年,发表于人格与社会心理学杂志的研究发现,在大学年鉴照片中露出杜乡式微笑的女性,在30年后,拥有更高的幸福水准和婚姻满意度。另一项研究,发表于今年的心理科学杂志,研究的更加深入,他们发现在年鉴照片中挂着杜乡式微笑的职业棒球运动员的死亡率只有其他同行的一半。
So during this holiday season, when the cameras and cell phones come out, give it your best,most candid smile…it appears to be a good thing.